Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 393 Are you also on board?

Chapter 393 Are you also on board?

Wait, why does he look like me... No, he turned into me!

"Fire flames." There was an explosion in Daniz's head, his scalp was numb, and he felt as if his blond hair was on fire.

He has the ability to take on the appearance of others... short black hair, top hat, windbreaker, the mysterious man who seemed to want to swallow me up just now... He hasn't noticed me yet, I can...

At this moment, Daniz's thoughts were sharper than ever.

Before "Daniz" who came down from the second floor moved his eyes here, he stood up from the chair at lightning speed, tightened his hood, and his figure instantly became a little dim.

Then, the big pirate, who posted a 3000-pound reward on the notice board at the door, jumped up, jumped over another occupied table, knocked open the bar door, and escaped with a loud "clang". Without a trace.

The surrounding drinkers were startled by the noise and glanced at him one after another.

"Haha, that guy actually dared to strike up a conversation with the woman brought by Lieyan."

"No wonder he can run faster than a rabbit!"

Amidst the commotion, Klein walked slowly, and with one look, the entire first floor of the bar became extremely silent.

"Is it resolved above?"

Angel asked as he stood up.

Klein nodded, put the half-top hat on his head, and took the lead to leave from the main entrance of the bar. Angel followed behind him. You could see that the blond hair exposed next to the brim of his hat turned back to black the moment he walked out.

"Is that person just now the real 'Daniz'?"

After leaving the bar for some distance, Klein transformed back into Gehrman Sparrow and asked.

"Yes, he originally wanted to find the bartender. I stopped him and asked a few questions and delayed him for a while, but the moment he saw you, he jumped up and ran away like a rabbit."

Angel took off the "Ring of Madness", took off his cloak and put on the hat with feathers, regaining the appearance of "Angelica" with blond hair and purple eyes, with a smile on his lips, remembering the pirate who was sitting in front of him just now. Reaction.

"It seems that he has heard of the faceless man's potion sequence, and at least knows the meaning of this extraordinary ability."

The corners of Klein's mouth also turned up a little, but his face suddenly became tense again.

"How are you feeling tonight? I mean the Faceless Man?"

Seeing that he seemed to have some ideas, Angel asked curiously.

"I have grasped some clues, but when I interrogated 'White Shark' Hamilton, he used his current appearance, and the potion showed no signs of digestion. Maybe the real acting is not this superficial skill..." Klein frowned He frowned and said, "But the main purpose has been accomplished. The fat man should have found the clues I deliberately left and called the pirate he knew, the intelligence officer of 'Admiral Blood' to come over."

"And we just sit back and wait? But the White Onyx will leave Port Damir early tomorrow morning, and they can't find us."

"It doesn't matter. I have written down the wireless telegraph spectrum and password for him to contact the other party. I can use this to arrange a suitable venue for 'fishing'. Unfortunately, this kind of equipment does not seem to be used on a large scale. I'm afraid I have to find a way to buy one."

The corner of Klein's mouth twitched, and he was quite proud of his little trick of going back and forth when interrogating "White Shark", but the crazy adventurer would not laugh at such a trivial matter, so he forcibly held it back.

"'Blood Admiral' Senior, the reward is 42000 pounds..."

Angel recalled the worth of this pirate general in his mind, and felt quite moved in his heart.

Senior's fleet has seven or eight ships, and his flagship "Tree of Flesh" has repeatedly committed serious crimes. He often kills all sailors and male passengers and abducts young women after looting the ships, so the reward is more than "Fire Flame" Daniz is followed by many "Lieutenant General Iceberg".

"But, you used the appearance of 'Danitz' to go to the second floor, but met Hamilton as 'Gehrman', doesn't that mean..."

Angel was thinking about the 42000 pound bounty when he suddenly remembered that a certain Mr. 3000 pounds seemed to have been noticed by many people because he appeared on the first floor of the bar. If Hamilton didn't know that this "Danitz" was a fake...

Klein also thought of this in an instant. The two of them turned around and looked at the "Flying Fish and Wine" that was hazy in the night fog. They vaguely saw a four-wheeled carriage approaching from a distance and quickly stopped. At the door of the bar, a storm holy emblem composed of the symbols of "wind, waves, and thunder" was hung on the carriage.

Angel and Klein immediately turned around and walked towards the dock without changing their steps.

"You did anti-divination processing, right?"

"Yes... I hope Mr. 3000 pounds can solve these minor problems by himself, otherwise he won't be able to live up to his worth."

The low-pitched conversation between the two gradually faded away in the night sea breeze.


When they returned to the White Onyx at the dock, the import-export businessman Urdi Blanche and his family happened to be back here with their bodyguards. Their faces were rosy and they looked like they were quite satisfied with the special dishes of Port Damier.

Bodyguard Cleeves, who was the first to spot the two of them, nodded slightly as a greeting, and then Donna and Denton also spotted "sister" and "uncle" and shook their hands excitedly.

"I heard there was a disturbance at the bar you went to?"

Seeing that her employers were already preparing to board the gangway, Cecil, another female bodyguard, relaxed her tense nerves and quietly approached Angel and asked.

As both women, although Cecil is a little jealous of this young and beautiful lady, it is more of a natural closeness.

"Yes, there was a crazy adventurer who beat up the bartender and the guard and made a mess there." Angel replied with a smile. Cleeves, who also came over, immediately looked at Klein beside him and frowned. She moved slightly, as if she thought of the object she was pointing to.

"Liars and accomplices."

The crazy adventurer pressed down the top hat on his head and admitted it with a calm expression.

The two bodyguards nodded indifferently and did not ask any more questions. This kind of trivial matter where locals bullied students was encountered from time to time in their bodyguard missions. As long as they did not offend a really difficult guy, it was not worth beating up a few thugs. carry.

A group of people lined up to go up the gangway and return to the deck. Sisters Donna and Denton deliberately stayed at the end, close to Angel and Klein.

"Sister Angelica, didn't you buy the specialties here?"

Donna held up a slender strip of meat in her hand in a somewhat ostentatious manner, which allowed her, who was not particularly tall, to lift it right in front of Angel. The latter looked at it intently and suddenly felt something spiritual.


She subconsciously licked her teeth and turned on her spiritual vision. She found that this inconspicuous piece of meat had a faint red light, as if it had a special spirituality.

"This is Damier Island's specialty cured meat. After being dried near the extinct volcanic crater in the center of the island, it has a unique taste and flavor. Mr. Blanche bought a lot of it as gifts for relatives and friends."

Cleeves came closer again, explaining while urging the siblings to leave the deck, which was a little cool under the sea breeze.

After hearing the introduction, Angel took the bacon from Donna's hand with some curiosity, tore off half of it and handed it to Klein. He tried to bite off a small piece and chewed it. A salty aroma with a sulfurous flavor instantly filled her mouth, making her In just a few mouthfuls, he swallowed the meat strips on his hands into his stomach.

Well, it tastes really good... and you can feel some fluctuations in the spirituality in your body after you take it in. Could it be that the spirituality of the extinct volcano crater is too abundant, and while giving these cured meats a special flavor, it is also contaminated with some spirituality?

She quickly assessed the harm of these pickled meats to ordinary people like the Donna siblings, but this kind of spirituality was very weak, and it should have no effect if she didn't consume too much in a short period of time.

Seeing that Donna had jumped away and turned back when she was about to enter the cabin, Angel showed a soft smile, but the former suddenly showed a horrified expression and looked at the position behind Angel with wide eyes.


With a thought in her mind, she turned around, just in time to see a huge humanoid skeleton nearly four meters tall drop a letter, and then quickly disintegrated, and the white bones scattered on the ground, blending into the deck and disappearing.

At this moment, she was almost about to press her magic pocket watch and throw all available attack methods at this strange monster. However, after seeing Klein receiving the letter with an unchanging expression, she realized that this skeleton was just a human being. Delivery of letters.

It's a bit like the translucent human face that Ms. Dai Li once used. Well, it's just similar in form, but it's actually a bit different... I saw it without using my spiritual vision because it was contaminated with spiritual bacon. Na...

She looked at the girl in the distance speechlessly. The latter had froze and was standing at the door of the cabin at a loss.

It seemed that the spiritual bacon also gave her the ability to see spiritual creatures in a short period of time... Angel quickly understood. She forced out a smile and put her finger to her lips again, making a "keep it secret" gesture. posture.

Donna nodded hesitantly, her face relaxed slightly, and then her eyes showed undisguised excitement.

It's over, I'm afraid the misunderstanding between "Siren" will deepen again...

Angel thought helplessly and looked at Klein who was holding a letter.

"It belongs to Mr. Azik."

The latter shrugged innocently, indicating that he had no control over the messenger's actions.



The White Onyx blew its whistle and slowly retracted its gangway, preparing to leave Damir Port and continue its journey to Bayam, the "City of Generosity".

Just as the gangway hoisted by the cable was about to leave the pier, a man with short brown hair and a coat of the same color quickly stepped onto the ladder with a suitcase and rushed onto the deck waving his ticket.


The man who successfully boarded the ship at the last second breathed a sigh of relief and handed the ticket he had just bought to the crew member who came for inspection. After the other party confirmed his identity as a first-class passenger, he looked towards the pier behind and into the distance. port buildings.

"Shit! Those punishers, I'm just here for a vacation and I didn't do anything bad. Where did they get the news? They chased me around like a bunch of mad dogs all night!"

"Fire" Daniz, who was dressed in disguise and worked hard to buy a boat ticket, cursed angrily and spat at the imaginary punishers. Then he turned around and straightened the wig on his head. Make your way to the upper deck where first class is located.

Following the crew's instructions, he quickly found his room No. 312, opened the door, quickly glanced around the spacious living room, put his suitcase in a corner, opened the window, and looked out at the fading harbor. .

"Hmph, just take your time and search there," a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared on his face, "'Flame' Daniz once again escaped a fatal crisis."

He adjusted his coat in the wind, wondering who he was talking to.

"Oh, is it so?"

A more mocking question came from behind Daniz.

 Thanks to the leader of "Dangou".



(End of this chapter)

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