Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 395 War Avoidance Doll

Chapter 395 War Avoidance Doll

"Boss, you see clearly, it's the White Onyx, the ship of the 'Just Ireland'."

The crew member responsible for observing the target slid down the observation deck along the cable and reported the information he saw through the telescope to Captain "Sea Wolf" Johnson standing on the deck.

"Very good, a big fish."

Johnson chuckled. He didn't care about fairness or bias. Ireland just wanted to make a profit as soon as possible and run away quickly before the nearby naval ships or the ships of the Church of Storms arrived.

As for the possible resistance from the other side, he didn't even take it to heart. His pirate ship can reach a speed of 16 knots, much faster than the White Agate, which is just a passenger ship, and has a full 40 cannons. If it weren't for the purpose of robbing as much as possible Passengers' gold pounds and jewels, he could now cross the bow and send the opponent to the bottom of the sea with several volleys.

"Anderson, move forward at full speed! When you get close, blast them with one round to scare them, then pick up the ship, burn them all and rob them all!"

he shouted over his shoulder, eliciting an excited roar from the pirates on deck.


"According to the general practice, they will approach first and fire a salvo as a deterrent. Most of the ships will surrender in this case. A small number of those who stubbornly resist will engage in an artillery battle, but the result is the same, that is, they will be posted. Go up, engage in a broadside battle, and depends on the captain’s style.”

Standing by the window, "Blaze" Daniz carefully explained the common practice of pirates to rob ships.

"Captain's style?"

Angel asked curiously. She had just glanced at the pirate ship outside the window with Daniz's brass telescope, and could only barely make out the red skull flag hanging on the pirate ship a few nautical miles away, as well as the increasingly rich smoke coming out of the chimney. of black smoke.

That meant that the other party had burned the flames of the boiler to the maximum and was accelerating to catch up with the White Onyx.

"Most pirates will at least abide by the rules set by the 'King of the Five Seas' on the surface. They will not kill anyone after the battle and only steal valuable cargo and passengers' cash and jewelry. But some desperadoes don't care about this. They In order to silence them, or simply to vent their anger, they would rush all the survivors to the bottom warehouse after the robbery, set a big fire, and burn everything that could not be taken away.

"Unfortunately, 'Sea Wolf' Johnson of the Red Skull Pirates belongs to the latter category."

Danitz talked about the pirates and their captains very well, and soon even told them their bounties: Captain Johnson was worth 900 pounds, and first mate "One-Eyed" Anderson was worth 500 pounds.

The combined total is not even half of "Fire" Daniz, but it also means that the contrast in their strength is equally obvious - ranking the strength of the pirates according to the bounty, although it is not entirely accurate, it is mostly correct.

Angel can make most ordinary pirates incapacitated within a minute. Although the captain and first mate are extraordinary, under the attack of her and Klein, they can't even last until the other pirates fall.

The premise is that the boarding battle begins...

"What is your judgment on the outcome of the battle?"

Holding the telescope "borrowed" from Daniz, Klein was silent for a moment and asked:

"The Red Skull's ship is faster, and 'Justice Ireland' is not someone who will just run away. The two ships will engage in artillery battle at a closer distance, and the result is difficult to predict. Maybe Johnson will feel that the delay is too long. Long, it is easy to be surrounded by the navy and choose to give up. Maybe the White Onyx will be overtaken after being shot and slowing down. In a naval battle, anything is possible."

In other words, the ship is likely to be hit, or even driven aboard, into a boarding battle. Of course, the consequence of boarding the ship is that a Sequence 5 and a Sequence 6 will in turn attack the "Red Skull" ship. But how many people will be killed or injured on the White Agate before that?

Angel looked at Klein, who also looked back, and saw in his eyes the helplessness of lack of movement means and long-range attacks.

"So what are you worried about? They don't know that we are hiding on the ship. As long as they wait for the pirate ship to approach and find an opportunity to board the ship, most of the problems can be solved."

Daniz asked with some confusion. Some pirates would use this method to "fish" other fellow pirates and snatch them away with their people and boats. It can be called a classic way of being small and generous.

"Are they going to look at the White Onyx with their binoculars now?"

Klein suddenly asked.

"Of course, this is basic literacy. Have you seen the observation tower next to the Jolly Roger? There must be an observer standing there, looking over here with a high-power telescope to observe the deployment on the deck."

Daniz was even more puzzled. He pointed at the pirate ship getting closer and closer outside the window and answered.

"So, do 'Sea Wolf' and 'One Eye' know you?"

Suddenly understanding Klein's thoughts, Angel also smiled and asked.

"Every...most of the people in this sea area know 'Fire Flame' Daniz. The two people across from me were taught a lesson by me at a grand event among pirates. They will never forget me in this life."

Daniz, who wanted to say "Everyone knows me" looked at the man and woman in front of him, but finally hesitated and changed his words.

"That's good."

Angel and Klein smiled at the same time.


"Full rudder to port, prepare to fire to starboard!"

The captain of the "Red Skull", Seawolf Johnson, personally steered the helm and directed the pirates to load the cannons, preparing to teach the White Agate a lesson that refused to surrender. The latter also steered to the left, revealing the neat row of gun ports on the port side. .

Not overestimating one's abilities...

He chuckled to himself.

"Something's wrong, Captain." "One-Eyed" Andersen, who was looking forward with a monocular on the side, suddenly said. He turned around, his face full of doubts.

"There is a man hanging on the side of the ship. He has short blond hair. He looks a bit like... Daniz?"

"Which Danitz?"

Johnson asked subconsciously, and then realized that the "Daniz" in the two people's mouth could only be one person.

He grabbed the telescope and looked at the White Onyx in the distance. Since both ships were in bombardment position and their courses were parallel, he quickly found the "man hanging" on the side. The blond man seemed to be bound by invisible threads. , hands close to the body, kicking his feet randomly, just hanging outside an open window.

It is indeed "Fire" Danitz!

The memory of being ridiculed and beaten by the opponent a few months ago came to mind. Johnson almost wanted to shout and fire to kill the fourth boatswain under "Vice Admiral Iceberg", but his calmness and reason stopped him.

The "Flame" with a bounty of 3000 pounds can be hung on the side of the ship like this. What is going on on the White Agate?

Several people who were hostile to "Vice Admiral Iceberg" and could easily deal with Daniz appeared in his mind. They all had one thing in common - the hundreds of pirates on the "Red Skull" combined could not be offended.

Pursing his lips, and taking one last look at the prey that was very close at hand, "Sea Wolf" Johnson raised his right hand and said:

"Full left rudder, disengage, leave this sea area at full speed!"


"Danger removed!"

Hearing the loud cheers of the sailors on the deck above and seeing the "Red Skull" in the distance turning the bow and slowly leaving behind the thick smoke, Daniz let out a sigh of relief.

There was an emotion in his heart that he didn't know whether it was humiliation or joy.

But in the end, these all turned into a low roar:

"Shit, pull me up!"

He shouted to the window above, his voice muffled and panicked, not because he was afraid of falling into the sea, but because he was afraid that others would hear him.

The only eyewitness "Red Skull" has gone away. As long as I return to the cabin now, no one will know that I was hung outside in such disgrace, just like a piece of... like a piece of bacon!

Feeling that the invisible thread wrapping around him was being pulled upward, Daniz relaxed inside.

Suddenly, he noticed a line of sight coming from beside him, and subconsciously looked over there.

Another window not far away was opened at some point, and a half-grown girl stuck her head out, staring at her with doubtful eyes.


Manipulating the silk thread to fish Daniz back to the living room of Room 312, Angel was surprised to find that the hero who had scared away the "Red Skull" was slumped by the window, his limbs looking towards him with a bit of resentment and a hint of resentment in his eyes. Very helpless, even a little aggrieved.

With a bounty of 3000 pounds, "Fire Flame" Daniz was at least as strong as a Sequence 7. How come he was hung outside the window for less than half an hour and was as languid as a dried quail?


Klein on the side even sneered, and the arrogant nature of adventurer Gehrman was fully exposed.

It was obvious that the shriveled Daniz was filled with energy in an instant. He jumped up from the floor, the veins on his neck were bulging, as if he was about to have an attack.

But in the end, he just said with a tight face:

"You are taking advantage of my captain's prestige. She will not remain indifferent."

"'Lieutenant Admiral Iceberg' Edwina Edwards, I remember she has a bounty of 26000 pounds in Loen alone," Klein said expressionlessly, as if he was just talking about extraordinary materials worth 260 pounds, "And, you You don’t want your captain to know what’s happening here, do you?”

If "Flower Tie", "Gourmet", "Bucket" they know that I am hung outside the cabin like Byam's popular rain-proof doll, my pirate... no, the adventurer career will be over...

Daniz suddenly discovered that everyone who knew about his scandal was in this living room. If he wanted to prevent the news from spreading, he would have to spend a lot of time...

As for the "Red Skull" pirate group, it is even more impossible to publicize the fact that they were scared off without firing a shot.

The expression on his face changed, finally settling on a forced smile.

"I hope this matter stays in this living room and doesn't spread outside."

He said it word by word, thinking that he was sincere enough in his expression and tone.

"see your performance."

The beautiful woman said with a chuckle, which looked like a devil's smile in Daniz's eyes.

Jingle Bell--

The doorbell rang, and everyone turned their attention to the door. To show "sincerity," Daniz left the window and took the initiative to open the door. Besides, Room 312 was originally his room.

So, how come these two people occupy my living room and sofa like the masters, while I open the door for them like a servant?

Thinking of this, Daniz stepped heavily on the carpet as if to vent his anger, and reached out to open the door.

The girl who was looking at him from the window just now stood at the door with a "Sure enough" expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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