Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 369 Sadness

Chapter 369 Sadness

Backlund East District.

The pale yellow haze still filled the streets. The sun that had tilted to the west was somewhat dim, and the sunlight that barely shone on the earth seemed to be covered with a layer of gray.

A few residents who had escaped danger in the attics high up in their houses cautiously opened their doors and took to the streets, tentatively breathing in the still pungent but no longer deadly air.

These lucky people are only a few. Most of them use all means to protect their lives in houses that cannot be isolated from the air. They use wet towels or clothes, stuff the closet with wet quilts, and even crawl directly under the bed...

But even so, a large number of poor people who were weak and originally sick had died in the poisonous mist.

Not to mention the residents who are homeless or unable to return home in time. They lie quietly on the streets, alleys, or even in front of their homes. The vast majority of them will never wake up again.


Hugh kicked open the door of Sherman's house, and his petite body rushed into the door like the wind, bringing in a wisp of mist.

"Sherman, are you there?"

She shouted, looking from room to room.

Along the way, the bounty hunter had seen no less than a hundred corpses, and even more were the cries and wailings of survivors who were still alive but had lost their loved ones.

She didn't want to see her friend become like this, become an insignificant number, or even be missed, in the death toll counted in the newspapers a few days later.

"I'm here, attic, come help!"

There was a faint but clear answer from above her head. She quickly climbed up the stairs, pushed open the barrier covered with wet towels and clothes, and entered the dark attic.

Sherman was only wearing a thin shirt, and his coat had been taken off to fill the gap in the door panel. Next to him was a girl kneeling, crying and looking at the middle-aged woman lying on the floor.

They were mother and daughter Liv and Freya, whom Hugh had met several times. Their family made a living by starching clothes and had recently moved to a tenement apartment next to Sherman's house.

"Miss Xio!" Freya recognized this woman who was shorter than her but had some skills in the East District. Her tearful eyes lit up, "Mom is sick, very sick, but outside..."

"I just came from outside. The smog is no longer fatal, but the nearby charity hospital is already overcrowded. It's useless to go there now..."

Xio looked at Liv who was lying on the ground with red cheeks and rapid breathing, and immediately made a decision:
  "You can go to the North District, the hospital or the church. Even if it's just to appear friendly to the people, they will now open it to patients from the East District!"

Hope they really do...

Silently adding in his heart, Hugh and Sherman made a simple stretcher with sheets and wooden sticks, lifted Liv and left the attic. Although Freya was coughing constantly, she still insisted on going with her.

At the same time, countless people in the East District, Dockside District, and even the adjacent North District, South District, and Jowood District were helping other survivors who had contracted the disease but barely survived the haze. Various hospitals, The churches were overworked, trying to save all the sick.

But more people lost one or more relatives in the smog that did not last long but covered half of the city. Low, sad cries came from every house and every street. , gathered in the air into a long-lasting wail that could not be dispersed, like a song to send off the victims.

Deep in the East District, on a street with no living people, the light yellow haze and damp paving stones suddenly became rich in color, like an oil painting framed by someone.

Two men stepped out of the "oil painting". One was wearing a double-breasted gown, and was wet and even dripping with water. The other had a bronze complexion and soft facial features.

It's Klein Moretti and Azik Eggers.

"It should be here," Azik's gaze swept around, penetrating through the still thick haze, and paused for a moment on the corpses in different forms of death. "The... death aura here is the strongest."

Klein nodded and took two steps forward, dragging his somewhat heavy dress that was full of river water, and looked around quickly.

Just five minutes ago, he crawled out of the Tasok River and witnessed Mr. A, who had been following him away from the ruins, being easily "erased" by a mysterious woman without any resistance, and was then found by Mr. Azik , retrieved into the spiritual world. It should have been more than half an hour since "Ms. Desperate" arrived in the East District. Angel, how could she...

Klein's footsteps suddenly stopped and his eyes were fixed on the ground not far away.

Lying there was a very familiar figure wrapped in a cloak.

Behind him, Mr. Azik sighed at the same time.

Of course, that's not necessarily her. There are countless black-haired women in Loen and Backlund. Hoods and cloaks are essential items for ladies in the East District to prevent being stared at. With so many corpses lying around, this is just... Just another victim like them.

With this in mind, Klein slowly walked forward, carefully stepping on the ice that had gradually begun to melt.

In Backlund in the depth of winter, it was normal for the roadside to freeze.

As he got closer, the female figure on the ground became clearer and clearer in his sight. Almost without thinking, the instinct of the "faceless man" told him that the height of this body was 1 meters, 75 centimeters taller than himself. .

The average height of women in Luen is quite a bit higher, but it is not uncommon.

With some annoyance, he kicked away the few "Storm Convergence" shells left by unknown Nighthawks on the ground, knelt down gently beside the woman, stretched out his hands, and slowly flattened her body that was curled up with her back to this side. , pushed aside the hood and bangs, and looked down at the round, freckled face.

Fortunately, it's not Angel...

"She is very brave. The other enemy should be the Witch of Despair from Sequence 4. There are many traces of magic mirror stand-ins nearby, and even a broken wand." Mr. Azik's somewhat lamented voice came from behind him, " Let's take her away. This is the center of the 'smog', and the official Beyonders may be coming here soon. Also, do you want her to remain in this 'disguised' state?"

No! What a disguise! This was just an ordinary girl with black hair and a round face - Klein wanted to turn around and yell at his teacher, denying everything he said.

But he knew that this was just self-deception.

Touching Angel's hand that was hanging weakly by her side, Klein gently took off the "Crazy Ring" on her finger, then held her face with both hands, took off the extraordinary characteristics of the "Faceless Man", and let her fade away. Long blond hair, slightly slender, but the cheeks with perfect features reappeared under the double disguise.

It's a pity that I will never see her purple eyes again...

Klein pursed his lips, picked up Angel with both hands, and protected him against his chest, then looked at Azik Eggers beside him.

"Mr. Azik, let's take her home."

The high-sequence Beyonder, who also had a sad look on his face, nodded, stretched out his hand to hold Klein's shoulder, and moved closer to avoid accidents while traveling through the spirit world.


When oil painting-like colors appeared around him, gradually infecting the surrounding ground, he suddenly looked not far away in surprise.

There was a dark green object the size of a thumb. Just being thrown carelessly on the ground caused the surrounding fog to become iron-black.

Extraordinary characteristics...

A certain distant memory emerged in Azik's mind, which was his experience of working with certain "witches", which made him easily recognize that this was the extraordinary characteristic of the "pain" witch.

At the same time, it also allowed him to once again confirm the final outcome of the girl in Klein's arms.

Looking at the students beside him who bowed their heads in silence, he sighed secretly, stretched out his hand and made a slight move, letting the dark green extraordinary characteristics fly towards him, and then the surrounding rich haze and the ground returned to normal.

But on the quiet street, the two people were gone.

(End of this chapter)

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