Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 155 Holy Emblem of the Sun

Chapter 155 Holy Emblem of the Sun
"We have arrived."

As the only person in the three-person team who could drive, Leonard undertook the task of driving the two-wheeled carriage. After three hours, the Nighthawks who traveled through the country lanes finally arrived at the small town of Morse.

Klein heard Leonard's call outside the car, opened the door and walked out. He looked at the golden wheat field in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's harvest season, it's so beautiful..."

Leonard put down his horsewhip, jumped out of the driving seat, brushed the dust off his windbreaker, and stood beside Klein. His emerald green eyes swept across the endless fields, and he took a deep breath, as if he was about to read out the impromptu scene. Psalms.

But then, he only held back one sentence:

"It's so beautiful..."

"Not up to par, Mr. Midnight Poet."

A melodious female voice came from behind the two of them. Klein looked back and saw that Angel was walking out of the carriage. He was holding the door frame in one hand and holding the sealed object "Mutated Sun Holy Emblem" in the other. The holy emblem emits a unique warm and pure energy. The fluctuations, like a shrunken sun that does not emit visible light, make Angel's white face even more beautiful.

"No, she said she just put on makeup, and it's normal to look better than usual..."

Klein thought to himself and looked away with a slight heat on his cheeks.

A middle-aged man approached the three of them. He was wearing a black priest's uniform. After standing still, he first drew a crimson moon on his chest, and then asked.

"Everyone, are you the friend who came to help us from St. Selina Church?"

"Yes, you must be Priest Siel," Leonard took the initiative to take two steps forward and replied, "We came here specially to deal with the haunting incident."

"It's a suspected haunting incident, sir."

Priest Siel emphasized something loudly, then lowered his voice and continued:
"Sorry, I don't want the townspeople to panic too much."

"I understand, but don't worry, we are professionals in handling these matters."

Leonard smiled slightly. He opened the windbreaker that he never buttoned, and took out a bottle of holy water, a few bunches of garlic, a silver dagger, and a beautifully crafted dark holy emblem from the inner pocket as if by magic.

The surrounding townspeople who had heard the conversation and had silently come forward saw his "professional" preparation, and they all showed happy smiles.

This guy at Sequence 7 shouldn't be promoted to "Nightmare", he should switch to the "Actor" path - if there really is such a magic potion path.

Klein looked at Leonard's freely retractable acting skills and remembered the "sequence swap" he saw in Russell's diary, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

After quickly dismissing the surrounding townspeople, the three of them followed Priest Sier to the only church in the town, which is also the belief of most of the townspeople, the church of the Evernight Goddess.

After setting up the carriage, the three of them quickly filled their stomachs with a simple lunch of bread, bacon and coffee.

"More than half of the six hours have passed. We need to solve the haunting incident here as soon as possible, then recover our strength in batches, and then drive back to Tingen, otherwise we will all become fools who only praise the sun."

Klein wiped his mouth with a piece of paper and suggested to Leonard. The latter currently kept the "Holy Emblem of the Sun" and was feeling a little hot due to the gradually increasing purification effect. He nodded after hearing this.

Extraordinary people can persist under the effect of this sealed object for 6 hours, and if it does not reach the limit, they can return to an unaffected state as long as they leave it for more than an hour.

It takes 3 hours to get back to Tingen from here.

Leonard gave the garlic and holy water he carried to the other two people. The three Nighthawks carried these things like swindlers and followed Priest Siel to the "haunted location" closest to the church - a A home for an elderly person living alone.

The priest knocked on the door. An old man who had lost his left hand cautiously blocked the crack in the door. Looking out, he saw that it was a priest from the town and then he opened the door diligently and welcomed the four people in.

"Thank you for coming from the city. I have been tortured by the mysterious and terrifying footsteps for two nights. It always reminds me of the days when I participated in the war..."

Leonard was about to walk into the room, but Angel stopped him first.
From behind, Klein could see that Angel's entire back was tense, as if he was guarding against an attack that would come from nowhere.

Immediately, he also felt the cold breath flowing out from the door. It was the induction of his own spirituality, which meant that there was indeed a ghost wandering here.

Leonard's expression became serious. He looked at Priest Siel who was asking the old man to leave alone so as not to interfere with the "exorcism", and whispered to Klein:

"There are indeed traces of unclean creatures here, but they are very weak. It won't take long for the sealed objects to deal with them on their own."

"It's your turn now, let's wait a few minutes." After finishing speaking, the midnight poet showed a weird smile and stepped aside to open the seat in front of the door.

You are obviously an actor...

Klein cursed, hanging the Dark Holy Emblem he received from the other party on his chest, unscrewing the glass bottle containing the holy water with a "bang" sound, surrounding the house, spreading the holy water everywhere, and then opened it. Where did I find the garlic with its skin already dry? I threw it into the corner of the room one by one, mumbling something.

"Goddess of the Night..."

"The Crimson Mother..."

"Lord of Silence..."

He didn't dare to recite the prayer in full for fear of attracting the attention of the Night Goddess. After seeing his current behavior, she directly sent down divine punishment. Before the haunting problem was solved, he was solved first.

The townspeople who were watching on the side felt it was very novel, and they talked a lot, even muttering in low voices, "I can feel the warm and pure atmosphere surrounding me", and other comments, one by one began to praise the goddess, and praised the priests from the big cities as professional .

"That's the effect of the Holy Emblem of the Sun!"

Klein felt like he was a curly-haired baboon in a circus, being judged by the audience. He couldn't help interrupting his prayers, complained in a low voice, took the holy water bottle on the side, and poured it out of the door and onto the townspeople as if venting his anger. In front of him, there was a burst of shouts of joy.

He suddenly felt that his "Joker" potion had been digested a lot.


After a few minutes of "performance", Leonard walked into the door and nodded secretly, indicating that the traces of ghosts around him had been completely removed by the seal.

Klein breathed a sigh of relief and threw the last few cloves of garlic into the corner as the final step of "exorcising ghosts."

"Okay, this house has been 'cleaned'. We still have some finishing touches left. Please leave for now and keep this place quiet."

Angel also said to the onlookers at the door.

After seeing the methods of several "priests in the city", the townspeople did not express any objection, but left obediently. Even the owner of the house stood in the distance together with Priest Sierre.

"Okay, do you need to divine the cause of the matter?"

After closing the door, Angel asked Klein.

Good cooperation!
Klein mentally praised his teammates, took out a piece of white paper and wrote the divination word on it, sat on a chair in the living room, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

Although I know that Mr. Azik caused the noise, I might be able to use divination to figure out the source of his extraordinary power and solve the problem of his life experience...

He pondered and fell into a dream.

In an illusory and hazy world, Klein saw a black pyramid. Its shape was similar to the buildings of ancient civilizations on earth, but it was in an inverted state, with the tip embedded in the ground, revealing a wide and flat "bottom".

An inverted pyramid?Is it the style of the Southern Continent?

Recalling "his" knowledge as a history college student, Klein opened his eyes and broke away from the dream divination and told his two teammates about the scene he saw.

"It sounds like the Balam Empire in the Southern Continent. It is said that the so-called descendants of the God of Death there will build an inverted pyramid for themselves as a mausoleum. The scene you divined is probably a symbol of the 'God of Death', which is undoubtedly related to the ghost related."

Leonard also seemed to have some knowledge of history, immediately pointing out the purpose of the building.

Another nighthawk, Angel, obviously knew nothing about anything, his eyes wandered, and he fell into a state of confusion.

With a dark chuckle, Klein stood up from his chair and walked towards the door.

"Let's go, there are still several 'haunted' places waiting for us. Leonard will exorcise the ghosts later, and I will wear the Holy Emblem of the Sun."

Even if he could digest the magic potion, he wouldn't do the stupid thing he did just now a second time.

(End of this chapter)

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