Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 322: Open the champagne first

Chapter 322: Open the champagne first
"Cheers to everyone's escape from death!"

Raising the glass of amber champagne, Angel touched the glass with the three detectives and Kaslana's assistant, and then took a small sip, letting the slightly irritating bubbles flow down the throat into the stomach, gently He let out a silent burp.

It was already noon when the mechanical hearts were sent back to Essinger's home. The servants and chefs hired by the old detective had not yet returned to work, and they needed to solve the lunch problem by themselves.

What makes people feel embarrassed is that the cooking task can still only be handed over to two men. Angel feels that his stew is not very good, while Kaslana and Lydia said that they usually eat out. Rarely cook by myself.

Fortunately, Essinger knows a lot of Lunberg-style dishes, and Sherlock can also make his own improved Loen-style dishes. The two quickly prepared a lunch that was not sumptuous, but enough to fill everyone's stomachs. , Essinger also opened a bottle of champagne, and several people temporarily put aside their worries about the future and enjoyed the food happily.

Of course, the "Apostle of Desire" Jason Belial was still at large at this time, but Ikanser was very confident in the Nighthawk's sealed artifact, and this good attitude also infected several worried people, making them The mood that had been shrouded in dark clouds for many days finally saw a ray of sunshine.

"And a toast to the victims."

Before the lunch ended, Essinger suggested, and several people toasted again and drank the remaining champagne.

There are four known victims in this incident, including Essinger's young assistant and the family members of the three detectives who were found dead at home this morning.Compared to the assistant who died accidentally during the battle, those family members died at the hands of the "Desire Apostle" because they refused to accept protection for various reasons. They were viciously attacked on the eve of the murderer being about to be solved by the official extraordinary people. , which can’t help but make people feel a bit sad.

After drinking and eating, they returned to the warm living room and started chatting by the fire. The topic ranged from the Apostle of Desire to the Beria family, and finally returned to the deceased.

"Actually, when I first received the threatening letter, I thought it was just a prank. It wasn't until the police came to my door and those 'mechanical hearts' appeared that I realized that things were not that simple..."

Sitting on the sofa, Kaslana took the coffee Lidia brewed and put it aside and said.

Essinger also expressed emotion:

"The three people who refused to accept protection should have a similar mentality. They thought it was just a malicious joke. At most, it was an act of incompetence and rage. Unfortunately, fate will not give them a second chance..."

"They don't know what extraordinary powers can do, so they don't realize the danger, and I...last night was the most worrying and frightening night I've had in years, because of the battle during the day and because of the evil thoughts I had at that time... …”

Kaslana's pessimism, which had almost disappeared, returned to her, making her words tremble.

"I was thinking at that time, if I die in the hands of the 'Apostle of Desire', this sentence should be engraved on my tombstone," she pursed her lips and paused for a moment before continuing, "She has a great Mother."

Angel almost thought that another fear seed was about to burst out in her heart, so he quickly comforted her with words:
"Ms. Kaslana, Jason Belial will be solved by the Nighthawks soon. I believe you will all return to normal life and regard this experience as your own valuable experience instead of a lingering nightmare."

Although she said this, she was not sure in her heart. After all, the ability of the "Desire Apostle" to bury fear and detonate emotions left a deep impression on her as a Sequence 6 person. She was dominated by fear and almost killed her. Teammate Kaslana must be even more afraid of this and make it even more unforgettable.

Sherlock, who was sitting opposite her, smiled slightly, and then the female detective continued:

"Actually, I have had similar thoughts. Of course, not only in this incident, whenever I encounter danger, I will be like Ms. Kaslana, thinking about the scene of my death, and, um, the funeral, such as the funeral. It is best to be in a sunny location, surrounded by woods, the body should be intact, and flowers should be placed in front of the tomb..."

He rambled on about many requests, and finally concluded to himself: "In short, I hope it won't be cremated. I'm more afraid of fire."

This sentence successfully amused several listeners and relieved Kaslana from her depressed mood. Perhaps this was the real purpose of the young detective, but Angel always felt that what he said about "being afraid of fire" seemed to mean something, so He kept a straight face and didn't smile.

After getting rid of the pessimism, everyone quickly entered a situation where there was no topic to talk about. As the fatigue after the meal appeared, Angel even wanted to go back to the second floor to take a nap to make up for the sleep he had lost last night. Unfortunately, a doorbell interrupted him. Her plan.

Standing outside the door was the deacon of the Heart of Machinery who had just parted ways with everyone, Ikanser Bernard.

"Everyone, let's go in and talk." Ikanser came here alone and even acted a little sneaky, which made Angel wary. She had seen Ms. D use the grazing soul of the "faceless man" to completely destroy herself. He became another person, so he kept staring at the deacon until he came to the living room and found a sofa to sit down on.

Fortunately, Ikonse soon revealed his true face: he opened the secret pocket under his windbreaker and took out the sealed silver mirror, Arrodes.

"My team members are still waiting for me on the carriage outside the door. I'll keep the story short." He first said that he had not violated the regulations on the use of sealed objects, and then continued, "First of all, the agent of punishment found the 'Apostle of Desire' Jay Sen. Beria is here and an arrest operation is underway."

"Punishers? How are they involved?"

Essinger asked with a solemn tone.

The Extraordinaries of the Church of Storms follow the principle of violence management and arrest all unofficial Extraordinaries first before questioning. This gives them the reputation of "tyrants" among the people. It is understandable that Essinger has such a reaction.

"Because two of the deceased this morning were believers of the Lord of Storms. This involves the principle of dividing the jurisdiction of the three major churches, so they were naturally involved in the incident."

Ikanser explained.

"During the operation at noon, the Punishers used a certain sealed object to locate Jason's location, but at the same time, they also made the opponent sense the danger. They broke through the blockade before the encirclement was formed and killed an entire team. Three punishers, they were led by the 'Navigator' of Sequence 7, and the other two were also Sequence 8. They all died in less than 1 minute... I really don't want to comment like this, but their performance was not even as good as yours yesterday. ."

Navigator sounds like a sequence that is more conducive to performance in the sea and underwater... But it can instantly kill a whole team of fully equipped punishers. Could it be that the "Desire Apostle" recovered so quickly from the injury he suffered yesterday?

Angel analyzed it secretly while listening to Ikanser's words.

"After the death, the Church of Storms was very angry. The Archbishop of Backlund Diocese, 'Singer of God' Ace Snake, left the Holy Wind Cathedral and tracked the opponent personally. He is the demigod of Sequence 4 and also One of the cardinals of the Church of Storms, when you go out now, you can even feel the strong wind caused by him flying through the neighborhood. With this demigod taking action, I don’t even think there is a need to join the Nighthawks to use this silver mirror.”

Ikanser put the silver mirror Arrodes on the coffee table in front of him, and his face actually looked a little happy.

"You also said in the morning that you have the Sealed Artifact of the Nighthawks and you can quickly deal with Jason Belial, but he killed three Punishers at noon."

Sherlock sharply pointed out the deacon's fluke, and then looked at the silver mirror, obviously very interested in this sealed object that could perform divination on its own.

"Ahem, that's why I brought it. Your analysis this morning makes sense. Maybe Jason Belial is really planning to lure away the official Beyonders to achieve a certain purpose." Ikanser felt a little embarrassed. He coughed lightly and pushed the silver mirror forward, bringing it closer to Sherlock. "You can ask it questions, I won't mind."

In his previous use, Angel has seen a certain characteristic of this silver mirror "Arrodes": after answering a question of the user, it will ask the user a sharp question. If the answer is wrong or lies , you have to accept punishment.

Although I haven't seen its punishment method yet, it must be a sealed item that gives the church a code name. This kind of punishment is not that light.

Moreover, will it ask questions such as "Do you believe in some hidden god?" and "What is the Tarot?"

Angel looked at Sherlock, who was staring at the silver mirror on the table, obviously having similar concerns.

He stretched out his hand and lightly touched the surface of the silver mirror, as if testing the temperature of the bath water. He weighed it lightly and immediately withdrew his finger. But then, his eyes suddenly widened slightly, and then quickly returned to normal. .This made Angel think that something was displayed on the silver mirror, but the mirror that dimly reflected the surrounding scene was empty and there was nothing.

"Well, I guess I could give it a try."

After a moment of silence, Sherlock actually nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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