Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 210 Detective Audrey

Chapter 210 Detective Audrey
"Purple eyes!"

In this way, they all match up. She is over 1 meters tall, has purple eyes, is from Tingen, and recently arrived in Backlund. She also participated in Mr. A's rally. The possibility of being an extraordinary person is very high.

This Miss Irene is most likely the "Queen" of the Tarot Club!
Ignoring the sound of maid Anne's footsteps approaching the study, Audrey squatted in front of Susie and asked in a low voice:

"Can you confirm? You said Miss Eileen has black hair and brown eyes, but you saw purple eyes?"

Susie nodded seriously. It also heard the approaching footsteps, so it didn't utter any more words.

Did Xio really lie?

But why is this necessary?The entire salon could see her talking to Miss Irene, I could confirm the authenticity by asking a random guest, and I had been promoted to "Mind Reader," so I could tell she wasn't hiding anything.

Suppose the two of them... No, neither one of them lied, and what they saw was the real situation...

Audrey felt that the current situation was a bit complicated and quite brain-burning, but this made her even more excited, as if she had become Ms. Sissi in "Stormhouse" and a detective who was solving the case.

This excitement made her immediately think of a way to verify it.

Pushing open the door and avoiding the startled Anne, Audrey found Viscount Gray Lint in the hall who had just seen off several literary figures.

"Graylint, is there a young lady named Irene coming to your salon today?"

The Viscount looked a little confused. When he saw Audrey coming forward in an angry manner, he thought there was some important topic, but he didn't expect that he was just asking about such a trivial matter.

"Yes, she was brought to the salon by Lady Servilia. She is that lady's niece."

Servilia... Servilia Langdon?
Audrey found information about the Baroness from her memory. She had met her several times in the Viscount's salon and at private gatherings of other nobles. She was a beauty who could attract everyone's attention. Among these nobles in Queens, There were many affairs in private chatter, but no one could confirm it.

"Do you still remember Miss Irene's appearance? Hair color, eye color?"

Remembering her purpose, she pushed the Baroness out of her mind and asked quickly.

"Well, I'm not too impressed," the Viscount recalled with a frown, somewhat like Quinn's expression when he recalled Irene's appearance just now, "The face is rounder, the hair is black, and the eyes, I don't remember the eyes."

"Okay, thank you, Gray Lint."

Audrey bid farewell to the confused Viscount, returned to the study, and squatted in front of Susie again.

"Susie, you should still remember what Miss Irene looks like, right? Can you draw her?"

In the eyes of Hugh and Grayling, Irene both had black hair, but Susie only saw her with light blond hair and purple eyes...

This shows that Irene has some way of changing her image in the eyes of others. Perhaps it is her extraordinary ability or a magical item. This ability can even make people who have seen her unable to remember her specific appearance, like The two of them had a difficult memory just now...

And this effect does not work on Susie, or in other words, on non-human targets!
As long as it depicts Miss Irene's true appearance, I can easily find this mysterious Queen Miss!

Audrey, you are such a genius!

She clenched her fists excitedly and looked at Susie expectantly again. The latter tilted her head and looked over with an innocent face.

"Audrey," regardless of the fact that the maid was right outside the door, the big golden retriever vibrated the air around him and made a somewhat confused sound, "you have forgotten that I am just a dog."

Looking at Susie's front paws scratching on the carpet, Detective Audrey fell silent.


It was already late at night when Angel returned to Red Rose Street. Today was a rare sunny day, but Backlund was still covered in thick fog at night. The moonlight scattered in the fog, turning half of the sky into a weird red.After taking off the frenzy ring, Angel first changed out of the expensive dress, took a cold shower, and then came to the basement.

Although cold water is not good for her current body, it can at least calm her down... Spending too much time with the "Happy Witch" and the negative effects of the ring have caused her to have some symptoms in addition to her normal physiological needs. Strange reaction, fortunately Servilia did not let her stay in the villa in the West End for a long time...

And during those few days every month, Angel also discovered the trouble with this female body. In Cole's memory, Mrs. Sharon did not seem to have experienced such a period. Could it be that she was promoted to the "Pleasure Witch"? "Will there be some physical changes after that?"
Holding back her discomfort, she made several "Sleeping Charms" in the basement, stuffed the "Gathering Storm" she had made before but not yet sold into the speed loader for spare use, and checked the dagger, revolver, stand-in wand and magic mirror. , after everything was in order, he returned from the basement to the first floor.

This will be her biggest support in the next battle.

Before going to Servilia's house today, Angel had already reported Lanerwus to the police in the North District, and even directly mentioned the "True Creator" in the letter. According to the efficiency of the Backlund police, they should report it tomorrow, too. This report letter will be forwarded to the nearest official Beyonder organization on Sunday, and reports in the North District will be handled by the Nighthawks.

As it involves the "True Creator" and the fugitive wanted criminal Langerwuss who caused the Tingen massacre, she believes that the Nighthawks will respond seriously and deal with the matter as quickly as possible, most likely starting the operation on Sunday night.

And Lanerwus, who had somehow obtained the true divinity of the Creator, was not something Angel could deal with on his own. He could only rely on official extraordinary people and the powerful Nighthawks to deal with him and solve the main culprit of the tragedy in Tingen City. .

"If I had Sequence 5, or at least Sequence 6..."

She stood in the living room without turning on the lights and looked to the southwest, where was the East Balam Dockyard in the dock area. The tall clock tower was vaguely visible in the thick fog.

Angel doesn't think that she can kill a Rose Bishop and also deal with Lanerwus, who possesses the evil god's divinity. She uses the magic mirror to divine the former without any hindrance, but once the divination touches the latter, she will be instantly affected by the breath of the true creator. Fight back.

This essentially illustrates the strength gap between the two. If Bishop Rose is used as a general Sequence 6 comparison, Lanerwus, who possesses the divinity of the "True Creator", is likely to be compared with Mei, who is pregnant with the offspring of the evil god. Gao Oosi is similar, almost possessing the strength of Sequence 4.

Angel, who has fought with Megoos, knows that "divineness" will be the biggest difference between mid-sequence and high-sequence. The latter relies on divinity and can hurt mid-sequence extraordinary people, the heirs in her womb, with just words. Even crying alone caused a "happy witch" to lose control on the spot.

If there were no saint relics that also originated from high-sequence powerhouses, I am afraid that another group of Nighthawks would not be able to do anything to Megoose.

But even so, she was not ready to wait for the "good news" from the Nighthawks.

Maybe they can easily solve this problem after being fully prepared, but they may also fail, or even fall short in the end, like the battle in Tingen City, by a mastermind hidden behind the scenes.

"I am the last insurance. If the Nighthawks deal with Lanerwus, I will see him off from a distance. If he escapes by chance..."

Angel held the silver chain in his hand tightly.

"It's up to me to deliver the final blow."


Backlund North District, in a room under St. Samuel's Church.

This is the headquarters of the "Nighthawks" in Backlund. Unlike other second-tier cities, it is set directly under St. Samuel's Church. The person who takes turns guarding Chanis Gate and the station is not one or two Nighthawks, but A whole team.

Five or six night watchers were sitting or lying down, playing a game of fighting evil, looking through old newspapers that had not been updated for who knows how many days, or writing and drawing with pens and paper.


A wooden door was pushed open violently, and a nighthawk wearing a black windbreaker walked in holding several document bags. His eyes quickly glanced at several of his colleagues, and finally locked on a nighthawk holding a newspaper. On the body.

"Captain, telegram from Silveras Field," he handed over the document bag. The latter took it and did not open it to check, but continued to listen to the report. "The police station in the North District received a report letter. It was said that Lanerwus was hiding near the East Balam Dockyard in the dock area.”

 Would you believe me if I said that I posted a few minutes late because I wanted to pretend that I didn’t save the manuscript and was rushing it?

(End of this chapter)

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