Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 130 "Red Gloves" Squad

Chapter 130 "Red Gloves" Squad

"'Ms. D'?"

Angel took a breath and repeated.

From her code name, it can be seen that this is undoubtedly another envoy of the "Aurora Order".

"That's what the person who came to exchange the bearer bonds called her, and his tone was respectful, as if facing a boss or a teacher."

After drinking a cup of coffee with extra sugar, Klein regained some strength, but continued to slump on the sofa and added.

"It is said that each envoy of the 'Aurora Society' has various subordinates, and some of them can even be assembled into combat teams. It seems that he is one of them."

Dunn thought about it, and shared the information he knew with the other two Nighthawks.

"But they can't be at the same level, right?" Angel asked, "This shows that the murderer who killed the Plaque family was not the envoy of the 'Aurora Order', which is different from what we speculated before."

"Or, 'Ms. D' is the one behind the scenes, and the murderer on the surface is just a cover, a decoy?"

She suddenly thought of another possibility, a possibility that was more reasonable and more in line with the behavior style of the "Aurora Society".

"At a time like this, you should say..." Klein sat up straight and said with a smile, "Seer, come and verify."

He unbuttoned the left wrist of his police uniform and shook off the gold chain tied to his wrist. The amethyst hung down and floated above the table, shaking slightly.

"The real murderers of Alan Pluck's family were the bond changers."

After reciting the divination words silently seven times, he entered a state of meditation and quickly came to a conclusion.

The real murderer is someone else!


Returning the bonds intact to the relieved bank manager, the three Nighthawks quickly returned to the Blackthorn Security Company on Zotland Street in a carriage.

Now that the real culprit of the murder has been determined, the residence of the "Aurora Society" in Tingen City has been found, and "Ms. D" behind the murderer has been found out, the next thing to do is to wait for the "Red Gloves" to arrive.

It's just that Angel didn't expect that when the three of them opened the door on the second floor of the company, three guests were already sitting on the sofa in the reception hall.

"Hey, Dunn, long time no see, are you surprised to see me?"

A middle-aged man in his forties stood up from the sofa and walked towards Dunn and the others.

He was wearing a flamboyant standard top hat, which was twice as tall as the half-top hat favored by Tingen market nighters. He was wearing a black windbreaker. His facial features were soft and his temples were deliberately long. Angel noticed him and the other two guests , all wearing gloves as red as blood.

Are they the "Red Gloves" team who came to support?
Angel immediately guessed the identities of the three.

"Souster, it's nice to meet you. I really didn't expect that you would lead the team this time."

Dunn Smith replied lightly, not showing any joy at all.

The remaining two "Red Gloves" also stood up from the sofa and walked forward with their captain.

The three night watchmen of Tingen's team and the three members of the "Red Gloves" stood in two rows, facing each other, and looked at each other.

Why is there a feeling of tension, aren't they here to support...

Angel glanced at his captain and saw that his face was expressionless, and then looked at Klein on the other side. The latter seemed a little confused and just followed the captain's movements subconsciously.

"Heh, let's talk about business." Soest grinned, allowing the frozen air to continue to flow. "You guys have an envoy from the 'Aurora Society'?"

"Yes, this is the reason why Tingen City asked Backlund for help, and we made a new discovery just now."

After the captains on both sides spoke one by one, the remaining four also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the two teams sat down one after another, filling up the sofas and short stools in the reception hall.

Under Dunn's instructions, Klein recounted the scene he had seen from the dream divination, and Soest, who was still confused just now, frowned.

"You mean, that 'Ms. D' is most likely a Sequence 5 Extraordinary?"


Dunn added that he roughly introduced the ability of the secret prayer Sequence 5 "Shepherd" to the three "Red Gloves" members.

Angel gave these materials to Dunn after the "Tarot Club" ended yesterday. She didn't say where the information came from, and Dunn didn't ask.

The two seem to have reached some kind of tacit agreement.

"There are also potion names of 'shepherds' in the internal literature, and they have a variety of extraordinary abilities that do not belong to them, but... 'herding' other extraordinary people? No wonder they always have endless abilities, and they can always deal with various kinds of extraordinary abilities. This kind of attack and damage. So, we are likely to face a joint attack from different ways of Extraordinary?"

Soest had put away his inexplicable hostility, sat up straight, and muttered Dunn's introduction.

Yes, hostility. Angel used the instigator's instinct to see the hostility towards Dunn from this "Red Glove".

But this negative emotion is very light, not like a strong emotion buried deep in the heart that will dictate actions.

"It's not a joint attack. No matter how many abilities she has, she is only one person. Moreover, the number of 'shepherds' that can be herded is limited, and each extraordinary person being herded can only retain a few abilities, and they cannot be used at the same time."

"No matter how many means a person has, he can't defeat a team."

Dunn stared at Soest with gray eyes, and said slowly.

One plus one is greater than two. This is common sense in the battle of Beyonders. The cooperation between several low-level Beyonders may make mid-level Beyonders panic and even flee.

But this does not mean that these abilities are concentrated on one person, and he or she can be stronger than many Beyonders.

Spiritual consumption, physical damage, and being overwhelmed by the siege will all have an impact on his combat effectiveness.

With the tone set by Dunn, all that's left to do is discuss how to fight.

First, Klein marked the divination location on the map: Wendell Street in the North District, a detached villa some distance away from other houses.

"I'm going to the police station to get the relevant information, and then I will make an attack plan. I will act tonight. Is it okay?"

Dunn took the map, tidied up the police uniform, put on the police cap, and turned his eyes to Soest who was sitting opposite him.

As if feeling that he was gradually losing command, Soest raised his eyebrows, his lips twitched, but finally nodded.

Angel felt that his negative emotions and his hostility towards Dunn had faded a bit.

Watching Dunn push open the door and leave the station, the captain of the "Red Gloves", Soest with soft facial features, moved his eyes to the other two Tingen team members.

"Klein Moretti, the 'Seer' who just joined the Nighthawks, right?"

He first looked at Klein who was sitting on the short stool, trying to make himself less conspicuous, and continued after the latter nodded in confirmation:
"My team has always wanted a diviner. Unfortunately, most newcomers have chosen the 'Sleepless One' path, and the few who have made the same choice as you are not so lucky."

"Not so lucky?"

Klein asked back, with a hint of doubt and worry on his face.

"Well, diviners have a relatively high level of inspiration, and there are too many things for them to divine and search for at the lowest level of Nighthawks, so they usually don't get promoted, so..."

He showed a "you understand" expression, successfully making the blood on Klein's face fade away.

"And then you, I heard Daly mention you in Backlund, Angel Granger, you were an 'Assassin' before joining the Nighthawks."

Sost turned his attention to Angel again.

(End of this chapter)

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