Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 374 The value of life

Chapter 374 The value of life

East District, in front of an apartment near the North District.

As soon as the haze cleared, Daisy ignored the pouring rain and ran home from school in a hurry. She even slipped and fell on the way, with a bruise on her face.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the apartment, she found a four-wheeled freight carriage parked on the side of the street. The white cloth on it had been soaked by the rain, and corpses of various shapes could be vaguely seen underneath.

Doctors and nurses wearing masks were still busy, carrying out new corpses from the apartment and stuffing them into the already overwhelmed truck. Those that couldn't be put in were covered with black cloth and placed on the roadside, waiting. The next carriage arrives.

"Mom... Freya..."

Although it had been expected on the road, it was not until this moment that Daisy's glimmer of hope was shattered by reality. She muttered these two words and moved towards the door, but was stopped by the policeman on guard.

"Don't come close, or you may be infected with the plague!"

The policeman's expression had long been numb. In just half an hour, he watched the carriage go back and forth twice, carrying away a number of corpses that he had never seen in his life, and also stopped four or five survivors like Daisy. By.

These "lucky ones" stood aside with empty eyes, staring blankly at the busy doctors, as if their souls and the deceased had been taken away by the carriage.

Soon, the carriage loaded with corpses started slowly and headed to the other side of the street. The survivors who were stopped outside the cordon began to cry.

"My Andy..."

"Dad! Daddy!"

"Mom, Freya."

Daisy sobbed feebly, watching the white cloth getting further and further away from her, rounding the corner and disappearing from sight.

She didn't even see the two of them for the last time.

"Mom! Freya!"

Tears that had been accumulated for a long time burst out of her eyes, mixed with the rain, and covered her cheeks.


Suddenly, a familiar shout came from behind.

Daisy turned around in confusion, and Freya, who had just left with the carriage, actually appeared in front of her again.


Is this a hallucination?

She quickly wiped her tears, blinked, and looked carefully.

That was indeed his sister. Her face was rosy after running, and there were traces of rain or tears on her face, but the corners of her mouth were turned up. It was the joy of seeing relatives after a disaster.

"Freya!" Daisy screamed and rushed forward to hug her sister tightly.

Watching this scene, Sherman, who was hiding on the street corner not far behind, also showed a delighted smile. His coat was still left on the attic. At this time, he was only wearing a single coat that was soaked by the rain, and he couldn't help but shiver in the cold wind. .

But a warmth from within diluted the coldness, making him feel warm all over.

"Miss Irene is right, I can also become an extraordinary person like Xio..."

At this moment, Sherman felt that he had one more target to take the potion.


On Sunday morning, Angel and Klein came to the Harvest Church in the South District of the Bridge.

After a night of heavy rain, the haze has completely dissipated. At this time, the sky is blue and cloudless. Although the winter sunshine is weak, it also makes the rain on the ground dry quickly, letting the fragrance of earth float in the air.

But this rare sunshine failed to bring about any change in Backlund's gloomy atmosphere. There were 80% fewer pedestrians on the road than before. The doors and windows of every house were tightly closed, and the occasional carriage passing by also closed the curtains, as if they were worried about yesterday's big storm. The smog is back.

The two of them were infected by the depressed atmosphere, which diluted the joy they felt after their "reunion" yesterday.

"Yesterday when I went to St. Samuel's Church to submit a complaint, there were all patients there, and the square outside the door was full of people lying..."

Angel, who got off the carriage and stood on the street, suddenly said.

There she also met Sherman, one of her own assassins. The latter was accompanying a mother and daughter waiting for the medicine to be distributed. After the two looked at each other, they both pretended not to see each other.

Angel was somewhat pleased with the mature style of the rookie assassin. She did not ask Sherman to send a report letter. Instead, as before, she found a homeless man who had received treatment and reported Servilia ruthlessly.

Of course, the letter also included Triss next to Prince Edsac, but she believed that the pleasure witch had probably been captured or even killed, otherwise her sapphire ring would not have appeared among the angels of the church. in hand.

"It's the same here, no, it should be said in hospitals and churches across the city."

Klein spoke calmly, but his lips under his beard were pursed tightly, expressing his excitement.

The two of them dressed up as "Eileen Watson" and "Sherlock Moriarty" respectively, stepped onto the curved steps in front of the Harvest Church, and walked into the church hall, which was full of people and smelled of strong herbs.

The benches used for prayer here have all been dismantled and piled in the corner, and simple bunks are closely lined up on the ground, filled with patients who are either moaning in pain or with their eyes closed.

The tall Father Utravsky was walking toward the back door of the hall with a large wooden crate in his arms. When he saw Angel and Klein arriving, he stood still and looked at them doubtfully.

"Wait a moment, I will send these herbs to the kitchen, Emlyn is waiting."

He shook the wooden box in his hand, and Angel saw that the Holy Emblem of the Church of the Night was painted on it.

"This is the aid of the Church of the Night. In this disaster, everyone can put aside the conflict of beliefs and stand together, which shows that everyone recognizes the preciousness of life." Noticing the sight of the visitor, the priest explained in a low voice.

"Praise the goddess."

Angel immediately drew a crimson moon on his chest to express his position.

She saw Klein next to her raise his right hand slightly, then immediately put it down, and couldn't help but feel a little funny - he was now a temporary believer of the God of Steam and Machinery.

The priest didn't care much about this. He quickly sent the box of herbs into the kitchen and returned to the hall with a medicinal smell.

"What do you want from me? It's not a good place to talk right now."

he said, looking around the crowded hall.

"I would like to ask about the extraordinary abilities and characteristics of the 'Dawn Knight' and how to use them."

Angel took a step forward, and Klein walked away, leaving room for the two of them to talk.

"'Dawn Knight'..." Father Utravsky murmured, with a trace of nostalgia on his face, "Why do you ask this? I remember that you are not an Extraordinary of the 'Warrior' path."

"Because of a magical item derived from the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Dawn Knight'."

Angel rolled up his left sleeve, and on his fair, thin wrist, the place where the "magic pocket watch" was originally tied had been replaced by a white bone bracelet.

It was delivered to her by "The Hanged Man" through Mr. Fool early this morning, and she named it "Knight Bracelet" very uncreatively.

This bone bracelet engraved with hollow skulls, spears and waves is very Bayam style and seems to be a popular antique design there.

With the "Dawn Knight" characteristic, it can transform any cold weapon from a short dagger to a two-handed sword at the user's will. Of course, all of them are in the shape of bone weapons, which is probably the same as before it was made into a magical item. Appearance related.

Holding this weapon, the user's power will increase exponentially, almost equivalent to that of a warrior of the same level as an extraordinary person, and at the same time, the impact of various extraordinary abilities on him will be weakened.

After experimenting with the sharpness and sturdiness of bone weapons, Angel quickly abandoned his dagger and used it as his only melee weapon.

As for the magical item produced by experienced craftsmen, the negative effect of the "Knight Bracelet" is not very strong. It is just that it will lose its power after use. The degree and duration are directly related to the time of use. If you don't turn it into a weapon and just carry it, it will be equivalent to carrying about 10 kilograms of items, which will have a certain impact on your physical strength.

Angel came to the Harvest Church on this trip, mainly because he wanted to ask the former "Dawn Knight" priest about the effect of the "Knight Bracelet" against extraordinary abilities and how to use the incarnation weapon.


Seeing Angel and Father Utravsky chatting in low voices next to the altar, Klein looked away with some boredom and looked at the patients in the hall.

Many of them are not believers of the Mother Earth. Some are wearing the triangular holy emblem of the God of Steam and Machinery, and some are praying to the Goddess of Night in a low voice, or praying for protection from the storm.

Seeing these "heretics" waiting for the help of the Earth Mother's Beloved, who rescued them without any grudges, Klein had a deeper understanding of the "conflict of abandoning faith" that the priest just mentioned.

"Sherlock Moriarty?"

A slightly arrogant, but more doubtful voice came from behind him.

Emlyn White, the vampire who was forcibly detained by the priest and used psychological suggestion to force him to return to the Harvest Church every day, now wore sleeves on his forearms, a shawl tied on his chest, and a wide hat on his head, just like a restaurant Dressed as a chef, he was walking out of the kitchen at the back door.

"I didn't expect to meet you in the church at this time. I thought you were already..." Klein smiled, watching the vampire put a plate of filled potion on the altar, and then continued jokingly, " ...You have already taken advantage of the chaos and slipped away. Didn’t you say that you have found a way to relieve psychological suggestion from other vampires?”

"The Vampire! It's the Vampire!"

Emlyn retorted in a low voice, fearing that the other lying patients would hear him.

"I have decided that after these few days of work, I will pray to the 'Fool' and be protected by a certain big shot in the clan."

"The Fool" Klein almost laughed out loud. He also lowered his voice and said:

"Aren't you afraid that it is an evil god? I remember telling you that if you pray to such an unknown entity, only two out of a hundred cases will succeed, and the rest will either have nothing happening or their life or death is unknown."

Emlyn's face turned pale for a moment, but recovered instantly.

"I am doing this for the entire vampire race. The ancestor will protect me!"

Aren't you trying to relieve the psychological suggestion... Klein held back his smile and deliberately provoked him:

"Then why don't you just pray directly to your ancestor, the ancient god Lilith, and let her solve the problem for you?"

This way there is no middleman to make the difference - he added in his mind.

"The ancestor has not responded to prayers for a long time, except for some special matters, but unfortunately, my question is not included."

The vampire was a little discouraged, and the exhaustion of staying up all night to make potions also surfaced. He glanced around, and when he looked at the patients who looked at him expectantly, he straightened up involuntarily, and when he saw Utrav Father Ski shrank his neck quietly.

Following his gaze, Klein also looked at the priest and Angel, and found that the two had ended their conversation. The former picked up the potion that was no longer hot on the altar and began to distribute it to the patients lying in the hall one by one. Angel He also helped by handing out cups of dark green potion, collecting the empty bottles and putting them back on the plate.

This focused look fascinated him. He stared blankly for a while, and then Emlyn's voice came from beside him:

"Well, yesterday I asked the priest to find a few more volunteers to help distribute the medicine, but he never agreed. Compared to this Fusac man, he is still a young woman who is attractive. Unfortunately, this is not my type..."

"You'd better not be."

The detective's suddenly cold tone made him sluggish.

(End of this chapter)

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