Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 388 Drunk?

Chapter 388 Drunk?

First class cabin, Room 310.

Klein helped Angel, who was walking sloppily, back to the suite and watched her stagger into the bathroom. A moment later, she also staggered back to the living room, fell down on the sofa and stopped moving.


He called softly, and the other person slowly raised and lowered his hands, then remained motionless.

Unexpectedly, what Cleves said was true. This sweet but powerful Sonia blood wine really knocked her down...

Klein silently looked at Angel who had a whole bottle of blood wine to himself. He sighed softly, went up to pick her up, pushed open the door of the master bedroom with his feet, and gently placed her on the double bed. .

Looking at her flushed cheeks, feeling the unconscious touch of her arms, and smelling the faint smell of alcohol in the air, Klein's already floating mind calmed down.

It was indeed his original plan to have Angel drink the blood wine unknowingly and become intoxicated, but at this time Klein was hesitant. Whether it is Zhou Mingrui's modern era or Klein's current era, it is not the behavior of a gentleman to do something outrageous when a woman is drunk.

Although he knew that Angel would not blame him afterwards, the saddest thing was his own situation...

Alas, this is the first time that it happened in that situation. How can I have the nerve to say this... Klein thought of the choices he made that night after intercepting the Desire Apostle, and felt that his face was as red and hot as if he was drunk. .

He sighed, covered Angel with the quilt, turned around and prepared to leave the master bedroom and sleep in the servant's room next to him.

"Now I have really become the servant Gehrman..."

He couldn't help but think of the little joke the two had made after boarding the ship in the morning.

Just as he walked to the door, his spirit suddenly alerted, but before he could even react, a slender but powerful arm stretched out from behind him, grabbed Klein by his collar, and dragged him back to the bedroom, throwing him to the Double bed.

Above his body, a pair of clear but angry eyes stared at him.

"Wait, you're not drunk?"

Klein was speechless. He didn't know why Angel, who was still intoxicated just now, was now straddling him in high spirits.

"Let me tell you a little secret," Angel leaned close to his ear and whispered softly, his breath brushing the short hair next to his ear, and the slight itch went from his scalp to his heart, "A witch will not be drunk. of……"

"What about you just now?"

Klein asked subconsciously, but suddenly understood everything about tonight.

It turns out that she is the hunter and he is the prey.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

"I want to be on top..."

"Don't go there..."

Fortunately, there were no passengers in 308 and 312, otherwise the suppressed voice of the young adventurer Gehrman Sparrow would definitely become a topic of conversation at the dinner table the next day.


The boring but occasionally surprising life at sea has been spent for two full days. On Monday night, the White Agate will dock at Damir Port, one of the important supply points on the route, where it will replenish food and fresh water. Set sail again this morning.

But the most important issue now is the Tarot session to be held in the afternoon...

Angel looked at the "Trunsoest Empire, Legend or History" in front of him with some boredom, and secretly yawned.

"… Therefore, the empire inherited part of the original territory of the Solomon Empire and made Backlund its capital."

Klein's deliberately louder narration woke her up from her drowsy state.

It was Monday afternoon. After having a sumptuous but somewhat repetitive lunch, the two returned to the suite and sat at the desk to continue their morning study.

Angel had become somewhat interested in the history of the Fourth Age after listening to Captain Ireland's Treasure Legend the night before. He borrowed a few related books from the recreation room, and the history graduate who happened to be preparing to make up for her shortcomings Klein volunteered and planned to give her a lecture in person. By the way, he would use mystical interpretation of the Fourth Age to let Angel understand that era of strife when gods still walked the world.

Unfortunately, after tutoring yesterday and this morning, Angel, whose mind was full of fresh content such as "Six Great Gods", "Five Great Families", "War of the Four Emperors", etc., already felt that he could not fit anything more into his mind.

Although this top student in the history department, the courses taken by the master of occult studies have indeed effectively improved her knowledge level.

It seems that cramming teaching is not very good. Klein sighed and closed the notes in his hand.

"Let's talk about it for the rest of the night," he glanced at the pocket watch on the table, suddenly frowned and held his stomach, "I'm going to the bathroom..."

Angel, who was planning how to get rid of Klein so that he could participate in the "Tarot Club" to be held later, felt happy, but with a regretful expression on his face, he said:

"Okay then, I'll go back to the bedroom and rest for a while."

Seeing Klein walking into the bathroom, she tiptoed back to the bedroom, locked the door, sat on the bed and waited for three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Perhaps I should have confessed to Klein earlier. Otherwise, if this happened every week, would he..."

… ˆ ˆ “Would she be suspicious...?”

In the narrow bathroom, Klein glanced at the door with some worry.

Although Angel, as the "Queen" of the Tarot Club, will definitely take the initiative to find excuses to spend some time alone every week, "Mr. Fool" will come to the gray fog space in advance to remind the "Sun" in Silver City to prepare in advance. Therefore, you need to set aside more time. In the long run, it is easy to expose yourself to strange behavior that coincides with the Tarot Club.

"Maybe it's time to throw away the identity of 'The World', but then it will be inconvenient for me to use this identity in Tarot to issue certain commissions that are not consistent with the identity of 'The Fool'..."

Klein felt a little headache, but thinking that it was almost time for the meeting, he could only put this problem aside for the time being, and skillfully walked four steps backward to arrive at the Fool's World.


A series of crimson rays of light flashed, and the majestic palace once again welcomed the weekly Tarot meeting.

"Mr. Fool, everyone, good afternoon."

Miss Justice lost her depression last week and regained some of her previous energy. She took the initiative to say hello to everyone, but she immediately discovered that there was a new member in the queue of men opposite.

"This is the new Tarot Club member, Mr. Moon. Mr. Moon, they are..."

The Fool's low, illusory voice came, and he began to introduce the original Tarot Club members one by one.

At the same time, everyone focused their attention on the "Moon" to the right of Mr. Sun. This new member was taller than the original number one Sun. He was thin and his face was also hidden behind a light gray mist. You can make out his short black hair slicked back, and the way he looks at everyone.

Directly opposite him, "Magician" Forsi was about to present to the Fool the three pages of Russell's notes she had obtained from Mr. Dorian in Pulitzer Harbor, but she found that something seemed wrong with the tall Mr. "Sun" , the latter curled up in a high-backed chair with some pain, clenched his hands into fists, and pressed heavily on the table.

"Mr. Taiyang, are you okay?"

she asked.

The other members quickly noticed something strange and cast concerned glances.

"Sorry, I, I just remembered a lot of things."

"Sun" Derrick subconsciously wiped it on his forehead, and then he remembered that he was currently in a spiritual state and would not sweat. He summarized what happened in the past few days in his mind and said:

"Shortly after the last Tarot session, I joined the expedition led by the 'Chief' and went to explore the ruins mentioned before, but deep in the temple in that ruined city, we discovered strange murals , a tempting but actually flesh-and-blood mushroom, and a little boy.

"He called himself Jack, and said that he came here from the other side of the sea with his father, looking for the sanctuary of the Creator. We asked him about the direction of his coming, but he was violently attacked. Fortunately, 'Chief' Sir Colin took him Kill and protect everyone in the team."

"Jack...from the other side of the sea?"

The Hanged Man next to him was obviously very interested in this content. He repeated it in a murmur, and then asked:

"and then?"

"Then...then we returned to the camp, the camp closest to the ruined city, and returned to the moment before we were ready to set out to explore."

There was a hint of imperceptible panic in Mr. Sun's tone.

"Five times! Five times in total! We entered the city over and over again, found the temple, passed the murals, burned the mushrooms, questioned the boy, and finally stopped after the Lord Chief killed Jack and repeated the experience again.

"If I hadn't come here and been reminded by Mr. Fool, I'm afraid I would have continued to be immersed in that repetitive exploration until the Chief made a mistake and failed to save one of us, or gradually weakened and starved to death. Deep in the ruined city.”

After saying that, he looked at Mr. Fool at the top of the long table and bowed his head to express his gratitude. The latter did not express any expression, as if it was just a trivial matter.

Just listening to Taiyang's description, everyone felt a little creepy. This kind of "repeat life" experience has never been seen before, even in fantasy novels.

But compared to others, Angel had a deeper understanding of this. She had also encountered an incident where she had "forgotten" part of her experience. It was not until she entered this palace in the gray mist that she remembered everything with the help of the Fool.

"Have you found the root of the problem after thinking about this?"

She asked with concern, trying to guide Mr. Sun out of his panic and find a way out of this weird cycle.

"I think it may have something to do with the little boy 'Jack' from the sea. Every time the chief kills him, we will return to the camp and start exploring again. He is probably the key to the incident, but I don't know what it should be." How to solve."

"Perhaps you try to communicate with him without killing him?"

"Justice" Audrey suggested with interest.

"It's difficult. Every time we try to ask something, but before long, Jack will fall into madness and actively attack. Only the chief can resist and kill him. I can't interfere."

Taiyang shook his head and rejected the plan.

"Based on your description, I have thought of a possibility," the Hanged Man, who had been meditating, suddenly said with a somewhat excited tone, "I once mentioned that I was hunting down a 'listener' from the Aurora Society. He took his children to the sea in order to find the sanctuary of the 'True Creator'."

"The child he brought is very similar to the Jack described by 'The Sun', and Jack also comes from the sea, from outside the area where Silver City is located!"

This means that there is not completely no connection between Silver City and the world where other members of the Tarot Society live!

Derrick "The Sun" was briefly stunned, and inexplicable joy welled up in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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