Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 318 Outbreak

Chapter 318 Outbreak
Several "Mechanical Hearts" looked at their captain with confusion. When making plans with Isengard Stanton before, Ikanser had promised not to try to pursue the identity of the unofficial Beyonder in this incident. But why...

"I won't arrest her, but we need to know each other's identity to avoid any other problems or even endanger everyone."

The deacon explained in a low voice, his eyes fixed on the silver mirror, checking the picture displayed on it.

After a brief pause, the silver mirror plunged the carriage into darkness, and the light coming from the window seemed to be blocked by an invisible curtain.

Then, the surface of the silver mirror showed a white arm, which obviously belonged to a certain woman. There was a silver chain on the wrist, with a yellow crystal with slight cracks hanging on it, and a coin-sized, engraved The "Dark Holy Emblem" with the Crimson Moon.

In the angle of the picture displayed by Arrods, the yellow crystal was in the dominant position, blocking the holy symbol that made several "Machine Hearts" suddenly realize it.

Then, the scene changed, and in the center of the stacked Loen-style buildings, a huge church with multiple spiers, elegant vaults and a towering bell tower appeared in the center of the silver mirror, above the stained glass reflecting the sunlight. It is a huge emblem with a dark background, dotted with bright stars, and half of the crimson moon.

Several members of the Heart of Machinery immediately recognized that this was the headquarters of the Church of the Night Goddess in Backlund Parish, St. Samuel's Church.

"My own?"

A young team member asked doubtfully.

Obviously, Arrodes' "answer" showed that the young woman, Eileen Watson, had a close relationship with the Church of the Night Goddess, which may be similar to the cooperative relationship between "Machine Heart" and Isengard Stanton. , or even deeper, simply a member of the "Nighthawks".

Nighthawks and Mechanical Heart belong to different churches. Of course, they are not truly "ours", but they are even less likely to be enemies, especially when facing a target like the "Apostle of Desire".

In any case, based on the information Arolds has provided so far, it would be impolite for him to investigate further.

After thinking about this, several mechanical hearts cast sympathetic glances at the captain. The latter looked solemnly at the words floating on the surface of the silver mirror. The word "punishment" was as red as blood, in the dim carriage. clearly visible inside.

"Does the man you like also like you?"

It was restored, this sealed artifact suddenly "returned to normal"!

A few drops of cold sweat broke out on Ikonser's forehead. His body stiffened and he quickly looked at the other team members in the car. Some of these mechanical hearts were observing the receding street scene outside the window, and some were studying the palms on their own hands. pattern, but without exception, they glanced at him from the corner of their eyes.



There was a thunder outside the window, low and distant.

"Is it going to rain?"

The red-haired assistant Delia looked out the window. There was not much sunlight entering the first floor of this poorly lit house, so it was impossible to judge the weather outside.

"No, the direction of the thunder is not from the sky. It may be coming from other neighborhoods." Essinger, who had recovered a little from his mood, picked up the pipe he threw away during the battle, lit it with a match himself, and replied amidst the curling smoke, "Back to the question just now, given the current situation, I agree with the suggestion of the mechanical heart. It is best for everyone to live here for a while, accept their protection, and at the same time help each other to prevent being defeated individually."

"The two of us have no objection. Anyway, we have already stayed here for two days. It will be the same for a few more days."

Female detective Kaslana was the first to express her opinion. After seeing the demonic "Apostle of Desire", she no longer took chances. If she encountered this guy outside, she and her assistant might not even have a chance to call for help.

Essinger turned his attention to another pair of two people. Sherlock's windbreaker was stained in the battle just now. He had taken it off and hung it aside. He stood beside Eileen Watson who had accepted the commission. Next to the young lady, the latter felt a little off after fighting the "Apostle of Desire". He had been sitting silently on the sofa, his head lowered, and his exposed hands and neck skin were glowing with an abnormal light red color.

"By the way, I seem to have forgotten to introduce this extraordinary person to you." He looked at Sherlock who showed concern, and then he made up his mind and said with a smile, "Miss Eileen Watson is a friend of mine. The powerful Extraordinary who came to help us should have seen her just now. She has been hiding nearby in order to make the 'Desire Apostle' misjudge our combat effectiveness and take the initiative to step into the trap."

Angel nodded and agreed with Essinger Stanton's explanation.

She lowered her head at this time, entirely because the various desires detonated by the "Desire Apostle" in her body had filled every part of her body, including the words of others, the contact of eyes, and even the accidental reception of the coffee handed to her by Sherlock just now. The touch of her fingers would bring all kinds of strange thoughts to her mind.Even if she had taken off the "Ring of Madness" before the battle and only used the extraordinary characteristics of the "Faceless Man" to disguise herself as "Irene", the various lusts she had accumulated for a long time would not stop because of the negative effects. And then disappeared, the "Desire Apostle" was keenly aware of this, and most of the "spiritual shock" effects caused by the demonized horns were directed at her.

If that guy hadn't discovered the "Machine Heart" coming and left immediately to protect himself, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to fight back in that case...

Angel thought to herself, feeling that her heartbeat was accelerating again. She interrupted Essinger's introduction and asked softly:

"Mr. Stanton, is there a room upstairs where I can rest?"

Essinger, who was shaking his pipe, was stunned for a moment and immediately said:

"Of course, the detectives have been resting on the second floor of my house these two days. Well, the innermost bedroom on the east side has not been used before. You can stay there temporarily..."

He looked at Sherlock, who understood, nodded and said:
"I'll take her up."

Declining Sherlock's support, Angel quickly left the living room, walked through the corridor, and headed for the stairs leading to the second floor, followed closely by the young detective.It wasn't until he was far away from the living room and could no longer hear the discussion of the remaining three people that Sherlock asked in a low voice:
"Are you okay? Were you injured just now?"

"The mental impact of the 'Apostle of Desire' just now had a little impact on me. I just need to rest for a while."

Angel answered quickly. In the quiet stairwell, she realized that her voice had been involuntarily tinged with temptation, which reminded her of the "joy witches" she had seen before and the various "pleasure witches" they had shown. Means", the allure of language is an important one, and then...

Forcibly shaking off the strange thoughts in her mind, she lowered her voice and said:

"You have to be careful. Isengard Stanton should be the 'Eye of Wisdom'. Although his appearance is a little different, his ring is exactly the same as the one used by the Eye of Wisdom at the party."

"I saw it too, and he may have recognized me... Are you really okay?"

Sherlock frowned and answered. The two of them had already walked along the stairs to the second floor. When they stepped onto the corridor, Angel stumbled and almost tripped himself to the ground.

"It doesn't matter, rest...just have a night's rest..."

After asking Sherlock to point out the location of the room, Angel once again declined his company, quickly came to the east side of the corridor, opened the door, stepped in, and locked the door.

She didn't even have time to climb onto the single bed. Panting heavily, she knelt down on the carpet next to the door, covering her mouth and trying her best not to make strange noises.

From just now, she has been trying to use the pleasure witch's ability to control the body, adjust her emotions, and relieve the detonated and long-repressed desires.But unlike previous attempts, this time the accumulated lust cannot be eliminated through minor adjustments.

Of course, she already knew the solution, but she just couldn't let go of her weak self-esteem and lacked the courage to try it.

With an expression on his face that couldn't be told whether he was laughing or crying, Angel collapsed on the carpet, completely giving up control of his body and suppressing his emotions, letting the desire that had never stopped since he was promoted to "pleasure" and even gradually increased freely. It flows all over the body.

Staring blankly at the dark ceiling, what emerged in her mind was a figure that she had only been with for two months, but was extremely profound and lingered in her memory.


A name with a vibrato came out from her tightly pursed lips.


A door away, a hand about to knock on the door was hanging in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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