Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 305 Rose Necklace

Chapter 305 Rose Necklace
“This is a magical item made by the ‘Shepherd’, an extraordinary characteristic of Sequence 5. The craftsman did not name it, so you can decide for yourself.

"This necklace can change its shape and color according to the user's wishes after wearing it, but it will usually maintain its current bright red color, and its appearance is just an ordinary gemstone necklace. The craftsman originally wanted to make it into a blue gemstone. It was a color he liked, but it might be due to the characteristics of the item itself. After it was successfully made, it turned red like blood.

"The detailed description of the item has been written on the attached paper, please read it in detail."

In Angel's mind, the hooded figure of the Hanged Man lowered his head and whispered. After finishing his talk, he suddenly disappeared.

That was a scene that the considerate Mr. Fool sent into her mind while "gifting" items.

After hearing what the Hanged Man said, Angel walked to the altar and discovered that there was a piece of parchment under the gem necklace, with a lot of content densely written on it.

After extinguishing the candles and tidying up the altar, Angel had time to read the instructions for this magical item in detail.

After being processed and made by craftsmen, this extraordinary feature has indeed, as Angel guessed, possessed the most important ability of a "shepherd", "herding".

It can absorb and store the extraordinary characteristics and soul of the dead extraordinary person for the user to drive, allowing the user to obtain the three extraordinary abilities that the extraordinary person had during his lifetime. Which ones are determined by luck, and may even be herding. One Sequence 5, but gained three Sequence 9 abilities in the same way.

The upper limit of its grazing souls is three. If you want to absorb the soul and extraordinary characteristics of No. 4 Extraordinary, you need to choose to release one of the souls inside first, which will cause its extraordinary characteristics to gradually precipitate, and the soul will shatter and disappear. This process is irreversible.

The method of "herding" is to place the gems on the necklace close to the forehead of the Extraordinary before the Extraordinary's characteristics are separated out, and infuse the Extraordinary with spiritual activation ability to imprison the Extraordinary's soul and absorb his Extraordinary characteristics.

Its grazing limit is Sequence 5. Absorbing the souls of saints, that is, high-Sequence Extraordinaries, will almost certainly fail. Even if it succeeds by chance, it will be difficult to possess the extraordinary abilities of Sequence 4.

"This is already good. If you herd three Sequence 5s, you can have 9 different extraordinary abilities, up to Sequence 5..."

Angel was secretly happy and continued to look down.

The user can only have the three abilities of the currently selected soul, but can switch between grazing souls at will, which takes about 1 second.After the switch, the abilities you had before, even if they have been successfully used, the abilities that are in effect will immediately lose their effect.

"This is consistent with the ability that Ms. D showed when fighting. If it were not like this, I would have no chance to find a counterattack in the weakness of her switching ability..."

"Unfortunately, this necklace can only use related abilities after grazing the souls of extraordinary people, and cannot directly swallow extraordinary characteristics. Otherwise, I already have two characteristics that are very suitable for it."

Angel looked at the necklace with some disappointment. The bright red gemstone on it was about one centimeter long and wide. It was crystal clear and reflected a coquettish light in the gas light in the basement.

In addition to "herding", it also has another ability, "flesh control", which should be derived from the previous sequence of the shepherd, "Rose Bishop".

"Flesh Control" allows the wearer to have the ability to control himself and the flesh and blood around him, quickly recover from injuries, and even absorb the flesh and blood of others he comes into contact with to repair himself, or form a cloak of flesh and blood that can withstand a large amount of damage.

This is also an ability that Ms. D has used. Her body that was penetrated by the "Good Luck" revolver returned to normal with the help of the flesh and blood adsorbed to her body at a speed visible to the naked eye, allowing Angel's extremely lucky blow to be in vain. return.

Along with the two powerful abilities, there are negative effects that are not difficult to deal with.When the necklace's ability is activated, it will cause the user to gradually fall into a state of "loss of self-control". This does not mean losing one's mind, talking nonsense, or violently hurting others, but the control over one's own behavior will gradually decrease, and eventually it will become reckless or reckless. An indulgent person.

The craftsman has repeatedly tested "flesh and blood control" and found that, to the extreme, it can be used within an hour without affecting normal thinking.

"Compared to the 'Magic Pocket Watch' that makes it almost impossible to fight, the negative effects of this necklace can be said to be very weak... But correspondingly, the number of souls it can herd is much less than that of the shepherd. It's because of that Have the craftsmen deliberately adjusted in the direction of 'low risk and low return'? But such negative effects are really like the crazy and unpredictable 'Rose Bishop'... Well, let's call you the 'Rose Necklace'?"

Angel gently pushed the necklace on the table, letting the blood-colored gems sway, and nodded in agreement.Unfortunately, this newly completed rose necklace does not contain the soul of any Beyonder, so this magical item worth nearly [-] pounds currently only has the ability to "control flesh and blood", and Angel does not have any injuries to recover from.

Therefore, she does not intend to use this magical item casually for the time being, otherwise the negative effects of the "Ring of Madness" and the "Rose Necklace" on her body will be superimposed at the same time. Angel is worried that she will do crazy things like robbing a bank when she falls into poverty.

"Moreover, I have to find extraordinary people who can be used for herding as soon as possible. They can't be too weak, otherwise it will be useless if they are used for herding. They can't be too strong either. I can't beat those who are too strong..."

Angel thought about it and found out that the only people she knew who were hostile to Backlund, apart from the Extraordinaries of the same path from the Witch Sect, was Mr. A from the Aurora Society, who was also a Sequence 5 "Shepherd".

"If I herd three shepherds and their herding abilities are used by me, can I use these abilities to continue herding more souls?"

Such a strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind, which made Angel think hard but couldn't figure it out.


"This recipe is real and effective."

The "Eye of Wisdom" touched the note with the potion formula written on it with a ring that could verify the authenticity, and announced the result.

Angel and the woman in black robe who traded with her breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The price of this transaction was not low. Angel also sold the Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 potion formulas of the "Apprentice" and "Master of Magic" from the same path, which quickly aroused the interest of a certain party member with a big wallet. After a brief bargaining, the other party bought the two formulas for 700 pounds.

This is slightly higher than the selling price of separate Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 formulas, but it allows buyers to avoid the trouble of finding the next sequence formula after becoming an "apprentice", thus generating a partial premium.

At the same time, Angel also requested that the other party be prohibited from selling the formula at the "Eye of Wisdom" party, which was agreed by the old gentleman who organized the party.

After receiving the 700-pound banknotes handed over by the waiter, Angel suppressed his excitement and counted them again and again. After confirming that the amount was accurate, he carefully put them into the innermost pocket of his clothes.

Although the money from buying and selling formulas is quick, the opportunity is rare. Only one person responded to Angel's call this time, which means that it is difficult for a party with basically fixed members to have another chance to sell formulas in the short term, unless Angel takes the risk of returning to Mr. A's gathering. Or go to a spooky party in an abandoned medical school on the outskirts of the North End, otherwise it's hard to find anyone who needs the formula.

Of course, the fact that the members are basically fixed does not mean that there is no turnover at all. At this party, Angel found several people he had never met before. They were of different genders and heights, but the same thing was that they were very interested in all mystical knowledge and extraordinary items. Interested but can't afford to buy it.

Craftsman Kawei’s “spokesperson” came to the party on time and sold hundreds of pounds of bullets and a short knife that could add flames to attacks. She did not ask for the follow-up formula of “The Briber”, so she was probably interested in it. There is no hope that the recipe for Sequence 6 will appear in the party here.

Sherlock, who was sitting in the corner, was easily spotted by Angel. He almost never missed the gatherings here, but this time he just quietly observed other people's transactions and occasionally bought some inexpensive spiritual materials.

In contrast, the fat pharmacist Darkwill, who also attended every party, did not come this time. Angel guessed that he was still running around the outskirts of Backlund for his extraordinary creature, or was looking for an opportunity to take revenge on the creature that had ruined his good deeds. owl.

The party ended quickly, and the waiters took away the members one by one. Angel found that he had been cleverly missed by them again. He guessed that the old man "Eye of Wisdom" wanted to communicate with him, so he just waited patiently on the single sofa.

The last "outsider" left under the leadership of the waiter. The door of the living room was closed from the outside. Under the dim light, only Angel, Sherlock and the "Eye of Wisdom" sitting in the center were left.

(End of this chapter)

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