Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 389 What happened to the sun

Chapter 389 What happened to the sun

At the reminder of the Hanged Man, the Sun used the power of Mr. Fool to display his knowledge on the long bronze table in the form of projections like realistic paintings.

There are dozens of old buildings on the street, ancient temples with collapsed stone pillars, statues of gods hanging upside down on crosses, mushrooms that were burned and turned into flesh, murals of the "Fallen Creator" bearing disasters for mankind, and the little boy with yellow hair. Jack.

Supplemented by "Sun" Derrick's vivid explanation, everyone watched with excitement and surprise, especially when he showed a picture in the middle of the wall, depicting the fallen creator fighting against the evil spirits and the six evil gods, protecting the surviving humans. When the mural was painted, the members of the Tarot Club who belonged to different orthodox believers felt a chill in their hearts.

In the hazy projection, next to the fallen Creator hanging upside down on the cross, the only ground that has not been eroded by darkness, countless humans are kneeling to pray to Him. Around the screen, six figures hidden in the darkness surround them.

Strange eyes are surging around the woman in a black classical dress. The golden face of the man in white robe has tentacles. The monster holding a trident has an octopus-like head. The plump and graceful lady holds a baby with a rotting face and holds a sword. The armored giant stood against the desolate dusk, and the long-bearded old man holding a book showed an evil smile.

Everyone at the long table realized something, but did not dare to think about it.

"What kind of evil god is this?"

Miss Magician, who felt that she had a lot of experience, asked in surprise. She had no memory of these figures in her mind.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally turned their attention to Mr. Fool, expecting him to give the answer as usual.

"I've seen these sights."

The person who answered was Mr. World, who was sitting at the bottom opposite him. The latter's voice was hoarse. After everyone looked at him, he continued:

"That is an ancient ruin from the Fourth Age. There are also six statues like this inside, but the images are slightly different, and they are also engraved with the familiar holy emblem. Mr. Fool, please allow me to show them."

He projected the statue from his memory above the table.

Angel immediately recognized the familiar Dark Holy Emblem. It was underneath a statue that was also wearing a black dress and had a face similar to that of a beautiful woman. Obviously, this was the human image of the goddess of the night, but it had not been passed through by the true creator god. The distortion and denigration of the murals in the temple.

According to the holy emblem, everyone quickly identified the true identities of all six "evil gods". Mr. Sun was also surprised that there were actually murals of the righteous gods from the "outside world" near Silver City. Although they had been alienated, it was obvious that this represented It turns out that his connection with the world of other Tarot Society members is not as far away as previously thought.

"But why isn't there a God of Steam and Machinery?"

Miss Magician asked again.

I will do this!

Angel straightened up with excitement. She had just learned the history of the Fourth Age from Klein in the morning.

"Because the God of Craftsmen, now the God of Steam and Machinery, only became one of the Seven Gods in the middle and late Fourth Age. Perhaps this mural was painted before this time point, so he was not included. .”

"This means that whether it is true or not, this mural has a history of two thousand years," the Hanged Man added. He turned to face the sun and warned, "This painting and the mysterious child Jack may be broken. The key to the cycle, you try to communicate with Jack, or try to 'break' the mural in a physical sense, well, or change the exploration route without arousing the chief's suspicion, and see if you can find some new clues. "

"Thank you, kind Mr. Hanged Man. I did hear a lot of clues from other companions that I didn't pay attention to before, such as the mural depicting the 'Rose of Redemption', and the room filled with unknown equipment. I will find out this time Explore them in a loop.”

Derrick expressed his sincere gratitude for the hint given by the Hanged Man. The former seemed a little stunned when he heard the word "kindness".

Angel also felt that the term "Redemption Rose" sounded familiar. She quickly remembered that it was an organization related to the "True Creator" mentioned by the evil spirit lingering underground in Backlund. It seemed that there might indeed be someone in the temple explored by the Sun. their clues.

She did not ask questions, but looked forward to the follow-up exploration progress at the next Tarot meeting.

After solving the sun's troubles, Miss Magician manifested the three diaries of Emperor Russell that she found. After Mr. Fool's reading time, everyone entered the free communication and trading time.

"Everyone," Mr. Moon, the new member, was not as shy as the previous members, but was the first to ask, "Who knows how the vampire clan can improve its strength without relying on the elders of the clan."

Strigoi... vampire? him?

Angel looked at the tall and thin figure, quickly overlapping him with the figure of the only vampire he knew, and his eyes widened.

It's Emlyn White! The unlucky guy who was captured by the beloved of the Mother Goddess of the Earth and exerted psychological suggestion, trying to get rid of the current situation by relying on the power of Mr. Fool!

Other members had similar reactions. Even if they didn't know Emlyn, they could guess that he was a vampire based on this question.

"I know how to improve the strength of the vampires."

The answer to this question is still the Hanged Man, who has the most occult knowledge and experience.

"What kind of payment do you want?"

“We are all members of the Tarot Society and this level of information is free.”

"Moon" Emlyn, who was well aware of the price of transactions between extraordinary people, was stunned. He slightly lowered his head that had been held high and expressed his gratitude to the generous Hanged Man.

"Vampires can also be promoted through corresponding potions, but just like normal humans taking potions, they must follow a strict order, and they also need to, um, digest them before proceeding to the next step."    "But that means I have to kill A fellow member of the same race, use his extraordinary characteristics to make potions!”

Emlyn quickly rejected this method, and he did not express surprise at the Hanged Man's little test, which showed that the vampire family also knew about the role-playing method and the conservation of extraordinary characteristics.

"However, if the Extraordinary characteristics of the same race are scattered outside, you should have the obligation and responsibility to take them back, right?" The Hanged Man said with a smile, and seemed to be convinced of this vampire who insisted on principles, "I happen to know a vampire baron There are clues about the characteristics left behind. He died due to an accident and could not find a successor, but you can use magic potions to inherit his legacy and prevent the power from being lost."

"...What you said makes sense. I do have such a responsibility. So, what price should I pay?"

Even if his ideas were opened by the Hanged Man, Mr. Moon did not think that this extraordinary feature would be as "free" as the above information.

"4000 to 5000 pounds, including the reward for my search. The specific amount cannot be determined until I find the holder of the characteristic."

"5000 pounds?"

Emlyn asked in shock.

Angel was not surprised by the price. Although the Hanged Man liked to add his own share of the reward in the transaction, the bid was always fair. This price meant that the extraordinary characteristics of the "Blood Baron" corresponded to the main ingredient of the Sequence 6 potion. And according to Emlyn’s path, it should be Sequence 6 of the “Pharmacist” path.

It is reasonable for the characteristics of this sequence to sell for 3000-4000 pounds. Considering the strict inheritance within the vampire family, the corresponding extraordinary characteristics that are left outside must be rare, so some premiums are normal.

This was also true. After a brief surprise, Emlyn quickly agreed to the deal, but he would make the final decision after confirming the price.

Then came Miss Justice. The "Mirror Dragon Blood" and "Fruits of the Tree of Elders" she needed were probably materials related to the Sequence 7 "psychiatrist". Mr. Moon soon promised to help her find them in his circle. And he asked for a reward of 100 pounds in the same way.

Emlyn learns very quickly... Angel secretly thought, and after the two completed their agreement, he said loudly:

"Selling the 'Ring of Madness', for only 2000 pounds, this magical item derived from the extraordinary characteristics of the 'psychiatrist' will be yours."

In view of the new members joining, she once again described the function of this item. Emlyn seemed a little interested, but the high price scared him. Miss Justice was also interested in this, and she asked:

"Is there a way to fully extract the extraordinary properties of a magical item? I mean, I want the properties of the 'psychiatrist' itself, not this magical item."

"An attack powerful enough to destroy magical items may be possible, but it may contaminate the extraordinary characteristics and is not safe..."

Angel remembered that his "blood thirsty" exploded due to the side effects of "shattering rays", leaving behind the extraordinary characteristics of the "witch" that originally formed it, but this characteristic was originally contaminated, and the same was true after restoration.

And many magical items that are not made by craftsmen are also formed from the characteristics left by out-of-control Extraordinaries. This method of "extraction" is not safe.

She turned her attention to Mr. Fool.

"There are many ways, but none of them are within your reach now."

the powerful, secretive being whispered.

It's not something we can touch... It might take a demigod or above, or even an angel, to extract its properties and safely eliminate the pollution. Well, the black-haired lady who erased the existence of Panatia might be able to do it, but I There is no way to contact her, and it is impossible to trouble an angel for a business of 2000 pounds...

Angel and Justice sighed regretfully together, the former because the ring was unsaleable again, and the latter was worried about the potion for his dog Susie.

Finally, there is the secret deal between the world and the Hanged Man. The craftsmen contacted by the Hanged Man are busy at the end of the year, and the magical item ordered by Miss Justice will probably not be produced for another one to two weeks.

So far, although many transactions have been booked for this Tarot Club, none have actually been achieved, as if it has entered a period of burnout at the end of the year.

"Oh, I have another news. Pirates on the sea have become active recently. The reason is unknown. If you have plans to go to sea in the near future, it is best not to deviate from those safe waterways," the Hanged Man chuckled and shared Looking at the newly acquired information, "Although under the rules set by the 'King of the Five Seas' Nast, most pirates only rob wealth and do not kill people, but not all pirate generals obey him. The captain of the 'Black Tulip' , 'Admiral of Hell' Ludwell likes to bloodbath the entire captured ship, while 'Admiral of Blood' Senior likes blood, and after indulging his subordinates to commit various evil deeds, he will also ravage the ships. The girls were sold to different islands.”

He really lives up to his name... Angel thought angrily.

The situation in Backlund fell into a brief but eerie calm after the heavy smog. After Miss Justice shared what she heard from the top, the Tarot session ended like this.


The deep red in front of her eyes faded, and Angel returned to the first-class suite bedroom on the White Onyx. She first pricked up her ears and listened to the movement outside the door. After hearing the sound of toilet flushing coming from the bathroom, she Breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the time is just right. I praise Mr. Fool for bringing me back to the real world in time..."

She thought happily, opened the bedroom door, and walked out pretending to be tired.

(End of this chapter)

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