Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 404 Catacombs

Chapter 404 Catacombs

pat, pat.

Angel's footsteps echoed in the endless passages.

She had no intention of concealing the sound of her footsteps. Rather, she hoped that someone or something could hear her footsteps. It would be best if they were local residents of Banxi, even if some monsters came. Identify where you are without getting confused.

Unfortunately, she walked hundreds of meters along the passage, went around several bends at different angles, and checked more than a dozen rooms similar to the stone chamber where Miller slept, but she did not find any living or dead people.

The passage is equally narrow and cramped, and the low ceiling seems to be pressing down at any time, making people feel suffocated. There are only countless corpses in each stone chamber, most of which have been turned into withered bones, and a few still retain barely visible shriveled tissue.

Like some kind of public tomb...but there is no name or mark, as if it can only be forgotten by everyone here...

Angel commented.

She noticed that these corpses were all complete and no heads were missing, which at least showed that this was not a place where cultists would bury their victims after performing human sacrifices.

Continuing to move forward along the passage, just when Angel almost thought that this direction was going deeper and was about to turn around and explore the other side, the narrow passage suddenly became wider, as if they were two different architectural styles, ancient and weathered. The brick walls were replaced by stone slabs that were obviously of a more recent age, and the floor was more regular.

These changes gave Angel full confidence, proving that she had not guessed in the wrong direction.

And she also noticed that some randomly placed corpses began to appear on both sides of the relatively wide passage. They were different from the previous corpses that had completely turned into bones. Some were dehydrated and turned into mummies, some were highly decomposed, and there was still some green on their bodies. of moss, and even "fresh" corpses whose clothing could barely be discerned.

The presence of moss indicates that the humidity in the air is higher, and the fact that the body is not completely decomposed indicates that it was not long before death... I am afraid it is almost to the exit.

But along the way I saw at least hundreds of corpses. Unless all the dead in Bansi Port were placed here, it would not be enough... This is just a small port with one or two thousand people living there...

Angel was happy to be close to the exit, but he was also confused about the strangeness of this underground building.

I'm afraid I can only wait until I return to the ground and question the punishers, and the "grazing" Miller will have to be returned to them. This will expose my magical items and true strength, but I'm afraid they will see my invisibility and "disease" "After gaining the ability, you can already guess the sequence of my potion..."

Thinking wildly, Angel quickened his pace and continued to walk forward. Not far away, he heard undisguised brisk footsteps coming from ahead, as well as the dim yellow candlelight illuminating the corner of the passage.

This actually stopped her in her tracks.

Soon, the person walked through the right angle at the end of the passage and appeared in front of Angel.

They were two young men, each holding a white candle in their hands. The weak but warm candlelight illuminated themselves and the nearby passage. They walked one behind the other, turning a blind eye to the layers of corpses at their feet, carrying them on their backs. The black shoulder bag walked forward silently.

After seeing clearly that it was a living person, Angel breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his hand holding the gun, walked forward, and entered the range illuminated by candlelight.

"Hello, may I ask..."

She greeted politely.

The two men opposite looked like they had seen a ghost, their eyes suddenly widened and their faces became as pale as the candles in their hands.


As if they had made an appointment, they all let out a scream with an accent, turned around and ran in the direction they came from. Their shoulder bags fell to the ground without even bothering to pick them up. They only focused on protecting the weak light of the candle in their hands, as if to protect them. The infant child.

The remaining half of Angel's greeting was choked back in her throat by this fierce reaction, but she did not stop the two men from running wildly. Instead, she quickened her pace and followed them. She also went around the bend and came to a wider place. There are also passages to rooms on both sides.

The two men had already run more than ten meters away, and the small area illuminated by candlelight followed them into the distance. Suddenly, the man running in front stumbled, seemed to be tripped by something, and then fell forward due to inertia. The candle in his hand flew far away, rolled twice on the damp floor, and then went out.

At this moment, the fallen man who was trying to get up froze up and quickly disappeared from Angel's sight like water evaporating under the sun.

The companion who was still holding the candle ran quickly past the place where he disappeared as if he hadn't seen it.


Angel stood suddenly, carefully opened her spiritual vision, and looked towards the front of the passage. She could clearly see the faint spiritual light on the man who was running away from her, but other than that, there was no suspicious light.

A few seconds ago there was a passage for three people, but now there were only two people left.

There is no danger reminder from spirituality. I also have two magic mirrors and a magic wand on me. If that doesn't work, I also have a magic pocket watch... Angel quickly assessed the danger, gritted his teeth and chased after him. When he passed by the disappearing man, he used a silk thread to hook him up. The fallen candle is held in the hand but not lit.

She also doesn't know if anything worse will happen if the candle is lit.

The man who abandoned his companions and ran away alone had already run dozens of meters away. There was only a faint candlelight left in the passage. Angel quickly followed up with the help of silk thread. Only a few meters away from the man, he directed the thread to lie at the bottom of the passage. , tripping him easily.

In order to prevent the other person's candle from extinguishing and disappearing without a trace like the other person, Angel tied his hand and the candle tightly with invisible threads. The young man fell to the ground in exactly the same posture as his companion. , the dim candlelight flickered, and finally returned to stability.

"Why did you run when you saw me?"

When the man turned around and sat on the ground looking at him in panic, Angel asked.

After hearing her words, the young man was startled, his expression changed slightly, and he said:

"You, are you from Loen? Not a ghost?"

This sentence is Intis language.

Angel frowned. She knew that on various colonial islands in the sea, various languages ​​were used due to the differences between the customs of the original residents and the conquerors. However, because the Loen navy and the Church of Storms generally use Loen language, most of the island residents also use Loen language. Speak the language.

At this time, she heard the Intis language that she was not proficient in, which made her feel a little confused for a moment.

"Of course I'm a human, not a ghost."

Organizing the sentences in her mind, Angel slowly replied, feeling a little angry and helpless in her heart. In just a few days, she was recognized as a "siren" and a "ghost". If the former was still due to her own prank, , then the latter is completely slander. “But why don’t you light a candle?”

Seeing that he could talk to him normally, the young man sitting on the ground finally calmed down, and his panic turned into confusion.


Angel thought of the white candle that the two of them had carefully protected even when they were escaping, and the man who had just fallen and accidentally extinguished the candle and disappeared instantly, and understood why the other party thought he was a ghost.

Although she still didn’t know why she didn’t light a candle and there was no problem, she lit the white candle she picked up with spiritual fire behind her, then handed it to her and said:

"I kept lighting it, and just now I held it behind my back, and the candlelight was blocked."

She "convinced" the other party.

This obvious lie was immediately accepted by the young man under the influence of his extraordinary ability. The panic and doubt in his eyes reflected the two candlelights faded away, and he regained his composure.

He quickly got up from the ground, holding the candle with one hand and dusting off the dust on his body with the other hand, with a flattering smile on his face.

Angel was already very familiar with this expression. Most men and even a few women who saw her true appearance would show more or less similar expressions, but her next words immediately made her heart beat faster.

"Beautiful lady, are you also here to explore the catacombs? I happen to be alone, so why don't we go together?"


Couldn't this guy be so unscrupulous that he immediately abandoned his companion who accidentally fell down and disappeared without a trace?

Angel's first thought was this, but soon she confirmed one thing in the other party's eyes that had some purpose but were sincere enough: the other party really thought that she came here alone.

This means that he does not remember the disappearance of his companions at all, and even does not think that he "comes together" at all.

When the candle in your hand is extinguished or taken away, not only will your body disappear, but your "existence" in other people's minds will also disappear?

After clarifying this point, Angel felt that there seemed to be countless peeping monsters in the distance beyond the reach of the candle, trying to avoid the light of the white candle and swallowing her up from the darkness.

This has nothing to do with whether dark vision can see clearly in the distance, it is purely a psychological pressure.

Fortunately, I can do it without candles. This has been proven... But the two of them can't do it. This has been proven by another man's life... Angel looked at the flickering candlelight of the other party and wanted to take his own hands. I gave him a candle, but I was afraid that he would be regarded as a "ghost" again, so I had to give up.

She rationalized her thoughts and decided to let the other party take her out of the catacombs first, and then wait until she contacted the punishers.

Fortunately, the other party thought I was here for "adventure"... Angel was a little lucky.

"I feel like I'm lost and want to get out first. Can you take me back to the ground?"

she said with a pleading look on her face.

"Of course, no problem, I was just thinking about going back," the young man agreed, and then asked doubtfully, "But how could you get lost? Follow the black line above your head, and you will definitely reach the exit."

black line?

Angel looked up at the ceiling of the passage. Sure enough, there was a thick black line drawn on it, and a one-way arrow marked to indicate the direction.

The direction is actually where I came from. Could it be that I really walked in the opposite direction just now? This is the direction to go deep into the tomb, and the exit is behind... But I just observed carefully, there is no such indicator line above my head...

Angel was a little confused. She repeatedly recalled the scene when she just left the stone room and came to the corridor, and confirmed that she had not seen similar black indicator lines.

Holding the candle, she turned back and walked towards the direction she came from. The young man behind her followed quickly and continued to chat in Intis:

"My name is Pierre, and I am a student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Trier. What about you?"


Trier...the capital of the Republic of Intis. No wonder he speaks Intis. It turns out he is a college student who came to Banxi... Angel replied casually, passing the location where the other man disappeared, going around the corner, and saw Go in the direction you came from.

There was a spacious passage with thick black lines painted on the top of the head, and countless corpses scattered on both sides.

Angel clearly remembered that a few minutes ago this place was narrow and cramped, with ancient corridors made of stone bricks on both sides, and the ceiling above was so low that it almost hit the head.

She turned back suddenly and looked at Pierre who was catching up. The latter was also holding a candle, and the candlelight illuminated his somewhat round face.

"Where is this place?"

She asked in a deep voice, her left hand already hanging down, ready to turn the bracelet into a sword and launch an attack at any time.

"Of course it's the third floor. Are you really lost?"

Pierre's expression became even more puzzled. He tried to take two more steps forward, but stood still under Angel's warning eyes.

The third floor... This tomb has three floors, and each floor is like a maze?

Angel was even more suspicious that he was no longer in Banxi. Everyone in Banxi would die immediately, and the underground tomb would not be able to fill it!

"I'm asking about the location of the catacombs. Where are they?"

She continued to ask, her tone becoming more serious.

"Of course it's the Observatory District, Purgatory Square..."

Pierre's face changed a little, and he seemed to realize that the woman in front of him was not joking, but really didn't remember where he was.

"The Observatory District of Trier, the capital of the Republic of Intis, Trier."

He added.

(End of this chapter)

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