Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 315 Desire Apostle

Chapter 315 Desire Apostle
Realizing that he had fallen into a trap, the "Apostle of Desire" did not hesitate to use the most important ability of the "Devil" sequence, demonization.

His body hidden under countless malice and desires suddenly swelled, and the black liquid substance on his body seemed to turn into a new layer of skin, covering his body that was more than two and a half meters long, with the top of his head almost touching the ceiling, and he was deformed. Two curved goat horns sprouted from the top of his head. The flame-carved patterns on them exuded substantial malice, and a pair of bat-like wings flapped behind his back.

After expanding, he easily broke away from the ice under his feet and the invisible spider silk on his body. His eyes, which were still blue but mixed with sulfur color, looked at Isengard Stanton, the detective chief who should have died long ago.


Devilish words full of filth came out of his mouth, and the target was Isengard. This was a curse that belonged exclusively to the devil. Just words full of evil power could kill people.

But as if he had anticipated his move, Sherlock Moriarty, who was holding the gun, dodged and actually stood in front of the old detective. His slightly thin figure reflected in the devil's eyes, replacing the one behind him. People become targets of curses.

Suddenly, Sherlock's body was covered with rust-red traces, like a rusty iron man that had been left for many years.


The dying figure became smaller and thinner, turning into a rusty paper figure that burned into ashes in the air.


Sherlock's real figure emerged from the void at the side. The revolver in his hand fired continuously. Expensive demon-hunting bullets flew out of the gun barrel and hit the demon covered in dark mucus, but even the outer skin was gone. It cannot penetrate, let alone harm, the demon body inside.

The paper substitute... is he a member of the "Secret Order"?
Such an idea flashed through his mind. The demonized "Apostle of Desire" was not frustrated by the failure of the attack. He waved his claw-like right hand, and fireballs with a strong smell of sulfur formed around him, and he was about to follow. Sherlock's figure continued to attack.

He knew that the number of paper man substitutes was limited, and he...

A premonition of danger appeared in his mind, and he cautiously retracted his arm, ignoring the out-of-control fireballs floating in the air, and looked behind him with eyes filled with sulfur flames.

The witch who had been hiding nearby and appeared at the critical moment to ruin his plan was holding a bone sword with a length of more than 1.2 meters, slashing at him head and face.


A witch actually tried to fight her demonized self in close combat!
If he hadn't transformed into a demon, the "Desire Apostle" would have almost laughed out loud. He kicked up the unmelted ice on the ground, letting the flying fragments slightly block the sword-wielding witch, and his hands were burning. A high-temperature green flame appeared, and then, a huge weapon dripping with magma appeared from the flame. It was shaped like a knife, but its length was more like a sword.

Holding the magma sword in his hand, he blocked the bone sword in the witch's hand with one hand as he avoided the frost fragments and continued to attack him. However, the next moment, the huge power coming from the weapon's contact shocked the demonized man.

This is a powerful force comparable to that of a Sequence Extraordinary in the "Warrior" path!

Seemingly knowing that the cursed flames were useless against demonized enemies, the witch did not use her signature ability, but instead held a long sword and slashed again and again. Infinite power continued to be transmitted from the weapon, which was less than 1.8 meters long. The body was forced to be nearly three meters tall, and the demon's horns reached the ceiling and kept retreating.

"Bang, bang!"

Amidst the sounds of weapons clashing, the low, dirty voice of the "Apostle of Desire" came.



As soon as he tried to use the devil's language to curse the other party again, a cry of the same devil's language came from behind. The gem-set diamond ring on Isengard Stanton's hand gave off a faint light, and its owner's eyes were filled with lava. Sexy, and the same filthy demonic curses spewed out of his mouth. The "Apostle of Desire"'s body, which could withstand the attack of the witch, instantly stopped in place.

He' abilities!
His thoughts were slowed down by the deteriorated demon curse for just one second, and the "Apostle of Desire" returned to normal mobility. However, during this second of blocking, Angel's sword of "Dawn Knight" had been shot from above with great precision. With a downward slash, he removed one of the demon's bat wings.


The wings were reduced to ashes in the flames before they hit the ground. The wounds on the "Apostle of Desire"'s back did not bleed any blood. This effective attack instead earned him a ruthless grin.

The next moment, the demonic horns on his head ignited with bright yellow flames, and the complex patterns on the surface lit up, and a chilling wave swept through the entire room.

"Mental shock!"

Isinger, who was simulating the "language of the devil" and was about to spit out the next word, found that his fear when facing the Sequence 5 Extraordinary could no longer be suppressed. When the word "death" came to his lips, he forgot how to pronounce it and just wanted to hide. Behind the sofa, shivering.

After running out of bullets and throwing away the revolver, Sherlock was about to use air bombs to continue the attack. His mind was filled with the anger of the enemy. He gave up the long-range attack, took out a piece of paper and shook it into a solid weapon, and was about to rush forward to fight the devil. What a pleasure.

Angel turned his sword around and was about to stab the "Apostle of Desire" in the chest. He felt the mania and desire to kill that had gradually spread in his heart instantly expand. The sword pointed directly at the enemy's heart changed from stabbing to slashing. He tried his best to cut down with one blow, but the opponent had already struck him. He missed the mark as he expected to dodge, and hit the floor heavily.

What's worse is that other desires that have been suppressed in her body for a long time are also detonated by the "Apostle of Desire", flooding her body.

Hunger, greed, anger, lust...these feelings that gradually accumulated with the "Ring of Madness" but were forcibly ignored by her gradually came to her heart.


Angel exhaled a breath, subconsciously let go of her right hand, dropped the "Dawn Knight" trait that had turned back into bone spurs, and tried to get rid of the most urgent "madness", but the remaining emotions impacted her brain one by one, still making her dizzy and stunned. In place.

A sneer flashed across the demonic face of the "Apostle of Desire". He glanced across the room. The elderly detective, who was thoughtful but wanted to leave in fear, and the young detective who was not good at close combat but rushed forward angrily, fell beside the door. The female detective and her assistant, the stupid witch overwhelmed by multiple emotions...

He can't beat it at all!
The next second, the demonized three-meter-tall body of the "Apostle of Desire" rapidly shrunk and returned to a normal human figure. Only a pair of blue eyes were exposed on the body that was still covered in black mucus.He glanced at everyone angrily, turned around and ran towards the back door without looking back. As he moved forward step by step, his body gradually collapsed into a puddle of viscous black liquid, passing through the carpet, sinking into the ground, and was about to walk along the door. Slit out of the room.


Angel, who was struggling to regain his mobility, grabbed the "Good Luck" pistol beside him, opened the hammer, and injected a trace of spirituality into it, activating the most important ability of this magical item.


A huge recoil came, and Angel's bad luck that he had accumulated for many days turned into good luck. The enhanced attack with a chance of only 1/5 shot "Storm Gathering" with sixteen times the power, and instantly passed through the living room and corridor, hitting the target. The "Apostle of Desire" on the run.

The attack, which was as powerful as an artillery bombing, blew away the entire back door, spreading a pool of black blood radially across the back alley.

The next second, the door was kicked open, and five members of the "Mechanical Heart" filed in. They each held different extraordinary weapons and rushed into the messy living room.

 Thanks to the leader of "Women's Clothes Make Me Stronger" who rewarded me!

(End of this chapter)

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