Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 358 Actions on both sides

Chapter 358 Actions from both sides

Ignoring the burning sensation that came and went away faster, Angel opened the door with a normal expression and went directly into the basement in the darkness.

She didn't know if Servilia's "call" was urgent, so she didn't rush to the West District immediately. Instead, she planned to make all preparations first, bring the necessary magical items, pray for blessings from Mr. Fool, and then go Going to the appointment, if she could get a good sleep before then, she would not hesitate to praise this pleasure witch.

Of course, if the next curses came one after another, indicating that the other party wanted to arrive as soon as possible, then she would make other arrangements.

Fortunately, after Angel sorted out all the Storm Gathering Bullets he had made in the past few days and placed the magical items on the table, the second curse did not come.

"Then I can go the next morning..."

She murmured and looked at the items on the table, which would be an important guarantee for her survival the next day.

"Good Luck" revolver, equipped with homemade special bullets;

The "Sun Brooch" I just got from Sherlock, my own "Rose Necklace" and "Ring of Madness";
  Hidden Holy Emblem;

The extraordinary characteristics of the “faceless man”;
  Finally, there is the "magic pocket watch" brought from Tingen.

Except for the pocket watch and the secret holy symbol, the rest were obtained during her few months in Backlund. Although she lived a tight life in a big city during this period, she knew that this magical item had exceeded All the sealed artifacts owned by an entire official Beyonder team in many sub-dioceses can be described as luxurious configurations.

Unfortunately, the enemies she will face cannot be defeated by an ordinary team...

With a secret sigh, Angel picked up the "Faceless Man" feature and began to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.


Early the next morning, Angel woke up with waves of burning sensation before he could catch up on his sleep.

Taking out the hair substitute that she carried with her, which was almost burned to ashes by a slight curse, she knew that Servilia was impatient to wait.

After quickly washing up, Angel took the magical items with him, checked the wand and magic mirror, placed bullets, pistols and charms in convenient places, then set up a simple altar and offered prayers to Mr. Fool.

As the secret contract ceremony came into effect, an "angel" with twelve pairs of black wings on his back combined with Angel's spiritual body in the deep red light. Layers of black wings enveloped her and then merged into her body.

This "hug" was extra warm.

"Praise Mr. Fool!"

Angel expressed his heartfelt thanks, then packed up the altar and left his home.


"I thought you would come last night, and even prepared a room for you to spend the night. I didn't expect you to really dare to delay it until this morning?"

In the mansion of Baron Langdon, Angel met the somewhat angry pleasure witch Servilia. The latter had changed into neutral casual clothes at this time. Different from her usual seductive posture, Angel looked a bit heroic, which made Angel I remembered Mrs. Sharon who broke into the Nighthawks' station and carried out an assassination.

"I was thinking that if you called me with a curse again, I would come over immediately, but you didn't do it until this morning."

Angel explained with a smile.

"You mean, it was actually me who was wrong?"

Surprised that Angel dared to refute directly, Servilia raised her eyebrows, but did not continue to dwell on the topic. Instead, she was taken to the back door of the mansion and got into an unmarked small carriage.

Angel found that the driver was not the coachman of the Baron Mansion, but a man wearing a hood and cloak. She guessed that this was also a member of the Witch Cult, a peripheral member like Sherman.

When the carriage started to move, Servilia pulled up the curtains on both sides, plunging the carriage into darkness. Then she stared at Angel and said softly:

"I believe you have guessed the reason why I summoned you, right?"

"Ms. Despair has returned to Backlund?" Angel already knew this, but he still pretended to be a little worried and asked cautiously.

"It seems that you still have corresponding wisdom in such an important matter." It seemed that because Angel did not arrive in time last night, there was always an inexplicable emotion in Servilia's words, "When I see that lady, I believe you You will know what to say and what not to say.”

"What should not be said" means using public interests for personal gain, taking advantage of the opportunity to probe the targets of the Air Pollution Investigation Commission to give one's own industry a free ride, or does it mean that he happily mingles at aristocratic dinners and often even disappears for several days?
  Angel cursed and nodded to show his understanding.

Seeing that Servilia was leaning back with satisfaction and seemed ready to close her eyes to rest, she couldn't help but ask:
  "So, where will we meet?"

"Relax, there is still a long way to go, we will go to the eastern suburbs of Backlund."

Squinting her eyes, Servilia said slowly.


"Sorry, Your Highness, after many days of visits, divination and channeling, I have not found any possibility other than heart disease. Perhaps Talim really just died of a sudden illness, rather than... something inexplicable. A matter of knowledge.”

Klein said in a deliberately slow tone. When he arrived at the Red Rose Manor in the western suburbs, he deliberately put on a wrinkled shirt and a dusty jacket. He also used the ability of the "Faceless Man" to make himself His skin was dry, his stubble was messy, and he even had dark circles under his eyes, turning himself into a poor detective who stayed up late every day but had no clue about the case at hand.

The Prince Edsac Augustus in front of him had a completely different temperament. His hair was meticulously styled, and he was wearing a tailored shirt and a light yellow vest. The small accessories such as lapel pins and cuff nails looked inconspicuous, but Any one item can buy several sets of Klein's full-body clothing.

But his expression was a bit sulky, with a round and serious face. He looked away from the golf course outside the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the detective beside him. He was stunned for a moment, as if he just realized that the detective was so haggard and helpless.

"I understand," he said in a calm tone with a hint of apology, "Sure enough, it's still too much for you. I'll let others take over the case. You can write a report to me as soon as possible on everything you know. After that, The commission is considered completed.”


Klein breathed a sigh of relief. The prince finally let go of this powerless detective and stopped trying to get him involved in the dispute between the royal families.

"I have brought the report. I have the habit of summarizing while investigating."

He continued speaking, took out a folded paper from his windbreaker, and handed it to Prince Edsac. The latter took it, glanced at it casually, handed it to the attendant beside him, and then ordered:
  "Finkel, send a carriage to take Detective Moriarty back to the city." He looked at the old butler in the corner, and then looked back at Klein after the other party nodded, "Moriarty, if you have any new information, If you have any clues, you can come to the manor to find me at any time."

I still want to live for a few more years, and now you are not free of suspicion... Klein forced a smile, nodded in agreement, and then followed the old butler Finkel out of the room, returned to the entrance of the manor, and received his own arms.

A few minutes later, a carriage drove out of the vast lawn in front of the manor. Klein stared blankly at the distant buildings from the car window, then smiled to himself and closed the curtains.

"In this way, even if the matter is resolved, it is none of my business whether the prince hires someone else or gives up. It's a pity for Talim. The real cause of his death is probably..."

He lowered his head and thought, suddenly inspired, and looked towards the car door alertly.

With a "click" sound, the car door opened and closed quickly, as if a breeze blew into the dull car.

Before Klein could put his hand on the gun handle, a figure appeared on the car seat opposite him. She was wearing a complicated, old-fashioned black dress, but her face looked as if she had just grown up. The facial features on her round face were not perfect, but she concealed a gentle and sweet temperament, with a natural temptation that made people unable to help but admire her. Observe carefully.


He immediately recognized the pleasure witch who had almost killed him in Tingen whom he had just talked about with Angel yesterday, and his eyes subconsciously glanced at her left hand.

On the little finger of her left hand was the sapphire ring she had seen in divination.

"You really know me! It's impossible for an Extraordinary detective not to pay attention to a wanted criminal like me..." Triss was not surprised but overjoyed to be recognized at a glance. The corners of her mouth turned up in a delighted smile, "This is easy to handle. Now, when you return to the city, immediately find the Punisher, Nighthawk or Mechanical Heart, and tell them that I killed Talim and that I committed a murder in Tingen, and ask them to arrest me, right away! "

"The bounty on my head is already four figures, and it will all belong to you, and if you are willing, I don't mind letting you experience the ultimate degree of 'pleasure' before being captured..."

...This guy is just like Angel said, he is completely crazy!

Klein could not help but have such thoughts pop up in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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