Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 151 "Bestow"

Chapter 151 "Bestow"

"First of all, Miss Justice is preparing an altar. It can be relatively simple, but it needs to be drawn or engraved with this symbol."

During the speech, a light curtain appeared in front of the Fool, on which flashed a symbol composed of "eyes without pupils" and "twisted lines". The former represented concealment, and the latter symbolized change, but both were missing a part.

This represents his strength, his authority between the two, but incomplete?
Angel guessed while trying to write down the symbol.

"Then, it's the same as a normal ritual, but arranged in a dualistic way, without burning herbs, dripping essential oils, and picking a specific time, just chanting my name."

"Recite in ancient Hermes, with the following prayers:

"Your faithful servant begs your watch;
"Pray that you accept his contribution;

"I pray that you will open the gate of the kingdom."

"After reciting the prayer, choose materials that contain spirituality, combine it with the natural force shock caused by the mantra, and wait for my response."

"If the ritual is successful, you can perform the 'sacrifice'."

As the Fool's low-toned narration ended, the symbols that appeared in front of him also disappeared.

"Okay, I've remembered, so when should I try it?"

Justice asked with a hint of excitement.

Her curiosity about this new occult knowledge is beyond words...

Angel cursed at his companions beside him, but he couldn't help but feel excited in his heart.

If the "sacrifice" can be successful, will I soon be able to obtain the materials for the "witch" potion?
"You can do it right after the meeting is over. Well, that way neither of you need to spare any extra time."

"Miss Empress, the process of accepting the 'gift' is slightly different. The preparation before reciting the prayer is the same as that of Miss Justice, but the prayer needs to be changed to the following three sentences."

The Fool turned his attention to Angel again and warned.

"Your faithful servant prays for your watch;
"I pray that you will open the gates of the kingdom;
"Pray for your strength."

After remembering these differences, Angel nodded in response: "I see."

Seeing the end of the Fool's teaching, the Hanged Man lost no time in asking questions:

"Mr. Fool, can other people, I mean other people in the Tarot Society, also use this method to trade?"

"The premise is that this attempt can be successful."

The Fool replied with a smile, which was considered to have answered the Hanged Man's question.

"Praise the fool."

After receiving the answer, the Hanged Man said piously, and others followed suit with a compliment as an end to the topic.

And the new topic naturally became the "Vice Admiral Hurricane" that everyone had heatedly discussed at the last meeting.

"Mr. Hanged Man, the two detectives I entrusted have pinpointed his whereabouts through the profile of 'Vice Admiral Hurricane' Chillingus and information about the missing homeless man."


Listening to Miss Justice's tone, which showed no hint of excitement about a major breakthrough, the Hanged Man continued speaking calmly.

Sure enough, there was a turning point in Zhengyi's next answer.

"However, the cunning Chillingus found out that someone was following him, and brutally killed the detective's informant, lay in ambush, and almost caught the detective who was going to the informant's home."

"The two detectives narrowly escaped death, but they believed that this encounter had alarmed each other, and it was unsustainable to use the previous method to continue tracking, and the death of the informant was horrific, which would inevitably alarm the police and alarm Backlund's official extraordinary or so they gave up on follow-up and called the police."

called the police...

Angel was watching the exchange between the two, and when he heard this word, he couldn't help praising the detectives for their decisive actions.

And listening to Miss Justice's words, these two detectives are both women?
"I can understand their choice. As I said, this 'Vice Admiral Hurricane' is a cunning and vicious pirate. It is very rare to escape from him."

The Hanged Man replied with regret.

Then his tone turned serious, and he looked up at the fool above:
"Mr. Fool, I have obtained a new piece of information that 'Vice Admiral Hurricane' sneaked into Backlund to complete a difficult task, which involves a very important item, which is said to be able to help Qilingus become a High-sequence powerhouse."

"High-sequence, do you mean Sequence 4? But I remember you said that this 'Vice Admiral Hurricane' is currently only a Sequence 6 Beyonder?"

Angel couldn't help but interject.

"Yes, he is indeed just a Sequence 6 'Wind Blessed'."

The Hanged Man turned his gaze to Angel and nodded in confirmation. "The information I received mentioned that Qilingus believed that once he completes the mission and obtains the item, he will be as famous as the 'King of the Five Seas' Nast and others, making the 'Four Kings' among the pirates become Become the 'Five Kings'."

"You should all know that the so-called 'Four Kings' either possess extraordinary ships and magical items that enable them to compete with High Sequences, or they themselves are high-sequence powerhouses. Since Qilingus claims to be able to become the 'Five Kings' One, it must be close to the level of the other four kings, so I made the above speculation."

No, I don’t know... Even who Nast is, I just learned about it from the church books...

Angel listened quietly, pondered over his words and asked:

"So, is it an item that allows him to quickly increase the sequence without losing control, or is it a magical item that can rival high-sequence powerhouses?"

"Yes, but I think the latter is more likely. After all, there is no shortcut to improving the sequence."

After paving the way, the Hanged Man turned his attention to the Fool again, and asked expectantly:

"Dear Mr. Fool, I will return to Backlund in a few days. If I can figure out the real purpose of Qilingos and what the magical item he wants to get, please allow me to recite your Name, I will tell you through a ceremony."

No wonder Mr. The Hanged Man tried his best to exaggerate the power of the mystical item that Qilingus regarded as his target. It turned out that he was trying to arouse Mr. Fool's interest and try to persuade him... No, let his favored one take action?
If the Fool's high-sequence dependents can make a move, it should be easy to deal with "Vice Admiral Hurricane" who has not entered the high-sequence Extraordinary, right?

Angel also looked at the Fool.


The Fool answered briefly, unable to hear the emotion in his tone, as if he was not interested in such "little things".

The Hanged Man seemed a little discouraged, but he still stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Allow me to thank you in advance for listening."


The gray fog dissipated, the crimson appeared and disappeared again, and Angel returned to Tingen, to No. 6 Daffodil Street.

The first thing she did when she came to her senses was to silently write down the anonymous account given to her by Miss Justice before the meeting, so as not to forget.

If the Fool's "attempt" is successful, she can deposit £350 into this bank account and complete the transaction.

It's really like online shopping in the information age... No, it's even more convenient than that. The goods don't even need to go through logistics, they can be transferred through Mr. Fool and come to my hands...

Looking at the setting sun outside the window, she did not waste time, but went directly from the study to the basement, laid out the table that had been used for sacrifices, and with the memory that had not yet dissipated, she put the "pupilless eye" representing the fool. A symbol composed of "Twisted Line" and "Twisted Line" is drawn on the table as an altar.

Then she laid out the sandalwood candles and ceremonial knives, ready to perform the ceremony of receiving the "gift" at any time.

Finally, spiritual items...

She rummaged around in the basement, but most of the materials had been used to make bullets. Recently, she was busy looking for the "red chimney" building and coping with inspections, so she couldn't add materials.

In the end, she could only take out a small precious "star crystal", which is an extraordinary material that can be directly used to configure potions. Strictly speaking, it is higher than ordinary materials rich in spirituality, and the price is far worse , but this price difference is nothing compared to delaying Mister Fool's attempt.

Holding this extraordinary material that was the size of a fingernail and shone like a star, the memory of the first time he met Old Neil resurfaced in Angel's mind.

When she was fascinated by the starlight emanating from the crystal, a dense gray mist suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. In the mist, a high-backed chair and the mysterious figure on it loomed.

"Miss Queen, Miss Justice's attempt has been successful, are you ready to accept the 'gift' ceremony?"

Low and familiar voices came from all directions, making it difficult for people to tell the direction.

"Yes, I can perform the ritual at any time."

She suppressed her sadness and replied.

Building a spiritual wall, lighting candles, and in the faint light, Angel recited the prayer of Professor Fool in a low voice.

"... I pray that you will open the gates of the kingdom;
"Pray for your strength."

The ancient power mixed with the ancient Hermetic language reverberated within the spiritual wall, arousing the constant oscillation of natural power, like a strong wind blowing around Angel.

She resisted the discomfort of the wind blowing through her skin, raised the star crystal in her hand, and poured spirituality into it.

The crystal shattered into particles like weathering and disappeared between the fingers, making the hurricane more violent, but no longer as unbearable as a knife.

The candlelight representing the Fool gradually swelled, forming an illusory door in front of Angel, and the door was engraved with the symbols drawn in advance on the altar to represent the power of the Fool.


There was a thunderous sound, the door in the sky opened and closed, Angel looked down, and a bottle of pitch black liquid suddenly appeared on the altar.

That is the "blood of the Black Abyss Demonic Fish".

(End of this chapter)

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