Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 386 Just Ireland

Chapter 386 Just Ireland

The powerful rifle bullet hit the fishman's flank. The hard scales were shattered, and the flesh and blood inside flew out and scattered on the deck.

The night still affected the bodyguard's accuracy. If he hit the head, the monster might fall down on the spot.

"Bang bang—"

Clevis and Klein's revolvers also fired at the same time, hitting the fishman one bullet after another, causing it to scream like a baby.

After eating a lot of pepper, it was obviously still a little dazed. Its two bulging eyes glanced left and right, not knowing which enemy to deal with first. This gave a few people a chance to reload. After a few seconds of silence, two short and one long The three firearms continued to roar, and the smell of gunpowder and blood filled the deck.

Seeing this fish-man, which could be regarded as an extraordinary creature, crumbling under the orderly attacks of three ambushers, Angel shook his head with half regret and half happiness.

It was a pity that this kind of creature, which probably corresponded to one of the ingredients of a certain Sequence 9 potion, fell to the hands of ordinary weapons. Fortunately, he did not have to participate in the battle. Donna and Denton were beside him. You can also enjoy it safely...

Angel's spirituality suddenly issued a warning that danger was coming from around him!

She suddenly looked behind her, and saw a pair of deformed webbed arms clinging to the railing of the ship not far from her. The next second, the arms holding on to the railing were retracted, and a fishman over two meters tall flipped over from the outside of the ship. deck.

Seawater and thick mucus dripped under its feet, and its scales shone in the moonlight. Its extremely protruding eyes were fixed on Denton, who was closest to it. The latter's eyes were wide open, looking at this terrifying monster, already frightened. I even forgot to shout.

Pop, pop!

The fishman approached with fast steps, and his flippers made a dull sound on the wooden deck. Angel immediately reached forward with both hands, grabbed the Donna sister and brother one by one, and pulled them back, while he used the reaction force to rush forward. She faced this monster that was taller than her.

The foul smell of cattle and sheep entrails on the deck and the fishy smell of another fish-man's blood aroused the monster's ferocity. It looked at Angel, who was approaching quickly, raised its thick arms, and swung down with strong wind.

As an extraordinary creature, the strength of the fish-man is beyond that of ordinary people, and its thick scales give it extremely strong defense. This simple horizontal and vertical shot can fully demonstrate its powerful power, making it invincible in the sea. The killing move.

Unfortunately, it faced Sequence 5 Beyonders.

Angel turned slightly to the side and dodged the murloc's heavy slap. The "Knight Bracelet" on his left hand turned into a slender bone sword, and with the speed of the two sides passing by, it gently scratched beside its gills. .

The next second, the fish-man with half his neck cut off jumped forward as if he had been tripped. With a dull sound, he fell on the deck and slid two meters away before running out of kinetic energy. Trailing a trail of blood, it stopped in front of Donna and Denton, who were hugging each other and closing their eyes tightly.


There was a soft sound as if the sword was sheathed, and the bone sword in Angel's hand returned to his wrist, transforming back into the bone bracelet that looked like a cultural relic unearthed in Bayam. The small amount of blood stained on the sword lost its support and fell to the ground. Adds a touch of color to the seawater, slime-covered deck.

This weapon is so convenient, even the step of wiping blood is omitted... Angel thought to himself, looking to the other side of the deck, where a middle-aged man walked out of the shadows. He was wearing a dark red coat, with a head on his head. Wearing a boat-shaped hat and holding an old single-shot gun, his face was full of solemnity.

Was it the captain, Airland Cager, who "gave a speech" at noon? Did he see me take action?

But it’s okay to see it. I didn’t show any extraordinary abilities. It’s just that the weapon thing is hard to explain...

With countless thoughts flashing through his mind, Angel watched Captain Ireland approach, who forced a smile and said:

"As a captain, I must guard against all accidents."

He pointed his gun at the fishman's body, but his eyes remained on Angel.

"As a passenger, I don't want any accidents to happen during the trip."

Angel replied that she was not afraid of the captain, but she did mean what she meant.

Airland nodded with satisfaction, stepped over the fishman's body, raised his hand and pulled the gun, and the huge gun muzzle emitted far more flames than ordinary firearms. Not far away, he was attacked by several people. Another fish-man staggered towards the side of the ship and fell down in response. Only the bloody holes that penetrated his head were left in place of his two protruding eyeballs.

This gun is so powerful, it can't be a magical item...but it may just be that it has a large caliber and a sufficient amount of powder. After all, it is a single-shot handgun.

Angel looked at the weapon in the captain's hand with some curiosity. At this time, Clevis, Cecil and Klein came from the other side of the deck. Except for Klein, who had already noticed the movement here, the other two bodyguards He looked at the fish-man corpse lying on the ground in surprise, with blood still pouring from his neck.

"This could there be another fish-man..." Cleeves first looked at Donna and the Denton siblings. Seeing that they were safe and sound, he nodded to the captain, "Captain Ireland, thank you. You came to help in time."

"Actually..." Ireland turned his head to look at Angel and saw that she shook her head inconspicuously, and immediately changed her words, "...the sword skills I practiced in the navy are a bit rusty, otherwise I should be able to cut them off with one sword. Its head."

He patted the short knife hanging on his waist and replied with a smile.

"According to the rules of the sea, you can challenge for the spoils first."

Glancing at the corpse of the fishman with a neat blade, which was obviously killed by a single blow, Cleeves sheathed the revolver and dagger and said respectfully.

Looking at the record alone, Captain Ireland also has the right to take away the bulk. What's more, everyone is on his ship now. As soon as the retired captain from the navy shouts, the sailors of the whole ship will come over and throw a few bodyguards into the sea. They There was no room for resistance.

"This one belongs to me, and that one belongs to you," Airland pointed at the murloc corpses at his feet and further away with his cannon, "Besides, instead of waiting for two days to dock and let the murloc corpses lose part of their value, why not How about selling it to me at a cheaper price, 180 pounds?"

His eyes swept over the two bodyguards, Klein and Angel, in turn, and stayed on the latter two for a long time.

The extraordinary materials on the fishman should be sold for about 200 pounds. Considering the advantage of getting cash directly, this price was obviously beyond Clevis' expectations. He raised his eyebrows and quickly nodded in agreement.

"'Just Ireland', the rumors on the sea are indeed good."

The former adventurer murmured, his body relaxing completely. At this time, the Donna siblings, who were frightened by the fish-man approaching with open teeth and claws, came closer. Denton squatted down and studied the fish-man corpse on the ground with some curiosity, while Donna looked at Angel thoughtfully. .

Suddenly, she broke into a bright smile, imitated Angel's actions, raised her fingers in front of her mouth, indicating that she would abide by the day's agreement and keep her secret.


In the large open space in front of the deck, several crew members laid out fire-proof asbestos blankets, set up a large grill, laid out the sliced ​​fish maws on the iron rack, lit the charcoal fire and started roasting. A large piece of fish ribs was fried in a small oil pan.

The exclusive chef of the first class cabin was called up from the warm bed to prepare today's supper for the captain and several passengers who had just participated in the battle. He skillfully mixed the seasonings with pepper, sea salt, fennel and other spices. Mix the sweet and sour lemon juice and apply it on the surface of the fish. The tangy fragrance spreads throughout the entire deck as the sea breeze blows, making Klein and others sitting on the temporary seats swallow their saliva.

"Try these first. The best part of the fish-men. On land, even the nobles don't have the chance to eat such fresh delicacies."

Captain Ireland came over with a tray, which contained pieces of tender meat as thin as cicada wings, which he had personally sliced ​​off from the fishman's cheek under his eyes with a knife.

"Eat it raw?"

Donna, who was sitting next to Angel, asked with some confusion.

"It won't be tender until it's roasted."

The captain replied, taking the lead in picking up a piece, throwing it into his mouth, chewing it exaggeratedly a few times, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Seeing him eating like this, several adults reached out and grabbed it from the plate, eating the fish-man's cheek meat raw without any seasoning.

Angel also pinched a piece and put it into her mouth hesitantly. She was instantly impressed by the silky texture with a slight salty taste. She imitated Ireland and chewed exaggeratedly, but she accidentally swallowed the delicious piece of meat. After entering his stomach, he quickly reached out to the tray again.

"Here, give it a try."

She grabbed the second piece of meat, resisted the urge to stuff it into her mouth, and handed it to Donna beside her. Her eyes were closed tightly, her mouth slightly opened, her face wrinkled, like a bird waiting to be fed. Catching the pieces of meat, chewing slowly, his brows gradually relaxed.

"It's so delicious! Denton, you should try it too!"

Several people quickly wiped away the precious cheek meat, and some looked at the grill with unsatisfied thoughts, imagining what kind of delicious food would be next.

Angel, on the other hand, was prompted by Captain Ireland's eyes to leave his seat and come to a corner away from everyone.

"Here, this is your share, the total is 230 pounds."

Ireland took out an envelope from the inside pocket of his coat and handed it to Angel.

230 pounds... This takes into account all the possible gains from a fish-man's extraordinary characteristics and other parts containing spirituality. The fairness or generosity of this "Just Ireland" is because he cannot see my strength, so he deliberately shows his kindness to avoid conflict with me?

Angel was convinced and did not refuse. He took the envelope and opened it in front of Ireland. After counting it carefully, he put it in his pocket.

"Thank you for your generosity, Captain Ireland."

She expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the windfall.

"I hope I can satisfy you, Miss Saatchi," the captain also showed a faint smile, "Can I ask about your real destination?"

You guys... it seems that this captain has included Klein, no, Gehrman Sparrow...

Angel turned his head and looked at the tables and chairs next to the grill. Klein was holding a bottle of golden-red wine and studying it in the moonlight, but his eyes were secretly looking this way.

"It was just a vacation to Byam, me and him."

She answered honestly.

"Congratulations on your holiday in advance."

Eilan nodded and said without changing his expression.

Then he and Angel returned to the round table in the center of the deck. At this time, the chef also served a large plate of fried fish ribs. They were crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside. The heat of the fat and the salty aroma made Angel endure it. He couldn't help but sniff.

She sat back between Klein and Donna and looked at the filled glass of wine in front of her in surprise. It was the golden-red wine that Klein had been studying just now.

"Sunia blood wine tastes very good."

Klein introduced succinctly.

Looking at Cleeves and Cecil who were suppressing laughter on the other side of the table, Angel tilted his head in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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