Mystery: Good Witch

Summary of Chapter 331 Role Playing

Summary of Chapter 331 Role Playing
Taking a hired carriage to the East District neighborhood, Angel changed into his own clothes in his newly found safe house before returning to his home on Red Rose Street in the Bridge District.

Maybe she was unlucky enough yesterday, but today the "good luck" pistol did not cause the carriage axle to break, or encounter any accidents such as patrol inspection, so she was able to get home safely.

After washing up and having a simple dinner, Angel calmed down his excitement, sat down at the table in the study, and recalled everything that had happened in the past two days.

No, not just these two days, since coming to this world four months ago, the look at each other when they first met the shy newcomer at the door of the house, the ambiguity when they taught the rookie how to use guns and close combat skills at the shooting range, the two of them cooperated The tacit understanding when solving the case, the confusion when he was invited to the family dinner, the surprise when receiving the gift made by the other party, the tranquility of enjoying a sumptuous dinner at his house after get off work, the anger after seeing him seriously injured, and the The despair after hearing the news of his death...

Then he came to Backlund and met another person similar to him, until yesterday...

According to the function of the sealed object "0-08" described by Ms. Arianna, she guessed that the magical object cannot monitor everyone's every move, but uses the people and things the holder comes into contact with and learns about, and gradually "reasonable" "Arrange everything so that events move in the desired direction.

After he came to Backlund, he joined the Witch Sect and came into contact with Triss, who showed signs of being "arranged". It is possible that this magical item has been included in the vision.Although he possesses the "Secret Holy Emblem" against divination, it only makes it difficult for the other party to recognize that he is the dead Nighthawk of Tingen City, rather than making himself completely ignored.

Once there is any unreasonable behavior, it may be discovered again at any time and written into its "story".

Therefore, it was Sherlock who had contact with him, and it could only be Sherlock.

Presumably, the other party also thought so, so he cooperated with me and pretended not to know.

She reluctantly suppressed the raised corners of her mouth and made a serious expression.

In order to distract her attention, she began to summarize the gains from yesterday's battle and the hidden dangers left behind.

First, she solved the "Apostle of Desire", a Sequence 5 Extraordinary who posed a huge threat to her and... Sherlock.Although the primary purpose of this Extraordinary who is determined to climb up to the High Sequence is to assassinate Duke Negan and obtain the ticket to the High Sequence, he killed his demon dog and already had a grudge with it. If this guy is promoted to the High Sequence, I am afraid that the first The thing is to come back and cause trouble for the two of them...

Secondly, through channeling and herding, maximizing the value of the "Apostle of Desire", Sherlock seemed to have learned about a mysterious organization that he didn't even dare to tell, and he gained three pretty good extraordinary abilities through the "Rose Necklace". As for the suitcase containing the gold pound, Angel didn't have high hopes.

Finally, after last night, Angel found that nearly half of the "happy" potion in her body had been digested, which was ten times more than what she had solved... This made her feel happy but also a little doubtful.

In the "Assassin" and "Instigator" stages, because of the repeated performances, her progress was very fast. As for the "Witch" in Sequence 7, even if she performed in public several times and played the "Divination Witch" many times, she It also took a full two months to digest the magic potion.

At this stage, without any experience or pre-playing process, how could she digest the potion so quickly?

Is there something wrong with the way he plays, or is the person he is playing a very special person?

Now she calmed down and gave a corresponding summary of her performance as the "Happy Witch" in Sequence 6:

According to Laura, the "senior", in order to digest the joy potion, the key point is undoubtedly physical pleasure. However, based on her experience yesterday, it seems that it is not absolute pleasure, but needs to have a sense of perspective during the process. The resistance of one's own identity, at the final peak, is relieved of everything and reconciles with oneself.

Thinking of her surprise and relief when she saw the amethyst pendant on Sherlock's wrist despite her madness, she covered her cheeks in shame.

Is it really because of the special role of the person that the digestion progresses so quickly?
If this is the case, next time you must...

No, there can't be a next time at all. There are too many magical items with strange negative effects on me. It's time to get rid of some of them.

Feeling the touch of the "Crazy Ring" on his finger rubbing his face, Angel angrily took off this harmful ring, but after thinking about it, he carefully put this magical item worth 2000 pounds into the insulated box. In the spiritual bullet box, I decided to find an opportunity to sell it again.

Now that she possesses the extraordinary characteristics of the "Faceless Man", she no longer values ​​the effects of the "Ring of Madness", but the negative effects that can amplify various desires will cause her all kinds of troubles.Although the former does not have the strange effect of psychology, the change in appearance is real and cannot be easily seen by extraordinary dogs or spirits. In some cases, it is even more useful than a ring.

As for the other ability that comes with it, "Frenzy", there are other abilities that can replace it.

When Mr. A holds another rally, sell it there!
After deciding the final destination of the ring, Angel went to the basement to brew spiritual materials mixed with his own blood, preparing to make a new magic mirror to replenish the side of himself that was damaged in the battle. During this period, She also put on a rose necklace and tried to use the soul of the "Desire Apostle" in herding to test her newly acquired extraordinary abilities.

As she expected, "Filthy Words" could make the pronunciation of the devilish word "Slow" appear in her mind. It would take effect as long as it was spoken out. Although it was convenient, while affecting the surroundings, it also had a negative impact on her own soul. With many influences, her heart will be filled with the desire to kill and destroy. No wonder every extraordinary person on the "demon" path is a cold-blooded and evil criminal. Perhaps being influenced by the thoughts of the devil is the main reason.

There was no way to test the "Desire to Control", and there was no gain in "Malevolent Induction", which made her a little complacent. At least in Backlund, no one had yet deeply resented "Eileen Watson" or even wanted to commit suicide. action. "Kala——"

While Angel was studying the rose necklace carefully, a half-length mirror placed in the basement made a slight sound like ice cubes breaking, attracting her attention.

This mirror was also smeared with the communication potion she made. This was prepared in order not to "miss" the communications of several people who provided the potion to her during the process of boiling the materials to make the magic mirror. Unexpectedly, at this time, , someone actually contacted her?

She quickly put on the characteristics of the "faceless man" and turned herself into "Irene" in everyone's eyes. Then she turned the mirror at an angle to avoid the cauldron of ingredients. She reached out and touched the mirror surface to activate the mirror. Potion on one side.

Unexpectedly, what appeared in the mirror was Miss Justice, Audrey Hall, who was also a member of the "Tarot Society".

"Good evening, Miss Irene," Audrey's sweet voice came from the mirror. It was slightly different from the conversation in person. It was deeper as if there was a layer of obstruction behind it. "I'm sorry to bother you at this time, but I have I need your help with something."

"Is it about the Psychological Alchemy Society?"

Angel immediately thought of what she had said in the Tarot meeting. The members of the Psychological Alchemy Society once again found the girl who had been "cheated" into the Aurora Society and almost died, and tried to draw her into this secret organization.

"That's right, last weekend, the member of the Alchemist Society who I had met once, Stephen Hampres, a furniture merchant and psychology enthusiast, found me again and invited me to attend a countess's party tomorrow. Dance, where I will be tested by another member.”

Audrey's face showed a cautious expression.

"My father and brother have been avoiding me going out since I was in danger. Fortunately, this time I am not going to a strange place, but to the home of an earl. I tried hard to convince them. But to prevent accidents, I hope You can walk with me."

It seems that the last time Ms. D became an adult and deceived her, it left a big psychological shadow on this girl...

"Justice" had given "Queen" a lot of help in the Tarot Club, and Audrey was now considered Erin's friend, so Angel agreed without hesitation.

The two agreed on a meeting time tomorrow, and Angel was about to end the communication, but at this time, the remaining communication potion on the edge of the mirror emitted a faint mist, accompanied by a "click" sound, which meant, The other mirror has also activated the potion and is communicating.

"Sherlock or Sherman?"

Angel was a little surprised. She didn't expect two people to contact her at the same time tonight. Fortunately, Audrey was about to end the communication. When Sherlock's face appeared on the mirror, Audrey only had time to say "Hey" With a sound, he disappeared in the corner of the half-length mirror.


"Hey, Miss Irene, why did I hear..."

In Earl Hall's mansion in Queens, Audrey showed a puzzled expression in front of the dressing table in her bedroom.

She just seemed to hear a male voice next to Miss "Queen" on the opposite side of the mirror, and a hazy figure appeared in the mirror. Unfortunately, the communication potion had been exhausted, and her dressing mirror returned to normal, with only herself reflected. expression.

This made her curiosity and desire to explore ignite, and she almost wanted to apply the precious communication potion again to reconnect with the other party.

"Susie, did you hear something just now?"

She hesitated for a while, but decided not to pry into other people's privacy in this way. Instead, she turned to her pet dog lying beside her and asked in a low voice.

The big golden retriever looked at his owner with squinted eyes, stood up from the carpet, and walked out of the bedroom with his limbs swaying.

After all, it's just a dog that doesn't understand anything.

Audrey just asked casually and did not embarrass her pet. When she saw Susie peeling off the door handle and getting out of the door, she looked back at the dressing mirror that no longer had the communication function, and the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously. rise.

Tomorrow, I must ask Miss "Queen" tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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