Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 300 "No need to care"

Chapter 300 "No need to care"

"This spying comes from the 'Fallen Creator'. You don't need to pay attention to it, but don't reveal the secrets here."

Mr. Fool, who was shrouded in gray mist at the top of the long table, knocked on the table and said in a deep voice.

This statement made everyone in the Tarot Society feel at ease: Mr. Fool already knew that the snoop was the "True Creator" and didn't take it to heart at all.

"Same as the response when I reported that the Witch Sect was tracking down the Tarot Society..."

Angel thought secretly and glanced at the other members. The Hanged Man was thoughtful and Taiyang was a little confused. Justice and Magician beside him should have reported the relevant information in advance, so they didn't show too much surprise. As for Mr. World …

She looked at the end of the long table. The man wearing a hooded robe and his face covered in gray mist was as usual. He didn't make any movements, making it impossible to guess his psychology.

"Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Fool," Miss Justice was still the first to speak. She looked around and waited until everyone's eyes were focused before continuing, "But we still have to keep a low profile, especially in Backlund, where there are many secret sects. , the Aurora Society is also very powerful."

"I'm still at sea, so there's no need to worry about the Aurora Society coming to my door. But you'd better have less contact with them in Backlund. Ha, I remember I mentioned this a long time ago."

The Hanged Man chuckled and responded, looking from Angel, through Justice, to the Magician.

Obviously he thinks that these people are all in Backlund and should be careful.

"I think the one we need to worry about the most is Mr. Sun. One of his elders is a believer in the 'True Creator.'" The World said in a hoarse voice, looking at the Sun next to the Hanged Man. "Before you attend the Tarot meeting today, , have you made appropriate cover-ups?"

The tall Mr. Sun straightened his back and replied:
"Yes, I will fall asleep alone and enter here in my sleep. Now I have developed the habit of resting at irregular intervals so that when Mr. Fool informs me, I can attend the party without making people suspicious."

"Very good, you learn quickly."

The Hanged Man, who had repeatedly taught him to use crooked ways to evade scrutiny, said happily.

After agreeing to keep a low profile at least until the end of the year, everyone turned to the next topic. Miss "Magician" shared her experience of meeting a member of the Abraham family and asked everyone if they knew the history of this family.

Mr. Hanged Man, who gained 500 pounds from the transaction with Angel, was in good spirits and shared his historical knowledge for free, telling the story of the rise and fall of this ancient family that originated in the Fourth Age.

Angel had already known these contents from the internal information of the Church of the Night and the notes of the descendants of Abraham, but Miss Magician still listened with interest, which made her somewhat suspicious that the other party was also a newcomer to the occult.


After the crimson light flashed, Angel returned to her study. She quickly went to the basement, took out the "Shepherd" extraordinary characteristic that belonged to Ms. D and revealed a glimmer of light in the darkness, and dedicated it to her through a sacrificial ceremony. Mr. Fool.

After a while, as the gray mist surged, an additional scene appeared in her mind.

Mr. Hanged Man, who was wearing a hood but still had a lock of dark blue hair sticking out of the brim of his hat, responded: Thank you, Mr. Fool, I have received both the production cost and the extraordinary characteristics.Please tell Miss Queen that if nothing else happens, I will be able to give her the magical items through sacrifice before the next Tarot meeting. I hope she can make up the remaining 500 pounds by then.

He specifically replied to me to remind me about the 500 pounds...

Angel was a little nervous at first. After all, the Sequence 5 Extraordinary characteristics were worth more than 8000 pounds, but after receiving the reply from the Hanged Man, she felt helpless.

After purchasing materials and making communication potions, she had less than 700 pounds left in cash. After handing over the 500 pounds "introduction fee" this week, she would soon fall into poverty again.

"I have to find a way to make money. I have recently provoked the Aurora Society, and I want to prevent them from tracking the Tarot Society. I can't go to Mr. A's gathering. It seems I can only sell some formulas or magical items at other gatherings... I don't know. Will anyone buy the master key?”

Thinking of ways to make money, she left the dark basement.


On Wednesday afternoon, Angel came to Servilia's house as usual to report on the situation of the past few days.

The Witch of Joy, who attended various banquets every night, so tired that her skin was a little dull, received her with a yawn. When she learned that Sherman had finally begun planning to assassinate a certain target, Servilia commented with disdain. :

"Maybe it was a mistake to bring him into the sect. Originally, these 'assassins' should be trained by the 'Gnosis Society', and only those with outstanding abilities would be sent here. Unfortunately, no one follows these rules recently..." Angel originally thought that the Gnosis It will be a secret sect similar to the Witch Sect, focusing on the "assassin" and "apprentice" paths, but according to Servilia, they seem to be a subordinate organization of the Witch Sect, recruiting subordinates and providing talents for the sect.

She secretly memorized this knowledge and answered casually:
"Perhaps he just lacks some experience. No one is born a skilled 'assassin'."

"Humph, anyway, he has been handed over to you. As long as he doesn't betray, you don't need to tell me anything else." Servilia waved her hand indifferently, "The dance I mentioned to you last time is here. Tomorrow night, get ready and come to my house in the afternoon."


"Clothes, etiquette, these all need to be carefully prepared. You have already participated in many salons and tea parties between nobles. Night dances will only be more formal than them. Remember to read more about the noble etiquette manual I gave you. , don’t make a fool of yourself tomorrow night, it will be the center of attention and you don’t want to have that experience.”

Servilia picked up the coffee and took a sip. The black coffee without sugar cheered her up a lot, and her tone also had a hint of ridicule.

"I wanted to ask last time, why do you need me to attend that ball?" Angel frowned and asked, "Is it possible that you want to introduce me to some noble? Ha, it's a pity that no one will take notice of it."

Servilia sneered at this strange rhetorical question.

"You think too highly of yourself. The mission at Earl Hall's house is over. I'm just helping you find other things to do, such as keeping an eye on a certain lady and telling her not to run around, lest she ruin our plan."

"Plan? Is it the kind that looks like you are doing things for the sect, but is actually just to increase the value of your assets?"

Angel also retorted unceremoniously. Through these days of contact, she has figured out the temperament of this pleasure witch. As long as she completes the tasks she assigned, she will not use her power to overwhelm others or give way to her usual verbal disputes. The superior shelf.

"Humph, first of all, the actions of the Air Pollution Promotion Committee are also part of the plan. I am just using their influence a little bit; secondly, I am not talking about this kind of small fight, but a real big plan. You just need to I know that if it comes to pass, your and my contributions will make the next promotion path extremely smooth."

Big plan... Could it be that the big thing Laura mentioned is coming?
Recalling the conversation with Laura, Angel asked calmly:

"A real big plan, executed by the two of us? It doesn't sound too 'big'..."

"Clear your position, witch. I am one of the executors, and you are just one of my pawns." These slightly mocking words really made Servilia sit up straight. "And at the beginning of next month, then The lady will return to Backlund, and then you will have the opportunity to see the true 'demigod, half human' form."

After saying these words, she herself showed a trace of longing and expectation.


When she followed Servilia in the carriage of Baron Langdon's family and arrived at a manor in Queens, the sky had completely darkened, and the gradually rounded red moon hung high in the sky, spreading moonlight to the earth through the rare thin mist. .

Angel was wearing a long dress with a complicated design today. The inner petticoat had three layers. She put it on with the help of Servilia's maid. The jewelry also used a pearl necklace from Servilia. Originally, she wanted to Angel was asked to wear earrings, but declined as there were no piercings.

Fortunately, she has been deliberately wearing long skirts and dancing shoes as her daily attire these days. Otherwise, wearing this heavy long skirt now, she might really make fools of herself frequently and "become the focus of the audience" as Servilia said. ".

Entering the main hall with stained glass and crystal chandeliers, Angel was immediately shocked by the luxury here. She originally thought it was just a small social dance, but she didn't expect it to be beyond her imagination.

The two floors of the hall are connected. The first floor is arranged with a dance hall in the center and a band on both sides. In the melodious music, many men and women are dancing gracefully. At first glance, they are all young noble men and women.

The corridors on the second floor surround the surroundings. Guests lean on the railings, chatting in low voices, and their eyes scan the hall on the first floor from time to time. Busy waiters pass through, handing out drinks and taking away empty glasses.From time to time, a gentleman would come to the lady and invite her to dance with her, and then the two would come to the center of the first floor and dance to the music.

"That one is the son of Viscount Carlaton. Next to him is Baron Fanis. Hehe, he has been a little depressed recently." Servilia glanced at each guest and introduced to Angel next to her in a low voice, "Far and away. The person in the red dress at the beginning is the widow of Viscount Winston. She is wearing a bold dress today. She must have an idea for someone..."

Angel expressionlessly followed Servilia to get to know Backlund's middle- and upper-class circles, looking around casually, when he suddenly noticed a familiar man walking towards them.

"This is... Viscount Gray Lint, I think you are already familiar with him."

Servilia also noticed the person coming, whispered something and went to greet him.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, I didn't expect to see you here."

(End of this chapter)

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