Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 127 Daly's Past

Chapter 127 Daly's Past

"There is a third thing. Backlund's 'Red Gloves' team received a request for help from the Tingen City team. They will arrive in Tingen tomorrow... Well, it is already today. They will arrive in Tingen in the afternoon to look for the 'Aurora Order' traces of the members."

Red Gloves... That elite troop with all members above Sequence 7... The captain just sent a telegram to Backlund yesterday afternoon, and they will arrive this afternoon. The efficiency is much higher than the previous operation in Enmat Port.

Not knowing what was going on in Angel's heart, the translucent face representing Daly continued:

"They are a three-person team, and they usually carry a sealed item. Heh, this is a common nighthawk attack configuration. Sometimes one or two people will be added according to the situation, or the number of sealed items will be changed. You should also Discovered during the battle."

"The point is, you have to find an opportunity to show the magical item from the 'Mechanical Heart' during this operation, which is the one you used just now. To actively reveal the facts like this, let it appear in the red gloves' mission report, According to my understanding of the church's internal code of conduct, no one will mention this matter again until the 'Mechanical Heart' finds out and asks you to return the item."

Is this some kind of unspoken rule for open and covert struggles between churches... Angel guessed, remembering that Dunn also mentioned this 'little trick' before.

"So you are what the captain called 'Becklund's acquaintance'. He told me about it yesterday, including the significance of using magical items in front of the red gloves."

"Acquaintances of Backlund..." A bitter smile appeared on the translucent person's face, and there was a trace of sadness in his tone, "Is this how he sees me?"

Angel broke out in a cold sweat, and she suddenly realized that she might have made a big mistake.

After completely digesting the "Instigator" potion, she became more sensitive to other people's negative emotions. Even through this translucent face, she had already discovered that Daly was brewing an extremely negative emotion.

"No, no, I remembered wrongly, he was talking about best friends...not right..."

Angel hurriedly opened her mouth to try to save her. She had a premonition that if the mistake was not corrected in time, there would be some kind of misunderstanding that would cause both parties to regret for life.

"It's okay, maybe I'm too self-indulgent. A conservative person like him always keeps a distance from me. I should have understood..."

Daly's words were calm, but lacking aura, Angel seemed to be able to see her expressionless face and empty eyes through her voice.

"You may not know it, but just a few years ago, I was a..."

"Stop, wait!"

Angel immediately interrupted Daly's memory. She knew that continuing to let the confidant continue in this situation would only strengthen the other party's negative emotions and make the conversation slide into an irreversible abyss.

"On the first day I joined the Nighthawks team, no, even the night Madam Sharon attacked the Blackthorn Security Company, I found out from Leonard that Captain Dunn liked you. He said that the whole team knew about it, so why not? you do not know?"

Angel finished speaking in one breath before stopping to let out a sigh of relief.

A translucent human face floated in front of her, her lips were tightly closed, and she said nothing. Angel could feel Daly's eyes falling on her through this face without eyes.

The living room fell into an embarrassing silence for a moment.

"Really? He, he said he likes me?"

It took a few minutes before Daly's words came.


"Did I ever say that I became an Extraordinary when I was 19, and became a 'Corpse Collector'?"

"The captain mentioned..."

Angel curled up in the corner of the living room, trying his best not to pay attention to the street lamps with weak flames outside the window.The two turquoise gas lamps in the room have been extinguished by the caring Daly, which makes her translucent face even more ethereal, like a wisp of smoke in the air.

Hearing Daly's question, she replied in a thin tone.

"At that time, I had just lost my family. I was a bit cynical, and the influence of potions made me a real 'corpse collector'. I wandered around the cemetery all day, fell asleep in front of the grave, and even kissed the corpse in my dream."

"Everyone I know is afraid of my weirdness and instinctively wants to stay away from me. I not only enjoy this kind of life out of society, but I am also afraid of being alone, and I am afraid of the cold when I wake up in the middle of the night."

Only then did Angel know that Ms. Daly, who likes to wear heavy makeup and has an unforgiving mouth, has such a past.

"So you met the captain at this time?"

"It would be great if I could meet him now..."

There was a wry smile on his face.

"Before I met Dunn, I had a life of indulgence, well, as you understand, one man after another, they coveted my body, coveted my appearance, and I needed their warmth to fight against loneliness and The coldness brought by the play of potions."

This, is this a bit...

Angel tried his best not to change his expression, but deep down he still felt a little uncomfortable.

This is contrary to her previous life's handling style and the current code of conduct. Although she will not interfere in other people's private lives, it does not mean that she will agree with Daly's behavior.

But Angel still didn't make a sound, but continued to listen. After this period of contact, she knew that although Daly liked to joke verbally, she was no longer such a casual person.

"In such a depraved and blurred life, I met Dunn, this man who was different from others..."

Daly has no shortage of compliments on Dunn Smith. Even considering the bonus of the filter, Angel can agree with most of the evaluations of her captain. Dunn is indeed a senior who is trusted by his teammates, a self-sacrificing Nighthawk, a captain standing in front of everyone.

Well, except that my memory has been getting worse lately...

"That's it. I have indulged too much in the past. Could a conservative person like him really like me? Did he really say that?"

After introducing her past, Daly seemed to have fallen into the previous negative state again, with the corners of her mouth drooping.

"That's not... No, I mean he didn't say it directly, but everyone can see it, even Klein knows it."

Angel replied with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"By the way, when I was discussing the 'acting method' with the captain, he mentioned your promotion experience and felt that he had stayed in the 'Nightmare' sequence for too long. At that time, he also had a feeling of, um... inferiority complex , just like you are now."

Angel's "instigator" instinct came to mind, and in the memory, he picked up the negativity when Dunn talked about Daly.

"Is there a possibility, not necessarily true, that both of you have the same inferiority complex and dare not approach each other, but no one can break through this barrier?"

"Really? Should I really take the initiative? But he..."

Daly seemed a little shaken.

It stands to reason that this matter should be done by Leonard, Sika, Frye, and even Roseanne. How could it be my turn, a newcomer who has been here for less than two months?

Angel secretly slandered, using the ability of "instigating" again, pressing the last straw.

"Speaking of which, after getting along day and night for two months, I found that I also like a mature and reliable man like the captain. If you feel inferior and feel that you are not worthy of him, you might as well give him to me..."


The large gas lamp hanging on the roof of the living room burst out with emerald green flames.

(End of this chapter)

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