Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 323 Humble Arolds

Chapter 323 Humble Arolds

After gently stroking the surface of the silver mirror three times, Sherlock Moriarty licked his lips and hesitated for a moment before asking:
"Dear Arrodes, my question is the current situation of Jason Belial."

He carefully stated his question word by word, without using the obviously pseudonym "Patrick Jason", nor pointing the question at the "Apostle of Desire", because in this world, even in Backlund alone, there may be There is more than one Beyonder of the same sequence.

The flame in the fireplace suddenly became dim, almost extinguished, and the sunlight outside the window gradually dimmed. Water rippled on the surface of the silver mirror, and then a scene looked down from a high altitude appeared:
Next to the small dock, a sailboat raised its sails in the wind and prepared to set sail. A man wearing a peaked cap and a black coat carried a suitcase and hurriedly squeezed through the crowd and entered the cabin.His cheekbones were high and his blue eyes were cold. He looked exactly like the portrait he saw in Jason's house that morning.

"It's like the lower Tussock River, close to the docks in the dock area. If you look in the distance, it's already in the suburbs."

Essinger, who was observing carefully, immediately recognized the location in the scene.

"He must want to leave Backlund and go south along the river to Pulitzer Harbour."

Kaslana also squeezed over to watch the clues provided by Arrods. When she saw the "Apostle of Desire" running away, a relaxed smile appeared on her lips.

It seems that the demigod of the Church of Storms, Ace Snake, has put considerable pressure on this Sequence 5 Beyonder. He has been struggling in Backlund for so long, attracting the cooperation of the Nighthawks and the Mechanical Heart. He paid attention but refused to stop, but as soon as a high-sequence powerhouse appeared, he decisively gave up and prepared to leave Backlund, or even leave the Northern Continent...

Angel sighed with emotion at the apostle of desire's heartfelt actions. His eyes continued to stay on the silver mirror, and he saw Jason Belial disappear from the screen, and then a line of neat small words appeared:

"Based on the principle of reciprocity, you can choose to answer the question or complete the task."


The first person to speak out was Ikanser Bernard, who was watching the process of using the sealed artifact. He scratched his somewhat disheveled hair under his hat, his face full of confusion.

"I choose to answer the question."

Sherlock chose the former without hesitation.

The white letters on the mirror quickly decomposed and reorganized into a new line of sentences:
"What's your favorite color, brown or purple?"

What kind of strange problem is this?According to the questions I asked about the mirror when Ikanser used it last time, it is obvious that it tends to reveal some secrets or hesitating thoughts in the user's heart. For example, the deacon of the "Machine Heart", although he agreed to not be there My identity was investigated in this incident, but as an official Extraordinary, he also wanted to bring an Extraordinary like me of the "Witch" path to justice...

Could it be that there is some unspeakable secret about color hidden in Sherlock's heart, so Silver Mirror asked such a question?
Angel looked at "Arrodes" in surprise. The latter's question seemed to be frozen in the rippling mirror, patiently waiting for the user's response.


"Correct answer."

As the line turned purple, the comment disappeared, and the surface of the silver mirror returned to normal.

"Well, this sealed object may be a little, um, restrained today." Ikanser took Arrodes and touched its surface twice curiously, but did not have the courage to touch it a third time. "Let's go back to To get to the point, it is obvious that Jason Belial tried to escape by boat, but this was not a wise choice. The 'Singer of God' can fly in the wind, and no matter how fast the boat is, it will not escape his grasp. It will be a matter of time before he is caught up. matter."

"But it's even more strange. If I were him, after being targeted by the punisher, instead of running away in a hurry, I might as well blend into the crowd and hide and seek with them in Backlund, which has a population of 500 million. This way There may be a chance to escape. Leaving the city, especially leaving by boat, is a dead end in front of a powerful demigod."

Essinger, who had gray temples, held the pipe close to his nose, gently inhaled the smoke that helped him think, and slowly spoke out his analysis. "He has no way to escape. If he stays in the city, he will soon be locked up by us and the Nighthawks through sealed objects. If he leaves Backlund along the waterway, he will only face Ace Snake's pursuit. Maybe there’s still a chance of survival.”

Ikonse looked normal, obviously convinced of "Arrodes"'s answer.

"But maybe, we have all been misled, or fallen into a misunderstanding," Sherlock frowned and thought, his eyes swept over several people, and paused for a moment when he looked into Angel's eyes, "He first sent Threatening letters, attacking the detectives who assisted in the investigation of the 'Devil Dog', attracted the attention of the official extraordinary people, and then the identity of his residence in the West District was bound to be locked, making everyone convinced that the 'Desire Apostle' and the 'Jack' Jason Beria' is the same person. Under this premise, everyone's attention will be attracted by Jason, and they will follow him around the city and even leave the city. In the corner where no one cares, the real conspiracy may have just begun. "

"what do you want to say?"

Ikonse, who was about to put away the silver mirror, stopped and looked at the detective.

"Is the 'Jason Belial' we saw just now really the 'Apostle of Desire' we are looking for?"

After listening to Sherlock's question, everyone in the living room fell into a brief silence. Everyone was thinking, recalling the similarities and differences between yesterday's "Apostle of Desire" and today's "Jason Belial", and The incoherent part of their actions.

"Your words sound like court sophistry, Mr. Sherlock." After a long time, Ikanser chuckled and put down the silver mirror in his hand, "But my intuition tells me that you may be right. We You can ask the respected Arrodes."

"But not here. If there really is another 'Desire Apostle', divination and any actions directed at him will alert him and let him know that his purpose has been exposed." Angel pressed the silver mirror on the table and stirred He saw a water pattern on the mirror, "You follow the original plan, find the 'Nighthawks', let them use the ability of another sealed object to block the devil's dangerous intuition, and then use it..."

As she was speaking, she saw dim words appearing on the surface of the silver mirror held under her fingers:
"Dear Miss Angel Granger, your most reliable partner Arrow..."

She immediately loosened her fingers and let the sealed object calm down. Then she quickly looked at the people at the table and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that they didn't react as if they hadn't seen it.

What happened just now?

Because this sealed object has been activated, the "question-answer" process is still continuing?Or is there some uncontrollable change?
Angel suddenly remembered Sherlock's reaction after touching the silver mirror just now, and was a little curious whether the other party had also seen the strange behavior of "Arrods".


After accepting Angel's suggestion, Ikanser quickly left with the sealed object that behaved abnormally. As the sound of the carriage rolling over the stone pavement outside the door gradually faded away, a few people who stayed behind were also standing in the living room. Consider your next actions.

Since the arrest has been launched, Ikanser has taken away most of the members of the Heart of Machinery, so that the Essinger family, which was originally under surveillance and protection, is no longer safe. Before leaving, the deacon kindly made suggestions to let a few people Go to the nearest Church of the God of Steam and Machinery to temporarily avoid risks, and come out after the "Apostle of Desire" is arrested.

As a "non-staff member" who had a lot of dealings with the Church of Steam, Essinger quickly made a decision. He asked several other people if they would go to the church with him and see the powerful "Apostle of Desire" Kaslana and Her assistant Lydia was willing to go along, but Angel was a little hesitant.

It wasn't until Sherlock returned from going to the bathroom and shook his head gently at her at the door that she expressed her opinion:
"Sorry, Mr. Stanton, I won't go to church." She smiled apologetically and rejected the other party's kindness. "I have anti-divination means to avoid being tracked by the 'Apostle of Desire', and I don't really want to It has too much to do with the Church of Steam."

"I can understand your concerns, so please pay attention to safety after leaving and wait for their good news." Essinger did not dissuade him, but looked at the last person, "Sherlock, what about you? Come to the church with us. Really? Believe me, compared to the Church of Storms, they are very reasonable."

"I can tell from what Mr. Ikanser did, but I need to go home first to get some things, and maybe go to the church on my own later."

Sherlock also declined Essinger's invitation, which made the latter look confused. He looked at Angel and Sherlock repeatedly, and then showed a knowing smile.

(End of this chapter)

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