Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 161 Celebration

Chapter 161 Celebration
After searching for a long time in the closet in the bedroom, Angel finally chose the knee-length dress that he bought but never wore.

Most of the clothes hanging in her wardrobe are shirts and trousers for daily wear. They are not only convenient for daily activities, but also try to be consistent with the attire of her Nighthawk teammates.

But in the middle of the night last night, Melissa Moretti secretly knocked on the door of her house, with a pleading expression on her face, suggesting that she "wear something different from usual."

After repeated questioning, Melissa told the truth.

It turned out that she had made a bet with her brother Klein that she would lose 50p if Angel wore the same clothes as usual for the ceremony.

Although he had some doubts about the authenticity of this bet, Angel still agreed to this small request because Melissa came to visit in the middle of the night.

Putting on a long skirt and a conservative top is the biggest compromise she is willing to make!

But as a Nighthawk and Extraordinary, there are some things that cannot be compromised for the safety of yourself and those around you.

She tied the "bloodthirsty" gun holster and dagger sheath to her left and right thighs with leg rings respectively. After putting down her skirt, she stood in front of the mirror and looked around. She found that they were not exposed under the cover of the loose long skirt, and they were not exposed. No weird bulges.The magic pocket watch originally wrapped around his left wrist could only be put into his jacket pocket.

This way, even if they are in danger, they will still be able to fight, and at least they can protect Melissa and Benson...

After tying up her long hair that hung behind her back, Angel walked out of the bedroom. The pocket watch and ammunition in her pocket collided with each other, making a discordant "squeak" sound. She sighed, then walked back to the bedroom and took out the items in her pocket. He took out most of the bullets and put them back in the bedside table drawer, leaving only the golden "shattering ray" and a few "storm gathering" bullets.

Is it time for me to buy a handbag?Just like Roxanne...

But I'm just attending a small celebration in the North District Park, and I don't need so many bullets. Besides, it's not far from the Nighthawks' station...

She thought to herself as she walked down the stairs to the living room on the first floor.

"Miss Angel, good morning."

Tromi was cleaning the coffee table in the living room. When he saw Angel coming downstairs, he said hello with a smile.

This female worker has just passed the probation of the Moretti family and has become their full-time maid. She is not only responsible for cleaning and washing clothes, but also responsible for breakfast and dinner every day. The kind-hearted Benson ordered her 6 sous Le's weekly salary also includes food and accommodation.

As far as Angel knew, this was already more than the average price of hiring the same maid in Tingen City. I'm afraid Benson meant to take care of her.

Coupled with the 2 sulers earned from cleaning and washing Granger's house every week, this poor girl who has just experienced the pain of losing her father should not need to worry about life.

After her job is fixed, she will have more energy to learn complex cooking knowledge and have the opportunity to become a female chef for a wealthy family in a few years and live a more decent life.

After having a simple breakfast, Angel left home and came to the noisy Daffodil Street. It was already 9 o'clock in the morning. The streets on Sunday were no longer as busy as before, and had a more lazy temperament.

Although Klein said that he changed shifts with Keenli, who was on rest today, and that he doesn't need to be on duty at the Chanis Gate, he still has some work to hand over to Leonard, and he rushed to the Blackthorn Security Company early in the morning. Angel and Meili After meeting Sha and Benson, they took a hired carriage to Red Moon Street in the North District.

In the carriage, Melissa looked at Angel with relief.

"Angel, I knew you wouldn't wear those unisex clothes today. Klein will definitely be surprised when he sees you."

Um?Didn't you come over in the middle of the night and tell me to dress like this?
Angel looked at Melissa confused.

The latter looked away guiltily, then looked back as if he remembered something, and said:

"Angel, I want to ask, um, I'm asking for Klein, what kind of person is he in your eyes?"

By the end of the sentence, she looked hopeful.

Seeing the girl's expression change and her eyes twinkling, Angel chuckled and replied:

"A nice guy?"


Melissa groaned suspiciously, and looked at Benson as if asking for help. "Cough," Benson coughed artificially, "Look, Red Moon Street is here."

Angel also moved his gaze to the car window, watching the buildings on the street gradually being replaced by rows of tree-lined trees.

Of course she could hear the meaning of Melissa's words, and knew what kind of answer she was expecting.

But, myself...

She lowered her head and her eyes became a little dim.


Inside the Blackthorn Security Company.

Klein was talking to Leonard, who had just returned to the company, and the latter found a letter left by the other party while searching Lanerwus' former hiding place.

"A bomb that gets stronger over time? How can there be such a thing?"

Klein asked curiously.

At this time, he had already hung up his windbreaker and top hat on the coat rack, leaving only his white shirt and brown vest, plus his meticulously styled black hair. As his sister Melissa said, he indeed looked younger.

Leonard looked like he had been running around all night, his black hair was messy, his windbreaker was unbuttoned as usual, and the hem of his shirt was casually hanging outside his belt.

"Not only that, it's also very powerful. Lanerwus said that if this bomb was not found, the entire city of Tingen would be in ruins."

He said sullenly, handing Klein the envelope without an address or recipient.

"If you look at this letter alone, it's more likely that it's a prank. After all, the other person is a swindler with a criminal record. He lies constantly and can even leave his fiancée who is pregnant with his child."

"This man is related to the 'Aurora Society', and the latter often creates various bloody sacrificial rituals. This reminds me of the 'Cursed Altar' we destroyed at the end of July, which was also a sacrificial altar. The curse that keeps getting stronger as the sacrifices increase..."

After listening to Leonard's analysis, Klein quickly read the letter and raised his head in shock and asked:

"You're saying that Lanervus has also prepared such an evil ritual, and as time goes by, it will eventually spread to the entire city of Tingen?"

"Look, there is this description in his letter," Leonard pointed to a passage in the letter, "...child laborers who continue to die young, workers who die early in harsh environments and overwork, and countless resentments shrouded in Factory...if these are the source of power for that 'bomb', it may be much more powerful than the previous 'cursed altar'."

"No matter what, we need to report it to the captain as soon as possible so that he can ask for help from the temple and find its location through the resentment collected by this increasingly powerful 'bomb'." Klein shook off the letter in his hand and looked at Deng Well the direction of the office.

"It was precisely because of this incident that I rushed back. Luo Yao went to the Tingen Police Headquarters. She was going to check the records of recent construction and renovation projects. She might be able to find clues about the 'bomb'. Such a bomb would affect the entire city. This thing will definitely make a lot of noise during the construction process."

Leonard replied.

He and Klein walked through the reception hall one behind the other, walked through the partition under Roxanne's puzzled gaze, and walked towards Dunn's office.

"By the way, you seem to have changed shifts with Ken Li today and are going to have a day off. Well, um, going on a date?"

Leonard, who was walking in front, suddenly slowed down, turned his head, and squeezed out a weird smile on his serious face.

"Where did you hear that? I was just visiting the newly built street park next door with my family..."

Klein subconsciously denied it, but a depressing thought still emerged in his heart:

My vacation might really be ruined...

He sighed and turned his gaze out of the window. The noise of the park not far away seemed to pass through the street and reach his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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