Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 314 The ever-changing

Chapter 314 The ever-changing
Psychic suggestion, the transformation of the "faceless man", or the "apostle of desire" instigating her rebellion?
For a moment, several possibilities flashed through Klein's mind, but he immediately realized that both he and Essinger had made a stupid mistake that they shouldn't have made.

The fear seeds of the "Apostle of Desire" are not only effective on ordinary people!

Rather, the "emotional breakdown" that affected most of the detectives present was just part of the Desire Apostle's overall plan. He did not expect a few ordinary people in extreme panic to kill everyone with revolvers, or even at all. They can hurt people.

His only purpose in catalyzing the fear in the detectives' hearts was to mislead the remaining Extraordinaries, making them think that their abilities could not control the real Extraordinaries.

But now, the fear that had long been buried in Kaslana's heart broke out at the right time, causing her to fall into a state of indistinguishability between ourselves and the enemy. In one blow, she killed the brains of the team, as well as the magical item that contacted the "Mechanical Heart" Isengard!
There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, but Klein's movements were still extremely fast. Kaslana, who kicked Isinger away, turned around, stared at him with red eyes, and reached into the windbreaker with her right hand like lightning, and took out another Point the small-caliber revolver as a secondary weapon forward and continue the attack.


The first sound was Klein's simulated gunshot. He raised his right hand that was still on the ground to his waist, stretched his index finger forward, and an air bullet flew out from his fingertips, accurately hitting the female detective's gun-holding part. wrist.

As blood spattered, the small revolver spun down to the carpet and rolled away.

The severe pain made this extraordinary person who was in fear and instinctively attacked the companions around her regain some sense. She covered her injured wrist and took two steps back. She knelt down on the carpet due to the exhaustion after the excitement.

Her eyes were still bloodshot, but they were no longer as crazy as before, and the ferocious expression faded away, becoming stained with an unhealthy crimson.

"Ms. Kaslana, are you okay?"

The female assistant Lydia on the side raised her pistol, aiming at Kaslana, her employer, who was obviously not normal, and at Klein, who shot and wounded her. Her face was full of panic, and she didn't know what to do.

Even though she had experienced many strange cases personally, the scene at this time was far beyond her imagination.

"Relax, the situation is the same as before. Ms. Kaslana was controlled by fear and did irrational things. You see, she has slowly returned to normal."

Klein casually comforted the young girl, while he looked at Isengard Stanton who was kicked to the fireplace. Under Kaslana's full blow out of fear just now, the old detective's neck was hit with a blow. Twisted to one side at a strange angle, the trachea was compressed by the deformed neck, and a "ho ho" sound came out of his mouth.

Fortunately, at least he is still alive...

"No, Mr. Stanton, she kicked Mr. Stanton to death!"

Following this fear-filled cry, Klein discovered another assistant huddled in the corner. This young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and meticulously combed brown hair was holding an armchair in front of him. , I don’t know if he is preparing to use it to attack or to resist the attack. At this time, the face hiding behind the chair is full of fear, like...

Just like the detectives when the riot just broke out.

"Don't be afraid! Essinger hasn't..."

Klein secretly said something bad and immediately spoke out to comfort the only young assistant with no combat experience on the field.

Unfortunately it was too late.

The gold-rimmed glasses on this young man's face lost their support and slipped from the bridge of his nose. Along with them fell pieces of human tissue with skin and flesh cut into regular squares, including hair, eyeballs and teeth. , rolling to the ground like collapsed building blocks.

Not only his head, but also his body wrapped in clothes. The shirt and trousers could block the splashing blood, but they could not support the torn body. The living person who was holding a chair a few seconds ago was right in front of Klein's eyes. It turned into a broken corpse and piled up in the corner of the living room.Snap.

It was only then that the chair he was holding fell to the ground, rolled several times, and stopped in front of Klein.

fear!Just the fear in his heart can make the "Desire Apostle" kill this poor man remotely!

Klein's heart felt cold. He knew it was more important to stay calm at this time, but a living person who had just served him tea and water and cleaned up the living room died miserably in front of him, which still made him feel a little nervous. .

Who will be next?Kaslana, who has not yet recovered from her madness, her female assistant who is not yet a Beyonder, or am I the only one who still has the ability to fight?

As his thoughts swirled, he saw the dark red liquid flowing out from under the mass of "minced meat" turn pitch black, flowing along the carpet towards the center of the living room, then gushing out of the ground and arching upwards, instantly forming a black figure that absorbed all light. .

It looks like a human figure covered by a black curtain, with no visible hands or feet, and only a pair of emotionless blue eyes exposed at the height of its head.

Just looking into these eyes for a moment, Klein felt extremely strong desires and emotions.

Madness, anger, jealousy, hunger... It was like the strongest emotions of thousands of people gathered together, transmitted to his mind through his sight.

There is no doubt that this is the "Apostle of Desire".

Yeah, why would he pick his next victim?
Essinger, who can communicate with the "Mechanical Heart", suffered a broken neck bone and was in critical condition; another extraordinary person, Kaslana, was instilled with fear and collapsed after the outbreak. Her assistant was just an ordinary person holding a revolver. At a loss what to do; in order to avoid possible searches and scrutiny, the last Extraordinary, Klein, placed most of the magical items with combat effectiveness on the gray fog, and only carried a pistol and special ammunition with him.

After the "Desire Apostle" detonated the seeds of fear one by one, attracting the official Extraordinaries, and causing the remaining Extraordinaries to cause civil strife and reduce their combat effectiveness, his danger perception ability allowed him to use this living room as freely as his own back garden. Come and go.

As long as these few Extraordinary detectives who work together to protect themselves are killed, shouldn't he kill the rest of the people he wants without any effort?
is it?

The next second, the warm living room seemed to have entered the cold winter. A strong wind blew through, and thick layers of ice formed on the carpet, walls and ceiling. Even the strong fire in the fireplace was extinguished in the cold. The remaining gas lamp inside the lampshade gave off a faint light.

In the center of the cold air, the half of the shapeless Desire Apostle close to the ground was frozen to the carpet, and his upper body was extremely stiff. His eyes suddenly widened, and his blue eyes were full of confusion.

Why did the advantageous situation he had created through painstaking planning, patient waiting, and all his efforts suddenly become unfavorable to him?

In front of him, a faint brilliance emerged from the elderly detective who had been sentenced to death in his heart. The vitality came from a gem-set diamond ring on his finger, which quickly healed the detective's fatal injuries.Essinger regained his strength with both hands, climbed up from the ground, took out a small golden telegraph with a speaker, brought it to his mouth and whispered softly:
"he came."

he came!
The same sound roared like a huge thunder, resounding in everyone's ears.

On the side, Klein, with a smile on his face again, took out a pistol from the inner pocket of his windbreaker, opened the hammer, and pointed the black muzzle at the apostle of desire, with demon-hunting bullets ready to go.

Behind the Desire Apostle, on the only ground that was not contaminated by ice, a graceful figure gradually emerged.Angel held a gun in one hand and a bone spur in the other, guiding a steady stream of ice power to attack the immobile black shadow through the spider threads spread throughout the room.

 Thanks to the leader of "Dangou" for the reward. I originally wanted to add more updates, but there really isn't a drop left...

(End of this chapter)

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