Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 129 Another God Envoy

Chapter 129 Another Angel

"Yes... yes! Hello, officer!"

The bank manager looked back and forth between the police badge and Angel's face, as if he didn't quite believe that such a young woman was an inspector with a higher rank than the sheriff who ran the block.

Although he opened his mouth to call Angel a "police officer", he did not answer the question.

"That person was involved in a murder case with a large number of deaths, and took away a lot of bearer bonds and cash at the scene. I need to know the details of the transaction just now!"

Angel used the instigator's "persuasion" ability.

The bank manager still hesitated, but in the end, Angel's serious expression convinced him.

He brought Angel into the VIP reception room just now, dismissed the waiters inside and closed the door.

"The gentleman did not disclose his name, but he holds many large bonds issued by Backlund Bank, all of which are anonymous."

The manager took out a stack of beautifully printed bonds from the safe at the side, and displayed them on the table.

The bond was printed with a unique serial number, King George III's head portrait and Backlund Bank's emblem, which looked a bit like an enlarged gold pound.

On the back is the face amount of the bond, the redemption period and the agreed interest.

"These bonds are all in large denominations, each with a face value of 4 pounds, a five-year term, and an annual interest rate of [-]%. But this gentleman requires immediate redemption, so almost all the interest will be lost according to the agreement."

Sure enough, the purpose of this Extraordinary from the "Aurora Order" coming to the bank was to redeem the bonds and obtain cash, and the money was easy to come by, so he didn't care about the loss at all.

The moment he recognized the other party just now, Angel almost wanted to pull out the "thirsty blood" under the cloak, and press the "magic pocket watch" to launch an attack, but he still stabilized his expression and movements under his strong willpower, and did not let the "Aurora" Members of the meeting found clues.

The opponent is a Sequence 6, or even a Sequence 5 Extraordinary, and it's not brave to draw a gun, it's called death...

Moreover, people in the bank and on the street will also be in danger because of her reckless behavior.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Angel looked back at the stack of bearer bonds in front of him.

"These bonds are the property that disappeared from the murder scene. I need to take them back to the police station and keep them as evidence."


Even though Angel was wearing an inspector badge, even though the effect of "persuasion" still existed, this dedicated bank manager still pressed his hands on the bonds on the table and refused without hesitation.

"These are all the assets of the Backlund Bank. Each of them has a face value of two hundred pounds, a total of four thousand pounds. Even if the bonds have been redeemed, they must be sent to the head office in Backlund for settlement and destruction. .Unless you have a formal order and a notification from the head office, I will not hand them over to you."

Angel frowned and looked at this conscientious manager. Normally, she would praise such excellent qualities, but when she needed to act cheaply, they often became an insurmountable obstacle.

"Then how about it...does your bank have a telegraph machine?"

After thinking about it, Angel decided to ask for help instead of directly conflicting with the other party.


When Angel finished his second cup of coffee in the VIP reception room, Dunn Smith and Klein Moretti, who received the telegram, rushed to the bank, accompanied by the sheriff of this street.

Dunn wore full police uniform, with a soft cap and three silver six-pointed stars on his shoulder straps.As the captain of the Tingen City team, and a Sequence 7 Extraordinary, Dunn's position in the Ahwa County Police Department is a senior inspector, while "Sequence 9" like Angel and Klein are only trainee inspectors.

Compared with Angel in casual clothes, Dunn in police uniform and epaulets made the bank manager feel more uneasy. He left Angel in the reception room and greeted Dunn and others in the lobby.

Holding the coffee, Angel looked at Dunn through the open door and said a few words indifferently. The manager nodded repeatedly, and the accompanying police chief pulled him aside.

Afterwards, Dunn and Klein, who was also wearing a police uniform, walked into the reception room and closed the door behind them.

"So, when you came to the bank to deposit money, you met the wanted member of the 'Aurora Society'?"

Dunn unbuttoned the hem of the police uniform, sat on the sofa opposite, looked at Angel with a smile in his gray eyes.

Klein even took out the ritual knife directly, and began to build a spiritual wall that closed the entire reception room.

"I didn't expect that he and I picked the same bank at the same time. What a...too a coincidence?"

At the end, Angel felt a little uneasy in his heart, and his speech slowed down, even with doubts.

Hearing this word, Klein, who was circling along the wall, couldn't help but stop and looked over.The eyes of the two met, and they both saw a trace of worry in the other's eyes.

After getting the information for more than two weeks, the house with the "red chimney" has been searched for more than half, and the two still haven't found the house in Klein's divination.

The pressure of being manipulated by others has been hanging over their hearts.

Dunn didn't notice the eye contact between the two, but flipped through the stack of valuable bonds on the table.

"I tried my best to convince the bank manager that he would allow us to do certain checks here that would not hurt the bonds, but they couldn't be taken out of the bank."

"Well, I can guess, so I asked you to take Klein with you and try to find his trace through divination. It just so happens that the 'Red Gloves' will come in the afternoon, so you can arrest him as soon as possible."

"You know that 'Red Gloves' will... Oh, it's Dai Li, she asked for leave for you this morning, saying that you accidentally touched your pocket watch and entered a negative state."

Dunn frowned first, then said suddenly.

Dai Li, since you've already met the captain, why don't you just speak up...

Angel looked at his captain and secretly sighed.

After closing the room, Klein put away the ritual dagger, came to the table, and used candles to form an inverted triangle, symbolizing Evernight, the Mother of Secrets, and himself.

After setting up the simple altar, he lit three candles with spiritual rubbing, and dripped a transparent liquid mixed with various herbal extracts into the candles, filling the entire reception room with a tranquil and quiet aroma.

Then he sat on the sofa, leaned back, leaned against the back of the sofa and fell into a dream.

Angel and Dunn didn't speak, but just watched the series of actions of the "Seer".


After waking up from the dream divination, Klein blew out the candle with a surprised expression, ending the ceremony.

"These bonds were indeed obtained from the Plaque family in the West District. I saw the corresponding fragment in my dream. After killing the Plaque family, the bonds went to Wendell Street in the North District, a single-family house. It should be easy to find , then the man came to the bank to exchange them for cash."

Klein wiped the sweat from his forehead. In order to obtain as many clues as possible, he performed dream divination for a long time, which was a huge drain on spirituality and physical strength.

Angel offered a mug of warm coffee with sugar cubes.

"Thank you," Klein took it, drank it down, and then continued, "No matter who the house belongs to, it should be occupied by the Aurora Order now. I saw the upside-down human statue and the corpse. I saw..."

He paused for a moment before continuing.

"...I saw another envoy from the 'Aurora Order', she has long brown hair, she is about 30 years old, and she is called 'Ms. D'."

(End of this chapter)

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