Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 368 “Witch” and “Red Priest”

Chapter 368 “Witch” and “Red Priest”

The moment he opened his eyes, Angel knew that his "bet" was right this time.

Of course, she didn't think so much when she rushed towards a high-sequence witch without hesitation. She just wanted to stop the spreading poisonous haze and delay it for a while so that Ms. Arianna could rush to the East District.

But it is hard to say whether she would have welcomed another death without hesitation if she had not experienced the "resurrection" from the Tingen incident.

The only question now is, is he lying in a coffin, or is he taken to the "sacred church" in Winter County again?

Trying to open his eyes wide, Angel turned his head and looked around, but his sight seemed to be blocked by something, and everything he could see was pitch black.

"My eyesight hasn't recovered yet? Or is it affected by some extraordinary power?"

She tried to reach out before her eyes, only to realize that she was still lying on the ground. She quickly climbed up on her hands and feet and stood firm.

The ground was made of soft soil, and it even smelled like the fragrance after the rain. But when Angel rubbed a piece of soil and handed it to his eyes, he could barely see his three fingers and the bit of black sandwiched between them.

There is no problem with dark vision is not working?

Could it be that I am in the same basement as when I first came to this world, and this time I don’t even have dark vision?

It was rather scary to recall the night when Angel first arrived in Tingen, Angel tried to summon the cursed black flame, but found that his spirituality had no response. Not even a single flame appeared around him, let alone the black flame.

It's like I became an ordinary person without taking the magic potion...

Thinking of this, she no longer tried to wait where she was, but groped forward, and soon found herself in a pit surrounded by gentle slopes. The upper edge of the pit was illuminated by a ray of red light. Let her know the direction instead of wandering at the bottom of the pit.

The soil at the edge of the pit kept sliding downwards under her step. Fortunately, although she lost her extraordinary ability, she still had the physical strength of a normal person. She dug through the soft soil and quickly dug out the not-deep pit. When she saw it, The moment he left the pit, the first ray of light after waking up appeared in front of Angel's eyes.

It was the scorching light of lava gushing from the depths of the broken mountains in the distance.

At this moment, Angel understood her situation: she was probably no longer in Loen, or even on the Northern Continent.

Even though she had only been in this world for a few months, she knew that there was no such huge active volcano in the entire Northern Continent, let alone within Loen or near Backlund.

"I can't possibly reach the location of Mr. Sun's Silver City. It doesn't seem to belong to the North and South Continents. He also said that there is darkness outside the city all year round..."

Ridiculing to himself, Angel left the pit and looked around in the dim light of the lava in the distance.

This is a dirt-paved street that can only accommodate three carriages abreast. It is lined with strange-style buildings. They are made of long stones and are attached to stone pillars. The mud smeared on the joints has become It was somewhat mottled, and the shadows on the surface swayed strangely in the dim firelight.

Angel, who lacks knowledge of history and geography, cannot tell which country or era the style is from. If she were to use her existing memory to describe it, it would be more like "ancient Greek style."

Walking among these stone buildings, she thought for a moment that she had returned to the earth and to the ruins of ancient European cities.

Until I met a figure standing in the shadows at the corner of the street.

The lack of sense of security due to the inability to use her extraordinary abilities made her immediately alert, but this figure did not react at all to the visitor. He just lowered his head and stood quietly with his back to the volcano in the distance.


Realizing that she needed to find a living person as soon as possible to understand her current location and related circumstances, she hesitated for a moment but took the lead in saying hello.

Of course, she uses Loen...if that doesn't work, she also knows some Fusac and Intis, and can always establish effective communication with strangers.

Attracted by her words, the figure slowly raised his head.

At this time, a volcano behind Angel erupted with intense light, spewing out a large amount of bright yellow lava, illuminating the front of the mysterious figure.

The thin face was covered with lines like black paint, and the long pale golden hair almost covered his eyes. Between the hair, two blood-red eyeballs slowly rotated, and their eyes were locked here.

Angel shivered as if a basin of ice water was poured from head to toe.

In front of her was another Angel Granger.

The moment she discovered this, a huge suction force came from behind her, pulling her up from the dirt ground and flying backwards into the air. The "ancient Greek buildings" around me moved forward quickly, and then there were some kind of Gothic, low-rise houses similar to the Rune style, round windows with stained glass, and continuous walls of red bricks and green tiles...

Finally, an invisible force pulled her to the ground, where she fell onto the same dirt ground as before.

Angel quickly got up and glanced around. The street scenes of many styles flashed past, some of which were strange to her, and some of which were familiar to her. But at this moment, there were no buildings around, only the endless darkness.

Am I back in that pit again? Who was that "Angel" just now? It looks like what I looked like when I lost control, and my eyes are red and I can't communicate. Could it be some kind of extraordinary creature that can change shape?

While she was thinking, she looked down. It was difficult for her to see even her feet in the darkness, but there were two more palm-sized cards on the ground than when she woke up just now.

No, those are two "Tarot cards", Tarot cards that are shining on their own!

Feeling something in her heart, she bent down to pick up the tarot cards, one in each hand, and looked closer.

One of them she had just seen not long ago. The evil spirit possessing Rafter Pound showed her, Klein and Miss Sharon a blasphemous card called "Red Priest" with a battle-riding card painted on it. Emperor Russell in the car was looking at her seriously.

His eyes moved to the upper left corner, and there was indeed a line of text flashing there.

"Sequence 0: Red Priest."

Sure enough, the evil spirit really didn't say a word about the so-called "reward", and the "Red Priest" was not in his hands at all.

Then another one...

She looked expectantly at the other tarot card in her right hand.

It depicts a white-robed woman sitting sideways on a soft couch, with a plump and elegant figure and a jeweled crown on her head, but her face is that of a male Russell Gustave, which is different from the majestic "Red Priest" , the playful face of Emperor Russell, as if dressing up as a woman was a unique pleasure.

In the upper left corner of the tarot card, there is also a line of flashing words:

"Sequence 0: Witch."

This is...Sequence 0 of the Witch Path, and it is also the god that the Witch Sect believes in. It is actually called this name...So where does the "original" prefix come from?

As if sensing her gaze, this tarot card revealed streaks of deep purple light, just like the color of her eyes.

These rays of light condensed into an illusory book composed of multiple Tarot cards in Angel's palm. The pages were quickly turned and displayed in front of her. On it were Emperor Russell wearing different costumes and posing in many poses. .

There is Russell who is wearing a cloak and jumping down from the sky with a dagger in hand; there is Russell who is sneering and whispering to others; there is Russell who is wearing a lady's dress and holding a crystal ball for divination...

Emperor Roselle, with different appearances, clothes, and movements, floated past her eyes one by one, accurately describing the name of the potion of this path.

Assassin, instigator, witch, joy, pain, despair, immortality...

Not only the names, but also their characteristics and the formulas of the potions appeared on the pages of the book.

Angel's eyes widened as she memorized these contents, but soon her forehead began to twitch with pain. This was the first time she felt "pain" after entering this magical place.

Spirituality... That spirituality that was motionless when I tried to use extraordinary abilities is about to be exhausted?

Just as an idea flashed through Angel's mind, the "Witch" card and the "Red Priest" card, the wet soil under her feet, and the surrounding darkness seemed to be pulled away from her.

When she felt dizzy and lay on her back, her eyes finally glanced at the sky, which she had not subconsciously observed.

The stars were shining all over the sky there, seeming to be very close. The moon was no longer crimson, but instead exposed its pale surface. A ravine that seemed to tear the entire moon surface lay across the center of the pale moon.

Not Crimson Moon?

The last thoughts in her mind came with the coldness and darkness, and disappeared without a trace.

 Changed, changed



(End of this chapter)

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