Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 156 Sun Flame Spell

Chapter 156 Sun Flame Spell
"If I do this every day to exorcise demons, I will be able to digest the 'Joker' potion in less than a month."

The sullen Klein threw the empty holy water bottle to Leonard, who took it with a playful smile and said:
"Then I suggest you go directly to the circus in the West District. Maybe in just a week, Your Excellency 'Goddess Sword' will come to help you advance to Sequence Seven."

"As long as you're willing to play the part of a curly baboon jumping through fire hoops."

Seeing the two of them mocking each other mercilessly, Angel smiled and felt that his chest felt much warmer.

Oh, it turned out to be the temperature of the holy emblem of the sun, so it's all right.

Taking off the "Mutated Holy Emblem of the Sun" from her chest, she looked at her pocket watch and found that there was less than two hours left until the limit time for contact with the sealed object.

"Let's go back to the church quickly, and then take turns guarding the Holy Emblem to recover our strength, otherwise it may be too late."

She interrupted the conversation between the two and suggested.

The three of them - or Klein, who was sweating from work - had already cleared out all the "haunted" places in the town of Morse, and even after several divination attempts, there was no additional gain.

The few people who were heading towards the church quickened their pace and soon returned to the Church of the Goddess of the Night in the center of the town.

After explaining to the priest that he needed to occupy the church for a period of time, and implicitly stating that there might be certain risks in getting closer, the priest gave up the church.

Fortunately, no believers came to the church at noon. After Si'er left, there were only three night watchers left in the church.

"It will take more than three hours to return to Tingen. It's best for us to rest for an hour to recover our tolerance for negative effects."

After taking the holy emblem handed over by Angel, Klein said.

"I thought one-hour rotation would be the best way to go, starting with me first."

Although he pretended to be calm, he seemed to be a little excited inside, a little inexplicably excited. Did he specifically ask to lend this sealed artifact to do something private?
After being promoted to "Witch", Angel's instigator instinct has become more refined. At this time, you can feel a trace of Klein's negative emotions, but they are not strong. It seems to only stay at the "guilt of deceiving teammates".

"Or two guards, one person rests, the effect of rest is similar, but it is safer."

Leonard suggested with a chuckle, but his eyes were fixed on Klein, trying to read something from his expression.

It can be clearly felt that Klein's mood has become depressed...

Angel secretly laughed at Mr. "Clown"'s easy-to-guess thoughts, pretended to be thinking, and said after a moment of silence:
"If there are two people in a group, then the rotation time should be more accurate and reasonable. First, we need to establish an equation system, find out the solution by combining the rest time and the rotation method, and then compare the results with the results of single-person rotation to find out Find the optimal solution..." She recalled the mathematics knowledge she had forgotten, and then used her "persuasion" ability, "By the way, Leonard, how is your mathematics?"

The latter was already as confused as when she was listening to the historical knowledge, and her eyes were wandering. When she heard Angel calling her, her body trembled and she hurriedly answered:

"Let's keep watch alone. Each person will watch for one hour, so that we can rest for two hours. Look, how simple it is."

As if to avoid something, Leonard flew toward the church door.

"OK then……"

Klein showed a reluctant expression, but after Leonard turned around, it immediately turned into a cheerful smile.


He gestured with his mouth and said silently to Angel.

"I'll take over in an hour. If you feel like you can't hold on any longer, you can call me over in advance, and we'll watch outside the door."

After giving Klein a few instructions, Angel followed Leonard and left the church.


"Did you just use your 'Instigation' ability on me?"

Under the tree next to the church, Leonard, who was leaning against the tree trunk and avoiding the afternoon sun, asked suddenly.

You finally came to your senses, you are so slow...

Angel pretended to be hiding something and said:
"Actually, to be precise, I didn't instigate you to do anything, that was 'persuasion'."

"So you admit it?" Leonard simply walked around the tree trunk and stared at Angel and said, "If I push open the church door now, what will I see?"

how could I know……

Frowning slightly, Angel looked at the church gate. The steeple-style church was facing the sun at this time, and the shadows fell between the main gate and the big tree where they were hiding. As the sun slanted westward, it gradually approached.

"I don't know," she admitted honestly, "Aren't you going to be the 'protagonist' of an adventure novel? Why don't you try to figure it out yourself?"

Leonard sneered, but leaned back against the tree trunk. "Remember, we both agreed not to explore each other's secrets, so I won't trouble Klein this time, but if you want to discover my secrets and find out what's special about me during this mission, you can also impossible."

It turns out that Leonard was suspicious. He took over Dunn's words from Klein and took the initiative to participate in the mission. He suspected that Klein and I wanted to observe him secretly and take this opportunity to discover what was special about him?

You are so narcissistic, Mr. Midnight Poet!
Angel sighed, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stopped talking.

But why did the weather suddenly get hotter...

She looked up and found that the sunlight had become fierce at some point, and the clouds penetrated by the sunlight seemed to evaporate and disappear against the background of the blue sky.

"It's a nice day."

she admired.

Unfortunately, within a few minutes, the blazing sunshine was gradually obscured by the reappearance of white clouds, and regained its previous intensity.

Leonard seemed to still not give up, and looked at the black-painted Morse Town Church again.


When the one-hour shift was over, Angel opened the side door of the church and walked in. She could feel Leonard looking at her expectantly from behind.

I said without looking, but my face was full of curiosity...

She closed the door with her backhand and walked deeper.

The temperature inside the church was much higher than outside. Klein was leaning on the bench in the first row of the church, seeming to be concentrating with his eyes closed. When Angel came closer, he realized that the former had sweat drops on his face, his shirt was soaked, and even the ends of his black hair were They are all a bit dry and curly.

It was as if it had been exposed to the strange sunlight just now.

Angel frowned, stretched his right hand towards Klein's body, and used the "witch"'s frost ability to summon a large number of uncondensed ice crystals. This would not form a frost spear or similar objects, but it could quickly reduce the surrounding temperature.

In just a few seconds, the high temperature in the church was dissipated by the extraordinary ability, and it became gloomy and cold. In the position closest to Angel, there was even a mist that condensed after the humid air was cooled.


In his sleep, Klein felt the drastic change in temperature and sneezed.

It seems like I have a cold...

Guiltyly, Angel stopped the power of frost, let the surrounding chill slowly dissipate, and looked at Klein who slowly opened his eyes.

"Sorry, I was a little sleepy just now and took a rest. Is it already time?"

The first thing he did when he woke up was touch the pocket of his windbreaker, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said in a hoarse voice.

"It's already been one hour. I'll guard the sealed artifact next. You can rest outside, or ask the priest for a glass of water."

Pointing to the church door, Angel replied.

"thanks, I will."

Klein nodded, took off the Holy Emblem of the Sun from his chest, handed it to Angel, then stood up unsteadily, turned around and prepared to leave the church.

"By the way," he suddenly remembered something, turned around and walked back, "This is for you, thank you for helping me get rid of Leonard."

He took out a thin gold piece from the pocket of the windbreaker he was clutching just now, and handed it to Angel.

"It's called the 'Sun Flame Spell'. The opening spell is 'light' in the ancient Hermetic language. I haven't tried how powerful it is. Remember to throw it away."

This is a spell that has already been engraved, similar to the "slumber" and "requiem" spells of the Church of Evernight, but the base material is gold, and the pattern is much more complicated.

The moment she took the spell, Angel felt a warmth similar to the Holy Emblem of the Sun seeping out of the spell, penetrating her skin, and entering her body.

There is no doubt that Klein spent the hour alone just now to make this kind of talisman, and he should have used the power of the sealed object "Mutated Sun Holy Emblem".

By handing it over to me so directly, is it equivalent to actively admitting his behavior and bribing me?
Looking at Klein slowly leaving, Angel smiled slightly and stuffed the charm into his pocket.

 I haven’t saved my manuscript, I really haven’t saved my manuscript…

(End of this chapter)

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