Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 332 Lost and found

Chapter 332 Lost and found


As soon as Klein applied the potion on the bathroom mirror to make it dark, he heard a clear voice coming from the mirror.

Then he saw Angel's somewhat flustered expression, and the basement that seemed to be lit with fire.

The voice just now didn't sound like hers. Could there be other women present?
He raised his eyebrows slightly, but the angle of the picture in the mirror was limited, and he did not see the second person present.

"Just finished communicating with another friend."

Angel explained calmly, took off the human skin characteristics, and showed his true appearance in the mirror. the female friend she said she had given the potion?
Klein nodded understandingly.

After the doubts in his heart were eliminated, he looked at Angel's true unconcealed face in the mirror and suddenly felt a little guilty.

Yesterday in his guest room, he finally failed to abide by the agreement and used the other party's fear of fire to deter her from her crazy behavior. This was indeed a bit of a pushover. After all, he had heard Angel shouting through the door at Essinger's house. With my own name...after knowing the other person's intentions, how can I face that kind of situation...

His mind instantly flashed through his first meeting with the girl on Daffodil Street, his interactions with and working together at the Nighthawk Station, his entanglement with feelings that conflicted with his own identity, his uneasiness when he invited her to a banquet, and his tenderness when he was seriously injured. The gratitude that my hand caressed, the regret that I felt powerless in front of the tomb...

Fortunately, the two have met again, and Angel should also know about "0-08", so she acted distant and indifferent after waking up at her home at noon. Otherwise, with her character, she might have just left the room. When you come out, you will be greeted by ruthless bullets.

After sorting out his somewhat confused thoughts, Klein did not waste precious communication time and told the other party the results of his exploration in the Campbell Street sewer after dark.

"I used the spirit body of the 'Black Emperor' to go there and investigate. The sewer where the Desire Apostle died has been blocked, but there is no official Beyonder left. And I did find the suitcase where you were unconscious. As expected, it was taken away by your 'mirror double'."

Seeing Angel's eyebrows raised, as if he was about to laugh, he added in a wicked way:
"But unfortunately, the box has been shredded by unknown attacks, and the same goes for the gold pounds inside. Almost every banknote has been cut into pieces of different sizes and soaked in sewage, making it unusable."


Angel, who was on the opposite side of the mirror, shouted unconsciously, his eyes widened, with undisguised disappointment in his purple eyes.

But seeing Klein's smiling face, she quickly reacted, restored her previous expression, pursed her lips and asked:
"Are the gold bars still there?"

"Yes, although the gold bars were also attacked by sealed objects, breaking them into several pieces did not affect their value, and most of the jewels and diamonds in them survived. After ruling out the risk through divination, I went to the sewer and took them away. Roughly It's estimated to be worth around £3000, maybe less, since we have to sell them on the black market."

Seeing Angel's instant smile, Klein felt that the hard work he had endured by drilling into the sewer for an hour was nothing.

Then, the two talked about the results of channeling the "Apostle of Desire" again.

"The organization you mentioned that cannot be mentioned, the organization that provides rewards to the 'Apostles of Desire', cannot be mentioned here either?"

Angel lowered his voice and asked.

"Same as that thing," Klein nodded, also lowering his voice, although he knew it would have no effect, "Everything you say will be known."

Speaking of this, he remembered what he saw in Russell's diary. The senior time traveler did not dare to call the organization by its name in the diary written in Chinese, the "Twilight Hermit Society".

That ancient, secretive organization that secretly plots to influence the world situation.

After reading the diary, he once suspected that Russell did not dare to mention the name of this organization in any way because he was afraid of the power of the Twilight Hermits. However, after he died in Tingen City, the sealed artifact "0-08" was created. After a series of coincidences, and knowing that this sealed object probably originated from the audience, that is, the dragon, he connected all the possibilities and understood the terrifying ability of "everything said must be known."

Fortunately, Klein's guess was correct, and Angel also knew the ability of "0-08". He immediately understood it after his hint and stopped talking about it.

"So, how is your digestion progress? Well, I mean the magician's potion." Angel suddenly asked as if he was looking for other topics, leaving Klein a little at a loss.

"It's almost done. After performing at Capine's mansion, two appearances of 'The Black Emperor', and some of my daily performance habits, maybe it will take another week or so to fully digest the 'Magician' potion," Klein answered subconsciously, and then saw the other party's twinkling eyes, and realized why he turned to this topic. He chuckled and continued, "My next sequence, the magic potion formula of the 'Faceless Man' and the extraordinary We already have clues about the materials, and if we’re lucky, we can be promoted before the end of the year.”

"Faceless man? So this is the fortune teller's Sequence 6..."

Angel looked a little surprised.

"Can the extraordinary properties that have been combined with the remains of the deceased be used as potion materials? I happen to have a 'faceless man' here..."

"It's a pity that what can be used as potion materials can only be pure, uncontaminated extraordinary properties. The one you used that can change the face cannot be used."

After learning about Angel's intention, Klein responded with some regret and some relief.

"Really..." Angel was obviously a little disappointed, "If you need some extraordinary materials, I can help you go to a certain, um, extraordinary gathering to ask."

Could it be that she was talking about the Tarot Society...

Worried that he would laugh if he couldn't hold it in, Klein quickly ended the communication.

After leaving the narrow bathroom, he put away the smile on his face and prepared to rest as soon as possible to make up for the sleep he missed last night.

This night, I am sure I will feel extremely at ease.


After a good night's sleep, Angel arrived in Queens on Sunday afternoon and boarded Audrey's carriage directly in front of Earl Hall's house.

This time, Earl Hall's baby daughter traveled in a larger team than last time. There were three four-wheeled carriages in front and behind, but none of them had the Hall family's logo on them, and the decoration was relatively low-key.

The two carriages at the front and back carried servants and guards. Angel even suspected that there were extraordinary people traveling among them. This was quickly confirmed by Audrey, who was sitting in the middle carriage.

"If the dance hadn't been held directly at Count Wolfe's home, my father would not have let me go out. Even so, he asked an extraordinary person from the family to escort me, and also brought eight additional men with guns. guard."

Audrey said with a smile on her lips. At this time, there were only Angel and Audrey in the large carriage in the middle, and Susie, the "extraordinary dog", so she could talk about some "unusual" topics. .

"If I hadn't observed carefully, I might not have noticed that there were extraordinary bodyguards at home. To be honest, I always thought that my father and brother had no understanding of the world of mysticism. It wasn't until recently that I discovered that they were just pretending to be ignorant. Protect me in the palm of your hand..."

As she said that, her smile disappeared and there was worry on her face.

"However, even Duke Pallas Negan, the retired admiral who was heard to have the strength of Sequence 6, died at the hands of assassins. If my family faces the same... well, you should know Negan. Regarding the Duke, I heard that the assassin the day before yesterday had died in the hands of the 'Black Emperor', and..."

She suddenly stopped talking and signaled with her eyes, hoping that the other party would understand.

Angel nodded calmly, indicating that her guess was correct. After all, this matter would definitely become one of the topics in the Tarot meeting next week.

Audrey pursed her lips and forced down her curiosity. She knew that the other Beyonders in the carriage might be paying attention to what was going on here. There were some things that could be discussed and some things that could not be said.

Then, she changed the topic:
"Miss Eileen, I noticed it when you first got in the car. Why do you always have a faint smile on your face? Is this... related to the man last night?"

Having said this, the audience member had a sly smile on his face again.

(End of this chapter)

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