Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 152 Promoted to "Witch"

Chapter 152 Promoted to "Witch"

Sequence 7, witch.

The main ingredients of the potion are agate peacock eggs and all the blood of the Black Abyss Demon Fish.

The auxiliary materials are 80 ml of pure water, 5 drops of golden mandala juice, 3 scales of shadow lizard, and 10 drops of daffodil juice.

In the dark basement, Angel took out the peacock eggs that looked like variegated agate stones from the box and placed them next to the crucible.

Then he checked the blood of the black abyss demon fish in the transparent cup again.

The shadow lizard's scales were all ready, so she bought an extra one for insurance.

Pure water and plant juice are all ready.

Taking a deep breath, Angel began to configure the potion.

This time she was preparing potions in her basement, and her mentality was much better than when she was promoted to instigator.

But recalling that I was reborn in the body of the dead Cole Granger, also in this basement. The latter died of loss of control precisely because he took the "Witch" potion, and felt that it was a bit unlucky to be promoted here.

Shaking his head and dispelling the strange thoughts in his mind, Angel connected 80ml of pure water with a measuring cup and poured it into a clean crucible.

Followed by 5 drops of golden datura juice, 10 drops of narcissus juice, and finally, the shadow lizard scales slightly larger than a fingernail were thrown into the water that turned yellow-green, a total of 3 pieces.

The water in the pot is motionless. Through the mixture of plant juice and pure water, you can see the scales sinking to the bottom of the pot, with a few bubbles floating around. This is caused by the exhaust of air inside the scales.

Before the main ingredients of the potion are put in, these auxiliary ingredients will not change in the sense of mysticism.

"Next is the agate peacock's egg."

Angel talked to himself to relieve the tension in his heart.She took the peacock egg worth more than 500 pounds, and slowly put it into the water from the edge of the pot.

As the main ingredient of the potion enters the crucible, the water in the pot seems to be rapidly heated by invisible flames and boils. The different colors of red, green, orange and other colors on the eggshell peel off and dissolve into the water, turning the entire pot of liquid into Colorful piping hot soup.

Not daring to delay any further, she took the glass on the side and poured the dark blood inside into the crucible.

The blood of the Black Abyss Demonic Fish condensed into a pitch-like semi-solid after leaving the body of the Demonic Fish. As she poured it, the entire piece of "asphalt" covered the faded agate peacock egg, and then dissolved into auxiliary materials to form of water, turning the crucible into a ball of ice-cold liquid.

The liquid was purple, like her eyes.

It's the same as the potion that Cole configured in his memory... Is this correct or incorrect?
The only reference person first successfully turned into a woman, and then died out of control, which made her doubt whether the potion was successfully prepared.

But after a moment of hesitation, she decided to take the potion.

Pour the potion from the crucible into another clean cup. She looked at the slowly rotating potion in the cup, feeling the coldness seeping into the wall of the cup and soaking into her fingertips. She took a deep breath, raised the cup, and put the "Witch" "Drink the potion in one gulp.

The cold liquid, like an inseparable mass of mucus, enters the throat, travels through the esophagus to the stomach, and then the cold turns into warmth, burning, scalding, and spreads from the upper abdomen to the whole body.

Maybe I can turn back into a male?
As the burning sensation brought by the potion quickly spread to the whole body, Angel felt a glimmer of expectation. Maybe a woman would turn into a man again due to the gender-changing effect after drinking the "witch" potion?

There was a violent roar in her head, followed by indistinguishable female ravings, which surrounded her like a stereo sound, and the voices rose and fell.Her vision of cauldrons, tables and chairs, and damp basement walls blurred and disappeared.

How is this similar to when he was promoted to "Instigator" last time? Could it be... As soon as this thought came to his mind, Angel felt his body lighten, his perspective rose, and he left his body again, floating next to the ceiling of the basement.

Looking down, he, wearing a black dress, fell from the chair and lay on his side beside the table, his long pale golden hair was loose, his limbs slowly contracted, he bent over and curled up into a ball.

Then, strange and familiar images surrounded her.

I was covered in blood, with protruding eyeballs, lying on the cold floor of the basement, surrounded by two figures who couldn't see their faces, whispering something...

Above the head is the broken starry sky, the sun that is going out, under the feet is the cracked earth, the boiling and evaporating ocean, and in front of him is the ruined city...

Looking down from the sky, on the rough sea, an island shrouded in mist, a city with a completely different style from Tingen is faintly visible inside...

The rustling whispers gradually disappeared, her eyes went dark, and she opened her eyes again, in front of her was the still rolling wooden cup.

It's like this again... Strange images, ravings everywhere, but fortunately there was no situation where he was on the verge of losing control when he was promoted to "Instigator"... The next second when this thought flashed through Angel's mind, a sharp pain spread all over his body. Suddenly, she felt that the bones of her limbs were rattling, her muscles tensed and relaxed repeatedly, and her skin seemed to be ablated by acid.

This is...the potion is transforming the body?
She gritted her teeth and endured, her limbs continued to curl up, as if this would relieve a little pain.

It seemed like a few seconds later, and it seemed like a whole night, the pain all over his body slowly receded, and everything returned to calm.

Angel's dress was completely soaked, and the exposed skin was covered with bean-sized sweat droplets, and there was even a puddle of sweat on the ground where he was lying.

Fumbling to get up from the table, she took a deep breath, letting the humid air in the basement enter her lungs, and only then did she feel that she was still alive.

Controlling black flames, summoning frost, magic mirror divination, magic wand substitute... all kinds of spell knowledge in her mind proves that she has successfully promoted to a "witch" of Sequence 7.

And no more out of control than the "last time" I took the witch's potion!
After lifting up the chair that had fallen on the ground and sitting up, Angel closed his eyes, quickly cleared his mind, and entered into the first meditation after his promotion, gradually gathering his lost spirituality.

After a while, she opened her eyes again, the first thing she did was touch her chest, and then sighed.

The bad news is that it's not getting smaller, and the good news is that it's not getting bigger.

It seems that there is indeed a reason for the follow-up potion of "Instigator" to be called "Witch". Even if it is a female body, after drinking the potion and being promoted successfully, it is still a woman, rather than simply "changing gender"...

Also, if a woman could become a male Sequence 7 through the potion, then the potion would have been renamed long ago, and it is impossible for the top executives of the "Witch Sect" to not have a single male.

Although she didn't have much hope in the first place, she still felt a bit of regret when things came to an end.

"For the better, at least you don't need to apply for a fake certificate again. If you change back to Cole Granger's appearance, you have to escape to another city with a wanted warrant..."

Muttering self-comfort in a low voice, Angel staggered to his feet, stepped on the stairs one by one, and returned to the study on the first floor. At this time, the sun had already set near the horizon, and the sky on the other side gradually turned from indigo to black. Covering the street, the starry sky gradually revealed its true face.

Looking at the familiar sky and street, she recalled the doomsday scene before her when she was promoted. Is it the spiritual influence left in the potion?Or is it a guide to the direction of the next "witch" performance?

Seeing the dim sunlight outside the window replaced by the crimson moonlight, Angel sighed, cleared away the chaotic thoughts that filled his mind, and looked down at his raised right hand. Under the dim light, the "witch" On the contrary, the arms are fairer and more soft and boneless.


A ball of flame emerged from the palm of his hand, as if absorbing the surrounding light, it appeared dark and strange.

(End of this chapter)

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