Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 375 Fake Identity

Chapter 375 Fake Identity

After helping Father Utravsky distribute the medicine, and seeing the obvious improvement in the expressions of these painful patients after taking them, Angel felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

She put the empty cup away and put it back on the altar, then walked towards Klein, and was surprised to find that he was chatting in a low voice with a handsome man who was over 1 meters tall.

"Are you... the vampire Emlyn White who was captured by the priest?"

Although he had never seen this unlucky vampire with his own eyes, the priest had previously said that he was brewing medicine in the kitchen, and Angel quickly confirmed his identity based on his clothing.

"Vampire, noble vampire, okay?"

Emlyn handed several small medicine bottles to Klein, turned around and retorted angrily, and then looked confused, frowning and asked:

"I've heard your voice. You're not the guy who defrauded me of my 'master key' through the door before, are you?"

"First of all, that is Father Utravsky's key, which is the reward I got for helping him; secondly, that cursed key has been... destroyed. If you want to get it back, I'm afraid you have to ask the 'Truth Creator' prayer."

Angel retorted unceremoniously.

"'True Creator'! That evil god?"

The vampire was obviously frightened, and the expression on his face clearly told Angel that he had no intention of pursuing the whereabouts of the magical item.

Klein on the side chuckled, took over Angel's words, and said jokingly:

"He really planned to pray to a certain hidden existence just now, but it was not the 'True Creator', but...'The Fool'."

Seeing a man and a woman in front of him looking at him with strange smiles, Emlyn suddenly felt guilty and began to doubt the rationality and safety of his plan.


After playing tricks on the unlucky vampire, Angel and Klein quickly left the Harvest Church. There were still many patients waiting to receive medicines lined up at the door. Their condition was slightly mild, so they were not arranged to stay in the church, but there was a long queue. The queue is still tens of meters long, and I am afraid that the box of herbs that the priest moved in will be exhausted soon.

The two returned to the street in silence and got into a hired carriage. It was only after the carriage left Rose Street and the church spire and the Holy Emblem of Life could no longer be seen outside the window that Klein spoke again and asked about the exchange between Angel and the priest. result.

"As I guessed, the weapon 'summoned' by this magical item belongs to the Dawn Knight's 'Sword of Dawn'. It is tough and sharp. It has an additional purifying effect on resentful souls and evil spirits, and it also has the 'reduce the impact of extraordinary power' 'The ability belongs to the body strengthening of the 'warrior' path. According to him, extraordinary abilities that are two different sequences have almost no effect on warriors. Even extraordinary abilities of the same sequence will be reduced to a considerable extent."

Although this effect is not as good as the "Dawn Armor" which seems to be more protective, it will have a miraculous effect on certain abilities that can penetrate the protection and attack the body directly.

If this weapon could be obtained a few days in advance, would the outcome of the battle with "Lady Despair" have changed... Angel couldn't help but think so, but he quickly came to a negative conclusion on his own. Panatia, as a Sequence 4 The Witch of Despair can absolutely suppress Angel on the same path. Even if there is one more magical item, the outcome may not be different.

The car ride was spent chatting between the two. Strangely, there were no "unlucky" incidents such as a broken axle or a frightened horse. Angel touched his waist several times, suspecting the "good luck" pistol. Left behind at Harvest Church.

Their second destination was the Brave Bar on Iron Gate Street in the Backlund Bridge area, making final preparations for leaving Backlund next week - forging a new identity.

As an area close to the East District, the area near the bridge also suffered a lot of losses in the heavy haze. Although there were not too many deaths, some diseases that were not fatal but could affect the body had quietly spread among the crowd. The two came At the "Brave Bar", the business here was obviously much sluggish than a few days ago. The bartender was yawning boredly behind the bar, as if he hadn't woken up.

Angel and Klein first ordered a somewhat simple lunch, and after filling their stomachs with burnt sausages and bread, they came to the bar together.

"Looking for Caspars, there's big business."

Klein lowered his voice and looked familiar.

The bartender looked at him slightly surprised and replied:

"You should have come here a few days earlier. That guy is dead. It is said that he was smothered to death by a pillow while sleeping at night. Guess what the police said, ha, it was an accident."

This kind of intelligence monger would be accidentally suffocated to death by a pillow... Shouldn't he consider being retaliated against? Not to mention extraordinary people, even an ordinary person can easily do it if he breaks into his bedroom... No, this may be the police's rhetoric to the outside world. Maybe the official extraordinary people have already intervened in the investigation, and the "accident" is just a cover-up for the extraordinary event. .

Angel was thoughtful. She looked at Klein beside her. The latter also frowned, obviously thinking of this. After a moment, he nodded and asked:

"Then does he have a successor?"

"Of course, we are in need of sellers. Go to the old place and find the 'old man'."

The "old place" the bartender refers to is a small room behind the bar with a pool table that is occupied by a few strong men all year round, but it is actually the place where Caspars uses it for secret transactions.

Pushing open the ajar door, the two entered the small room. There were several balls of different colors randomly placed on the billiard table inside. There was dust on the cue sticks. It seemed that no one had played for a while.

A relatively young boy was sitting in the shadow of the corner. When he saw someone coming in, he stood up and walked into the light. Angel instantly recognized this young man wearing a round hat and an old coat, Ian.

That was another kidnapper she met when she and Dominic teamed up to break into the Zmange Party's warehouse in order to save the kidnapped Sonia not long after she came to Backlund.

Unexpectedly, Ian, who was rescued by her at that time and claimed to be "disappearing for a while", would appear in the Brave Bar again. He also replaced Caspars, who died mysteriously, and became the new information dealer. "Detective Sherlock Moriarty!" Ian first recognized Klein, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a thick beard. Then he turned to Angel and his eyes lit up. "Ms., we meet again, can I still... I owe you a favor!”

"I didn't expect you to be the 'old man' the bartender calls you."

Looking at Ian, who had put on two beards and pretended to be mature, Angel chuckled and replied.

After explaining his purpose to the new intelligence dealer, Ian nodded first, then frowned and said:

"I have many channels for making fake identities, including Caspars's before and my own, but I'm afraid it will be a little difficult these days. I've heard some rumors that yesterday's smog was caused by some cultists. Now the police, the military and even MI9 are searching for unidentified people. Now they are making fake identities, which is equivalent to getting them on their own, with 'come and catch me' written on their heads..."

The two looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, yesterday's heavy smog was not only extremely lethal, but also had a profound impact on Backlund's situation. From this point of view, the two of them might be able to leave Backlund in their current status and detour to other cities before going to Pulitz Harbor. Otherwise, it is easy to lead the tracking eyes to their real destination.

"Perhaps you can wait for a while, two to three weeks. After the New Year at the latest, this high alert will be relaxed, and the price of fake ID documents will be cheaper by then. After all, well, there are too many deaths this time of people.”

Speaking of this, Ian's mood was also a little low. Whether he was a "good citizen" or an intelligence dealer like him, they all had similar attitudes towards this sudden disaster.

After walking out of the Brave Bar, Klein sighed, looked at Angel, and said:

"It seems that the only option is to choose a backup plan."

As an alternative, Angel will leave Backlund as "Erin Watson" and "return" to Tingen, where he will then choose a false identity to go to Port Pritzker, while "Sherlock Moriarty" will Like many Backlund people with a little spare money, they went to Disi Bay to spend the cold winter, and then changed their route halfway and met at Pulitzer Harbour.

This will probably waste an extra week or so, but it will allow the two of them to get rid of their current identities and possible prying eyes, leave the Northern Continent from Pulitzer Harbor, and at the same time retain their current identities, so that they can have a reason to return to Backlund in the future.

It's a pity that "0-08" and its pen holder Ince Zangwill will return to Backlund soon. Otherwise, if we spend the New Year here, buy a fake identity at a cheaper price and then leave, it might be A better choice…

Angel thought silently as he and Klein got into the hired carriage.

After a moment, Klein retracted his gaze from the window, looked this way, and said:


Before he finished speaking, an illusory figure appeared next to the window, and the temperature of the entire carriage dropped significantly, as if the doors and windows were opened and cold wind poured in.

Evil spirit or resentful spirit?

Angel reacted instantly, and the "Knight Bracelet" on his left hand was about to turn into a dagger. Klein, who was sitting opposite, also opened his eyes wide, but he did not make any move, but looked at Angel's side in surprise.

"You need fake ID?"

This somewhat erratic voice came, making Angel feel a little familiar.

She looked sideways, and sure enough, the figure next to her gradually became clearer. It was Miss Sharon, the "Wraith Spirit" wearing a small black hat and a gothic dress.

Seeing that Angel was a little nervous, her blue eyes moved away uncomfortably, and her voice became condensed and no longer unreal:

"I'll knock on the door next time."

Someone knocked on the door of the moving carriage, which would probably be even more terrifying... Angel relaxed and no longer struggled with Miss Sharon's intrusion, but continued her topic and answered:

"Yes, we will leave Backlund soon and prepare to change our identity."

"2 days, 100 pounds."

Sharon, who cherishes words like gold, replied immediately.

After a moment, the two of them understood what she meant.

Unexpectedly, this extraordinary person had channels that the intelligence dealer Ian could not reach. Angel, who had originally planned to separate from Klein and leave Backlund alone, was a little surprised. He looked at Klein opposite, and the latter gently clicked. Nodding, he reached into his windbreaker and quickly took out a piece of paper that had been written with the identity information he needed.

"Gehrman Sparrow?"

After taking the note and glancing at it, Sharon read out the name on it in a questioning tone, but did not continue to ask. Instead, she put the note away and looked at Angel again.

"how about you?"

 "Copying book reviews, right?"



(End of this chapter)

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