Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 316 Arrodes

Chapter 316 Arrodes
The whole battle actually only lasted about 1 minute. As Isengard Stanton said, as long as they persisted for 1 minute, the team hidden nearby by the "Machine Heart" would arrive here and solve the problem with absolute force superiority. .

But it is a pity that the "Apostle of Desire" was too cautious. Even if he fell into a trap, even if he used an unexpected "spiritual shock" to severely injure everyone present and got a chance to fight back, his primary purpose was still to save himself, not to risk it. In danger, he killed some of the Extraordinaries present.

When the Extraordinaries in the audience were shocked by the "mental shock", he had already felt the "Mechanical Heart" approaching quickly from the street. Even further away, there were already two other teams, full of "danger" aimed at him. ”, approaching this street quickly.

So he fled the scene without hesitation.

The leader of the "Mechanical Heart" team that broke in was a middle-aged man with brown hair and a hard face. He was dressed in a windbreaker and top hat like all the official Beyonders of Backlund, and he was holding a strange-looking weapon in his hand. revolver.

He was the first to enter the room and saw clearly the situation on the court. He immediately directed other teammates to rush to the back door and tried to track the escaping "Apostle of Desire." However, within 2 minutes he led the team back to the living room with a look of reluctance on his face.

"He was seriously injured, and there was black blood all over the ground, but he had already run away."

He murmured, looking at Kaslana and her assistant helping each other to stand up, Isinger getting up from behind the sofa, and Angel sitting on the sofa with Sherlock's help.

"Did you see his face clearly just now?"

Another mechanical heart asked. He was holding a metal vessel in both hands. It was shaped like a basin and about the same size. It contained black mucus collected from the back door. This was not only the blood of the "Apostle of Desire", but also Part of his body was turned into a viscous black liquid by some extraordinary ability, which could be used to hide his body and avoid attacks. Just looking at it with the naked eye, it felt like the inside was filled with all kinds of negative emotions.

"Only his eyes were exposed, which were blue, and the rest of his body was covered in this liquid."

It was Sherlock who answered. He had hardly been attacked in the battle just now. Even when he was affected by "mental shock", most of his madness was staged to confuse the "Apostle of Desire" and wait for the Machinery Heart Team. Come and encircle.

He glanced at Angel, who was sitting next to him on the sofa, his face glowing with a strange red color. He didn't know how true or false her reaction just now was.

"It doesn't matter, we have other ways."

The Mechanical Heart member replied, putting down the "washbasin" and looking at his captain with a look that he didn't know if it was expectation.

The latter took two steps, took off his top hat and put it on the coffee table aside, revealing a messy brown hair. He found a sofa that was still intact and sat down. He nodded slightly to the extraordinary people gathered together and said:

"Hello everyone, this is the first time for most of you to meet me. I am Ikanser Bernard from the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery." He paused and continued, "Next I will use a certain magical item. Items, to investigate the movements of the 'Apostle of Desire'. Although I have an agreement with Mr. Stanton, I will not care about your identity in this operation, but if you leak some information intentionally or unintentionally, this agreement will be invalidated immediately. .”

Angel resisted the various impulses in her heart and listened to the mechanical heart's warning. She knew that most of these words were meant for her. Essinger, Kaslana and Sherlock were all among the official Beyonders. The registered detective was also the victim of the threatening letter, and he was the only one who could be considered a "wild extraordinary person of unknown origin."

From the corner of her eye, she saw another "Mechanical Heart" asking her assistant Lydia, who was not an Extraordinary, to leave the living room, leaving only the official or unofficial Extraordinaries.

"I see, thanks for reminding me."

When she opened her mouth to respond, Angel realized that her voice was a little hoarse. Sherlock handed him a cup of coffee that had already cooled under the frosty breath. She thanked her, took the coffee and drank it in one gulp. Her dry throat felt much better. .

Ikonse waited for the door to be closed before he breathed a sigh of relief and took an ancient silver mirror decorated with black gemstones on both sides from another team member. It was about the size of a magazine and had strange concentric patterns on the back.

He held the silver mirror in one hand and stroked the surface three times with the other hand. After a short pause, he said:
"Dear Arrodes, my question is..."

He hesitated, as if he couldn't decide which question to ask.

His eyes wandered between the basin of black liquid and the messy living room. After a moment, he continued:

"...Where is the demon that attacked here just now?"

As his question ended, the surrounding gas lights suddenly dimmed, as if covered by an extra lampshade, and a strange watery light appeared on the surface of the ancient silver mirror, revealing a scene like Angel performing a magic mirror divination.In a certain deep sewer, a black shadow is moving against the wall at an extremely fast speed. It sticks to the wall like a two-dimensional painting most of the time, but when it turns a corner or changes direction, it will turn into a human form again and use both hands to move around. Take a few steps.

The image in the mirror followed the black shadow closely, unaffected by the darkness underground and the ever-changing speed.

The moment the black shadow returned to human form, everyone present saw his side face. Although it was also wrapped in pitch-black liquid, it had high cheekbones, a protruding chin, and a pair of cold blue eyes.

"There is no characteristic sewer, the specific location is not clear, and he moves very quickly. Even if he can be located, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch him..."

"At least I know his appearance and have some clues..."

"It's difficult. I know a lot of people with this kind of appearance. I'm afraid there are countless people in Backlund."

Several mechanical hearts were discussing in low voices. A certain member who had been prepared quickly drew a sketch of the side face, then tore off the page and put it away carefully. This will become the focus of their next search.

Angel also looked curiously at this silver mirror, which was obviously a sealed object. It actually directly located the opponent with just a little bit of information. You know, this is the "criminal" path of Sequence 5, and it has almost impossible to break through anti-divination. If she used an ordinary magic mirror to divination, she would probably only get a dark and failed result.

And this mirror actually has its own name, Arrodes. It is probably an important sealed object, at least level 2, maybe even level 1... To be able to use it, this Ikanser should also be a deacon or something similar to a red glove. The captain of the team, that is, sequence 6 or higher...

Just as she was guessing, the picture on the surface of the silver mirror disappeared and a few lines of words appeared.

"Based on the principle of reciprocity, it's my turn to ask questions.

"If you answer wrong, or lie, you will be punished."

The last word seemed to be written in blood, even dripping down.

Including the well-informed Essinger, several "outsiders" swallowed their saliva and looked at Ikonse, who looked a little pale.

Several mechanical hearts even subconsciously took a few steps away from him.

The middle-aged man, who seemed to be a deacon of the Church of Steam, licked his dry lips and his expression became solemn.

The original words on the silver mirror disappeared, and a new line appeared as the water light flashed.

"Would you break your promise because of profit or other reasons?"

As if he couldn't believe that the question was so simple, Ikanser leaned his head closer to "Arrods" and confirmed it carefully. Then he glanced at Angel next to him and quickly looked back.

"will not."

He answered softly.

After a while, the words on the mirror completely disappeared, returning to a silver surface that could barely reflect the surrounding scene.

The people watching looked at each other in confusion. They always felt that the end of the matter was a bit simple, which was not in line with the harmfulness of the "sealed object", especially the several "Machine Hearts". They had stayed away from their captain before, obviously wanting to avoid some kind of danger. , but now you look at me and I look at you, with doubts on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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