Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 327 Grazing and Serious Injury

Chapter 327 Grazing and Serious Injury

"are you OK?"

The "Rogue" Black Emperor's voice was low and full of majesty, but there was a trace of concern mixed in it.

Angel nodded slowly, indicating that he was fine.

Although the battle was fierce, it only lasted about 1 minute. Almost all the Desire Apostle's attacks were evaded by the substitute, and did not cause substantial damage to her. Only a small part of her spiritual energy was consumed. The only problem was psychological. of……

Until the end of the battle, the desire detonated in her body still affected her thoughts.

Although he is already familiar with the attack methods of "Apostle of Desire" and has made corresponding countermeasures, such as not wearing the "Ring of Madness", using the killing desire brought by the extraordinary characteristics of "Dawn Knight" to cover up his other desires, and using "magic" in advance "Pocket Watch" quickly resolved the battle, but Sequence 6 fought against Sequence 5 alone, and still allowed the opponent to catch a slight flaw, detonating the seeds of desire that were unknowingly buried in her body, and she was still able to fight back despite being seriously injured.

Fortunately, I am not alone...

She looked at the "Black Emperor" Sherlock floating in the air, who had just retracted his gaze from her, and slowly floated above the dead "Apostle of Desire", capturing the spirit that had escaped from the body that had just died. .

According to the plan before the battle, Sherlock will first channel him in the spirit state. In this state, only a short ritual is needed to perform efficient channeling and achieve the best results.

Seeing that Sherlock didn't waste any time and quickly entered the state, Angel dragged his tired body a little further away and walked towards the suitcase dropped by the "Apostle of Desire".

What is it that can make this escaping Extraordinary person reluctant to give up?
Lifting the heavy suitcase and placing it on the slightly dry ground, Angel opened the buckle of the suitcase and opened the lid.

What appeared in front of her were stacks of 10-pound bills. The serious round face of William I, the "founder", looked so cute at this moment, making Angel want to kiss it.

"Greed is the greed detonated by the 'Desire Apostle'..."

She quickly made an excuse for herself, resisted her impulse, and made a rough estimate. The gold pounds in the suitcase exceeded [-] pounds. With a small amount of gold bars, the total value might be around [-] pounds.

This is more expensive than the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 5...

I couldn't believe this harvest. Angel's hand when closing the lid was trembling. She lifted the heavy suitcase and returned to the "Apostle of Desire". Sherlock also completed the divination at this time, turning his black helmet and looking at Headed this way.

"There are a lot of gains. Let's go into details when we get back. Do you want to 'herd' him now?"

"Yes," Angel reluctantly put down his suitcase, took off the "Rose Necklace" from his neck, put the blood-colored gem on the forehead of the Desire Apostle, mobilized his spirituality, and activated this magical item.

A breeze blew up, spinning around the somewhat miserable remains of Angel and the Desire Apostle, getting faster and faster.

In the center of the whirlwind, an almost transparent figure appeared. It was the "Apostle of Desire" with brown hair and brown eyes. His expression was not as cold as when he was alive, but in extreme pain. His mouth was open as if he was making a silent roar, and his limbs were in the whirlwind. It was trembling in the middle, trying its best to resist the "grazing".

Bits and pieces of bright yellow light like magma precipitated from the remains under the transparent figure. They did not gradually converge like the normal precipitation characteristics, but instead spun faster and faster as the whirlwind spun.

Eventually, these lights merged into the transparent figure, dyeing him with the color of fire, and finally merged into the blood-red gemstone on the rose necklace.

A dim lamp seemed to be lit inside the gem, with the same color as the light just now, making the gem shine even more.

Angel breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the necklace and put it around his neck again.

She had successfully herded her first soul.

The body that had lost its soul and extraordinary characteristics seemed to have become a little rickety, but the two people on the side knew that this was just an illusion. The body had not lost any part of its essence, it just no longer possessed extraordinary power.

At this point, all goals have been successfully completed. The fleeing "Apostle of Desire" has been intercepted, channeled through him, and his extraordinary characteristics have been unleashed.There’s even extra gold pound income…

Watching "Black Emperor" Sherlock remove a deck of tarot cards from his body and do the final finishing touches, Angel just grinned when a rich blood appeared in front of his eyes.


Klein sat blankly in the palace above the gray fog, sitting on the high-backed chair belonging to "The Fool", with a smile still hanging on his face and the corners of his mouth still grinning upward.

There was only a remnant of the scene before his eyes.

It was a silver-white full-body armor with bloodstains on the chest, an endless amount of blood red and silver, Angel's smile frozen on her face, and her broken body.

The next moment, he lost contact with the "Black Emperor" spirit body and returned to the gray fog space.

If he hadn't subconsciously protected the "Sun Brooch" inside his body, he wouldn't have been able to keep the magical item he had brought.

"1-42", this is the powerful power of that sealed object. At that moment, he even felt that it was no less than the "blasphemous card", maybe it was the armor itself, maybe it was the solidified blood stains on it...

No longer thinking about it, Klein quickly returned to reality and returned to his residence at No. 15 Minsk Street. He quickly grabbed a pistol, ammunition, charms and other items that could be used in battle, and then left the home with a flash of flame. Appear on the street next to a streetlight.

At this time, the sky had become dark, and there were not many pedestrians on the road. No one noticed the figure that suddenly appeared at the corner of the street. He quickly looked around and found no hired carriage, so he simply moved his legs and walked towards the "Apostle of Desire" before. He ran in the direction where he died, using flashes of flames from time to time to pass through the buildings in front of him. Finally, he got into the sewer and ran all the way through the stagnant water.

Relying on the memory of rushing when he became the "Black Emperor", he arrived near the battle site in a few minutes. After turning two more corners, he could see the remains of the Desire Apostle, and...

Suddenly stopping, Klein took a deep breath and calmed down his anxious mood slightly. He knew that facing "1-42" would only lead to his death in vain. The only thing that could save Angel was his own caution and calmness, not recklessness and impulsiveness. .

In the quiet sewer, except for his own breathing and the slowly flowing water under his feet, there was no sound of fighting. He quickly made a decision, walked four steps backward, and returned to the palace shrouded in gray mist again, summoning Write down the divination content with pen and paper, close your eyes and force yourself to enter the dreamland.

"Angel Granger's current situation."

Silently reciting the content of the divination, the gray fog in front of Klein's eyes dissipated. He first saw a remote garden. Several Nighthawks wearing woolen coats were helping Sealed Artifact "1-42" take off its heavy armor. Under the removed helmet was a face he was familiar with.

That was Leonard Mitchell with black hair and green eyes.

Klein took a deep breath and almost interrupted the dream divination. He didn't expect that the sealed object that had instantly attacked Angel and cut off his "Black Emperor" spirit body just now was actually an old teammate of Tingen City.

After leaving the silver-white armor, the poet, who was originally bohemian but now looked solemn, quickly took off his clothes regardless of the onlookers around him, and got into a temporary hole dug in the grass next to him. Steaming boiling water.

Then, the scene changed. In the sewer below the garden, several official Beyonders from an unknown church were gathered around the body of the "Apostle of Desire", discussing something with serious expressions. There was a pool of fresh blood near the body. But no other bodies were seen.

This scene made Klein feel slightly relaxed.

The scene in the dream continued to move, and after passing through several passages, it stopped at the end of a passage separated by a fence.

Klein's eyes suddenly widened.

He saw Angel lying motionless in the corner, covered in blood.

 The next chapter is still the same old time

(End of this chapter)

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