Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 128 Traces

Chapter 128 Traces
"Miss Granger, wake up, wake up!"

"Well... where am I..."

The shoulders were pushed a few times, and Angel, who was sore all over, woke up from the dream, only to find that the sun was already high in the sky, and the warm sunlight was shining from the oriel window into the living room and onto her body.

Standing beside her was Tromi with a panicked face. She was holding a wooden bucket full of cleaning tools in one hand and was about to continue touching Angel with the other. Seeing that the other party woke up, the panic expression on her face was replaced by peace of mind.

So he fell asleep on the sofa in the living room?
She slowly got up from the sofa and turned to a sitting position. Her aching body protested again because of her distorted sleeping position, which made Angel moan uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, Tromi, go get busy, I'll just rest for a while."

The worried female worker looked back at her three times a step, and saw that Angel was indeed sitting firmly on the sofa, before leaving the living room to go about her own business.

"Is the captain here to create a nightmare again and make me sleepwalk into the living room?"

Clutching his head, Angel's thoughts were in a mess, and it took him a while to remember what happened last night.

"It turned out that it was Ms. Daly... No, it was her 'human face' who came here, and was finally provoked by me and lit the headlights in the living room."

Angel looked up at the large gas lamp that ignited a green flame last night, directly frightened her into a negative state of the "magic pocket watch", and fainted.

At this time, the gas lamp has been extinguished, and the slightly yellowish glass cover is constantly changing colors in the sunlight.

"Maybe I said too much? It's the first time I saw Ms. Daly get angry..."

While thinking, she stood up from the sofa, and the thin quilt on her body slipped onto the carpet.

Um?Someone tucked me in?

No, I remember that I was squatting in the corner of the living room yesterday, how could I wake up and appear on the sofa?
Angel didn't think that translucent human face could have the ability to transport the human body, otherwise it would never be just a tool for sending messages, but a means of attacking the enemy from a distance.

"Could it be that Ms. Daly herself came to Tingen, and even came to my house last night?"

Muttering to herself, she bent down to pick up the quilt, only to find a note on the coffee table.

There are a few paragraphs written in beautiful fonts.

"Sorry, Angel, I didn't know that the magical item had such a strong negative effect. I originally lit the flame just to scare you, but I didn't expect you to faint directly."

Sure enough, it was Ms. Daly's message...

Even if the motive was to improve the relationship between Daly and Dunn, his words really angered Daly...

Angel smiled wryly and continued to look down.

"I heard from Dunn that the effect of this magical item can only last for 10 minutes, but the negative effect lasts for twelve hours. This level of negative effect is likely to have a huge impact on you in battle. My suggestion is that you You can use it frequently, try to get used to this sense of fear from the smallest flame, and gradually adapt to its negative effects, so as not to be affected by magical items in a long battle."

Get used to the smallest one and gradually get used to the bigger one... This seems to be called "desensitization therapy" in medicine?
Angel recalled some medical knowledge from his previous life, and thought that Daly's suggestion should have some effect, so he wrote down this plan.

"In addition, I will help you find Dunn to ask for leave. You have a good rest at home in the morning, and remember to go to the resident in the afternoon. The 'Red Gloves' should arrive at that time. Remember what I said last night?"

"As for me and Dunn, I will find an opportunity to talk to him, maybe when I come to Tingen next time. Before that, I also need time to collect my thoughts, and women are too proactive , he will be afraid too."

At the end of the message, a crooked smiling face was drawn, and "thank you" was written next to it.

Looking at this smiling face, Angel finally felt relieved.

At least the gap between Daly and Dunn has been broken by himself, and how to develop next depends on them.

Maybe it will be delayed for a few more months or even next year due to the personalities of the two of them, but Angel believes that this two-way relationship will definitely reach a happy ending with his help.


It wasn't until the hands of the "magic pocket watch" returned to zero that Angel bid farewell to the busy Trome and left No. 6 Narcissus Street.

Since Tromi's father died last time because of the "cursed altar" incident, as a way to appease and help her, Angel gave the poor female worker a lot of wages, so that she no longer had to rush from morning to night every day. Going to the homes of many employers to get busy.

Instead, Tromi came to Angel's house to clean, tidy up and do laundry more frequently, almost becoming half of her house's exclusive chore maid.

Tightening the cloak on his body, Angel jumped out of the hired carriage, paid the fare, and turned to look at the "Backlund Bank" on the side of the street.

Of course, this is still Tingen, and "Becklund Bank" is just a branch of this bank in Tingen.

However, the single modern building with a completely different style from the buildings on both sides still made passers-by look sideways, even though they passed by the largest bank in the Loen Kingdom every day.

"Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, the financial industry is the most profitable..."

Sighing secretly, Angel walked into the brightly lit lobby of the bank.

It was the afternoon of a weekday, and there were not many people handling business. Angel found a free window without queuing.

"Please help me deposit this money into the account."

After handing the note on his anonymous account and the banknotes totaling 100 pounds through the window, Angel left his eyes away from the busy staff and began to look around boredly.

Well, the extravagant place is full of lights in broad daylight, if I am still afraid of the negative effects of the fire, I will definitely faint in the lobby on the spot... It seems that someone is handling business in the VIP reception room, there is actually a waiter pouring coffee there, Still standing guard, it seems that there is no chance to enter the business without a few thousand pounds...

Looking across the luxuriously decorated VIP reception room with half-closed doors, Angel quickly looked away, feeling that if he looked at it one more time, the money in his pocket would be reduced by a few pounds.

There are also many exquisite paintings on the wall in the lobby. I was too nervous to pay attention when I came to withdraw money last time...

This time, as the time for the "special application" scheduled by Angel and Klein was approaching, she was worried that her cash from unknown sources would be found out. So after the weekly salary was paid and the part used up in the investigation of "Red Chimney" was made up, she again He deposited back the 100 pounds withdrawn from the unregistered account, and transformed from the "Queen" lady of the Tarot Society with a huge sum of money into that poor Nighthawk again.

"Sorry, sir, we were not well prepared this time, which made you have a bad experience. We will provide you with the best VIP service next time."

The voice from the VIP room made Angel look away from the wall. There were portraits and introductions of the major shareholders of the bank hanging there, and she was looking at the column of "Earl Hall".

The half-open door was pushed open from the inside, and a thin man wearing a windbreaker, top hat, and carrying a black suitcase came out. He had a gloomy expression, as if he was extremely disappointed in the "VIP service".

Sensing Angel's gaze, the gloomy man's gaze swept over without any concealment, and stayed on her.

Angel seemed unaware, his eyes paused for a few seconds on the man, and then he slowly moved away, looking at the bank manager who was chasing after him and apologizing, and at the window staff who handled the business.

The sight that continued to stay behind her disappeared after a while.

"Your money has been deposited into this account, please take the receipt."

Angel thanked him, took the receipt, folded it, and put it in his pocket.

Then she turned her head and looked at the gloomy man's back, and after he disappeared at the street intersection, she walked towards the sweaty bank manager.

"Excuse me, sir."

"what's up?"

The bank manager asked slightly dissatisfied, and his eyes just averted from the back of the VIP customer.

"I'm Inspector Granger. This is my badge. What did that gentleman do at the bank just now?"

Angel held up the police badge and asked with a sullen face.

That gloomy man with brown hair and thick lips, who showed his true appearance in Old Neil's pen, tortured and killed members of the "Aurora Order" of the Plaque family.

(End of this chapter)

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