Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 304 Analysis

Chapter 304 Analysis
How can these "happy witches" bring natural charm to their every move...Should I also learn a lesson?
Strange thoughts flashed through Angel's mind, then he quickly shook his head and continued:

"The first is the whereabouts of the 'demigod, half-human' you mentioned, that is, the 'Ms. Desperate' of the Witch Sect. According to Servilia, she should return to Backlund in early December to participate in Some ‘big plan’.”

Hearing these words, the smile on Laura’s face disappeared instantly.

"At the beginning of next month... the news I got is similar. After two-phase verification, I should be able to confirm the accuracy of the news," she murmured, folding her hands in front of her chest, not caring that the front of her robe was pushed open and her chest was exposed. All white, "Then the Witch Sect's secret plan should reach a critical stage by the end of the year."

Her lake-blue eyes looked at Angel through the mirror and the spirit world.

"Vincent attended Prince Edsac's ball last night, and he said he saw you there."

"This is all Servilia's mission." Angel did not hide what happened last night. "She asked me to get close to a 'witch'. I may be responsible for monitoring her in the future, and this witch is the prince's mistress."

Angel selectively told Laura about Triss, which was likely to involve the follow-up arrangements of the Witch Sect, and Laura might be able to analyze something.

"They actually placed people around the prince. They are really brave. Don't they know that the royal family has more than one demigod?"

Laura first sneered, then suddenly frowned, thought for a moment and then asked hesitantly:

"Is it possible that the royal family also knows about this and that they are actually cooperating with the Witch Sect?"

"Cooperation? The royal family cooperates with the Witch Sect and the Aurora Society to traffic in people from their own country?"

Subconsciously, he wanted to refute, but Angel suddenly remembered the several "arbitrator" path Beyonders who appeared in the mansion of the human trafficker Capin, among whom there was even a Sequence 6 who also possessed powerful magical items.According to the internal records of the Church of the Night, this route is controlled by the Loen royal family and the Augustus family.

Since the killing of Cappin was a secret between her and Sherlock, Angel could only vaguely inform Laura of this fact, and then the two fell into a brief silence.

"It seems that our previous speculation that the Witch Sect and the nobles of Backlund have some cooperation is not low, and even goes further, they directly collude with the royal family... But what role does the royal family play in this? Is it just that Is it to violate the ban you issued and continue to use cheap slaves?”

"It's up to you to find the truth. Didn't you say there are many information channels?"

"Of course, I will look for those close 'friends' to inquire, and you should continue to pay attention to this news within the sect."

There was a hint of ambiguity in Laura's tone, which made Angel couldn't help but wonder what kind of relationship the "friend" she mentioned had with her.

"One last thing." Seeing that the other party seemed to be about to end the exchange, Angel quickly stopped the joyful witch with profound knowledge of mysticism. "Do you know any methods that can make a person suddenly change his temperament, and even make him lose his temper?" Have you completely forgotten what you were saying even a second ago?”

She told Laura about the strange phenomenon that occurred when Triss communicated with her alone at the ball. The latter frowned and thought for a moment before replying:

"This first made me think of the extraordinary ability of the 'audience' channel. They can use psychological suggestions, or even psychological manipulation, to modify the target's subconscious and set a certain 'boundary'. Once the other party's behavior crosses this boundary, the subconscious will immediately terminate If you don't remind yourself of this behavior, it will be difficult to realize the existence of this 'boundary'.

"But to control the Sequence 7 witch so that the other party is completely unaware..."

"Sequence 6, Triss is probably already the Witch of Joy." Angel interjected.

"That would be even more difficult. It may require a high-sequence Beyonder to do this, and I only know that the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' has such Beyonders."

Laura immediately changed her words. "Another method is to use powerful magical items. Just like the Extraordinaries, it is necessary to silently affect the Sequence 6 Extraordinaries so that she has no ability to resist at all. At least it must be a powerful item formed by the extraordinary characteristics of the demigod level. In order to do this," Laura looked at Angel's empty fingers, "For example, your ring is obviously only a mid-sequence magical item. It can deceive extraordinary people of the same sequence, but it can be easily seen through by high-sequence ones. . Some resentful spirits that have closer communication with the spirit world, and even some low-sequence extraordinary creatures that are not within the scope of its deception, can find flaws."

Angel subconsciously touched his fingers, and then remembered that he was not wearing the "Ring of Madness" today.

But Laura's words made her immediately think of how she exposed her true identity in front of "Justice" Audrey.

The other party lavishly raised an extraordinary creature, a dog that took the "audience" potion!
If what Laura said is true, then this "spectator dog" who is not within the deception range of the "Ring of Madness" will easily see through her disguise and have enough intelligence to tell his owner these findings.

As for the "demigod-level magical item" that Laura mentioned, Angel immediately thought of the sealed item "0-08" that once played with all the Nighthawks in Tingen City.

Although the church's internal information does not clearly describe the origin of "0" level sealed objects, Angel believes that they are at least on the same level as high-sequence extraordinary properties.

If Ince Zangwill has an in-depth cooperation with the Witch Cult, it would make sense for them to use "0-08" to control Triss, and this "arrangement" will only make the other party feel that it is some kind of coincidence. It is difficult to realize that there are outside forces interfering with her.

Of course, it was not completely confirmed that it was Zangwill and "0-08" who were acting. Angel thought of the strange sapphire ring on the little finger of Tris's left hand. The light that made her feel fearful still lingers to this day. In her heart, if there is anything besides "0-08" that can control Triss, it must be it...

While Angel was thinking, the communication potion applied on the ice mirror had almost completely evaporated, and the same should have been true for Laura. The latter reached out and stroked the mirror surface gently, and said:

"Contact will be interrupted soon. The next communication will be scheduled in a week. Of course, if there is an emergency, you can contact me at any time." After a pause, she added, "You must be careful not to let Severi If you find something wrong, don't even try to get close to that 'demigod', I'm afraid your poor acting skills won't last even one minute in front of her."

"It's really rare that you worry about me."

Angel replied with a smile.

"Haha, I don't just treat you as a pawn."

Before the picture on the ice mirror disappeared, Laura's words with a hint of loneliness were heard.


On Saturday morning, after being notified by Mr. Fool, Angel quickly set up a simple altar in the basement, drew the "pupilless eye" and the "twisted thread", chanted the name of the Fool, and let the illusion representing Him The door appears above the altar.

Behind the opened door is endless darkness, thick gray mist floating in it, and a magnificent ancient palace.

Angel lowered his head, reluctantly raised his hands, handed the neatly stacked 500-pound banknotes to the door, and handed them to Mr. Fool through a "sacrifice ceremony."

With a "clang", the illusory door closed and disappeared, and the huge sum of 500 pounds in Angel's hand also disappeared with it.

On the simple altar in front of her, a silver-white necklace appeared. Under its thin chain, a bright red gemstone hung like a blood-soaked gem.

It was a magical item made by craftsmen connected to the Hanged Man using the extraordinary properties of the "Shepherd".

(End of this chapter)

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