Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 402 The Weak Bishop

Chapter 402 The Weak Bishop

So you want others to sacrifice everything... because those cultists no longer have the ability to fight, so why not just turn them into headless monsters?

It was indeed quite shocking to watch six people who were either still alive or who had just died pull off their heads and turn into monsters wandering outside the cave and Bansi Port on the spot, but Angel had already killed him today There were no less than two figures of flying heads and headless living corpses, and there was not much emotion about this.

There are only a few of them, and the Punishers can handle them...

She no longer paid attention to the headless living corpse with blood spurting from its neck and the head dragging its esophagus. Instead, she looked at Bishop Miller, whose body swelled and broke free from the restraints of the silk thread several times. The latter's bulging muscles stretched the bishop's robe like a Tight clothes, more like a warrior than a "wind-blessed one".

However, he did not use his increased strength to try to fight Angel at close range. Instead, he took two steps back. Air flow blew out from under his robe, which lifted his body up quickly and left the ground.

The ceiling of the cave was not high. Miller used the "floating" of the updraft to quickly reach the top. He seemed a little proud when he was hanging above everyone's heads. His dark red eyes were even brighter, and a thin and sharp wind blade came from him. It was generated in his hand and shot out, targeting Angel below...Donna beside him.


Angel, who instantly moved sideways to protect Donna and blocked the wind blade, shattered into pieces and fell to the ground. Another Angel appeared from the side, grabbed the girl whose limbs were bound, and pulled her to the blind corner under the altar, avoiding Possible subsequent attacks.

Miller grinned mockingly, the corners of his mouth that had become deformed after arousing the power of rage, and resisted the increasingly severe difficulty in breathing. He once again formed new wind blades in his hands, and shot them downwards one after another, carefully avoiding the sacrifice. The blood-soaked symbols and patterns beside the stage were thrown at Angel, intending to kill the witch before the disease broke out in his body.

The next moment, he suddenly noticed that the ruby ​​necklace on Angel's chest flashed as there seemed to be no way out, and then the low and rapid ancient Hermes language came into his ears:


What? Isn't she a witch?

As soon as Miller became alert, he was struck by an invisible and majestic force, pushing him away from Angel - and this was the ceiling of the cave.


There was a crashing sound that resounded through the cave, and the furious Miller's taller and stronger body slammed hard on the uneven ceiling, bringing a rain of gravel to the altar below.

The successive impacts and falls caused Miller to fall into a brief dizziness. He fumbled to prop up his body, and was about to use the strong wind to fly into the sky again, when a growing figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Wind blade...

As soon as this thought came to his mind, before he even raised his hand, the sharp bone sword penetrated his sternum with great force, cutting open the heart and spine at the back, and then diagonally downwards, nailing it to the center of the altar. .

"Oh, cough cough——"

Miller lay on his back, struggling to grasp the sword blade that pinned him with both hands, blood foam gushing out of his mouth, and coughing into the air. The gurgling blood from the bone sword that penetrated his body flowed into him trying to use the blood of innocent people. The watered altar outlines more symbols and patterns.

The dark red light in his eyes flickered, and his tenacious vitality allowed him to hold on even after his heart ruptured, as if he wanted to get up from the ground.

"Go meet your 'weather god'."

Angel whispered, spiritually infusing the "Sun Brooch" on his chest, and the golden purifying fire poured into the body of the fallen "Wind Blessed" along the sword body, burning out his last vitality.


The bone sword shrunk, turned into a "Knight Bracelet" and returned to Angel's left wrist. At the same time, there was an indescribable feeling of fatigue and powerlessness that returned to her body, which was the negative effect of this magical item.

Without the support of the bone sword, Miller's body gushes out more blood, which is almost equivalent to the combined blood volume of the three previous living sacrifices.

Angel also shook off the blood on her hands, some of which was Miller's and some of which was her own.

Just now, in order to switch the grazing souls of the "Rose Necklace" under the bombardment of wind blades and use the extraordinary ability of "Judge", she had to endure several sharp wind blade attacks. Although she was not hit in any vital parts, she still had more wounds on her hands. A few scars.

Fortunately, they were all skin injuries, and the necklace's built-in recovery ability could quickly repair these wounds.

After confirming that Miller was dead, she looked at the battlefield under the altar.

The three punishment agents have already dealt with six living corpses turned by cultists. Their golden purification bullets are almost endless. They can kill a monster with just a few shots. The flying heads are constantly floating in the sky but lack a target to attack. Each one fell to the ground under the electric shock of the "Lightning Staff", losing their second life.

After dealing with these monsters, the captain of the Punisher, Dodge, rubbed out the spiritual fire, relit the surrounding sacrificial candles, and looked at the bishop's body on the altar with a sullen face.

He was not injured in the battle, but there was a tired look on his face.

It seems that this team of punishment agents should be able to handle this incident without my help... Angel glanced at the three punishment agents, assessing their combat effectiveness.

Although Bishop Miller is the "Wind Blessed" of Sequence 6, he obviously lacks combat experience and is even stupid enough to fly into the air in a narrow cave and become a living target.

Those headless living corpses look scary, but pose no threat to the Extraordinary. Even if Angel is not here, the three punishers can easily deal with the corrupted bishop and his men.

But without me, the delayed Punisher team would definitely not have been able to get here before Donna was sacrificed...

"Donna, it's okay, it's over." Looking at the girl whose hands and feet were still bound, huddled up in a ball with her eyes closed tightly, Angel squatted down distressedly, carefully cut off the hemp rope on her body, and helped her He sat beside the altar and stroked her blood-stained cheek.

Feeling the warm touch, Donna opened her eyes and looked at the pale golden hair and purple eyes very close to her, her eyes quickly filled with tears.

"Miss Siren..."

Angel took a deep breath and forced a smile:

"Call me Angelica."

"Sister Angelica, many people died here... By the way, there was also Cecil. She tried to resist and was injured."

As soon as she changed her name to the correct one, Donna stood up from the altar and looked at the corner of the cave. Cecil, who had fallen into a coma, was still lying there, with wounds on his body still oozing blood.

But the young punisher had already stepped forward, checked quickly, and then turned back and said:

"The injury is serious, but it shouldn't be life-threatening. Maybe Miller wants to keep her as a living sacrifice."

As he spoke, he took out a small metal bottle from his windbreaker pocket, unscrewed the cap and poured the medicine into Cecil's mouth.

This reminded Angel of the "Goddess' Gaze" used internally by the Nighthawks. Perhaps the Punishers also have similar drugs.

But no matter what, the lives of Donna and Cecil were saved... Angel breathed a sigh of relief and scanned other parts of the cave, pausing for a moment on the three corpses with pale skin that had been drained of all their blood. , and then looked at the other two women whose hands and feet were tied up like Donna.

The sacrifices were all young women. It seemed that there were some special requirements for this living sacrifice, but only four of the seven sacrifices were saved... She couldn't imagine what would be like in the cave if she came ten minutes later. Bloody, desperate scenes.

And after the final sacrifice is completed, what will the entire Bansi Port look like? More monsters, thick fog and strong winds that will never dissipate, or the resurgence and arrival of the so-called "weather god"?

With this in mind, Angel looked at the altar at his feet. Miller's body was no longer bleeding. All the blood in his body had been absorbed by the altar. The complex patterns and symbols engraved around it had filled the lives of the sacrifices and the sacrificers. , showing a coquettish color of blood in the candlelight.

I wonder what the Church of Storms is going to do with this altar. Is it going to be demolished directly, or is it going to be reserved for research on the "God of Weather"?

Looking away from the symbols on the altar, Angel found that the three punishment substitutes had moved Cecil, who was breathing steadily, and the two rescued women to a corner of the cave, and then came closer and looked at her warily.

"Donna, go and see Cecil."

Angel gently pushed Donna's back, pushing the confused girl away.

"I thought you were going to take her hostage."

Dodge whispered with a hint of curiosity in his tone, "Lightning Staff" has returned to the hand of the captain of the punishment.

The other two punishers also held revolvers and held talismans made of silver pieces, standing in a loose triangle just like they did when they entered the cave.

But they haven't pointed their guns at Angel yet, barely making the atmosphere in the cave less tense.

"Don't say it so harshly, weren't we fighting side by side just now?"

Angel said helplessly that she now finally understands the mood of those wild Extraordinaries who call the Church of Storms "tyrants". Among the three major righteous churches in the Kingdom of Loen, the punishers of the Church of Storms have no regard for these wandering in the gray area. The people are undoubtedly the most stringent. Even if you have never violated the law, as long as you are encountered by them, you will inevitably be investigated and interrogated.

After a difficult comparison between "exposing the identity of the Nighthawk" and "conflicting head-on with the Punisher", Angel still chose the former. She untied the cuff of her right hand, shook out the silver chain, and prepared to display her secret holy symbol. .

At this moment, the altar in the cave, as well as the blood-soaked symbols and patterns around it, simultaneously lit up with a dark red light.



Klein snapped his fingers, and a handful of withered grass above the cliff burst into thin flames. The next moment, his body disappeared in the bright yellow flames and appeared on the withered grass.

Hurry up, hurry up!

He found the direction and continued running, crossing the barely distinguishable mountain path, jumping over pieces of gravel, and directly using flame jumps to reach the other side in places that were inaccessible, or directly climbing up the steep cliff.

After climbing up a cliff with a drop of tens of meters again, he slowed down slightly, took out a coin from his pocket, and threw it into the air with a "ding" sound.

"Angel is safe and sound."

He looked up at the tumbling penny, thought to himself, and stretched out his hand to catch the coin.

At this moment, at the end of his sight, the thick mist lingering in the mountains seemed to be dispersed by invisible hands. It first spread into a ring, then gradually faded away and disappeared without a trace in a few seconds. The covered crimson moon was revealed, as well as the mountain top pointing to the sky.


The coin passed by Klein's hand and fell onto the gravel road with a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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