Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 380 Pritz Harbor

Chapter 380 Pritz Harbor

It was almost the same as when Angel came to Backlund three months ago. The busy platform was filled with thick fog. It was composed of the steam discharged from the locomotive and Backlund's own haze, but it was less dense than before. Slightly pungent smell.

"Due to the lack of workers, half of the factories in the East District have shut down, and the dock area is almost the same. Compared with the environmental protection bill that has not yet been passed, this is the fastest way to eliminate smog."

Klein stayed close to Angel and whispered as he walked towards the steam train parked on the platform. At this time, his short black hair was neatly combed to the side. He still wore the gold-rimmed glasses, but he used the ability of the Faceless Man to adjust the details of his face. His face was thin and angular, and the beard he had grown for several months had all disappeared, making him He has returned to his 20-year-old self, full of vitality.

"But they have increased the wages, even double the minimum wage required by the bill they just signed. You see, many workers from nearby cities have already come to Backlund. In less than a week, all factories will be open again."

Angel originally didn't know much about these things, but he had just been "educated" by Mr. Hanged Man at a Tarot meeting a few days ago, and he had a companion who was very interested in current affairs beside him. Less latest news.

The steam train they were going to take entered Backlund from the north, and then continued south until it stopped at Pulitzer Harbor, which was the first stop for the two of them to "escape from Backlund."

The train stopped and the door opened, and a huge crowd squeezed out of the carriage. These were all people who had learned about the labor shortage in Backlund from the newspapers and came to this big city to try their luck.

Don't be in a hurry, get off first and then get up... Angel thought silently in his heart, his eyes briefly lingering on the faces full of anticipation and hope, and suddenly locked on the two passengers traveling together, a man and a woman.

Through the black gauze, she was not worried about being spied on by the other side, but she quickly looked away as if she was a thief, and then turned to look at Klein beside her, who was also looking in that direction blankly, until this moment A wave of passengers passed by, and the flight attendant looked away when he shouted to the passengers who were getting on the bus to check in.

The sound of the two talking to each other still lingered in their ears.

"...Let's take a look at that apartment and go back in the afternoon. It won't delay your exam. I've calculated that renting it now while the price is low will be 20% cheaper than renting it after the New Year..."

"...North District? Why does every city have a North District? Would it be better to continue living in the West District?"

"Contrary to Tingen, the west side here is the rich area. The north side has the cathedral of the Goddess Church, and it is closer to your new school..."

The sound of a man and a woman communicating gradually faded away. Angel looked at Klein with some worry, but the latter looked as normal. He pressed the top hat on his head, looked back, smiled slightly, and said:

"Let's go."

"Don't you go and see them?"

Seeing Klein shake his head resolutely, Angel also sighed, took out his ticket, lined up for inspection, and boarded the train to Pulitzer Harbour.


Pulitzer Port is the largest and most important port in the Loen Kingdom. Together with the northeastern Port of Enmatt, it undertakes more than two-thirds of the shipping tasks. Every day is the busiest day.

Angel and Klein took a one-hour steam train and arrived at this port city at noon. They used their new identities to find a remote hotel to stay temporarily.

Klein originally wanted to choose a double room, but after thinking for a moment and thinking of staying here for two or three days, he hesitantly changed it to two single rooms. This hesitant move made Angel look sideways frequently, wondering where he was. Think about something.

Fortunately, this hotel provided a lunch that was not rich at the time, but was very local. Angel quickly put this matter behind him and enjoyed the nostalgic delicious taste of fish and chips.

After lunch, they took advantage of the time when there were fewer people on the street at noon, and took a carriage to the Pulitzer Harbor Ticket Company in the White Rose District. This is an old three-story building that sells all tickets from Pulitzer Harbor. Passenger ship tickets to sea.

They thought that there would be fewer people at this time, but as soon as they entered the hall, the two of them were dumbfounded. The spacious ticket hall had seven windows open for ticket sales, but there was a long queue in front of each window. They even lined up to the door.

"I'm going to check the ship information. You line up here." Klein said softly, and after Angel nodded, he walked towards the notice board on the side.

The latter found a smaller team and lined up at the end. He looked around and quickly stopped at a notice posted on the wall.

"You can't defecate in the open... Will anyone really do this in public? You can't enjoy canned wolf fish indoors... Are you worried that the smell will be too fragrant and that hungry people will not be able to bear it?"

She guessed, but felt that she might be thinking in the wrong direction.

As the queue continued to shorten, Klein finally returned to her, his expression a little tangled.

"Have you chosen?" she asked.

"There are three passenger ships bound for the Rhoside Islands on the 15th, the White Agate, the Saint Decius and the Breaker. I'm hesitant about which one to choose," Klein introduced while still looking at the notice board not far away. , "The Breaking Waves was refitted from an unfinished warship before the war. It has a large tonnage, strong ship and powerful guns, but the living conditions are not very good. I think I should choose between the first two ships."

"What's the price comparison between them?" Angel is most concerned about this issue.

"The prices are about the same, first class is 35 pounds, second class is 10 pounds, and third class is 4 pounds. Except for the first class which is a suite, they are all single rooms."

"It costs 20 pounds for two people, so it's better to just buy a first-class ticket...and the St. Decius sounds like it was named after a certain saint. Could it be a ship of the Church of Storms?"

"Madam, your vision is very accurate. The Saint Decius is indeed as you said. From the captain to the sailors, they are all believers of the Lord of Storms. Of course, this is normal in the Five Seas, but at the same time, it is Cargo ship, if you two are going on a long journey, it would be better to choose the White Agate."

A slightly exaggerated voice came from behind Angel, and the two looked back. A middle-aged man wearing a black and white plaid uniform and a black soft hat was holding a newly printed flyer with the words "White Onyx" printed on it. , your home on the sea" and other curly characters.

Did you meet a salesman? His uniform looked like that of a guard at a ticketing company, and he seemed to be working part-time to earn some extra money... Angel nodded calmly and asked:

"What about the White Onyx? Does it have any advantages over other ships?"

"It looks like a sailboat, but it is equipped with a steam engine. Its maximum speed is 16 knots. Many pirate ships cannot catch up with it. Moreover, the captain was once a boatswain of the Royal Navy and brought out many experienced sailors from the navy. It I have never been robbed by pirates!" Seeing Angel's interest, the guard began to introduce quickly, "If you choose first class, you can stay in a suite with a servant's room and enjoy a first class cabin with a view of the sea. The cabin's exclusive restaurant has waiters who have received etiquette lessons and chefs with excellent cooking skills. As it says, a home on the sea..."

As he spoke, he shook the flyer in his hand.

"Do you know the captain?"

Klein, who was carefully studying the contents of the flyer, suddenly asked, making the guard's face stiffen. After a moment, he replied with a smile:

"Before I retired, Captain Ireland was my boss, but don't worry, what I said is true. Just now, there was a passenger who returned to Bayam from Backlund and bought the White Agate after listening to my introduction. ferry ticket."

"Thanks, we'll consider it."

Angel "dissuaded" the salesman with a polite smile, and then looked at Klein, waiting for his decision.

A first-class ticket can buy you a better environment, service, and better-sounding food, but it is 15 pounds more expensive than two second-class tickets.

However, if you book first class, is it equivalent to living together?

The thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

"We have to spend a week at sea when we go to the Rhoside Islands. Should we... choose first class?"

Klein, who was always calculating, hesitated for a moment and actually accepted the guard's promotion.

After giving him a suspicious look, Angel went to the ticket window and booked a first-class suite on the White Onyx. The departure time was the morning after tomorrow.

"Canned wolf fish? Haha, I heard the guard at the ticket office mention it just now." On the way back, Klein heard Angel's question and explained with a chuckle, "It's a kind of Fusac's pickled fish." The smell of canned fish is very distinctive. It is said that as long as you open a can in the ticket office, everyone will leave within ten seconds."

It sounded like canned herring. I actually thought it would be a delicacy just now... Angel felt his stomach churn and quickly shook his head to drive this biochemical weapon out of his mind.

In the afternoon, they came to the seaside of Pulitzer Harbour, found a wood dealer near the shipyard, and customized some flammable wood without waterproofing treatment, as well as a simple wooden frame.

Angel specially set aside two days in Pulitzer Harbor in order to complete the promotion ceremony and take the magic potion to be promoted to Sequence 5 before boarding the ship and going to sea.

It's a nice day today, a good day to go to the stakes.

(End of this chapter)

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