Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 153 The Witch’s New Ability

Chapter 153 The Witch’s New Ability
After returning to the potion preparation site in the basement and cleaning and putting away the empty bottles and pots and cauldrons, Angel came to the dark living room and began to test his newly acquired abilities.

In addition to the enhanced effects of the abilities originally belonging to "Assassin" and "Instigator", she now also had several more magical abilities in her mind that were directly instilled into her memory by the "Witch" potion, as if she had already been familiar with these contents. , I just "remembered" it now.

After all, she had fought two pleasure witches and one witch before. Angel had already guessed what abilities she would gain before taking the potion, but this harvest still exceeded her expectations.

The first was the fire and ice that impressed her most deeply when fighting the extraordinary people of the "Witch Sect".

The witch can summon black flames around herself, control their actions with her own thoughts, and even attach them to weapons or directly attach to her body to attack without hurting herself.

While "recalling" her abilities, she summoned a black flame the size of a fist, letting it float on her fingertips, moving with her thoughts.

This black flame is essentially a curse, so it can only harm living things, spirits or spiritual objects, and will have no effect on ordinary objects.

Bringing the black flame close to the surface of the flammable sofa, he found that not only did the black flame not ignite the fine fluff, but it even showed faint signs of extinguishing. Angel confirmed this.

In addition, the black flame also has "anti-divination" characteristics. Creatures, objects, and even the space itself burned by it will "die" in a mystical sense. When using them as divination targets, the success rate is very high. Low.

No wonder the members of the "Witch Cult" are almost impossible to divine...but Klein has successfully caught them once. Could it be that the "Soothsayer" path can restrain this kind of anti-divination?

After dispersing the black flames at his fingertips, Angel summoned a frost spear about one meter long and about three fingers thick out of thin air.

This is another of the witch's abilities: frost.

Directly summoning the ice gun is only its most primitive use. The powerful frost control can even extinguish the flames, freeze the lake, and harm most flesh and blood.

Or become a witch's shield against many types of attacks.

Her thoughts flashed and she watched as the frost spear made a sharp crunching sound and transformed in the air, turning into a round shield the size of a dinner plate.

Hmm, it's not thick enough, so it definitely can't stop bullets. I wonder if the "ice coffin" that Mrs. Sharon used to cover the whole body and resist ordinary bullets needs to reach Sequence 6 before it can be used.

Putting the cold ice cubes in the kitchen sink, she continued to analyze another ability obtained:
Mirror stand-in.

Unlike the unrestricted substitute ability she imagined, mirror substitutes actually have great restrictions on casting materials.

The user must be near the mirror, and the mirror must be able to reflect the whole body, that is, it must be at least the size of a half-length mirror or a decorative mirror; once used, even if the mirror is broken, it can still reflect the whole body, and it cannot be used as a casting material again; It consumes a lot of spirituality. Generally speaking, a witch of Sequence 7 can only use it 3 times, no more than 4 times.

But starting from the assassin stage, his spirituality seemed to be beyond the level in Cole Granger's memory. This was even more so after taking the instigator and witch potion again. Angel guessed that this was probably due to double doses of the potion. Impact.

Maybe I should test my spiritual limits later?

Another ability of witches related to mirrors is "mirror divination".

Mirrors have always had a special meaning in mysticism. It is said that the mirror can directly reach the spirit world, and the spirit world is the source of all divination power.

Even an ordinary mirror can perform simple and effective divination after the witch recites a spell. After establishing a deeper connection with the spell-casting material based on her own blood, it can even achieve the effect of "danger warning".

Moreover, a mirror connected by blood, no matter how small, can be used as a mirror substitute material!
No wonder the gray-haired "Witch of Joy" and "Witch" Triss can use stand-ins when there are no mirrors around... They probably carry small vanity mirrors with them and use blood to establish contact and use them as substitutes. My own substitute material...

It's a pity that Angel only has a half-length mirror at home and has never purchased a portable vanity mirror often used by women. Otherwise, she would like to make a "magic mirror" now and carry it with her every day, which can not only predict fortune but also protect her life.There’s no need to go to that “divineer” for everything…

Thinking of this, she grinned and quickly gathered her thoughts.

Divination, stand-in... Oh, and the wand stand-in. This is the last resort for witches to save their lives. It activates faster than the mirror stand-in, and even when injured, the injury can be transferred to the wand as a stand-in.

But you need to prepare the wand in advance, you need a wooden material rich in spirituality, and you need to establish a mystical connection through blood... It will definitely not be ready in a short time.

The invisibility ability requires the cooperation of spells and materials. The materials are not expensive, animal scales or even fish scales are fine, but they must be ground into fine powder.

Finally, there are a variety of curse methods. You can use hair or personal items to impose some weak curses, and once you can obtain the target's blood...

Angel recalled the curse that Leonard had used mysterious means to break during the battle to destroy the cursed altar.

Once he moves a little too late, the cursed black flames are likely to burn Klein's body.

Divination and counter-divination, black flames, frost, substitutes to save lives, stealth sneak attacks, curses and assassinations...

This is the "Witch" of Sequence 7, the potion sequence that she underestimated.

One ability after another flashed through Angel's mind. Black flames appeared around her and disappeared into the void. She felt the speed of spiritual consumption and evaluated the limits of her spell casting.

Soon, she felt that the black flames floating in front of her eyes seemed to have a double image, and her head throbbed with pain.

This was a sign that spirituality was about to be exhausted. Angel did not show off, but immediately stopped summoning the black flames.

The headache didn't stop, it just stopped getting worse. She sat on the sofa and after a brief meditation, she regained some spirituality and stopped the headache.

"It lasted longer than I expected... Maybe the mirror double can be used a few more times, or it can last longer for spell battles," she muttered, touching the "magic pocket watch" tied to her left wrist , with a hint of joy in my heart, "Although mystical items will not be enhanced with the improvement of my sequence, my more spirituality is enough to support more times of 'flame jumping' and 'paper man substitute', which can be regarded as a kind of Enhance..."

And more spirituality gave her a new expectation in her heart.

Maybe she can make a new kind of ammunition whose spirituality before Sequence 7 cannot support the production process.

"Shattering Ray."

Unfortunately, even if her spirituality is enough to support her in completing such complex ammunition, the required materials cannot be obtained in a short time, even if she reports it to the Church of the Night Goddess for help.

Besides, I had just secretly been promoted to Sequence 7. It would be nice if the church didn’t cause trouble for me. How could I dare to take the initiative to get involved...

Taking the initiative to give up his inner expectations, Angel stood up from the sofa and walked up to the second floor with lead-filled steps, preparing to do the first thing after becoming a witch.


 Hey, dig another hole
(End of this chapter)

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