Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 299 The biggest deal in the Tarot Club?

Chapter 299 The biggest deal in the Tarot Club?

"That person just now was your usual source of information? I feel like he's not even an adult."

After entering the alley, Angel asked Sherman curiously.

"It's true that they are not adults. There are many half-grown children like this in the East District. They are nimble and observant, and they are not easy to attract attention. The most important thing is that their prices are much lower than those of gangsters or specialized bounty hunters."

Sherman whispered, glancing to both sides from time to time, observing the people walking outside the alley.

Seeing Sherman's rapid growth and transformation, from a submissive victim to a qualified assassin, Angel nodded with satisfaction, took out the last bottle of communication potion and handed it to him, quickly explaining how to use it.

"... If you have any emergency in the future, use this to contact me. Use it sparingly. It's very expensive."

She had already explained the preciousness of her blood twice today. At this time, her mouth was dry and she didn't want to repeat it again, so she summed it up with "very expensive". After hearing this, Sherman carefully put the glass bottle away and continued to report. Today’s harvest.

"I have collected clues about Barron. Unfortunately, it is more troublesome than not being able to find any clues. There are too many clues. There are at least three people named Barron who match your description. Their appearance cannot be compared based on oral description. I am going to give it. Zhou went to 'visit' one by one, maybe there was the real one in the middle."

"Be careful. If you encounter the real Barron, don't alert him and report to me directly."

Angel feels more and more like Servilia who sits at home and gives orders every day. The only difference may be that he is poorer and cannot afford expensive pastries.

Cursing his superiors, Angel followed Sherman back to his house and watched him turn the gas lamp on the wall. There was a clicking sound, but the heartwarming light did not appear.

"...It seems that the payment is in arrears."

Sherman smiled awkwardly, walked to the door, put two coins into the gas meter, turned on the gas lamp again with the sound of gears turning, and successfully lit it this time.

"Have you started looking for the first assassination target?" In order to ease the poor and embarrassing atmosphere, Angel found a topic, "My only request is not to point the dagger I gave you at innocent people. There are no other restrictions. Anyone who has done something to you, bullied your friends, or is notorious in the neighborhood is fine."

After returning home, the assassin returned to his obedient demeanor. He shrank up hesitantly after hearing this, and answered after a moment:

"We've found him. He's a guy who often catches kids nearby to get information for him, but never pays him. He even robs them of the little money they earn... Well, when I do it, do I need to tell you in advance? ?”

"Just choose your own target. I won't help or monitor you. But you must be careful not to offend other Beyonders. Although Sequence 9 of the 'Assassin' pathway belongs to the combat sequence, they are not the strongest group. , many Sequence 9s also have good combat capabilities, such as warriors, criminals, and arbiters."

Angel gave examples of several potion sequences that also had excellent melee capabilities, and introduced their extraordinary abilities for Sherman to identify and avoid direct conflicts.

But when she talked about the "arbiter" who could make people nearby obey involuntarily, she noticed some changes in the other person's expression.

"Do you know the Beyonders of the 'Arbiter' path?"

"Yes, yes, I have a friend, a bounty hunter who has helped me many times. She is very powerful. She can punch anyone with one punch and can shock the entire audience with just one sentence... I learned about magic potions and extraordinary power. It was only later that I realized that it was the Extraordinary One."

There was a hint of longing in Sherman's eyes. It seemed that he originally thought that extraordinary people should be like that. No wonder he was a little uncomfortable with the "assassin's" behavior.

"You can also try to be like her, punishing evil and promoting good, 'everyone can be dealt with with a single blow.'" Angel guided the newcomer with a smile, "But remember, no matter whether the target is an ordinary person or a villain, , you are the ones who bring disaster to them."

Disaster, this is the unavoidable theme of the "Assassin" or "Witch" path.

When Angel thought of this, he also realized something.


On Monday afternoon, Angel attended the regularly held Tarot session as scheduled.

A crimson light flashed in front of her, and she appeared in the towering palace that she was already very familiar with. On her left was Miss Justice who was greeting everyone politely. On her right was Miss Justice sitting at the head of the long table, hidden in the gray mist. Figure, Mr. Fool.

Miss Magician presented her first diary of Emperor Russell since joining the Tarot Club. After the Fool's reading time, everyone began to communicate freely.

"Miss Queen, I have contacted the craftsman. He has just completed a nearly perfect magical item and rested long enough. He is willing to take this order."

The Hanged Man spoke in a calm tone.

"The only question is, which extraordinary property do you want to use as raw material?"

Angel had already made up his mind. When he heard the Hanged Man's question, he answered without hesitation:

"The extraordinary properties of 'Shepherd'."

Ms. D knows how powerful she is.The "Creeping Hunger" that "Hurricane Lieutenant General" Chilingos became famous for is also a magical item made with the "Shepherd" characteristic. Its ability to herd the Extraordinary people makes the wind-blessed ones who are only Sequence 6 Qilingos has become almost feared, one of the strongest Beyonders below demigods.

These two are living advertisements for "Shepherd", even though they are both dead now.Moreover, the extraordinary characteristics of "Faceless Man" and "Dawn Knight" have been initially combined with external objects to form items that can be used directly. Although the former should be able to be made into some magical item that can change the appearance, the latter can even The craftsman's skillful hands became powerful weapons, but they were not what she urgently needed right now.

Even if I really need it, I can just put the "faceless man" on my face...

So she repeated again: "Just choose 'Shepherd'."

"No problem, the craftsman will charge a production fee of 5 pounds for the Sequence 1700 'Shepherd'."

Angel frowned when he heard that this was not a "round number". Before he could speak, the Hanged Man added:
"Five hundred pounds of it belongs to me."

His words were frank, as if he was talking about what he had for breakfast today, which made Angel feel relieved.

This is the information fee, or introduction fee, that he deserves.

Extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 6 can be sold for more than 3000 pounds at extraordinary gatherings, and a few rare ones may even reach 4000 pounds. Doubling the price of the "shepherd" characteristics of Sequence 5 is not a problem, plus the production cost, the total price of the entire transaction Reaching 9000 pounds, the Hanged Man's request for a reward of 500 pounds was not too high.

"No problem, the price is very reasonable." Although he said this, Angel still felt a throbbing pain in his chest, which was the heartache of money leaving him. "I think this should be the largest transaction in the Tarot Club. ?”

There was an awkward silence at the long table.

"Ahem, actually, during the time you were on leave, Miss Justice accepted the commission from a certain favored person of Mr. Fool and bought the head of an ambassador from Backlund for 1 pounds, using the 'Hurricane' Part of the bounty of Lieutenant-General 'Zillinges, he is worth £3."

The Hanged Man said with a rare smile in his tone.

3 million pounds?

The total number of magical items and extraordinary properties in my body should be sold for less than 3 pounds...

Angel's little joy of coming out on top was instantly shattered like soap bubbles under the scorching sun.

"Then, Mr. Hanged Man, I will give you the extraordinary characteristics through sacrifice after the Tarot Club is over."

She quickly changed the topic to ease the awkward atmosphere here.

"There are also production fees. You can pay my part after you get the magical items, but not those belonging to the craftsmen."

The Hanged Man added.

The production cost belonging to the craftsman is 1200 pounds, but Angel now only has less than 700 pounds in cash, which even includes the 600 pounds he got from selling the "sheriff" trait to the magician a few days ago.

She suddenly felt dizzy.

She originally thought that this was a transaction where the money was paid and the goods were delivered, but she was stumped by the 1200 pounds in cash proposed by the Hanged Man.

"Miss Queen, I can already repay part of the debt I owed you last time. I will pay for the production costs this time."

As if feeling her embarrassment, Miss Justice beside her said softly.

The Hanged Man immediately turned his gaze to Justice, and then nodded: "Okay, you can just make sacrifices to Mr. Fool later."

"Thank you, Miss Justice." Although Justice meant "pay back the debt," she still expressed her heartfelt thanks because it solved Angel's urgent need. "And Mr. Hanged Man, thank you for contacting the craftsman for me. "

After reaching the deal, several people began to share their experiences of the week. "The World", who had not spoken for a long time, looked around, and then said in a low and hoarse voice:

"Backlund has not been at peace recently. Someone is looking for cases involving the 'Tarot Cards' and the organization that uses them as code names. This organization believes in the 'Fool'."

Everyone sat upright, even Miss Magician, who seemed to be deserting. They looked at Mr. Fool at the top of the long table, and when they saw that he had no reaction, they quickly looked away.

"There are also people in the royal family who are paying attention to this matter. Although they have not used official power, they have mobilized many private detectives and bounty hunters. As far as I know, the scope may not be limited to Backlund."

Miss Justice also added.

"Also, there is the 'Aurora Society'. They offer high rewards to find people who believe in the 'Fool'."

This hesitant voice came from the "Magician".

As one of the members who reported to Mr. Fool, Angel was mentally prepared to discuss this matter at the Tarot meeting. However, he did not expect that after several people supplemented and compared it, he discovered that most of Backlund, and even the surrounding cities, were In search of The Fool and the Tarot Society.

They are famous!
(End of this chapter)

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