Chapter 163
Quietly, Klein took two steps back, returned to the partition, and let Megoose out of his sight.

Immediately, he put his hand into his pocket and held the two "Yangyan Talisman" placed in the most convenient position. He felt the warmth emanating from the power of the eternal blazing sun, making his stiff body become soft and soft again. Follow your own lead.

Only then did Klein's mind start functioning again, thinking about the current situation he was facing.

It was definitely unmistakable. The child that Megaos was carrying was the "bomb" left behind by Lanrevus. As for whether it was the evil god itself trying to descend, or a "child" selected through some kind of ritual, he was not an expert in this field. , let alone confirm it through spiritual vision or divination.

But whether it is an evil god or a descendant is no longer important. The important question is, how long will it take for this "bomb" to explode?And why did Megaos come to the Blackthorn Security Company with the "bomb" in her arms?

At this moment, he recalled the various coincidences after time travel, and Mr. Azik’s instructions to him rang in his ears:

"The person behind the scenes who controlled the fate may have noticed my attention. I decided to leave Tingen and go to Backlund to find the lost memory. This would also allow him to relax his vigilance and continue to act."

So as soon as Mr. Azik left Tingen, he started to continue his actions and manipulated Megoose to come here like a "coincidence"?
After thinking through all this and confirming that Megoose's target was him, Klein no longer took any chances.

He returned to the reception hall and was about to speak when his vision went dark and he bumped into Leonard who was about to leave.


Leonard held his nose and Klein pressed his forehead. Both of them had expressions of pain on their faces, but they resisted and did not dare to make a sound.

It wasn't until they both left the reception hall and returned to the corridor behind the partition that Leonard wiped the cold sweat from his face, looked at the reception hall with lingering fear, and said:

"You feel it too, that lady, she..."

"That's right, the 'bomb' left by Lanervus is in her stomach. You must report it to the captain immediately and contact the temple..."

"It's too late!" Leonard lowered his voice and interrupted Klein. "It takes four hours for Backlund to come here by steam train, and the Holy Temple can't make it. Let him inform the Heart of Machinery and the Punisher, and we will also Be prepared to fight.”

Klein's eyes widened instantly, but he immediately reacted and nodded in response:
"Okay, you go and hold her steady for as long as possible. The captain and I will be ready."

After that, he turned around without waiting for Leonard's reaction. He didn't care whether the sound of his shoes on the floor would attract Megoose's attention. He quickly came to the door of the captain's room, opened the door and left. Go in.

Dunn had just finished sending the telegram and had not even had time to put away the code book. When he saw Klein rushing into the room, he raised his eyebrows and was about to ask questions.

"Captain, we found the 'bomb' that Lanervus mentioned."


Standing up suddenly, Dunn stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the reception hall.

Leonard's shocked shout just now must have reached his ears.

"Yes," Klein quickly told the captain his thoughts, and then added, "Leonard was chatting with her, trying to delay, but we don't know what kind of ritual he used, and how this evil god would use it. How and when it will come.”

After listening, Dunn's expression was solemn, his eyes looked at the table, he thought for more than ten seconds, and then nodded.

"I understand. I will immediately ask for help from the Holy Church, and then contact the Punisher and Mechanical Heart in Tingen City and ask them to rush to support."

He paused for a moment, clenched his fists with both hands on the table, and continued:

"We must also be prepared for the worst. You go notify the non-combatants to evacuate. After I send the telegram, I will go to Chanis Gate to make preparations. If the evil god is about to come, introduce it into the basement, introduce it into Chanis Gate, and use the holy objects Fight it.”

Klein also feels that this is the only feasible method. There are several powerful sealed objects inside the Chanis Gate, and the ashes of Saint Selina are also behind the door. They are the ashes of high-sequence powerhouses and are the seals of the Chanis Gate. core.

"Okay, captain, I'll go and notify Luo Shan and the others."

he replied, watching as Dunn sat down again, opened the code book, and began to send the telegram.

"By the way, captain, we also need to notify the police department and ask them to evacuate nearby people. You can find any excuse, such as a gas leak..."

"Don't worry, my memory has gotten much better recently."

Dunn did not raise his head, tapping the phone regularly with one hand to send the telegram, and responded with a smile on his lips.

My memory is much better...

Klein didn't know whether to be happy or worried for a moment. He glanced at the busy captain, turned around and left the office.

After informing Mrs. Oriana in the opposite room about the emergency evacuation and asking her to notify other clerical staff, Klein returned to the reception hall again and watched Leonard and Megoose sitting on a sofa respectively. The reporter's expression was sometimes excited, sometimes in a trance, and he told the story of Lanerwuss's interaction with her.

Roxanne was behind the reception desk, holding a cup of coffee and listening carefully. When she saw Klein walking into the hall, she was startled by Klein's pale and serious face as soon as she cast a questioning look.

"Roxanne, it's very dangerous here. Leave immediately and come back tomorrow."

Klein came to the stage, lifted the hot water bottle, and whispered to her.

The girl, who had not yet figured out the situation, opened her mouth in astonishment, her eyes lingered on her two teammates and the somewhat restless visitor for a moment, and she nodded solemnly.

She put down her coffee, packed up for a moment, picked up her handbag, and walked out from behind the reception desk.

"May the goddess protect you."

She quickly drew a crimson moon on her chest, then passed by Klein, bypassed the sofa in the center of the reception hall, and left the company.

I also hope she can protect us...

With this thought flashing through his mind, Klein took the hot water bottle and walked lightly to Leonard and Megoose, filling their glasses with water. "Thank you, Mr. Soothsayer, what is your name?"

Megoos smiled calmly and took the water glass. Regardless of the temperature of the water, it was still not suitable for drinking. She drank the entire cup of boiling water in one go and licked her red lips.

Fuck, I feel like she's about to lose control...

With his heart pounding, Klein forced a smile and replied:
"My name is Klein, beautiful lady."

He turned to look at the pale Leonard and moved his lips silently:

"Continue to hold on!"

Leonard pursed his lips and followed Klein with his eyes. He didn't look at Megoose again until his figure disappeared through the partition. The latter caressed the bulging belly under her skirt. The expression on her face was unclear whether she was crying or laughing. .

Taking a deep breath, the "Midnight Poet" racked his brains and thought of another topic:
"Miss Megaos, can you tell me how you got engaged to Lanreus?"


Passing through the partition, Klein watched several civilian staff approach one by one from the other end of the corridor, passing by him one by one. There were Mrs. Brett and Oriana whom he was already familiar with, and there were also people he had just met who were transferred from the police station. New guy coming.

They already knew the seriousness of the matter from Mrs. Oriana. With serious expressions on their faces, they quietly walked around the partition and left the Blackthorn Security Company from the edge of Melgoose's sight.

After watching the last non-combatant evacuate, Klein breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at Leonard, who was still looking for a topic, and then looked at the door leading to the basement.

Great, no one is paying attention here now…

There was a flash of struggle in his heart, but he quickly made a decision.

"You are a fool who does not belong to this era. You are the mysterious master above the gray mist..."

He leaned his back against the wall, clasped his hands in a praying posture, pressed them against his lowered forehead, and chanted in a low voice in Hermetic.

"... Lanerwus of the Aurora Society performed a ritual to summon the evil god. The evil god's descendants are about to come to Tingen City, and the center point is the Black Thorn Security Company on Zotland Street..."

Switching to Runeese, he summarized the current situation at a very fast speed. Klein pushed his back, left the wall, walked four steps counterclockwise in the corridor, and recited the incantation he had already memorized.

Amidst the roars and whispers in his ears, he appeared in the gray mist-shrouded palace and sat on a high-backed chair beside the long bronze table.

There are four crimson stars floating on the endless gray fog. They are the four members of the Tarot Club. But in addition, an originally dim star in the corner is shrinking and expanding at this time, emitting different sounds. than the brilliance of other stars.

Stretching out his right hand and pointing at the twinkling star, Klein successfully saw the "praying" scene he had just seen before his eyes, as well as the low voice of prayer.

Not caring about adding a "mosaic" to this picture, he pointed his finger and put the fragments of the picture into the most familiar star.

This was a method that Miss Justice had already tried when she reported the movements of "Hurricane Lieutenant General" Qilingos. Now that she was using it again, Klein was already familiar with it.

After doing all this, he calmed down, left the gray fog, and returned to the Blackthorn Security Company in reality.

"...Miss Megoose, please calm down. Lanervus must still love you, he just..."

Leonard's words of trying to stay calm were heard in his ears. At the corner of his vision, Dunn Smith just opened the door and returned to the second floor from the basement.

Fortunately, there is just enough time...

Klein pursed his lips and nodded to the approaching captain.

He didn't know why he risked exposing his identity to warn Angel. Did he want her to come for support, or did he want her to take her family away from here immediately, away from the center of the evil god's coming?

Or do you just leave the choice to the other party?
His mind was in chaos. He looked at Dunn who was approaching and asked subconsciously:

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Dunn's gray eyes looked at Klein quietly, and his expression of having everything under control successfully infected the latter and made him regain his composure.

"Don't worry, we are here waiting for support. Don't over-stimulate Megoose. If the worst happens, run underground immediately and enter Chanis Gate directly. I will bring her in."

Okay, this is the safest way, it will just hurt Leonard...

Klein's breathing gradually slowed down, and his hanging heart returned to his chest.

Maybe when the support from other teams arrives and the experts from the temple arrive, this incident can be resolved without sacrificing anyone...

"Klein, we're in big trouble..." A low-pitched but extremely panicked voice came from behind him. He turned around and saw Leonard leaning half of his body out from behind the partition with a look of astonishment on his face, "Megaos When she left, she said that the baby in her belly was clamoring to go to the park in the middle of the street. I was afraid of irritating her, so I didn’t dare to stop her..."

Street Park?

Klein suddenly looked at Dunn, their eyes met, and then they both looked in the direction where Megoose left.

A celebration was being held there, with at least several hundred citizens present.

Melissa, Benson…

Angel is there too!
(End of this chapter)

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