Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 321 142

Chapter 321 1-42
The lobby on the first floor where the "Machine Heart" was standing just now was soon filled with the members of the "Nighthawks". Most of them crowded up to the second floor and were getting ready in the bathroom. The rest were waiting at the door. I didn't mind the stench of the room.

Soon, with the sound of heavy footsteps, Leonard, wearing full body armor, walked in and stood on the expensive-looking carpet at the door.

This armor is different from Loen's current full-body armor, which is more decorative than practical. It has strong lines and no unnecessary decoration except for the necessary parts. It looks like an ancient relic dug out from a tomb thousands of years ago. On the front, the left shoulder was stained with a dark red blood stain diagonally downward, as if it had been splashed on by someone, making people shudder.

As he walked into the room, the surrounding rich rotten stench seemed to be blown away by the invisible wind, and turned into cold, humid air. Several night watchers shivered under the drastic temperature change.

"Quickly, help him take off his armor and put it on next in order," Sost followed him in and immediately ordered, "Leonard, the bathroom on the second floor is preparing hot water, go and take a bath immediately, otherwise You can only sleep peacefully in the arms of the goddess."

This handsome man with black hair and blue eyes no longer had the bohemian attitude he had in Tingen, and only the perseverance that had settled deep in his heart remained.He raised his visor and quickly took off the heavy armor with the help of his companions. He found the stairs leading to the second floor and rushed up three steps at a time. Behind him, the strange armor was emitting a fierce energy. In the cold weather, the other night watcher who replaced him took off his coat and began to put on his leg armor. Sost pressed his pocket watch and restarted the timer.

Rushing into the bathroom, Leonard didn't even bother to close the door, quickly took off his clothes, and then lay down in the bathtub with white mist. The skin in contact with the boiling water quickly turned red, making him look like he was cooked. It was normal, but he didn't care. Instead, he buried his head in the water, not letting a trace of his skin be exposed.

In the transparent water, silvery white liquid oozed out from Leonard's body everywhere, like lines drawn by mercury all over his body. They quickly spread and disappeared in the hot water, while simultaneously lowering the temperature in the bathtub, less than half of the time. Within minutes, the entire tank of boiling water dropped to freezing point, and a thin layer of ice even condensed on the surface.

It wasn't until the silver liquid stopped oozing from all over his body that Leonard got out of the ice water and breathed a long sigh of relief. The water on his body slowly evaporated under the influence of body temperature, and condensed into mist due to the low surrounding temperature. It made his muscular body a little hazy.

Seeing that the night watchers outside the door had left, he turned his head and whispered:
"Old man, do you know the origin of this sealed artifact?"

"You should be polite when asking the elders," an old voice emerged in his mind, "It is probably formed by the high-sequence characteristics of the giant path, but compared to the ability of the sequence itself, the blood stains on the armor are It is the true source of the power of this sealed object. It comes from a certain ancient god before the cataclysm..."

As if he was used to the vague way of speaking in his head, Leonard did not continue to ask, but stood up, found a towel to dry himself, put on his clothes again, and walked out of the bathroom.

"By the way, when the Beyonder from 'Machine Heart' left just now, I saw a somewhat familiar figure. Do you have any impression of him?"

When he reached the stairs, he suddenly remembered the feeling at the door and asked again in a low voice.

"Ha, if you think you know them, you should ask yourself," the old voice sneered and replied, "I don't know them."

Subconsciously, Leonard felt that this mysterious "parasite" who had been with him for three years was hiding something, but before he could think about it, the Nighthawk who replaced him and put on "1-42" walked up to the second floor. Go straight to Jason Belial's bedroom, use the tracking ability of the sealed object to find the location of this "Apostle of Desire", and prepare to solve this trouble in one fell swoop.

He could only keep up with his teammates quickly, but there was still suspicion on his face.


"Is that armor just now the 'dangerous sealed object' you mentioned?"

On the carriage of the Heart of Machinery, Angel looked at Ikanser sitting opposite her and asked curiously.

The moment she boarded the carriage, she felt a searching gaze directed at her, coming from the silver-armored carriage of the "Nighthawk", but this feeling only lasted a moment, so she was not sure whether it was an illusion.

"Yes, I can only say that it is very dangerous and difficult to control, so the Nighthawks ask all outsiders to leave."

The executioner said in a mysterious manner.

Unfortunately, I already know that it is called "1-42", and it has killed people in an entire city... It seems that "Eye of Wisdom" Isengard Stanton's understanding of this sealed object does not come from machinery. He should have other information channels, such as the Nighthawks, or even the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom in Lundberg... Angel thought to himself, nodded, and did not continue to ask.

Afterwards, their conversation inevitably turned back to the Demon Family and the "Apostle of Desire" Jason Belial.

"It's best for you to continue to stay together after you go back. I got the news this morning that three family members of detectives who were unwilling to accept our centralized protection died tragically in their own homes. Two were in Hillston District and one was in North District. The cause of death was It's all internal bleeding caused by excessive fear. In layman's terms, it means being scared to death."

Ikanser said in a low voice, as if this would increase his momentum.

"But you don't have to worry too much. Now that the sealed object is out, Jason Beria probably won't live long. That full-body armor can eliminate the opponent's anti-divination interference, easily find the target's location, and will not touch the devil 's dangerous intuition, and has the ability to kill Sequence 5 easily. It can be said to be the nemesis of extraordinary people with this kind of path."

"That sounds really reassuring," Essinger said with a smile. After leaving Jason's house, the old smoker was finally allowed to use his pipe, so he was already puffing away at the window. "But I have a Doubtful, 'Apostle of Desire' Beria must know that Backlund's Orthodox Church has the means to deal with him, so why does he continue to provoke the detectives protected by the church, and even after being plotted and injured yesterday, he still perseveres? "

This is indeed a doubt in everyone's mind, especially after "visiting" Jason Belial's mansion just now, they learned that under this man's elegant and wealthy identity, he has hidden hidden dangers behind his seemingly calm appearance. The nature of madness makes it even more difficult to understand the behavioral logic of this "Apostle of Desire".

"Perhaps, he really loves that 'devil dog' and regards it as his only family, so he wants to avenge it even if he gives up his long-established identity?"

Kaslana frowned and tried to analyze.

"Unfortunately, that's impossible." Essinger shook his pipe and shook his head slightly to deny the female detective's view. "Sequence 8 of the 'Devil' path is called 'Broken Winged Angel', which means lost The conscience of normal people acquires various abilities exclusive to the devil and flows with them. This sequence is also called the "cold-blooded one". Do you think that after this stage, he will still have the kind of "love" you mentioned? '?"

Sherlock also nodded at this time and agreed with Essinger's analysis: "I think so too, but if this is the case, Jason Beria has been attacking so frequently these days, even regardless of his own injuries, and the true intention is worth it Explored.”

He looked at Ikanser, and the meaning was obvious: it's time to touch your "Arrodes".

The latter smiled awkwardly and waved his hand, indicating that he had not taken the sealed artifact out of the church, but he also promised to use the sealed artifact as soon as possible after returning to the "Machine Heart" station and continue to inquire based on the clues at hand. The whereabouts of the "Apostle of Desire".


"Now, they must be trying their best to find 'Jason Belial', the ruthless killer who killed dozens of people and buried their bones under his home, haha, haha..."

In the shadows, a pair of blue eyes gradually emerged. Jason Beria, who was being tracked by major churches, slowly walked out of the corner and came to the center of this spacious attic.

He quickly took off his clothes and pants, then stretched out his hand and tore his scalp from the back, just like taking off a piece of underwear, tearing off the entire human skin!
Under the torn human skin, there is not bloody human tissue, but another human skin, another "Jason".

His brown eyes were cold, his brown hair was slightly curly, and his figure was no different from before he took off the upper layer of human skin. After taking off the entire thin human skin, he carefully folded it and put it beside him. In addition to the hidden pocket for storing the human skin, a huge suitcase was filled with stacks of large banknotes and heavy gold bars, which seemed to be worth at least tens of thousands of pounds.

After closing the suitcase again, the new "Jason" came to the attic window and looked into the distance. In front of this luxurious villa with a glass greenhouse full of bright red roses, the spacious street connected to the main thoroughfare in Queens. : King's Road.

At the end of the road, a four-wheeled carriage was driving out of the Kingdom House and slowly approaching.

That's his real goal.

(End of this chapter)

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