Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 13 On The Road

Chapter 13 On The Road

After tidying up casually, Angel followed the three "Nighthawks" and left the house.

Before that, she offered to bring her own weapons, the dagger and revolver inherited from Cole Granger, and the lady's pocket pistol from the stalker that she had recovered from the Iron Cross last night.

Dunn Smith did not veto it, but requested that these weapons be handed over to another fellow Nighthawk, Leonard Mitchell, during Angel's "protection".

Doesn't it mean that you don't bring it... Angel curled his lips and agreed.

When picking up the gun in the study, she took a peek at the hidden compartment under the desk, where there was a piece of Extraordinary features of unknown purpose, which seemed to have not been touched by anyone, but she didn't dare to take a closer look in front of Leonard who was following beside her.

After taking out the weapon from the drawer and handing it over to Leonard for safekeeping, she brought a few pounds of cash with her, and then she walked out of the house under the "escort" of several Nighthawks.

It was already the next morning outside, there was a continuous stream of pedestrians on Narcissus Street, and carriages drove past the crowd and rushed to all directions.Parked at the door was a police carriage that Angel had seen late at night a few days ago, with two crossed long swords painted on it, surrounded by a crown representing the royal family, showing the class essence of the police system serving the will of the royal family.

The street was not too wide, and a carriage parked like this had already had a lot of impact on the traffic, but the crowd passing by didn't complain, but looked in surprise at Angel who was surrounded by several policemen and was about to get on the bus.

Now she is famous in the neighborhood... Angel just wanted to find a hole to get in, and regretted that she didn't put on the hood before going out. Seeing that the crowd had a tendency to watch further, she hurriedly stepped on the pedal beside the carriage and got on the carriage.

The interior of the car is fairly spacious, with thick carpets, and the windows are covered by curtains, and there is a faint scent of incense.

The one who followed her was Daly Simone, who was dressed in a gypsy style. She seemed not used to the sight of everyone. She put on the hood before going out, and did not show her face with eyeshadow and blush until she got into the carriage. She sat down opposite Angel, her tense body relaxed.

The car door was still open, but the remaining two Nighthawks did not come in.

Is this carriage to be driven by two people?

Thinking curiously, Angel opened the curtains and looked out the window.


The Granger family's residence is located at No. 6 Narcissus Street, near the end of Iron Cross Street. This area is full of low-rise residential buildings with gates leading directly to the street, unlike those wealthy houses in the North District that have their own gardens and lawns.

At the door of another two-story house next to No. 6, three men and one woman were talking in a low voice. One of the middle-aged men held a keychain and introduced to the other three men and women who were obviously familiar with each other and were closer to each other:

"Narcissus Street is close to Cross Street, with convenient transportation and complete surrounding facilities. Respectable people like teachers and government employees live nearby. A lawyer lives in No. 4 next to yours, and No. 6 past..."

He was pointing to the door of Angel's house, and happened to see several people coming out of the door. Two of them were wearing the recognizable black-and-white checkered uniforms of the Tingen City Police, and escorted two other ladies into a police carriage.This made him swallow all the words he hadn't said yet.

I just boasted that there are decent people with legitimate jobs around here, and the police came here to arrest people with great fanfare...

Skater of the "Tingen City Improvement Housing Company" was sweating on his forehead, and was trying to figure out how to get this matter over with, but when he saw the young man among the three customers in front of him, he greeted the policeman next to the carriage with a look of surprise on his face:

"Captain, why are you here?"

They know each other?Scat stared thoughtfully at the two cops, especially the stars on their shoulder straps.


Dunn Smith and Leonard Mitchell beside the carriage were chatting with a young man in formal attire. Angel listened at the window for a while, and learned that this young man was a newcomer to the "Nighthawks" in Tingen City. His name was Klein Moretti. He came to Daffodil Street today to visit the houses for rent here with his siblings.

Looks like he's going to rent next to Granger's?Angel looked at the two men and a woman standing at the gate of No. 2 Narcissus Street behind him. One of the middle-aged men was holding the same brass gate key as Angel. He looked like he was an agent introducing the residence.

House prices on Narcissus Street are not cheap. To buy a house, you need 600-1000 pounds depending on the location and area. Even if you rent it, the weekly rent is about 15 soli, and it costs about 40 pounds a year. This is already close to the income level of ordinary workers in Tingen City, but obviously the income cannot be used only for renting a house, so the residents here are "senior migrant workers" whose income is far above the average.

The salary of the "Nighthawk" should be much higher than the average income, so this "newcomer" Klein Moretti couldn't wait to sublet a better house and improve his living conditions as soon as he got a job.

She looked at Klein Moretti, who was thanking Dunn Smith for his salary advance, and suddenly found this young and bookish face in her memory.

It turned out to be the young "Second Official" who rode in the same carriage with Dunn Smith that night. It seems that it is a common practice for "Nighthawks" to come out late at night to perform official duties.Thinking of Dunn Smith's potion "Sleepless" and his ability to invade dreams, Angel thought it was no surprise that they liked going out in the middle of the night.

Sensing the gaze from the car window, Klein Moretti raised his head and looked at Angel.The moment the eyes met, he was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly looked away and looked at Dunn Smith in front of him again.

"This is Angel Granger, a distant relative of Cole Granger who lives here. We received a report that Cole has been missing for several days, so we ask this lady to go back and participate in the investigation. She is not a suspect, but a witness."

Dunn Smith took the initiative to introduce to Klein, but his voice clearly exceeded the need for communication between the two, and was so loud that the surrounding crowd could hear it.

Is he explaining to me because he is afraid that the neighbors will misunderstand?

Seeing the different eyes of the crowd after hearing Dunn Smith's words, Angel couldn't help but look at Dunn again, feeling that this unsmiling "sleepless man" didn't make her as nervous as when they first met.

Klein Moretti seemed to be a little puzzled. He opened his mouth to continue asking, but suddenly stopped as if he had thought of something, and then said goodbye to Dunn Smith and Leonard Mitchell.Back to the gate of No. 2 Narcissus Street.

The remaining two briefly exchanged a few words. Dunn took over the task of driving the carriage, drove Leonard into the carriage, and drove away from Daffodil Street under the eyes of the Moretti family, other neighbors and passers-by.

With black hair and green eyes, Leonard Mitchell, who looked more like a poet than a policeman, stooped into the car and closed the door smoothly.There were "Psychic" Daly and Angel sitting on the two opposite benches. Seeing Daly sitting in the middle of the chair with a cold face, he had no intention of giving up his seat at all, so he smiled apologetically at Angel. The latter raised his eyebrows and sat by the door on the other side, giving up half of the chair for Leonard.

"Thank you."

Leonard heaved a sigh of relief, thanked Angel and sat down.

The carriage once again fell into an eerie silence, only the occasional shouts of street vendors and the regular "click" of wheels rolling over paving stones from outside the window.

Within 2 minutes, Leonard Mitchell, who couldn't stand the loneliness, took out the box of ammunition he kept for him, took one out of it, and observed it carefully.

His eyes swept over the complicated engravings on the bullet case, and finally stopped at the emblem of the Goddess of the Night.

"Is this a demon hunting bullet? Did you make it yourself?" Leonard turned his head and asked Angel Granger who was sitting with him - the latter had been staring at him since he took out the bullet.

"I made it myself, but it's not the demon hunting bullet you mentioned. I haven't seen a demon hunting bullet before."

Angel really didn't know what a hunting bullet was, so he answered truthfully.

Leonard Mitchell took out his revolver from the underarm holster in the police uniform, shook off the revolver, pulled a bullet from the chamber, and handed it to Angel.

"This is the demon hunting bullet. The inscription and coat of arms on it endow it with extra lethality against extraordinary creatures."

Angel took the bullet and observed carefully.

This is a silver-white pistol bullet that looks expensive at first glance. It is smaller than her "Storm Convergence", about 0.38 in size. The bullet and shell are engraved with complex patterns, and the bottom of the bullet has the black and red emblem of the Evernight Goddess.

"The engraving is different, and the function is also different. My bullets are mainly to enhance penetration and power, and are not specific to specific targets." She returned the "demon hunting bullet" to Leonard and explained.

Leonard nodded, put the silver-white "Demon Hunting Bullet" back into the magazine, put away the pistol, and picked up the poorly made but more intimidating 0.45-inch "Storm Gathering" bullet.

"The hunting bullet is the standard ammunition for the Nighthawks to fight against Extraordinary power. It is uniformly manufactured and distributed by the church, and even the captain can't make it. Where did you learn how to make this bullet?"

he asked seemingly casually.

Angel was about to tell a lie and pass by, but he caught sight of the "psychic" Daly sitting opposite. Daly sat up straight at some point, holding the copper wine glass she was holding when they first met at Cole's house.

His heart tightened, and Angel thought of the conversation with Dunn Smith in his dream, the strange gestures the other party made from time to time, and the eyes that looked behind him.She swallowed back the lie she had prepared, and answered honestly:
"This is a production method from the religious inheritance I originally belonged to, and I am going to use it to deal with Mrs. Sharon."

"Originally belonged to? Do you mean other Orthodox churches?" Leonard Mitchell looked at Daly first, and then continued to ask when she saw that she nodded insignificantly.

"It's not one of the seven major churches, it's just a religion that no longer exists in this world."

Angel said sadly, this is not an emotion she pretended, thinking that she might never be able to return to the original world, she spoke somewhat with frustration and regret.

"But don't worry, it's not an organization that believes in evil gods. Moreover, I should be considered a believer of the Evernight Goddess now. You see, He answered my prayer and gave this bullet power."

Angel picked up a "Storm Convergence" and released a little spirituality to her fingertips. Her spirituality was sensed. There was a faint crimson flow in the engraving on the cartridge case, and the holy emblem of the Goddess of the Night was shining brightly in the flowing light.

Leonard Mitchell's eyes widened. He stared at the bullet carefully as if he didn't believe it. It took him a while to come back to his senses. He seemed to be asking someone, and he seemed to be talking to himself: "Is this really the power of the Evernight Goddess... Well, it looks right. After adding divine power, this is already considered an Extraordinary item. If I hadn't confirmed that you are an 'Assassin', I would almost think you are a 'craftsman' from the Church of Steam."

Confirmed... It seems that in the dream they really had another way to confirm the truth of what I said. Now it seems that it may be the effect of the wine glass Ms. Daly is holding. Fortunately, I didn't lie just now...

Also, what is a "craftsman"?He mentioned the church of steam, is it the church of the "god of steam and machinery"?Angel captured the key words in the conversation, and silently analyzed it in his mind, but his mouth didn't stop:

"This is indeed the power bestowed by the Goddess of the Night. When I was making the bullets last night, I prayed to the gods but got no response. I was almost desperate at that time. I didn't expect the Goddess of the Night to answer my prayers at this time, and gave me blessings to complete the production of these bullets. Praise the Goddess."

After all, Angel drew a crimson moon on his chest, thanking the goddess of the night for blessing at the critical moment.

"Ah... Praise the Goddess." Leonard Mitchell also hurriedly said, with doubts still lingering on his face: "I made it last night? You mean you first prayed for blessings from the previous gods?"

He hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Excuse me for being abrupt, may I ask how long have you believed in the Evernight Goddess...?"

Angel looked at Ms. Daly, who was silent but still holding the copper wine glass, and could only tell the truth: "I have not believed in the Evernight Goddess for a long time, mainly due to the influence of these recent events, especially..." She said a few words tactfully, and felt that it was not something that needed to be kept secret, "...To be specific, it should be less than 24 hours."

Leonard Mitchell turned to Daly Simone, who was holding 3-0688, the "Wine Glass That Speaks the Truth", and saw that she looked at him suspiciously.

the truth?

(End of this chapter)

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