Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 162 Megose

Chapter 162 Megose
"I thought the newspapers were all lies, but I didn't expect that the new park is so beautiful and doesn't require a ticket?"

After getting off the carriage, Melissa's eyes immediately widened, she looked at the park in the middle of the street and admired.

It is no longer accurate to say that it is a "park in the middle of the street". The area of ​​the new park has been expanded by half, occupying the corner of the intersection of Red Moon Street and Zotland Street, and including a large area of ​​open space where houses have not yet been built. , coupled with expensive artificial landscaping, it has surpassed the park next to the Jinwutong District Municipal Square and has become the largest green area in Tingen City.

But even so, the entire park was already crowded with tourists who came to play. At a glance, there were at least several hundred people.

They strolled along the tree-lined avenues and played on the lawn with their children. More people gathered at the podium in the center of the park, which was already surrounded by colorful flags. Representative Maynard's speech would soon begin.

It is said that a lottery will be held after the speech, and there will be rewards for participating. Many idle tourists have gathered around. They may not be interested in the speech or election, but the lottery can really attract anyone's attention.

"It is said that the prizes in the raffle even include tickets for The Return of the Count, which will be screened in Tingen next Sunday. If we can get the tickets, Klein will definitely be very happy."

Melissa had done all her homework for this celebration and was holding Angel's hand, squeezing through the noisy crowd and walking towards the center of the park, followed by Benson with a doting smile on his face.

"The Return of the Count? What is that?"

Angel asked curiously.

"It was the most popular play in Backlund this year. Every venue was sold out. Various newspapers often published reviews about it. Klein has been looking forward to it for a long time."

Melissa introduced in a low voice, as if she was afraid that others would hear about the popularity of the play and compete with her for this opportunity.

Is it mentioned often in newspapers?Why haven't I seen it yet...

Angel blinked, feeling a little ashamed of his poor information channels.

The three of them walked through the tree-lined walkway and approached the podium. On the other side of the stone platform, the crowd was even more noisy, as if a big shot was coming to the scene.

Not long after, Councilor Maynard, who was dressed as if he was going to attend a royal ball, walked onto the podium. His short blond hair was meticulously styled and a perfect smile appeared on his face.

Under his condescending gaze, the noisy citizens around him gradually became quiet.

"Citizens of Tingen, good morning..."

Without wasting time, the congressman who aspired to be mayor began his speech. In this era without loudspeakers, he could make a loud voice that was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly when surrounded by hundreds of people. I have to say that Mei Nader's basic skills are very solid.

"It's just that the speech was too formal. I could even guess what he was going to say next, such as 'improve the level of public education and increase medical security'..."

Benson turned sideways and whispered to Angel.

"...improve the level of public education and increase medical security..."

His voice was small and easily drowned out by Maynard's speech on the stage.

"This makes me more confident about the public examinations held by the government next year."

Benson, who guessed the content of the speech, continued, with a smile on his face, but it instantly turned into a painfully twisted expression - his waist was poked hard by Melissa's finger.

"If you think it's just a formality, don't listen. Please help me see if Klein has arrived. He promised to come at 9:10, but it's almost [-] o'clock now."

After hearing his sister's order, Benson quickly straightened his back, stood on tiptoes, and looked across the crowd around him, looking for traces of Klein.

Angel on the side also looked around, but she was not looking for Klein, but subconsciously felt something was wrong. The crowd around her was getting bigger and bigger, and her emotions were aroused by the congressman who was speaking. If anything unexpected happened, it might happen. Leading to stampedes and even more serious problems.

She turned on her spiritual vision and scanned the surrounding crowd, but did not find anything unusual that was different from the surrounding environment.

She stretched out her hand and pressed her thigh under her skirt. The gun holster tied to her leg gave her a sense of security. Seeing that Melissa seemed to be leaving her and Benson and looking for Klein in the open space aside, Angel quickly gave her a hand. Hold the other party.

"Stay close to me and don't get separated..."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes became illusive, and a thick gray mist surged up, instantly surrounding her.


"An evil ritual that is absorbing the resentment in the entire city of Tingen. Is this the 'bomb' that Lanervus calls it?"

Dunn sat behind his desk, holding his temples with his hands, frowning, and asked Klein in front of him.

The captain's face looks much better than a few days ago. He should have gotten over Old Neil's out-of-control self-blame...

Klein looked at his captain and felt a little relieved, and then answered:
"Yes, this is the conclusion that Leonard and I came to together. I think we should send a telegram to the Holy Church for help and ask them to send an occult expert to assist us and find this 'bomb' as soon as possible."

"Didn't you try to confirm it with divination first? This is not like your usual style."

Dunn's calm tone was like thunder exploding in Klein's mind.

Yes, I am a fortune teller... I used to be. Why didn't I confirm it with fortune telling immediately when I encountered this kind of thing?

Klein was stunned for a moment, then felt that there was no further delay, so he sat down on the chair next to him, preparing to enter the dream world and divine the specific location of the "bomb".

Wait, we should use the pendulum method to at least confirm the safety of divination. The last time we looked directly at the "Eternal Blazing Sun" is a lesson... I am too impatient, is it because of fear of the unknown, or... Dunn curiously Looking at Klein who was sitting down and then standing up, he saw him rolling up the sleeve of his left wrist, untying his gold chain, and putting down the amethyst pendant, and asked abruptly:
"She gave this to you?"

"Huh?" Klein was stunned by the captain's question, "Yes...Captain, I'm going to start divination."

After signaling the other person to be quiet with his eyes, he silently recited the divination words and half-closed his eyes to meditate.

"Lanervus's bomb will be harmful to me."

He did not perform divination with the bomb as the target, such as "whether the bomb will explode." Instead, he used himself as the object of divination. This way, he obtained the most accurate results.

And if this "bomb" can cause harm to him at the Nighthawks station, then I'm afraid "it can destroy the city" is not an empty statement.

After reading it seven times, Klein opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Dunn's serious face and wide eyes. Then he lowered his head and looked at the pendant.

Amethyst was turning crazily clockwise at a speed that was almost difficult to see with the naked eye, and the gold chain even swayed slightly with his left hand.

"It's very harmful!"

Without Klein's explanation, Dunn already understood the results of the divination.

He directly opened the drawer, took out the telegraph book, and lifted the cover of the telegraph machine on the table.

"I will send a telegram to the Holy Church immediately and ask them to send experts." Dunn turned on the power of the telegraph machine with one hand and flipped through the telegram book with the other hand. "Ask Leonard to find Luo Yao and ask her by the way." If you find anything at the police station, you go to Angel and tell her that your vacation is cancelled."


Klein took a deep breath, nodded, turned around and walked out of the office.

Listening to the "tap-tap-tap" sound coming from behind, he walked slowly through the corridor, came to the partition of the reception hall, stood still, took out his pocket watch, opened the cover and took a look.

9:35, already past the agreed time...

Now Angel should be in the park with Melissa and Benson, so I had to go there myself and call her back.

Klein could imagine his sister's disappointed eyes after hearing the news.

Sighing secretly, he was about to pass through the partition and call Leonard to summon other teammates, when the latter's shocked voice came to his ears:
"Miss Megose?"

Megoose... Megoose!
Klein remembered this name. It was the pregnant fiancée who was abandoned by Lanerwus.

Why is it that just when we were about to investigate the "bomb" left by Lanrewus, his fiancée came to our door?
He felt something was wrong, so he walked out of the partition in three steps and saw the door being pushed open, and a blond lady in her early 20s was entering the reception hall.

"I happened to pass by here, and I remembered that the fortune teller who helped me when I was looking for Lanerwus last time was working here, so I wanted to come up and have a look."

Megoose replied with a smile. She was wearing a loose skirt, and her temperament was melancholy and calm. Even if Klein had Angel as a comparison, he felt that she was a rare beauty.

But the most eye-catching thing is her bulging belly. That is Lanerwus' child, which he left behind...

Left behind by Lanrevus?

As if a basin of ice water had been poured down from his head, Klein stirred, raised his teeth slightly, and was about to turn on his spiritual vision for observation.

But he couldn't close his loosened jaw. It was a strong warning from his own spirituality, forcing him to open his jaw and unable to grit his teeth to open his spiritual vision. It even made his whole body stiff and he didn't dare to move.

"You can't look at'll die if you see it!"

Strong thoughts seemed to be exploding in his ears. Klein, who stood like a sculpture, twisted his stiff neck and looked at Leonard in the reception hall. The other person was also looking over with a cold sweat on his face, his lips were pale and his eyes were full. fear.

The only person present who was unaware was Miss Roxanne. When she saw a pregnant woman arriving, she quickly walked out from behind the reception desk, helped Melgoose sit on the sofa, and handed her a glass of hot water.

"No, don't get close to her..."

Klein almost blurted out, but didn't dare to make any sound.

Yes, dare not.

He recalled the "bomb that keeps getting stronger" in Lanrevus' letter.

Recall the "hotbed of birth of evil gods" seen in Russell's diary.

Recalling that I tried to open my spiritual vision to observe this pregnant woman several times, but was blocked by the spiritual vision unconsciously.

“Don’t look directly at God”…

In Megoose's belly, the "bomb" left by Lanrevus...

It is the evil god who is about to be born.

 Choose between adding updates and not adding updates, choosing to increase the number of words
(End of this chapter)

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