Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 328 In the guest room

Chapter 328 In the guest room

Is she still alive?Is the injury serious?Why not leave the sewer?
Several thoughts flashed through Klein's mind, but the dream divination had already revealed all the pictures. The gray fog enveloped him again, and he returned to the Fool's Palace.

Now that the situation in the real world has been determined, Klein no longer delayed. He immediately returned to his body, recalled the distribution of the surrounding sewers in his mind, quickly determined the location where he saw Angel just now, and then carefully avoided the "Desire" The place where the "Apostle" died, avoiding the official Beyonders who helped him "collect the body", took silent steps to the place.

Before he even stepped around the last corner, Klein smelled a strong smell of blood. There was no wind in the sewer, and the smell that could spread far away must have passed for a long time. He quickened his pace and moved forward quickly, passing the corner and arriving. At the end of a secluded, dark passage.

In the darkness, Klein, who had no night vision, could not see clearly what was around him. He could only rely on the ray of light coming from the far exit to barely see a petite body curled up in the corner.


Klein took out a few matches and threw them out, igniting them in the air. With the flash of light, he could clearly see the crystal ice cubes scattered on the ground. The weak firelight they reflected illuminated the cracks. invisible threads.

Among the ice blocks, Angel's pale face, highlighted by dried blood, appeared before Klein's eyes, making his heart ache.

"Ann...Irene, how are you?"

He took a few steps closer to Angel before the firelight dissipated. He first half-knelt on the ground in a pool of blood that had not yet dried. He stretched out his trembling hand and explored the other person's white neck.

In fact, spiritual vision should be able to confirm faster...

Such a thought flashed through his mind uncontrollably, and then there was warmth and a rapid pulsing touch from his fingertips.


Klein heard his own heavy but relieved breath.

After a moment, Klein, who was holding the unconscious Angel in his hands, sneaked out of the dark passage. He once again bypassed the several official Beyonders who were just exploring the body of the Desire Apostle and returned along the route he came from.

"Flame Jump" couldn't carry the weight of an adult, and he didn't dare to bring an unconscious woman on the street, lest it attract the police's investigation.Therefore, he could only use the clumsiest method, following the sewer distribution in his mind, first returning to Minsk Street in the Jowood District, then struggling to bring Angel back to the ground, and finally carrying him back to his home.

After placing the comatose body that looked even weaker on the bed in the living room on the first floor, Klein breathed a sigh of relief. He reached for the gas lamp on the wall, but after hesitating for a moment, he still did not light it. Instead, he used the light outside the window. The crimson moonlight shone into the room and looked towards the bedside.

The clothes that Angel wore to facilitate movement were full of long and narrow cracks, exposing the blood-stained skin inside. Klein knew that this must be the work of "1-42". Its invisible sword light not only cut off the "black The "Emperor" spirit body also killed Angel standing in front of him without any blind spots.

But at this time, the flesh and blood under the clothes was not as full of scars as Klein imagined. After a rough inspection, he found that the blood-stained areas had healed as before, and not even scars were left.

"Rose Necklace"!
Listening to Angel's heavy breathing, which was gradually slowing down, Klein instantly thought of the ability of this magical item. When the "Queen" made a deal with the "Hanged Man", he, as the "Fool", also learned about it. The effects of this magical item.

Even when the soul is not being herded, the extraordinary characteristics of the "Shepherd" allow the user to gain the ability to quickly recover from injuries. Although it consumes spiritual energy and reduces self-control, it is the only way to survive in times of crisis. Methods.

Klein, who was well aware of all her abilities, quickly analyzed everything that happened after he "left":
At the moment when Sealed Artifact "1-42" launched its attack, Angel should have used a mirror or a paper man's stand-in to leave the sewer. He might even have used an "Ice Coffin" mixed with ice and spider silk to fight against the silver that spanned the space. White blade.

However, the lethality of the level 1 sealed object penetrated the avatar effect, penetrated the ice coffin, and attacked her behind. Therefore, a large amount of blood was left next to the body of the Desire Apostle and where she was unconscious.

Then, Angel relied on her "anti-divination" ability to escape the other party's tracking, and used the flesh and blood magic of the rose necklace to recover most of her injuries. However, the consumption of spirituality and blood loss made her unable to leave, and she could only stay where she was, and eventually passed out. Awake.

Feeling that he understood everything, Klein walked around the bed twice, probed Angel's neck again, and confirmed that Angel's pulse and breathing had stabilized before leaving the room with a gentle step.He took off his blood-stained coat and threw it into the corner of the basement. He used a paper man to perform basic anti-divination processing. Then he looked around the living room and found no missing items or blood stains that could easily arouse suspicion. He walked up to his bedroom on the second floor and rummaged through the potions he bought from Emlyn some time ago.

This potion is said to have spiritual materials added to it and can heal most injuries. When Klein accepted the commission and went to the church of the Mother Earth to rescue the unlucky vampire, he asked him to prepare a potion that could cure lung disease for an old man, because The effect was good, and he bought a few bottles after that to meet his emergency needs.

Unexpectedly, I haven't used it yet, so I used it on Angel first...

He took out the small box containing the potion from the hidden compartment behind the bookcase. He grabbed all the glass bottles without counting them, returned to the first floor, opened the door to the guest room and walked in.

Under the moonlight, Angel's thin back caught Klein's eyes.

she woke up?
Looking at the motionless woman standing in front of the window, Klein coughed lightly, and then whispered:
"This is the guest room of my house. You were unconscious in the sewer, so I brought you back here first."

"Thanks, but I...have to leave."

Angel's voice was thin and trembling, which made Klein startled at first, and then he asked in confusion:
"Leave now? What I mean is that you can stay here for one night until your injury gets better and your spirit recovers. Well, I'm still here..."

"No need."

The other party's indifference was unexpected to Klein, but he just nodded silently, stepped aside and opened the door to the guest room, and watched Angel slowly turn around in the darkness and walk towards the door.

As he passed by him, Klein couldn't help but glance at her side face. He was first surprised that Angel's hair color had returned to light blonde, and then he suddenly noticed that there was an unhealthy crimson on the other person's face, which he thought was from the moonlight just now. The chromatic aberration caused by the illumination, but upon closer inspection, it was discovered that it might be a sign before something goes out of control.

"Wait, you..."

He subconsciously pulled Angel's forearm, and was about to continue asking questions, but he was stunned and held his breath when the other person suddenly turned his gaze.

Angel's purple eyes were no longer as calm as usual, but were filled with unknown madness. Deep in the pupils, Klein saw his own surprised expression.

When did she drop her "faceless" disguise?

The next moment, he was thrown backward by a strong force, and with a "clang", he fell on the bed in the guest room.

crimson cheeks...crazy eyes...

He thought of Angel's embarrassing behavior yesterday under the "mental shock" of the Desire Apostle, and suddenly understood what was happening now.

Subconsciously, he wanted to use "flame jump" to leave here, or directly ignite the gas lamp on the wall. As long as a trace of flame appeared in the room, she would stop all actions because of the fear deep in her soul.

Before the battle, Angel said that she would definitely use the magic pocket watch to fight. If there was some irrational behavior after the battle, "Sherlock" could use the flame to deter her...

So she had expected it?

Countless thoughts flashed through Klein's mind, but after looking at the woman's scattered long, pale golden hair, the familiar face that he thought about day and night, her crazy eyes and the tears streaking across her skin, he finally gave up and prepared to ignite the flames. 's right hand.

 I feel deeply troubled by my lack of writing power.
(End of this chapter)

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