Chapter 357

With the roar of the whistle, a steam train entered Backlund's train station.

Shrouded in thick haze, passengers of different heights and different clothes walked out of the carriages. It was already dark, and it was not safe to drive late at night. Therefore, this was the last train of the day. After that, the station would enter more than 10 kilometers. [-] hours of rest time to prepare for the busy morning of the next day.

A tall and thin staff member held a red pennant and directed the passengers who were walking slowly in the dim lights and yellow fog to the exit. This boring work soon made him yawn and Looking forward to the off-duty moment after this steam train has unloaded passengers and cargo and left the platform.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. Out of the mist came a woman who was incompatible with the dirty environment around the platform. She was wearing an Intis-style dress and a fluffy shawl covering the exposed parts of her upper body. She looked like she was only 20 years old. On the left and right, her loosely rolled hair was covered by a light-colored cap, and her perfect facial features made her face somewhat unreal.

He couldn't help but greeted him, and with a hint of flattery and a hint of flattery, he asked in a low voice:
  "Beautiful lady, may I help you?"

A smile appeared on the dignified and holy face of the lady in the long skirt, and she handed the small suitcase she was carrying to the staff:
  "If you want to help, just carry it."

With the staff member who volunteered to carry the luggage, the lady walked through the haze. As the night fell, the fog became thicker and did not block her sight at all.

"I haven't been back to Backlund for a while. Is the smog here always so serious?"

She asked seemingly unintentionally.

"It's getting worse since December, madam," the staff member carried the suitcase and followed in small steps. He was surprised at the lady's physical strength and replied, "But don't worry, I saw it in the newspaper, Next year, a new bill will be passed to limit factory emissions and promote the use of anthracite, and the smog will soon be reduced."

He showed off the knowledge he had picked up from a colleague at lunch.

"Really? That's such a pity..."

"What, what?"

Hearing the lady's strange response, he looked forward curiously.

At this time, the two of them had walked out of the platform and came to the street. The beautiful lady took the suitcase from the staff, leaned close to his ear, and whispered in a soft and pleasant voice:

"I mean, after helping such a beautiful lady carry her luggage, shouldn't you find a corner, choose a way to die that suits your status, and keep this memory in your heart forever?"

After saying that, she carried the box and walked towards a four-wheeled carriage with an exquisite and luxurious appearance and the emblem of Baron Langdon's family.

The enthusiastic staff member bent down and saluted after a brief moment of astonishment and returned to the train station.

His pace gradually quickened, and he rushed towards the platform with a somewhat rapid breathing.

In two minutes, the last train will leave. Now that we are back on the platform, we still have time to commit suicide by lying on the track.

This was a way of death that suited his identity and the lady's requirements.


"It is said that the 'Lady of Despair' is not a murderous person. As long as I don't reveal my true identity, she has no reason to hurt me."

Angel sipped his coffee and said slowly.

"And I am fully prepared. There is a predetermined magical item that will be available in a few days. Mr. Fool has promised to give corresponding blessings. Coupled with my own anti-divination, it is enough to cope with this meeting. "

Sherlock in front of her still had doubts on his face. After a while, he left the living room and walked around on the second floor. After a few minutes, he returned to Angel, holding a dark gold sunbird-shaped sunbird in his hand. brooch.

"You wear it. This sun brooch has various extraordinary abilities against resentful souls and undead spirits. More importantly, when wearing it, the user will be immune to most fears. Even if you have used the 'Magic Pocket Watch', It can also counteract most of the side effects. Of course, the brooch itself also has negative effects, which I think you already knew at the Eye of Wisdom gathering.”

As soon as Angel received the sun brooch, she felt that the surroundings had become hotter, as if she had entered midsummer and stepped into the desert. Even the air she breathed into her lungs became hot and dry. She tried to inject her spirituality into the brooch and quickly understood After realizing its capabilities and usage, I put it back on the table and felt that the temperature in the living room with the fireplace burning was so cool and pleasant.

If I were wearing it, I would probably be sweating profusely just after seeing "Ms. Despair". I would appear more guilty and frightened, and be more likely to be found to have problems... But its ability can indeed restrain some enemies, not "witches". But it was Ince Zangwill who had jumped to the "Sleepless One" path.

Of course, even if you bring this magical item, it is too bold to talk about "restraining" the Sequence 4 demigods. It will only increase your escape capital...


"You gave me such a valuable magical item. If I die, won't it be cheaper for 'Ms. Despair'?" She forced a smile and joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere in the room.

"This is not funny at all," Sherlock pursed his lips, his face becoming more serious, "By the way, you left the master key behind. It can only open some non-spiritual locks, but it may allow you to escape when you escape." Get lost, or even turn around and run back into the enemy.”

Angel did not retort and obediently handed over the brass key sealed in the bullet box by the spiritual wall.

This key helped her track down the Apostle of Desire, but it might also lead her straight to the "Lady of Despair", so it was really not suitable to keep with her.

"Finally, there is some good news." After exchanging magical items, Sherlock's face finally looked better. "I learned about my teacher from an informant in the East District. He may be in Baker." Rand might be able to help us some, but I heard he's wanted by the military."

"Wanted by the military? Isn't it also because of the cooperation between the Witch Sect and the royal family?"

Angel guessed that the other party was talking about Mr. Azik, who had seen two people being affected by "0-08". This mysterious teacher probably had high-sequence powers.

"Maybe, but it doesn't rule out that someone is trying to interfere with him and force him away from Backlund to prevent him from affecting these people's plans. This actually shows that the people behind the scenes are afraid of his ability."

Sherlock analyzed, his eyes a little wandering, as if he was recalling the teacher's past.

"I will try to contact him, maybe it will be helpful to you."

This guy... used all the methods at his disposal, except for following me into battle... But taking him to see "Ms. Desperate" might make the situation even worse...

Angel raised the coffee cup to hide his expression, drank the coffee in one gulp, and stopped Sherlock from pouring the coffee.

"Then let's do it. I will go back to sleep tonight and continue to make some preparations, so that the people sent by Prince Edsac to monitor you will not think that you are not doing your job every day."

she quipped.

"...Isn't he like that..." Sherlock whispered, standing up quickly under Angel's scrutinizing gaze, "I mean, you can just move in with me, there are quite a few empty rooms here. .Of course, after I solve the prince’s case.”

"There are a lot of empty rooms, but are you sure you can use them?"

Angel sneered, picked up the sun brooch on the table, and trembled under the sudden burning sensation.

Hearing her almost tacit answer, Sherlock sent Angel out the door with a smile, then slowly closed the door, looked at the living room that had become deserted again, and sighed.

He slowly came to the study, found a document bag, took out all the pages inside, and spread it out on the table.

It was an unfinished investigative report on Talim's death.

He planned to stay up late today to complete it and go to finish Prince Edsac's commission tomorrow.


"Shared renting... is indeed a way to save money, and it is also more convenient and safer..."

Late at night, Angel returned to No. 47 Red Rose Street and stood in front of the door, looking up at the house she had lived in for three months with a smile on her lips.

"In the room, I don't have to continue wearing the ring to disguise himself, he can also show his true face..."

Thinking about all this, Angel made up his mind to go to her landlord, Mrs. Wallis, early tomorrow morning to discuss quitting the rent.

"You can't be like the rude Fusac people in her eyes who just disappear without canceling the lease."

She took out her keys and was about to open the door to go home when Angel suddenly felt a burning sensation in her chest. The feeling was not strong, but it made her heart drop to the bottom.

That was a warning from the occult stand-in who intercepted the curse directed at her, and in Backlund, there was only one person who could cast a curse on her - "The Witch of Joy" Servilia.

This only means one possibility:
  "Ms. Despair" returned to Backlund.

 Wow, thanks to the leader of Dangou for the reward!
  (End of this chapter)

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