Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 401 Miller, the Blessed One

Chapter 401 Miller, the Blessed One

After checking that all the living corpses had "died again", the four continued towards the mist-shrouded mountain top.

"This evening, several such headless monsters suddenly appeared in the Sea Breeze Church in Bansi Port, as well as flying heads detached from their bodies. We quickly dealt with these anomalies, and only then discovered that Jace's body and head were separated and died while praying. Hall, a report letter was found on him.

"Based on the report letter and traces at the scene, we determined that Jace was killed by Bishop Miller, who colluded with the cultists in order to revive the tradition of worshiping the 'Weather God'. Oh, Jace is the pastor of Sea Breeze Church, He was very brave, but unfortunately he trusted the wrong person and tried to report himself to the cult leader Miller..."

Thinking of the poor headless priest in the church, Angel nodded and held a moment of silence for him.

Dodge, the captain of the Punisher, the forty-year-old man said as he handed the sealed object in his hand to another team member next to him. The latter took it, and the hand he held immediately started to tremble, but soon He recovered and his complexion also changed somewhat.

Angel found that the glove on the hand where Dodge handed over the sealed object was torn and the skin was a little charred. Obviously, this wooden staff that could summon powerful lightning would cause serious damage to the user.

"When Miller saw what was going on, he had already escaped from the Sea Breeze Church. He and the cultists kidnapped many local residents and tourists and disappeared. Soon the entire port was filled with thick fog, and more monsters appeared in the fog. Take advantage of it. After locating with a special method, we found this mountain, and he and the cult followers were probably continuing the living sacrifice ceremony in the cave above."

As he spoke, Dodge pointed in a direction in the thick fog.

Sure enough, the combination of divination and the clues of these punishers can confirm that both Donna and Cecil have become part of the sacrifices, but I don't know if it will be their turn...

After climbing over a ridge towards the location pointed by the Punisher Captain, a hidden cave appeared in front of the four of them.

"right here."

A young punisher took out a palm-sized compass from his windbreaker, glanced at it and said.

It seems that this is what they call the "positioning method"... Angel just glanced at it and looked away to prevent these sensitive and violent punishment agents from suspecting that he had any evil thoughts about the sealed object.

After confirming the target, the three punishment agents quickly formed a formation of one in front and two in back. Captain Dodge walked in the front, holding a gun on guard. The young man holding a compass and another somewhat bald man came behind, and one person held a gun. Compass, one person holding the "Lightning Staff", looks like a battle formation trained for a long time.

This made Angel seem a bit redundant. She simply walked at the front and looked into the cave with the help of dark vision.

It's small, damp, and has a faint rancid smell... mixed with the smell of blood. Is it fresh blood?

She held a gun in one hand and was ready to use the "Knight Bracelet" in the other hand to transform into a melee weapon. She crouched down and stepped into the dark cave first. The three punishers behind her followed cautiously. No one spoke, only the sound of gentle footsteps. .

Angel suddenly discovered that the punishers did not carry lanterns, and the battle just now was carried out in the dark. She had dark vision, and she did not notice anything unusual at the first time.

Was it a certain sealed object that gave them dark vision?

As a former Nighthawk, she had seen in internal materials information about the "Sailor" path up to Sequence 7 "Navigator" that the Church of Storms had. This information was derived from the exchanges between the three major churches and was not comprehensive. There may be something to hide.

If it is not the ability of the potion itself, but the effect of a certain sealed object, then this team has carried a total of three sealed objects... Is it because of an emergency, or because the rules and regulations of the Punishers are different from those of the Nighthawks?

In her career as a Nighthawk, she had only seen one operation involving multiple sealed items - to prevent the evil god in Megoos's belly from coming to Tingen.

This gave her a bad feeling.

Thinking about it, Angel continued to walk softly deeper into the cave. She could feel the eyes of the team of punishers behind her lingering on her from time to time. It was obvious that she was not completely at ease with this "outsider".

After Bishop Miller and the cultists are dealt with, maybe the next target of these people will be me... She thought to herself.

After walking meandering in the darkness for about two minutes, and probably advancing hundreds of meters, a glimmer of light finally appeared on the road ahead. It was a flickering candle, and the smell of putrefaction and blood in the air became stronger.


An incomprehensible whisper that did not belong to any common language came from the depths, like a mixture of voices from different people, with the pitch gradually rising and becoming more and more passionate.

There is no doubt that walking further is the altar to worship the "God of Weather".

Angel glanced back, and the three punishers also clenched their weapons and nodded towards her.

The next second, Angel's figure disappeared into the cave as if it had been wiped away. The team of punishers held pistols and sealed objects and rushed forward in an offensive formation.



Miller ordered in a low voice. He stood next to the altar full of blood, watching strands of blood flow into the complex patterns and symbols beside the altar, dyeing them dark red.

The believer next to him was wearing a hood and couldn't see his face clearly, but after hearing the order, he quickly dragged the female body that had been drained of blood off the altar and threw it aside.

Ritual candles on surrounding menorahs illuminated the cave, as well as the two other corpses on the ground.

The three deceased were all young women who were quite popular among local men. Bishop Miller of Sea Breeze Church could even call them by name, so he gave them priority for this sacrifice.

Donna's hands and feet were tied with thick hemp ropes and she fell in the corner of the cave. She blinked her eyes and tried to squeeze away tears to see clearly these hooded cultists and Bishop Miller who commanded them. Miller was wearing a dark blue bishop's robe embroidered with storm symbols, so he easily gained the girl's trust outside the restaurant. However, he did not expect that after just a few minutes of communication, he inexplicably lost consciousness and was taken away with Cecil. Arriving in this stinky cave...

Miss Cecil...

She looked at the female bodyguard who was lying with the three corpses. The latter's eyes were closed, her breathing was weak, and she had several wounds with deep visible bones on her body. It seemed that she had been cut open by a sharp instrument. Although it was not fatal, the blood was still there. It's already dripping all over the ground.

That was the wound left by Cecil's attempt to resist these mysterious cultists. In just a few days of travel, Donna met an ugly but delicious fish-man, a beautiful and mysterious lady siren, and a huge white-bone "messenger" nearly four meters tall. In her heart, a seed called "Messenger" has been planted. Perhaps one day in the future, this seed will take root and sprout, prompting her to actively contact the hidden knowledge and change her life.

But unexpectedly, only halfway through this "mysterious journey", these cultists shattered Donna's illusions with weird and evil whispers, wind blades that tore the body, and ancient and bloody living sacrifices.

"Siren... No, Sister Angelica, Uncle Sparrow, come and save me... If it's the pirate, that's fine, he seems to have a bounty of 3000 pounds on his head..."

Unable to bear to watch Cecil bleed to death, Donna looked away and prayed silently.

"That's it."

An emotionless voice came from above her head, and two hooded cultists came forward, looking at her with cold eyes.

The next second, Donna felt her body soar into the air, like a lamb to be slaughtered, being pulled up by the two men with the hemp ropes bound by her hands and feet, and placed on the blood-stained altar.

Four other believers in uniform were kneeling around the altar. When they saw the new sacrifices placed, they lowered their heads and began to pray in an unknown language. The sounds echoed and superimposed in the dark but spacious cave, and soon became increasingly passionate. statement.

Donna, who was gradually swallowed up by despair, subconsciously began to struggle, but the two believers quickly held her down. One of them picked up the ceremonial dagger next to the altar, raised the murderous weapon that was stained with the blood of three people, and tried to kill her. Perform another living sacrifice.

"Cough, cough——"

He suddenly felt itchy in his throat and couldn't help coughing.

The more he coughed, the more breathless he became. His throat seemed to be filled with phlegm, and his young lungs were like old bellows, pulling "whoosh", trying to suck in some fresh air.

Bang, the ritual dagger fell next to the altar, but no one paid attention to it. The six hooded cultists all appeared in a similar situation. Their devout prayers turned into coughing one after another, and they coughed up thick mouthfuls. Phlegm, then dark red blood clots.

Miller also felt his throat was itchy and his chest was a little tight. He first looked at the believers who were coughing and staggering in confusion, and then immediately realized that this was not a common cold in winter, but someone was attacking!

The air is full of disease-causing toxins!

His eyes changed from light brown to dark red. The bishop's robe rose and bulged from below, and strong winds surged from inside. These winds were controlled by him and quickly swept through the cave, and finally blew towards the exit in the flickering candlelight.

"Cough, cough!"

He coughed a few times and coughed up the phlegm. He felt his throat became more and more itchy, and his control of the strong wind was interrupted.

No, this is not a toxin, it is a germ that appeared directly in my body...


A white light flashed in front of him, and a bone blade suddenly appeared from the air and struck at the "Wind Blessed One".


Angel waited until the disease took hold, until the cultists collapsed on the ground and Bishop Miller lost part of his fighting power. Then he emerged from the invisible state, his bracelet turned into a long blade, and he slashed at the opponent with a knife.

At the same time, three punishers rushed into the cave exit. They quickly judged the situation in the cave. Captain Dodge raised his hand and shot a hooded cultist next to the altar, holding the "Lightning Magic" The bald man with a "staff" summons a slender bolt of lightning, which is different from the thick thunder when used outdoors, but shoots directly at the nearest cultist.


When the lightning struck the target and burned it to black, Bishop Miller narrowly escaped Angel's sneak attack. He avoided important parts of the torso, but there was a bone-deep scar on his left arm, and blood sprayed out. came out and landed on the altar of the "God of Weather" where he was preparing to sacrifice.

The pain made his dark red eyes shine, and strong winds surged out from under him again, blowing in all directions, causing Angel to retreat temporarily and extinguishing the candles next to the altar.

The cave suddenly became dark.

This is more beneficial to me and the punishers... Angel smiled secretly, and chased after him despite the strong wind. He slashed with his sword, but was dodged again by the dexterous Bishop Miller.

He can also see in the dark?

Angel reacted and no longer tried to fight at close range. Instead, she quickly summoned strands of invisible threads and wrapped them around Miller. She knew that the "Sailor" pathway had some means that could explode with huge power, but even if it could hold back a person, Two seconds is enough.


The silk thread wrapped around Miller's body, leaving traces on his dark blue bishop's robe.

"Dedicate everything to the gods, ahem!"

The cult leader suddenly shouted loudly, and his body under the bishop's robes swelled like air, almost making Angel think that he was about to use his own flesh and blood as a bomb like "Rose Bishop" to kill everyone present.

But the next moment, the cultists beside the altar who were charred by electricity, knocked down by bullets, and suffocated by pneumonia simultaneously shouted, stretched out their hands, grabbed their heads, and slammed them down as if controlled by an external force. Pulled, tore off his own head.

They are all connected to a bloody esophagus, slowly floating in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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