Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 381 Promotion in the Flame

Chapter 381 Promotion in the Flame

That night, after hiring a freight carriage to transport the wood and wooden frames to the foot of a leeward mountain in the suburbs, Angel set up his own burning rack with his own hands, opened the exquisite small wooden box that could isolate spirituality, and carefully counted the contents inside. Extraordinary properties and spiritual materials.

After confirming that everything was correct, she looked at Klein next to her. The latter had a solemn look on his face, holding an amethyst suspended by a gold chain in his left hand. The chain was rapidly rotating counterclockwise, which represented the content of his divination - this promotion. The answer to being able to survive safely is no.

Before buying the wood and ordering the torture rack, Klein learned about the promotion ceremony of the "Painful" Witch from Angel, and he has maintained this expression since then.

"A rapid counterclockwise rotation indicates a strong negative answer. Your promotion ceremony is very dangerous, and there is a high probability of failure."

Looking from the amethyst to Angel's purple pupils, Klein said slowly.

"But now is the best time. We will leave Pulitzer Port by ship later. It is impossible to set up a rack on the ship, and the situation at the destination Bayam is unknown, and it may be more dangerous there."

Angel replied with a smile, opened the wooden box he brought, took out the materials and utensils and began to prepare his own potion.

"Furthermore, haven't you confirmed the correctness of the potion formula and the ritual itself in your previous divination? The danger is based on the method of the ritual. How can it be dangerous to be burned by fire?"

She carefully poured 50 ml of blood from critically ill patients and 30 ml of blood from flowered bats into a small iron pot, letting them submerge the tip of the tail of the double-tailed black snake inside, and finally added 10 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil with a dropper. Go in and let the pot be filled with a strange mixture of fishy smell and fragrance.

Finally, she opened the bullet box sealed with the spiritual wall, took out the extraordinary properties of "Pain", and slid the dark green crystal from the edge of the pot into the dark red liquid.

The dark red liquid began to emit bubbles of different sizes, and soon began to stir like boiling. The ominous dark red gradually receded, and finally the change stopped, forming a small pot of dark green, the color of stagnant water that seemed to be covered with moss. Same liquid.

What a weird color, is this really successful... Angel hesitated and took out a penny coin, did a simple divination himself, and got the information that the "Pain" potion had been successfully prepared.

Klein on the side also used the pendulum method to confirm.

Only then did she safely transfer the dark green potion into a specially purchased glass bottle that could withstand high temperatures, then put away the other utensils and placed them slightly away from the torture rack.

After doing all this, she began to take off her clothes, fold them one by one and put them on the wooden box. After all, it was not a real burning torture. She would have to return to the port later, so she couldn't burn all her clothes.

Klein took out his pocket watch with his left hand and held the lantern with his right hand. He looked at Angel's gradually exposed fair skin and didn't know where to put his eyes for a moment.

It wasn't until the latter took off the last of his underwear and slowly walked to the torture rack that he took a deep breath and followed, his eyes chasing Angel's extremely sad silhouette under the crimson moonlight.

"let's start."

Angel stood on a simple wooden frame with dry and flammable wood piled around. She did not let Klein help tie her up, because according to her understanding, the purpose of the ceremony was not in the form of "burning torture". Instead, you need to use severe pain to reduce the probability of losing control.

Besides, the purpose of tying him up is to prevent the tortured person from escaping, and I won't run away... She thought wildly, watching Klein walk to the wooden frame, holding up the lantern, his face obscured by the shadow of the top hat.

"If you can't hold on, just..." He ordered in a low voice, but he stopped mid-sentence. As extraordinary people, both of them knew that once the ceremony started and the potion was taken into the mouth, they would either be promoted successfully or not. Either die on the spot...or turn into a mindless monster, and the latter is something Angel cannot accept.

This is also the reason why she arranged the promotion ceremony in the suburbs, so as to prevent the fire from spreading to urban buildings, and also to allow Klein to solve the problem as soon as possible after she loses control, so as not to hurt innocent people.

Under Angel's resolute look, Klein took a few steps back, threw the lantern onto the pile of wood next to the wooden frame, and snapped his fingers. The flame in the lantern exploded before it hit the ground, igniting the splashing water. Whale oil on wood.

The cracks in the baked and dried wood absorbed enough grease and were instantly ignited by the high temperature. The thick smoke enveloped Angel standing above before the flames, covering her sight and making everything she could see dark.

Then, starting from the toes, the stinging pain licked by the flames quickly spread up the legs, passed through the body, and reached the brain. Angel gritted his teeth and took a gentle breath. The thick smoke poured into the trachea along with the hot air, and entered The strong stimulation in her lungs made her cough, but she inhaled more hot air.

Cough - cough -

She coughed briefly but violently, holding the rose necklace on her chest with one hand - this was the only magical item she was currently carrying. The other hand held the glass bottle containing the potion, carefully protecting it in the palm of her hand. Let the liquid inside spill out as her body shakes violently.

Could it be that those who were burned were all choked to death... As soon as this thought flashed through her mind, the thick smoke in front of her was replaced by more intense flames, and a strand of blond hair hanging from her bangs was instantly ignited by the high temperature. Vanished with sparks.

After that, the pain caused by the high temperature suddenly spread throughout her body.


As soon as a whimper escaped Angel's lips, she swallowed it back.

Can't...let Klein worry...

She pursed her lips tightly, closed her eyes, and resisted the urge to summon ice to extinguish the flames. She squatted down on the narrow wooden frame to reduce the area of ​​contact with the flames. The rose necklace on her chest tried to repair various parts of her body, especially It was a burn on the surface of the skin, but the fresh tissue that had just grown was swallowed up by the flames in the next second. The new lungs were scorched by the high temperature before taking a breath. Only the strong stimulation was transmitted to Angel's brain through the nerves, causing There was only one word left in her mind.


Surrounded by flames and severe pain, Angel curled up tightly and estimated the duration of the ceremony.

Perhaps his hearing was damaged in the high temperature, and the "crackling" sound of burning wood in his ears disappeared at some point, which made Angel lose control of time. Knowing that she couldn't wait any longer, she brought the glass bottle that was also burning hot to her mouth and drank the potion in the bottle in one gulp.

A cold feeling flowed from her mouth into her abdomen, making her feel a little refreshed as she persisted in the flames. But the next second, the coldness turned into a more intense heat wave, starting to burn her limbs from the inside of her body.


The burning torture rack collapsed, and Angel felt his body lighten up, and all the severe pain in his body suddenly disappeared, as if the previous burning torture was just a scene in a dream.

She opened her eyes in confusion and found that just like the last time she was forcibly taken with extraordinary characteristics to advance in the East District, her spirit body left her body and floated above the fire.

Below, all hair was lost, and the charred body stood up slowly from the flames. He opened his eyes, his expressionless face turned to the side and clutched his pocket watch. Klein, with a tense face, stretched out a hand.

The latter looked surprised and took a step forward, as if he wanted to pull Angel out of the fire, but gritted his teeth and held back.

No, that's not what I thought!

Angel in the air suddenly discovered that the eyes opened by his "body" were not purple, but rich black, as if blackened by the flames.

She recalled the feeling of her last promotion, and soon felt the pain transmitted from her body to the spirit body again. With this heart-wrenching feeling, she quickly controlled the spirit body that was gradually rising and almost leaving the scene of the burning, and returned to into the body below.

Taking control of her body, she immediately retracted the hand that stretched out the flames, hugged herself, knelt and sat in the ashes, feeling the temperature of the flames that kept licking her body, and firmly remembered this pain in her body. From the bottom of my heart.


Watching anxiously as the minute hand of the pocket watch reached the predetermined position, Klein quickly kicked over the bucket next to him. The cold river water flowed onto the fire, completely extinguishing the smaller flames. The huddled, charred body among the ashes The body slowly fell down.

There was a heart-wrenching pain in his chest. He quickly took off his windbreaker, rushed to Angel's side in two steps, carefully wrapped her up, took out the sparkling ashes, and placed her on the clean ground aside, with his head on the pillow. In his arms.


He called softly and found that his voice had changed slightly due to nervousness.


Repeating it again, he became more and more panicked.

The person in his arms moved slowly, and with difficulty he opened his eyelids that were almost stuck together. The cloudy eyes inside gradually became clear, and the purple pupils showed a calm, not a crazy look.

At least it wasn't the worst case scenario... Klein breathed a sigh of relief and gently lifted her up, allowing Angel to sit on the windbreaker with the help of his own strength.


She opened her mouth to say a word, but immediately frowned, stretched out her hand, which had peeled off the burnt black skin and gradually started to grow new tissue, and touched her neck.

"It's okay, don't talk." Klein comforted Angel, whose vocal cords were damaged in the flames. He took out the healing potion he had prepared and helped her drink it to speed up the effect of the "Rose Necklace" in repairing the injury.

Under the crimson moonlight, Angel's body gradually faded away as if by a miracle, and his new skin was rosy, as if it could be broken by a blow.

She also slowly regained her strength, climbed up from the ground on her own, moved her limbs and joints, and felt the joy of surviving the flames and the new changes after her promotion.

"Wait... why is my hair so short?"

Angel suddenly discovered that although his long pale golden hair that originally reached his waist had grown back under the influence of the rose necklace, it had stopped growing at his shoulders and was only about one-third of its original length. He just showed a happy face. It suddenly became a bit ugly.

"Is there something wrong with this necklace?"

She touched the magical item on her chest and murmured.

These words made Klein, who had always been sullen, smile. He slowly hugged Angel, who survived the ceremony, feeling her body become stiff in his arms, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, the short ones are cute too."

 "It doesn't matter, long ones are cute too"



(End of this chapter)

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