Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 317 A few more questions

Chapter 317 A few more questions
Ikanser Bernard, whose expression changed from solemn to confused, and finally relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief as if he had escaped from death.

After a moment, his hesitant right hand reached out to the silver mirror "Arrods" and stroked its surface three times, activating the sealed object again.

"Dear Arrods, my next question is, what is the real purpose of the 'Apostle of Desire'?"

After using this sealed artifact in peacetime, he has either been ashamed to answer certain questions that made it difficult for him to raise his head in front of his colleagues, or he has been severely punished, and rarely can remain calm under "Arrods"'s rhetorical questions. When you are physically and mentally healthy.

But for some reason today, although Arrods's rhetorical question was a bit sharp, it was not difficult to answer, so he decided to ask another question and try to pinpoint the identity of the "Apostle of Desire" through other clues.

The surrounding environment dimmed again, and the swaying water light appeared on the surface of the silver mirror, and then condensed into short scenes.

As before, the figure covered in black mucus, with only blue eyes exposed, looked down from a high place. Below were police officers surrounding the corpse of a giant black dog;

In the archives with the lights turned off and only a little light coming in from the window, there are sneaky figures rummaging through the files among the dense bookshelves;
In a windowless attic, the "Apostle of Desire" was sitting quietly on a chair with his eyes closed, thick black liquid surging all over his body.

"That's the attic of my house. It turns out he was hiding so close just now!"

Essinger Stanton said with slight surprise. He raised his head and looked through the ceiling toward the attic.

He thought that the apostle of desire who detonated the seeds of fear might be watching nearby, ready to take action at any time, but he did not expect that the other party was in his home, and might even stay for a long time!

Ikonse winked, and the two "Mechanical Hearts" walked toward the stairs. They wanted to confirm the situation in the attic and collect all available clues for tracking the "Apostle of Desire" later.

The captain himself looked at the silver mirror "Arrods" with determination, as if he was facing the Sequence 5 Extraordinary in the mirror just now.

The other two mechanical hearts who stayed in the room also stopped pretending to collect clues and pick up the bodies of their dead assistants, and looked at Ikanser quietly, as if expecting something.

The sealed object's rhetorical question soon appeared on the mirror: "There is someone whose identity is unknown, but he is doing things that benefit the people. Will you try to arrest him?"

"will not!"

As if worried about Arrodes' replacement problem, Ikanser shouted his answer the moment the line of text was displayed.

"correct answer."

The question in the mirror twists and shrinks, forming several words like these, and then completely disappears, returning to an ordinary mirror.

The direction of the two questions could not be more clear. Everyone present turned their eyes to Angel, who was sitting on the sofa next to him.The latter had been blushing and lowering her head since the battle ended and the official Beyonder entered the room. She seemed a little shy. It was hard to imagine that she had suppressed a demonized Sequence 5 "Apostle of Desire" in the battle just now. Almost severely injuring the other party.

"Ahem -" Ikanser coughed in a low voice, attracting everyone's attention, and then said, "Through 'Arrods''s answer just now, we have got some clues, including the general identity of this 'Apostle of Desire'" His appearance, the places he has been, these behaviors will leave traces, and there are more likely to be witnesses. We will use other means to track it, and I think we will be able to solve this incident soon."

"Then what should we do next?"

The person asking the question was still Essinger. It was obviously not the first time he had dealt with this mechanical heart, and his tone and attitude were somewhat casual.

"I suggest that you continue to stay here before he is arrested or killed. Our members will secretly monitor and protect you. The injured Apostle of Desire is unlikely to step into the trap again. This building will be safe. .

"Other detectives and their families are also under our protection. In fact, I have said from the beginning that centralized protection is more efficient, but they have not been very cooperative..." Ikonser said with a slight smile.

"After today's riot, I believe they will no longer object to your arrangement."

Kaslana, who was curled up on the sofa in the corner, replied. She was still a little sluggish and spoke very softly. She no longer had the confidence she had shown before when she yelled to stop the detectives from going crazy.

"Yes, I hope this case can be concluded as soon as possible."

The captain picked up the silver mirror on the coffee table, stood up from the sofa, joined the team members who went to the attic to search but returned without finding anything, and left here.

Before leaving, he glanced at Angel, who still had his head lowered, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say much.


As the footsteps of everyone faded away, the living room, which had been lively just now, became quiet. The red-haired young female assistant Lydia returned from the corridor and came to her employer Kaslana to help her bandage her wrist. of wounds.The brief but fierce battle just now made the face of this girl who had heard about extraordinary power but never understood it in depth full of confusion and nervousness.

Kaslana next to her couldn't help much in the battle, and even attacked her teammates under the influence of the fear seeds. Although in hindsight, Isengard's heavy damage had some elements of luring the enemy. Inside, but she still couldn't forgive herself. At this time, she was slumped on the sofa in a state of depression, holding the retrieved pistol in her hand, wondering what she was thinking.

Isengard Stanton took off the gemstone ring, and his stern expression fell down. He lowered his shoulders and looked at the corner of the room where his assistant had just died, with a look of loneliness on his face.The mechanical hearts helped collect the body of the only victim in this incident, leaving only the regret of the old detective.

"This was my mistake. I wore the ring for too long, so I made a mistake that I shouldn't have made, leaving my assistant here... He was also looking forward to returning to Lemburg for the mass ceremony in the New Year, but he didn't think……"

He sighed, looked at Sherlock Moriarty, who helped him block a blow during the battle, and Eileen Watson, who was the absolute main force and limited almost all the attacks of the "Apostle of Desire", and sat back down. On the sofa by the fireplace, he bent down to light the fire and said in a low voice:
"Let's talk about what's next."


On a crowded and busy street, in a carriage with the "Two Swords Crown" logo of the police system, Ikanser was watching several of his subordinates discussing the details of the case in a low voice.

His mood was also a little low, but it was not because of the casualties of ordinary people in this operation. He had been a "Machine Heart" for more than 15 years and a deacon for three years. He had experienced countless similar incidents. Ordinary people Human casualties would chagrin him, but they would not distract him from the mission.

What puzzled him was something else.

Sealed Artifact 2-111 The abnormality of "Arrods", that witch who behaved strangely - yes, as soon as he walked into that living room, he knew that the other party must be an Extraordinary of the "Assassin" path with a high rank, or She can be called a "witch" and an "apostle of desire" who has fled to an unknown place...

Looking at his teammates beside him, he decided to take advantage of Arrodes' abnormality today and continue to ask a few questions.

After stopping everyone's conversation, Ikanser put the silver mirror on his lap, rubbed his hands nervously, then touched the mirror surface to activate the sealed object.

If it weren't for Arrods's special restrictions, he wouldn't want to use it in front of so many people. When he was hunting down the wild Beyonders who were fighting in the West Balam Shipyard, Arrods's problems had already made him unable to stand up in front of the team members. To begin with, some vulgar jokes about Backlund are now being circulated throughout Backlund's "Heart of Machinery" team.

"Dear Arrods, my question is, the true identity of that witch, Eileen Watson."

Ikanser's hesitant question echoed in the quiet car.

(End of this chapter)

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