Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 394 Angry "Fire"

Chapter 394 Angry "Fire"

Taking a deep breath of the salty sea breeze, Daniz froze his hands holding the hem of his clothes beside him and slowly turned around to look at the door of the living room.

The door that was still open there had been closed, and a young blonde lady wearing a simple gray dress was looking at him with a smile.

It's the woman who caused the "Flying Fish and Wine" scene last night...she's actually on the White Agate? The guy with her must be here too!

Daniz instantly remembered this beautiful face, then thought of the man in a trench coat wearing a black top hat who could turn into his own appearance, and thought of the strange "hunger" that seemed to swallow him up in one bite...

Wait, I was discovered by the Punisher, couldn't it be because that man turned into me and did something bad?

He suddenly understood.

At this time, I should jump out of the window. The White Onyx has not sailed far yet, and I will soon be able to swim to the shore. Even if there is a whole team of punishment agents there, I am confident that I can hide and seek with them...or swim directly to other ships. , blend in among the tourists, go wherever you want...

Several thoughts came to Daniz's mind, and he raised and lowered his hands, but in the end, the "Fire Flame" calmed down the flames in his heart, put one hand on his chest, bowed slightly, and squeezed out what he thought was the most handsome smile on his lips.

"Good morning, beautiful lady, nice to see you again."

At this moment, Daniz was extremely grateful to "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina for conducting etiquette lessons among the crew.

"Really? What about him?"

the lady at the door asked softly.

he? who?

As soon as Daniz raised his head and looked at the other person in confusion, he saw a black flame coming out between the two. In an instant, the flame the size of a fist exploded, and the bright yellow inside surged out, outlining a A slightly thin figure.

Gehrman Sparrow emerged from the flames.


"Why on board?"

"To the Rhoside Islands, Bayam."

"What are you doing there?"

Isn't it because you, a piece of shit, pretended to be me and wandered around, causing me to be chased by the punisher all night long, so I had to secretly buy a ticket and leave by boat?

"The vacation is over. I'm going to wait for the captain's orders. Maybe there will be a new mission."

Looking at the indifferent Klein in front of him, Daniz forced a smile and found a reason that was not wrong. After he sent a telegram to Bayam's contact person, he was indeed planning to end his vacation early, but the person who would be punished on his behalf Eviction was not part of his plan.


Klein quickly tossed a coin to confirm that Danitz was not lying. When the other party's attention was attracted by the flying coins, he nodded with a straight face.

"Don't leave the room except to eat."

He ordered in a low voice.

Why? Why?

Danitz felt like he was about to explode.

Although the lady still leaning against the door kept showing a heartwarming smile, the man in front of her always exuded a faint sense of "hunger". Her arrogant words and indifferent eyes always reminded Daniz of last night. meet.

Can't beat it, definitely can't beat it...


He sighed helplessly and replied, feeling that buying a ticket for the White Agate was the biggest mistake he had made this year.

The only thing that made him happy was that he had booked a first-class room instead of a second-class room that even shared the bathroom. It was not that uncomfortable to stay in the room all the time.

Comforting himself in this way, Daniz watched Klein walk to the living room door, but the young lady slowly walked over and said with a smile:

"A lock of your hair, a tube of blood."


Daniz first suspected that he had heard wrongly, but it took him a moment to realize what the other party meant.

"In occultism, any part of the body, even a drop of blood or a hair, is an extremely important medium, allowing people to track your location and even directly cast some vicious curses."

He remembered what Edwina, who was also the "teacher" of the entire ship's pirates, had said, and a chill suddenly ran through his heart.

There is no doubt that the other party asked for blood and hair in order to track him at any time, and even cast some fatal curse from a distance.

They didn't believe me at all, and still thought I had other purposes for boarding the ship, such as acting as an inside agent to cooperate with other pirate ships to hijack the White Agate, or drilling a big hole in the bottom of the ship and directly sinking the passenger ship!

Why did I think she was beautiful just now and her smile was heart-warming?


Daniz was so furious that he suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist and gripped the handle tightly, veins bulging out on the back of his hand.

Then, he took off the wig on his head, carefully cut off a lock of blond hair, and handed it to the lady in front of him.

"Is this enough?" he asked with a forced smile.


"Do you believe this 'Fire' Daniz?"

After walking out of Room 312, Angel looked at the dark red blood in the glass bottle in his hand and whispered. She summoned an invisible thread, wrapped it around the small glass bottle, and used the power of ice to cause its temperature to drop sharply and frost on the surface. This could preserve the blood for a longer period of time and deter Daniz as a hostage.

"The divination reminds him that he is not lying. Maybe he is really being chased by the navy or the punishment agent at the port, so he is preparing to escape by boat. But we still have to be careful. I will keep an eye on him at all times."

Klein twirled the short blond hair in his hand and put it into a cigarette case. Using these hairs, he could track Daniz's movements at any time and detect him in time when he tried to escape.

It's just that he lives next door to us, so it always feels a little inconvenient... Angel thought with some melancholy, and walked towards the restaurant with Klein. When they passed by Room 305, the door happened to open, and there was Denton's figure in a children's version of a tuxedo. He appeared at the door, followed by Donna pushing him forward.

Seeing Angel and Klein, the siblings looked happy at the same time. Donna closed the door behind her back, stopped in front of Angel, looked at her excitedly and said:

"Sister Angelica, Uncle Sparrow, what was that huge skeleton yesterday?"

After a pause, she added:

"I definitely didn't tell anyone else. Well, only Denton knew. He also saw it, but he didn't dare to say anything."

The little boy on the side pursed his lips and nodded, with the same expression of curiosity and excitement on his face. It seemed that the two siblings had gotten rid of their fear in communicating with each other last night, leaving only the desire to explore the Bone Messenger.

"That's just a messenger, helping other people from far away to deliver messages to Sparrow, uncle."

Seeing that Klein was reluctant to communicate in order to maintain his character, Angel took the initiative to bend down and look at Denton as he explained, and couldn't help laughing when he mentioned "uncle".

"Messenger..." Denton repeated the word.

"It's the postman, the person who delivers newspapers and various bills to Dad every day," Donna explained, patting her brother's head, and then changed her tone, "Can we also have such a messenger?"

I have only seen two messengers, and neither of them belongs to me... Angel could hardly hold back the smile on his face, and looked at Klein for help. The latter had a calm expression and replied calmly:

"It depends on luck. Maybe you have a chance to meet your unique messenger."

These words successfully aroused the hope of the siblings, which can be seen in their increasingly bright eyes.

"But why couldn't Mom, Dad, and Uncle Cleeves see it? There were many people on the deck at the time, and they didn't react at all!"

Soon, curious baby Donna asked a new question.

If you share the bacon you bought with them, I'm afraid the whole ship will fall into panic about the giant bone messenger...

The correct answer flashed through Angel's mind, but she just smiled and answered:

"Only children with pure hearts can see it."

I'm not a child anymore - Donna muttered, but a bright smile appeared on her face because she was obviously different.


Several people came to the exclusive restaurant of the first class cabin. It was not lunch time, but the restaurant still served a variety of pastries, coffee, and juice. It was the most common place for passengers besides the entertainment room.

Angel met Captain Ireland here. The latter was holding a cup of coffee and looking at Damier Island in the distance at the stern of the ship. He didn't know what he was thinking about. He only turned his attention here after Angel took the initiative to say hello.

"Good morning, you two," he said, holding up his coffee cup. "The White Shark people didn't give you any trouble last night, did they?"

"After leaving the bar, we returned to the White Onyx." Angel replied, immediately realizing the reason why Ireland asked, "Did they find you?"

"Oh, that guy feels embarrassed and wants double compensation. I won't drink that pile of bad quality wine, let alone his people who started the trouble." Ireland sneered at Hamilton's threat, "Anyway We made an agreement, I was lucky last night and won more than ten pounds, so I gave him an extra two pounds tip and sent him away."

After injuring two guards, a bartender, and smashing a shelf of low-quality wine, he only had to pay two pounds for compensation. It seems that the captain's own reputation also had a lot of deterrent effects... Angel thought and nodded with a smile. :

"Thank you."

Ireland raised his coffee cup again in response.


At this moment, a crew member climbed up the ladder from the deck below with a panicked expression. He wanted to continue shouting, but when he saw many people in the restaurant, he moved closer to Ireland and whispered something.

Angel vaguely heard words such as "pirate ship" and "red skull".

Many passengers who were killing time in the restaurant also noticed the movement here and came over one after another. Seeing this, Ireland said to everyone seriously:

"Don't panic. There is a pirate ship in the distance. My White Onyx is full of firepower and the crew is well-trained. There is no need to be afraid of them.

"Please leave the restaurant in an orderly manner, go back to your room, close the windows, and wait for the good news. I don't want to find out that no one was hurt by the pirates after I defeated the pirates, but I fell and squeezed several people. "

His words trying to liven up the atmosphere did not elicit any laughter. The passengers quickly left under the guidance of the crew and returned to their respective suites. Angel and Klein also followed them back to the first class cabin, but they did not go to room 310. I went straight to Room 312 next door.

Opening the unlocked door, the two of them were surprised to see that "Fire Flame" Daniz was not running away or preparing to fight, but was holding up a small monocular telescope and looking out the window with an undisguised expression on his face. anxious.

He turned around immediately when he heard the door opening.

"If I said that this pirate ship has nothing to do with me, would you believe it?"

Seeing Angel take out the glass bottle containing his own blood from his pocket, Daniz forced a smile and said.

Outside the window, a huge pirate ship appeared on the sea level, spitting out thick smoke and approaching the White Agate quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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