Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 387 Wine and Treasures

Chapter 387 Wine and Treasures

Although he was curious about why the others were laughing, Angel's spirituality did not give any warning. More importantly, it was Klein who poured the wine.

After sitting down, she gently picked up the wine glass, took a sip to test the taste, and her eyes lit up.

This cup of Sunian blood wine not only looks like a mixture of gold and blood, but also has a faint smell of blood when you drink it, but it is immediately replaced by the sweetness that follows, like a cup of honey mixed with alcohol, with a sticky texture. , endless aftertaste.

When he came back to his senses, a whole glass of blood wine had been consumed, leaving only a faint red stain against the wall of the glass.

The same color appeared on Angel's face. She put down her wine glass shyly, glanced around, saw a cup of sweet ice tea in front of Klein, and asked curiously:

"Won't you have a drink?"

"Uncle Sparrow said adventurers don't indulge in alcohol."

Denton on the side interjected. There was also a cup of sweet ice tea in front of him, but the young gentleman looked at the exquisite-looking bottle of Sonia blood wine from time to time, seeming to regret that he could not taste the wine.

“Only when the adventurer returns to the safety of his home can he drink to his heart’s content.”

Cleeves added, sticking to his code with a glass of lemonade in front of him.

As the chef helped divide the fish, the brief conversation about alcohol quickly ended, and several people started talking about the fishman just now.

"If you face the enemy head-on, this kind of monster is really difficult to kill. They have rough skin and thick flesh. They are not afraid of pain and can escape into the sea at any time." Kerry chewed the rib meat that had been fried to a golden color after the scales were removed. Weiss sighed, "Before the Church of Storms and the Navy cleared the murlocs from this channel, it was very dangerous to enter the deep sea. When they came in groups, they would directly drill through the bottom of the ship, sink the ship, and drag the crew into the deep sea to disembowel them. Break the belly and eat only the internal organs.”

"Haha, even now, if you accidentally deviate from the waterway, you will encounter many fishmen or other monsters in the depths of the fog, such as a giant octopus with tentacles that can break masts, and a terrifying sea that knocks warships out of big holes. Strange, the mermaid that lures sailors into the sea with her singing... Of course, the above are all things I have heard about, and I have never actually seen them, otherwise I might have been buried in the belly of the fish and would not have the chance to enjoy the delicious food here."

Ireland used a knife and fork to break down the fish ribs in front of him, picked out the fattest parts and put them into his mouth, and said with a smile.

Donna glanced at the beautiful sister beside her involuntarily, and asked the well-informed captain:

"Will the siren, I mean the mermaid, run to the shore or into the passenger ship?"

"Some sailors once said that mermaids who fall in love with young handsome guys will secretly climb ashore at night, transform into human forms, and use their beauty to seduce them to spend the night together, but I think this is just a rumor released by Bayam's 'Red Theater'. Deceiving sailors into spending money there.”

"Red Theater?"

Denton asked curiously while holding a cup of sweet ice tea.

Angel had read in a book that this was the most famous brothel in Bayam, the capital of the Rhoad Islands. Apparently other adults knew this too, and they looked at each other in tacit understanding, preparing to change the subject.

"I've seen mermaids, real mermaids."

Cleves said suddenly. He had put down his knife and fork at some point and stared at the fish ribs on the plate on the table, as if it were a piece of mermaid meat.

“That was when I was still an adventurer, and I took a three-masted sailboat with a few friends who had the same ambitions as me to go to the Sunia Sea to look for legendary secret treasures, and then I met them next to a reef. "

Several people at the table stopped eating and drinking and listened quietly.

"They are extremely beautiful, but their bodies are covered with scales, and their lower bodies are fish-tail-shaped. They have sharp teeth and like to eat meat. Many sailors were lured by the songs and jumped directly into the sea, becoming a meal for those monsters. Because I have read all the books According to legend, he escaped by tying himself to the mast, but lost two teammates that night, and the expedition unfortunately failed midway.

"After that, I had the idea of ​​washing my hands and going ashore. Then I met Cecil and the others, and started working as a bodyguard. Although the income is not as good as before, it is at least stable, and I will not change teammates every now and then."

The sadness on his face made Angel feel that the fish in her mouth was no longer so delicious. She picked up the wine glass that had been filled for some time and took a sip of blood wine. She suddenly remembered that when she met this former adventurer during the day, he That somewhat wary look and distant attitude.

He doesn't really think of me as a siren, does he? I'm really just lying to a child, but he has seen a real mermaid, and he should just be a little resistant to young women... Angel looked at Donna beside him speechlessly, and found that this girl was looking at him with bright eyes. .

I'm afraid this misunderstanding cannot be clarified in the short term...

"But you can rest assured on the White Agate. The channel here is the safest in the entire sea. As long as you don't go south of Bayam and deep into the violent sea, you will have no chance of encountering swarms of fishmen, or It belongs to other stronger monsters.”

Captain Ireland appeased everyone's worries. He stretched out his hand to call the chef next to the grill and signaled the other party to quickly bring up the delicious grilled fish.

The fish is grilled until golden brown, and the rich sauce flows on the surface. It is served on a porcelain plate, with basil leaves sprinkled around it. It exudes the sweet and sour taste of lemon and the complex but appetizing aroma of spices, which instantly sweeps away the people around the table. Somewhat dull atmosphere.

"Let us thank the sea for its gift, the storm is with us!" The captain took the lead in raising his glass and gave a toast. Others raised their glasses, either with blood wine or sweet iced tea, in agreement with him.

But I still hope there won't be a storm, because I can't swim... Angel thought to himself, raised the filled wine glass and touched it with Klein next to him, and drank the beautiful and delicious blood wine in one gulp. All.

With a breath of alcohol, Angel picked up his fork and took a piece of fish that was assigned to his plate by the chef and put it into his mouth, enjoying the delicious grilled fish soaked in sauce and with clear texture, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Mr. Captain, can you tell me about the famous pirates in this area and the legendary secret treasures?"

After quickly finishing the fish in front of him, Klein asked while helping Angel continue to add wine.

"Oh, everyone who comes to the sea is interested in these, but let me tell you, reaching the destination safely without encountering anyone is the dream of an experienced adventurer."

Despite saying this, Ireland was quickly defeated by the expectant looks of Donna and Denton.

"Okay, let me just tell you briefly, you should know the legend of the seven pirate generals, right?" He looked around the table and saw everyone nodded before continuing, "Now this list has been updated. Hurricane Vice Admiral Qilingos went to Backlund alone for some unknown reason and died there. His fleet was taken over by a woman who called herself 'Vice Admiral Disease' and became one of the new seven generals."

“And above them, there are the ‘Four Kings’, the Mysterious Queen, the Immortal King, and the most powerful ‘King of the Five Seas’ Nast.

"These four kings all have high bounties in various countries. Even the lowest-priced Immortal King Agaritu has a bounty of more than 10 pounds in Loen, but no one has ever dared to take advantage of this money. , all the hot-headed guys have sunk to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.”

When he heard that the fish was being fed, Denton stopped chewing the fish meat. He asked with half longing and half fear:

"Why is Agaritu called the Immortal King? Will he not die of old age?"

"This brings us to the six major legends of the sea. One of them is called the 'Fountain of Youth'. In the depths of the Sunia Sea, it is said that the 'Immortal King' drank from the spring water there. Therefore, this The legend of this pirate king seems to never go away, just like another 'King of the Five Seas' Nast, living in the nightmare of generations of sailors."

Immortal, living forever... Although it sounds a bit false, I have indeed seen an "immortal", Mr. Azik, who was chased by repeated death and rebirth...

Angel thought back to the bronze-skinned teacher and pondered his relationship with these "immortal pirates."

"What about other legends?"

Klein's interest was also aroused. After taking a sip of sweet ice tea, he continued to ask.

"The top of the six legends is the 'Key of Death'. It is said that it can open the treasure left by the God of Death in the violent sea. Oh, the violent sea originated from the storm caused by the death of the God of Death who was killed by the Seven Gods in the Fourth Age. This It is also the origin of the legend; and then there is the 'Legacy of the Solomon Empire'. It was also in the Fourth Age. When the Solomon Empire collapsed, the royal family took all the treasures and sailed away and entered the Sea of ​​Mist. It has never been seen again. It is said that, Nast, the King of the Five Seas, inherited part of the legacy from the 'Black Emperor'."

Hearing this word, Angel, who was drinking blood wine, glanced at Klein, who had once dressed as the "Black Emperor", and found that the latter was also looking over, holding a wine bottle in his hand, so he smiled and handed the wine glass to him again. Fill the bowl.

"Next, the most mysterious thing is the 'Ghost Empire'. It is a ship larger than a city built by Trunsoest, the last empire of the Fourth Age. After it disappeared from the port, many people went to Suni The ships in the Yahai claimed to have seen this huge ship, but so far no one has boarded it to inherit the treasures of the Ghost Empire; the same is true for the 'Lost Newins'. Adventurers and navigators in the Misty Sea often find some strange things. The items all point to this ancient civilization, but just like the Ghost Empire, no one has real evidence."

Ireland drank all the wine in the glass and tried to pour another glass, but found that the bottle was empty. He shook his head with a smile and continued:

"One of the six remaining legends, and the one I yearn for the most, is the 'Sunken Laurel', because it is closest to us, not in terms of location, but in terms of age. Only a hundred years ago, this ship yawed The ship was loaded with gold and jewelry from East Balam and sank in the violent sea. No one has found it yet. It is said that the treasure on board is worth millions of pounds."

"Millions of pounds..."

Klein sat upright, as did everyone else. Even though they all knew that the legend was just a legend, and the probability of encountering it was pitifully small, it did not stop them from yearning for huge wealth.

Fortunately, legends are hard to find and fish and meat are easy to come by. Everyone quickly shared the gifts from the Five Seas while talking and laughing, touching their somewhat bulging bellies and sighing with contentment. The female bodyguard Cecil was thinking about her retirement life after finding the Laurel. , but was well-meaningly ridiculed by Captain Ireland because of his lack of imagination.

Angel also felt a little bloated. She unknowingly drank more than five glasses of Sonia blood wine and enjoyed a whole plate of fish. Seeing that everyone was already looking for new topics to talk about, she left in a low voice and left. He stood up from his seat, but felt dizzy and unsteady.


Klein on the side quickly supported her.

"Mr. Sparrow, please help this young lady to rest first." Seeing this, Ireland shook the empty cup towards Klein, "I wish you all a wonderful night."

Klein suddenly felt a little hot on his face. He looked at Angel, who was being supported by him. The latter's cheeks were red and his eyes were blurred. He seemed to have lost his ability to resist under the influence of alcohol.

His heart was pounding.

(End of this chapter)

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