Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 209 The Secret Observer

Chapter 209 The Secret Observer

The literary salon that made Angel feel extremely embarrassed finally ended with the reluctance of all the guests. As the nobles left, Angel also followed Servilia out of this luxurious villa and returned to the carriage that was parked outside. superior.

"After a busy afternoon, how are your 'social results'?"

Servilia withdrew her eyes from the darkening sky outside the window, then closed the curtains and looked at Angel.

The latter glanced at the maid in the carriage and found that neither the master nor the servant had any intention of avoiding the topic. Considering that Servilia's question probably did not involve the "Witch Cult", he answered thoughtfully:
"Unfortunately, Miss Audrey Hall did not attend the salon, so I did not have the opportunity to meet her."

"Of course I know this, but you have been chatting with that dwarf for so long, haven't you gained anything?"


Angel thought about Hugh Dilcha's height. After comparing it with her own, she guessed that the other person was probably only 1 meters tall. Even among adult women, he was relatively short. But was it right to directly call him "dwarf" like this? A little too rude?

She looked at the maid sitting next to her and found that the latter had moved her eyes to the window, pretending not to hear her master's words, but the curtains were still closed...

"Miss Xio should be familiar with Miss Audrey and even know her whereabouts, so I tried to get close to her first." After thinking for a moment, Angel decided to answer truthfully, "Do you have any impression of this person? I met her His clothes are very unsociable."

Servilia frowned and thought, but quickly gave up, shook her head and said:
"I only saw her once in the salon last month and had no contact with her. And she never participated in everyone's conversations and just drank fruit wine silently. She was also wearing clothes and trousers before, not a skirt. Compared with the guests, she was more Like the guard of a certain noble."

If they were guards, they wouldn't even be able to enter the hall, and even the personal servants of the nobles would have to stay outside the door...

"Audrey and Viscount Gray Lint both know her. I chatted with her for a while and we became friends. Maybe I can get to know Miss Audrey through this in the future."

"That's best, but I see how she looks at you with a bit of hatred. Are you sure you've become friends with her?"

Servilia nodded at first, and then asked doubtfully.


After getting the latest news, Xiu, who was about to leave the Viscount's mansion, stayed at the Viscount's house and continued to wait in the corner until nightfall, when Forsi and Audrey returned here together.

"Hugh? I thought you had gone back a long time ago, why are you still waiting here?"

Forse Wall, her best friend asked curiously. Miss Audrey behind her seemed to realize that she had something to say, so she dismissed the maid and led the two of them to a study room, where they A room where occult exchanges are frequent.

"Graylint still has to send those writers away, so he can't come over for the time being. Do you have anything important to do while you are waiting for me here?"

After locking the door, Audrey sat at the desk and looked at Xio who was about to speak but hesitated.

Taking a deep breath, Xio told Audrey the new information he got in the afternoon.

"East Balam Shipyard?" Audrey asked in surprise, "It's full of workers and traders. How did he hide under the eyes of so many people?"

"Miss Irene said that Lanerwus had changed his appearance and was completely different from the one on the wanted poster," Xio added new information, "and his location is consistent with the location that I... my friends detected. Their behavior of killing people and silencing them also shows that the search direction is correct."

She had already informed Audrey at noon about the deaths of Williams and another informant who was snooping for information at the East Balam dockyard.

"If it is confirmed by two pieces of intelligence from different sources, then this information should be credible." Audrey nodded, her blond hair shaking, "Who is Miss Irene you are talking about, your other informant? ?"

"No, she was a guest at Viscount Graylint's salon, but she quickly contacted me through the Viscount, pointed out my status as a Beyonder, and informed me of this information."

"How did she recognize you?" Forsi interjected and asked.

"At Mr. A's rally, I was standing with you, and you must have been discovered by her... I told you to wear a hood, preferably with a mask, and you laughed at other people's masks."

He looked at his friend angrily.

"Did Ms. Eileen say what she wanted? Does she need money or future cooperation?" Audrey brought the topic back on track in time.

"She only said it was a meeting gift and didn't ask for anything else." Xio repeated the other person's words, confusion written on his face.

meet and greet?
Audrey Hall was full of questions, but the most important thing at the moment was to confirm the whereabouts of Lanerwus and complete the task assigned by Mr. Fool. She looked at Xio, who looked doubtful, and Buddha, who looked at the latter worriedly. Ersi.

"Please describe Miss Irene's appearance in detail. Maybe I have seen her somewhere."

Audrey actually suspected that the other party was here for her. Although the matter of becoming an Extraordinary was not made public, as the daughter of Earl Hall, she still knew the weight of her identity.

"She has long black hair, brown eyes, a round face, and no distinctive facial features... Well, she is very tall, at least 1 meters, and she is close to 75 meters in high-heeled dance shoes." Xio's eyes A trace of envy appeared, "The Viscount said that she is Lady Servilia's niece, but she doesn't seem to be familiar with the etiquette of the nobility... By the way, she claimed that she just came here from Tingen not long ago, and she is not familiar with Backlund..."

Over 1 meters tall, Tingen came to Backlund... Isn't this a characteristic of Miss "Queen"?
Trying her best to suppress the change in her expression with her "audience" instinct, Audrey asked in confirmation: "Are you sure her eyes are brown and not something else, um, like purple?"

"I'm sure." Xio nodded affirmatively.

That's not right... Among the characteristics provided by Mr. World, purple eyes are very important information... Audrey sighed with regret.

But maybe Miss "Queen" has some means of changing eye color. For example, I heard that some nobles in Intis, in pursuit of fashion, put thinly ground tinted glass lenses into their eyes to change the color of their eyes...

She decided to find an opportunity to confirm this later.

Audrey took out an envelope from her bag, handed it to Xio, and said softly:

"Thank you very much for your information. I also know that a friend of yours died during this commission. This is my gratitude to you and compensation for him."

Xio took the envelope in a daze, and subconsciously pinched it with his fingers to check the thickness. His mouth moved, as if he wanted to refuse, but in the end he couldn't say it.

"As long as this information is useful, I just hope that Lanerwus can be punished as he deserves."

"Yes, he will."

Audrey could see Xio's frustration and regret about his lack of strength, and offered words of comfort.

"But I don't know Mr. Fool's real purpose of looking for Lanerwus. It may be contrary to Xio's request... Alas, Audrey, you are becoming more and more hypocritical. You can tell lies without even blushing. Almost like those politicians.”

Audrey reviewed her behavior in her mind.

After Xio and Forsi left, Audrey was also going to call her personal maid and leave the residence of Viscount Gray Lint. When she got home, she would pray to Mr. Fool to tell him the latest information.


After following a few people into the study, Susie, the golden retriever dog who had been lying next to her unnoticed, suddenly began to speak human language and spoke a substandard Loen language.

Its owner, Audrey, was not surprised. She first locked the study door again, and then looked at her pet dog.

"Susie, what's the matter?"

Susie nodded, raised her front legs, and changed from lying down to squatting. She looked serious like a well-behaved child.

"Your friend, that Miss Hugh, she didn't tell you the truth."

The dog tilted his head, seemingly confused.

"The young lady who communicated with her in the afternoon, her height should be correct. Well, she is a head taller than Miss Xio, but she does not have black hair..."

"Her hair is light blonde, lighter than yours, and her eyes are purple."

(End of this chapter)

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