Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 390 Embarrassing Acting

Chapter 390 Embarrassing Acting

At night, under the dim crimson moonlight, the White Onyx docked safely at the port of Damier Island. It would stay one night to replenish its consumed food and fresh water before continuing its voyage the next day.

This is also the reason why this passenger ship can provide fresh meals every day. Compared with the fast ship that goes straight to Bayam, the city of generosity, although it is a day or two slower, the journey experience is undoubtedly much better.

Angel and Klein, who were so bored in the cabin that they began to count the seabirds and flying fish outside the window, decided to take this opportunity to get off the boat and enjoy the local specialties. They also went to the bar to learn about the rumors nearby and see if they could find Gram. The mermaid's clues that Ryan needs for his promotion.

Well, it's a pity that I'm not a mermaid... Angel thought to himself, looking at his new look in the mirror.

In order to make it easier to get off the ship, she did not wear the warm gray dress, but changed into a smart outfit.

The young woman in the full-length mirror is wearing a black low-cut waisted jacket with a white women's shirt underneath. The wide collar is folded out from the top of the jacket. The lower body is wearing tight trousers of the same color and leather boots that are five centimeters above the ankle. , wearing a long windbreaker that reached as low as the knees, with the buttons unbuttoned to reveal her firm chest.

The hat she chose was a wide-brimmed hat in the same color as her overall outfit. The front brim was slightly raised, with a white feather stuck on it, showing a strange liveliness in the dull and restrained color scheme.

"I'm really curious how you fit so many clothes in that suitcase."

Klein on the side looked at the suitcase, which was not that big. His eyes quickly returned to Angel, who was posing in front of the mirror, and stayed there for a long time.

He still wore the same combination of windbreaker, glasses and top hat. In order to cope with the cold wind at night, he wore an extra gray scarf to cover his bald chin, making him feel much older.

"This is the magic of sorting clothes. Do you want to learn from me, a witch?"

Angel walked away from the full-length mirror and said with a smile. She had been filled with a lot of knowledge in the history and occult courses in the past two days. Now she finally found an opportunity to fight back, and naturally she was not willing to let it go.

Klein pressed the top hat on his head speechlessly and followed Angel out of the suite and onto the deck. The deck was very busy at night. More than half of the passengers wanted to have some fun during the boring journey and lined up. Step down the gangway and head to Port Damir for a rare nightlife experience.

The two of them saw Donna's family in the queue. The four of them and three bodyguards were chatting with Captain Ireland. Before Angel could say hello, the sharp-eyed Donna saw her and waved excitedly.

"Sister Angelica, and Uncle Hermann!"

Klein coughed lightly and was very dissatisfied with being called "uncle".

"Do you also want to get off the ship and go for a walk?"

Angel asked.

"Yes, we are going to try the most famous cured meat here."

The person who answered her was Donna and Denton's father, a middle-aged man with a somewhat stout figure but a well-maintained face.

"I heard about how you took care of Denton and Donna last night. The two children like you very much." He was a little surprised but looked at Angel politely for two seconds, and then reached out to shake Klein's hand. Gerdie Blanche, import and export businessman, this is my wife."

Next to him was a middle-aged lady, her face obscured by the thin gauze hanging from her hat, and her figure was in good shape for her age.

After exchanging pleasantries, Angel and Klein did not stop at the dock, but quickly left the group. After confirming the direction on the road sign at the intersection, they headed to the nearest bar.

Before leaving, Angel found that Donna was still secretly staring at her, or rather at her slender legs set off by her tight trousers, with a look of envy or reassurance. Angel guessed that the girl still suspected that she was a sea monster that had landed on the beach. He wanted to scare her again, but was dragged away by Klein.

The two quickly arrived at the bar closest to the pier, "Flying Fish and Wine". From outside the half-open wooden door, they could hear a louder shout coming from inside, highlighting the excitement and chaos here.

There was a notice board erected outside the door, which was filled with large and small, new and old reward orders. There were high rewards for the "Four Kings" and "Seven Generals", as well as hundred-pound rewards for ordinary pirate captains. Well, they are stacked in layers, arranged from high to low in terms of amount and reputation, like a mountain made of gold coins.

Sitting on the peak is undoubtedly Nast, the most famous "King of the Five Seas" among pirates. In Loen alone, his name is worth a full 80 gold pounds. Plus the rewards from other countries and private individuals, only I am afraid that I am already worth millions, enough to donate a baron in Backlund, and now I can even enter the House of Lords and get my own seat!

The two of them glanced enviously at the string of zeros under Nast's reward order, then opened the door and walked into the bar.


As soon as they entered the door, the lively atmosphere inside reached a climax. With the roar of the crowd, a huge figure flew towards the door and hit Angel. She ducked sideways, and the man opened the door and rolled out of the bar.

A bald man over 1.8 meters tall came over cursing and holding a dagger. He looked at the figure being thrown out the door and spat, saying:

"Shit, you actually accused me of being a pirate informant."

"Isn't that what you are!"

"Haha, keep fighting!"

The surrounding drinkers cheered loudly as they watched the excitement.

Angel bypassed the strong man with a sea eagle tattoo on his bald head, came to the bar, sat down next to Captain Ireland with a short knife hanging on his waist, and asked in a low voice:

"How is this going?"

"It was just a quarrel among drunkards. The one who was kicked out was a navy sailor here. He said that Logan, the Sea Eagle, was an informant on the Black Tulip. This has been rumored for a long time. Although no one has any evidence, Sea Eagle heard that Hitting him once will make it seem specious." "Hell Admiral Ludwell who likes to commit massacres?"

Klein also came over and asked.

"That's right, but don't take it to heart. Pirates don't like to loot ports anymore. The navy has set up a lot of coastal defense guns. If they suffer a loss once, they won't do it a second time. The most important thing is that there is nothing worthwhile in the port. If you want to grab goods, it's better to intercept the ship. If you want to have fun, you can go to Bayam." Ireland drank the wine in his hand, burped, and stood up, "I want to go up and play cards, what about you? "

He pointed to the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Forget it, we are here to gather information, and I have already lost enough on the ship."

Klein decisively refused. He was losing money on the boat with the daily limit of five pounds. If he hadn't had enough self-control and Angel had set a limit for him, he might have lost more.

"Oh, then be careful, don't trust anyone here or the information they provide. Nine out of ten words spoken by these drunkards are false. Also, don't look for women..."

Ireland said, looked at Angel, closed his mouth, and went up to the second floor with a smile.

At this time, the conflict outside the door seemed to have come to an end. Only "Sea Eagle" Logan returned, and the "Slanderer" navy sailor had disappeared.

Seeing that there was no excitement to be seen, the crowd became quiet one after another, drinking and chatting. However, many people had already noticed the newly joined Angel and Klein, and their eyes glanced here from time to time, mainly focusing on Angel.

Already knowing that he would become the focus of everyone when he went out in his true appearance, Angel did not take it to heart. Instead, he called the bartender over and asked:

"Is there any Sunian blood wine here?"

Hearing this word, Klein looked away uncomfortably.

"We don't have such expensive products here. You can try the cocktail I prepared. It has low alcohol content and good taste."

Before Angel could answer, bald Logan came over and sat carelessly on the chair next to Angel.

"Sunia blood wine? I haven't heard this term for a long time. It is indeed suitable for beautiful ladies to drink, but the 'sweet lemon' here is also very good and very popular with the... girls nearby."

The bartender chuckled softly when he mentioned the girl, and Angel guessed it might not be a polite reference.

"Sweet lemon? Is it a cocktail? How much does it cost?"

She did not agree, but asked about the price first, and did not care about Logan's behavior of disregarding "social distance". The drunkards and sailors here were obviously different from the gentlemen on the White Agate, and the drunkards around him had begun to make no secret of it. Staring at her, some people even eagerly tried to strike up a conversation under the influence of alcohol. Logan was just the first one.

"Come, open the eyes of this lady and her companions."

Logan did not answer, but slapped the bar and shouted. The bartender took a mixing glass, and under Angel's gaze, he flipped his hands and added several unknown liquors and lemon juice, and quickly mixed three golden glasses. A yellow cocktail with a hint of lemon sourness was placed in front of Logan, Angel and Klein.

"Twelve pounds in total."

He looked at Angel.

"Yes, twelve pounds."

"Sea Eagle" Logan patted the bar again, inadvertently showing off the muscles on his arms.

Only then did Angel realize that he had been blackmailed by Logan and the bartender.

A glass of wine costs four pounds, which is several times more expensive than the "precious product" Sonia Blood Wine the bartender calls.

Before she could say anything, Logan had already moved his face up, getting closer and closer to Angel.

"Didn't bring enough money? It doesn't matter. Many 'girls' around me are like this too. They have paid off their debts long ago and even made a lot of money, haha!"

The bartender laughed dryly along with him, and some of the drinkers around him started cheering, and some looked away, obviously unwilling to rescue the innocent and pitiful lady from the informant of this "Hell Admiral".

It always felt like I had encountered a repertoire from an adventure novel... Angel was a little speechless. She was preparing to secretly let the laughing Logan contract the severe pneumonia that Backlund had just epidemic. At least she had to keep him in the local hospital. During the New Year, Klein, who was sitting on the other side, stood up from his chair with a sullen face and walked over here under the curious and provocative gazes of Logan and the bartender.

"Bald boy," he tightened the black leather gloves on his hands, suddenly stretched out his hand, twisted the collar of "Sea Eagle" Logan, and pulled the bald man who was taller than him towards him, "This is My woman, before you came up to chat with me, did you ask me for my opinion?"


Angel shook his hand in panic and knocked over three glasses of "sweet lemon".

(End of this chapter)

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